VS 2008 Combine Setup And Application Projects?

Jun 9, 2010

I need to deploy an application that I have created. I have done this by creating a new setup and deployment project in VS 2008.

My question is- do I need to have these two separate projects or can I somehow combine them into one?

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VS 2008 Deployment/Setup Projects?

Nov 9, 2009

Maybe I'm just searching around for the wrong information, but are there any good tutorials on Deployment or setup projects? I can make the little auto wizard that VS2008 makes for you, but my app needs more custom options. For instance my app will set up SQLserver 2008 and create the tables in it, but I can't find any useful info about how to make a custom setup/msi app.

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VS 2008 Solution Compiles All Setup Projects On F5 Debug?

Feb 19, 2009

Just got a little quirk with VS2008 on 1 solution.When i press F5 to debug my solution builds the current project but then insists on building all my setup projects...

This only occurs on 1 of my solutions and it has 20 projects within it.

I've checked startup projects and it has no dependancies and is set to selected project.

EDIT: Right click and debug in new instance works fine

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Setup In Win 7 - Using VS 2008 VB And Setup My Application Software In Win XP

Jun 8, 2011

I am using VS 2008 VB and setup my application software in Win XP without any issue. But after installed in Win 7, it doesn't work well (it show one file not found, but I saw the file in the right folder). Could it be the incompatibility of VS 2008 and Win 7? If I upgrade to VS 2010, will the issue be fixed?

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Multiple Setup Projects In Same Solution?

Feb 8, 2010

Can I included several setup projects in the same vb solution such that when solution is built each setup creates its own setup package?

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Start In Web Application Projects 2008?

Oct 18, 2010

I am in learning stage of .NET. i am assigned a task of doing a web application project in VB.Net 2008.

But iam purely new to it.i did followed few tutorials to create web application from start, but i dint feel easy to learn it.Could u kindly let me know some usefull links to start learning web application? in VB.NET language.

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VS 2008 Multiple Projects Into One 'application Mix'

Jun 21, 2009

I have written a few different applications in the past few years, all of which are related in that they help users creating maps/levels for a certain game. I would like to 'bundle' all these applications together, into one application (and will later add more functionality to that). In it's most basic form, it would simply be one single Form with buttons, where each button opens the corresponding application.


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Deployment :: Including The .NET Framework In Setup Projects

Jun 30, 2005

Microsoft provide a plug-in for Visual Studio .NET 2003 that allows you to easily include the .NET Framework in your setup projects.

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Add Serial Number Requirement To Setup & Deployment > Setup Wizard For Application?

Apr 2, 2009

add serial number requirement to Setup & deployment > setup wizard for VB.net application

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Create 2008 Windows Application Setup?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to create a setup for windows application using 2008 including crystal report libraries (DLL files)and should create a icon on desktop

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Create Setup Of Windows Application In Vb In 2008?

Sep 29, 2009

the project contains access database file i want to make a setup of my windows application .

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IDE :: Setup Error Of VB 6.0 Application On Windows Server 2008

Jun 11, 2012

I packaged a VB 6.0 application using the Package and Deployment Wizard. After that I executed setup.exe in the package to setup the application. On Windows Server 2008 (32 bits), however, I received the following error when processing the setup:


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Combine A Windows And Web Application?

Feb 28, 2009

I can combine windows application and web aplication.Can i develop main page in web application then i want to access to the windows application.(e.g there's a button to link process mgt page.But process mgt page is developed in windows application).Else, if i do a view page on windows application and to retrieve the data is from web application. Example, users may fill the form through website, then to display the information is in windows application.Can i retrieve the data from the same database(SQL server dbase).

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Deploying Application With Setup.exe And Setup.msi?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm a Visual Basic beginner. There are many things that I didn't know about Windows software development as I've been a Mac user for 20 years and just started developing Windows programs several days ago.

Anyway, using Visual Studio Installer (File > Add > New Project > Visual Studio Installer), I have two files inside the Release folder - setup.exe and Setup.msi. I've got some information about these files. So when you publish your software, what do you do with these two files? According to one web site, you can put them together into one with IExpress, which produces a file with an extension of CAB. Another web site suggests SFX Compiler. In the meantime, I downloaded a dozen applications at Download.com earlier. If I click on the download button, the final delivery extension is .exe on most of them. I know that you won't go anywhere by double-clicking on setup.exe from the Release folder without Setup.msi. Meanwhile, Setup.msi is a tand-alone application. But nobody uses this file alone to distribute their product.

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Make "Setup And Deployment Projects"?

