VS 2008 Coloring Excel Sheet - Efficient Way In Order To Provide The Colored Excel Output?

Dec 19, 2011

I have to provide an Excel file as an output. I have to color some of lines and make them bold.The input is based on a dynamic list (in memory) and it also could be based on CSV file that I'm already provide today (based on the same dynamic list).I'm wondering what would be the most efficient way (in terms of performance) in order to provide the colored Excel output?Should I export directly from dynamic list into Excel - or - Should I export from CSV into Excel ?

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C# - NPOI Excel Number Format Not Showing In Excel Sheet In Asp.net

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to create double and number format cells in excel using NPOI library. I used code like Dim cell As HSSFCell = row.CreateCell(j) cell.SetCellValue(Double.Parse(dr(col).ToString)) In excel numbers are aligning right but when I check format it is showing in "General" then I changed my code to like below


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Eliminate Duplicates In Excel Using Macros And Place It In Another Excel Sheet?

May 28, 2007

How to Eliminate duplicates in excel using macros and place it in another excel sheet The duplicate record must also be transferred.

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VS 2008 - Most Optimal Or Efficient Way To Export A Dataset To An Excel File

Oct 29, 2011

I am looking for some guidance with the most optimal or efficient way to export a dataset to an excel file. I have searched the forums and found a number of methods to do this. However, the code I am currently using is very inefficient as it is itterating through the rows and columns to create the excel file. The app I am working on needs to be able to create 50 or so excel files each with 500+ rows and 40-50 columns. This method seems to inefficient for my use.

I have seen some code out there to use an ODBC call to excel to create the file. I am wondering if someone can verify that this is the most efficient way to meet my goal. It should also be noted that after the export I will want to do some basic formatting of the sheet. Adding bold column headers, autofilters, and autofit all columns.

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Excel - Get Username From AD Based On Display Name In Excel Sheet

May 20, 2011

So I've got this Excel sheet of employees which have all the information about them. I'm trying to import this info into AD, but in order to do that I need to get the username for these users as well. And I would like vba code or vb.net code that basically takes the value of every row in column D and looks for it in AD and returns the username and adds it to column A. Would something like this be possible?

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Generate Excel Sheet From A Excel Template In Asp.net ?

Oct 28, 2009

i need to generate an excel sheet from an excel template which contains drop down lists. I need to use the template and populate the with data from datbase and select the appropriate value from the drop down lists and generate the new excel sheet.

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Import A Sheet From Excel To VB 2008?

May 8, 2010

Do you know how can i import a sheet from Excel to Visual Basic 2008, and then save the informations in Access? I know how to save the informations in Access, but i don't know how to import from Excel.

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Inserting Excel Sheet In VB 9.0 (2008)?

Mar 3, 2009

I am trying to create a small program to use at my company. It will be used to enter in any customer information on one tab and then the next tab will be used to enter in all the products that we are returning. I would like to use an excel sheet (if there's a better way let me know) to be able to enter in multiple parts but I can't figure out how to get an excel sheet or some kind of editable table onto my form

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VB 2008 : How To Load Excel Sheet

Jan 10, 2009

I'm migrating to vb.net 2008 from long experience of vb6. I managed to create an Excel Sheet as an object, write data and save. How though, do I load an already created Excel file? The following code does a save, but what do I need to load a file?

ExcelSheet.SaveAs("C:UsersKochanskiDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsExcel TricksTEST.XLS")

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Import Excel Data From Anothe Sheet To New Sheet ?

Mar 22, 2011

im looking for the method how can i copy from original sheet to my new sheet.

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While Copying From One Excel Sheet To Other Formatting Of Sheet Get Lost

Dec 23, 2009

[code] objExcelAppDataSheet is the excel application's object and strTemplatePath is the path of the excel file.This excel file is like a template that i am using in my application. In this file some cells are merged. After copying to the new sheet the formatting of the sheet does not remain same. Columns sizes are changing. Why this problems occurs? Is this MS office versions issue??

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Reading Excel From VB 2008 - How To Determine A Sheet Has Nothing In It

Dec 2, 2009

I have Visual Studio 2008/VB application that opens Excel workbooks, reads all the sheets, and writes some data to a SQL database. I need an easy way to determine if a sheet has any data on it. By default most books has three sheets (Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3) and usually, but not always, my books have data only on sheet1. But i need to look at alal sheets to check for the existence of data. I know I can do a nested for loop from 1 to columns.count and rows.count, but that would take a good bit of time since those numbers usually are something like 256 and 65K.

Is ther some easy way to determine if there is any data on the sheet? If there is, is there an easy way to find the "first" cell with data in it?

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VS 2008 Get Specific Values From An Excel Sheet?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm trying to build an application wich shows some info about a specific user. The info is stored in an Excell sheet.

What I want to do is this: I'll have the user fill a field with in example the logon name. Now I want the application to search the Excell sheet for that record and list the info into seperate fields on my form.

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Open Access DB And Excel Sheet In VB 2008 Express

Feb 24, 2009

I got the following code snippet, but it shows errors in 3 places, the error is type "item name" not defined. I underlined and made bold where the errors show up below'Firstly retrieve data from Access database

Dim con As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=E:myDB.mdb")


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VS 2008 Importing Excel Sheet Into Sql Table Via Datagrid

Jul 21, 2010

importing excel sheet data into a sql table(MS SQL 2008) via a datagrid and would like receive as much advise as possible, in order to learn more on this...

Dim DtSet As System.Data.DataSet
Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
MyConnection = New


I am using this to connect my datagrid to the excel sheet and able to view the data sheet, but from here on.. I am not very sure on how to go about to transferring the excelsheet into a sql table.

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VS 2008 - Dispay And Print Certain Cells From An Excel Sheet Into A Vb Program ?

Jan 22, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to dispay and print certain cells from an excel sheet into a vb program. i am not sure on where to start. It is a large spreadsheet but i need the ability to call a certain persons name and the information for that person then print it out.

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VS 2008 Change A Row Style On An Excel Sheet In A Desktop Application?

Jun 15, 2010

my VB.Net desktop app writes to an Excel file. I need to set the style to a row. I can read a style of one row, but am unable to set the style in another.

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VS 2008 Export Datatables To Excel With Multiple Sheet Names?

Sep 17, 2010

I'm creating an application that will export several datatables into a single Excelspreadsheet, but on different sheet names. How can I do that?

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VS 2008 Bring The Open Excel Sheet To The Front After Form Finishes?

Mar 18, 2009

I am working on an excel add-in. Currently I have a couple of forms that grabs info from excel, processes and pastes data back into excel.My problem occurs after my form closes (this leaves excel and one other MDI form still open). I need my excel sheet to come to the front for users to view and edit. My MDI form just stays on top even though I just edited the excel doc. I have tried everything I can think of using:

.activesheet etc.
Here is my latest:


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VS 2008 - Handle Errors - DataGridView Was Filled From An Excel Sheet With A Column Of Currency

Dec 6, 2010

I'm trying to read rows in a DataGridView and the following error is thrown up. The DataGridView was filled from an Excel Sheet with a column of currency. Ideally when the For Next loop finds a cell it doesn't like, I want to to ignore and resume the loop. The error message is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object


For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView2.Rows
FirstString = row.Cells(0).Value.ToString


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[2008] Write A Small Application That Just Writes In Certain Cells Of A Set Page Of An Excel Sheet?

Feb 17, 2009

Basically, i have to write a small application that just writes in certain cells of a set page of an excel sheet, the sheet will always be the same layout.

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Add A New Sheet In Excel?

Aug 29, 2010

Using vb.net 2008 to create an Excel ss. I am trying to add a new sheet and it does but it puts it out of order. It puts it as the first sheet. I need it as the last one ( furthest to the right).

With xlWorkBook
.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "config"


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Sheet Name Of Excel

Jan 15, 2009

I have created a connection to an excel file. This is the code i created to select the data in the excel. But i want to make the [sheet1$] to be dynamic, which means it will get the sheet name depending on what is in the excel workbook. This workbook has only one sheet. This is to make sure that there will be no error when the sheet names are different. [code]

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Align An Excel Sheet?

Apr 4, 2011

I am using VB 2008 to do some excel automation and I am stuck.I am trying to make the cell alignment to be left-top. When I programmatically insert a new worksheet, the alignment defaults to "left-bottom".

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C++ - How To Covert A Mdf Into Excel Sheet

Sep 24, 2011

i have installed SQL server Express Edition 2005 by using my application i am saving data in tables which is created in SQL Server so that i have to copy in that data in to excel file

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Compare Two Excel Sheet Using C#?

May 20, 2010


comapre Two excel sheet using C#?

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Datagrid To Excel Sheet?

May 29, 2009

does anyone know how to transfer all the data's of datagrid to excel sheet? data's in my datagrid is not all come from my database/recordset... i have two columns of data's coming from textbox.

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DataGridview To Excel Sheet?

Sep 14, 2010

I have data exported from DataGridview to Excel Sheet but I have problem viewing the excel sheet until I log out of the Application completely. I have these code to release the link. What am I doing wrong?

'Save the workbook and quit Excel.
oBook.SaveAs(sSampleFolder & WrkSht)
oSheet = Nothing


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Date In Excel Sheet

Apr 14, 2012

I am sending some data from a datagridview to a Excel sheet.That works.But I have a problem with Date's , in the datagridview is 05-12-2012.When i put it in a new excelsheet it is 05-12-2012 00:00.I found something for changing the format of Date in a Excel cel.[code]But I need , 05-12-2012 What do I put after NumberFormat? I want to do it by code and not in the Excel sheet

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Exporting DGV To Excel Sheet?

Aug 25, 2009

I looked at some on here and found this:

Public Sub Test()
Dim xlApp As Global.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Global.Excel.Workbook


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