Jan 16, 2010

i want to make "Setup and Deployment Projects" but when i run setup on another machine it gets error because there is no sql datebase on this machine

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Use A .bin From A Serialization In Two Different Application From Two Different Projects

Mar 19, 2010

I tryed using serialization I might be using the wrong thing though what im trying to do is to serialize a class to a .bin file and then use it from another application, is there a way to change the specification of the binary formater this way it works in two different Vb.NET projectS??


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Debugging C# Silverlight Projects From Vb Web Application?

Nov 12, 2009

I have a problem whereby I cannot debug a c# silverlight application project that is hosted from within a visual basic web application. I add breakpoints to the main App constructor and the symbols are loaded ok but my breakpoints are never hit. I have concluded that it is a vb/c# interop problem as to test i did the following.

Created a new c# web application project
Added a c# silverlight application
Added a new vb web application project
Added references to the silverlight project from both web apps
set a breakpoint in App.xaml.cs constructor

if i run the c# webapp the break points are hit whereas if i run the vb webapp they are not.

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Enable Application Framework Settings In WPF Projects?

Sep 16, 2010

What it is the option Enable application framework that I found in Visual Studio under VB.NET WPF projects Application settings?I found it enabled by default and the "Shutdown mode" configured as "On last windows close". But for me is not really clear what does it mean that setting and also the other settings listed in that combo box.

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Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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Sharing Data Between Multiple Projects In Single Application?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a windows forms application with one exe and several dlls(Class libraries) in a single solution. The application uses common data that is used across all the dlls. I would like to load the data when the application is starting up and use the loaded data at various points in the dlls so that I do not have to load the common data again and again. How can I share the data loaded in main EXE across the DLLs?

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VS 2008 Combine Two Forms In VB?

Aug 26, 2009

I would like to know if it is possible to combine two forms in Visual Basic (with or without code written already in them) into one form. So that they are side by side. These are the forms that you start out with in Visual Basic to make your program (Not forums LOL).

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VS 2008 Combine Multiple Files Into 1

Sep 2, 2009

writing a script to allow the user form to browse to a directory and combine multiple files to one text file. In DOS it would be copy *.* to Text.txt.

I am using Visual Basic 2008 express...

I can use the OpenFileDialog to browse and open a single file but I am unable to use the multiselect option to open multiple files.

all files are parsed in the same place.

I have attached what I have managed so far which included converting the opened file to .txt

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VS 2008 Combine Duplicate Listview Subitems?

May 17, 2011

I have this code to delete the duplicates but i am stuck on how to firstly combine the subitems before deleting the duplicates.

Dim DuplicatesList As New List(Of String)
For Each item As ListViewItem In Me.lstTakeoffList.Items


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VS 2008 Combine Listbox And Richtextbox To File?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a Listbox with some data, and this can be saved to a rtf file. However I want to combine that list of data with data in a richtextbox, line by line.The code that saves the listbox:

Using SW As New IO.StreamWriter("c:Test10Hz.rtf", True)
For Each itm As String In lstTraceTime.Items


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VS 2008 Sounds - Combine Many Wave Files Into One?

May 11, 2010

How could I...

- Increase the frequency of every part of a wave file by a specified amount of Hz

- Increase/decrease the length of a wave file without reading it faster = changing the pitch

- Combine many wave files into one

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Deployment :: Combine WAMP And Application Installation Into One Packet Installation?

May 24, 2009

I just made an application using MySQL for the database. I use WAMP.Can I combine WAMP and my application installation into one packet installation ?

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VS 2010 Publishing Multiple Projects - Get The Error : Application Validation Did Not Succeed. Unable To Continue?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a solution with two projects. The main project connects to the second project via a reference, and the reference path is local to my machine. It looks like it references the .exe file.So when I publish the main project (ClickOnce), i get the following error:
Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue.In the log file, under Error Details, it says

System.Deployment.Application.InvalidDeploymentException (RefDefValidation)
- Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the download assembly Project2.exe
- Source: System.Deployment

How can I include this second project? Should I publish it, then reference the published files? What do i reference? The .application file?Is there a way to just include this second project, so when I do publish the main project, the second one just goes along with it?

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VS 2008 - Combine Forms - Open The Main App And Click On Notes

Apr 18, 2009

What I need to know is if there is a way to combine forms. What I mean is, that when the program is open there is only 1 item on the toolbar instead of multiple shown on the toolbar. For example, I open the main app. and click on notes. The notes would open another form, but I wouldn't want another item on the toolbar, just the main 1, and if the X is pressed on the second form, it should just close that form, not the whole program. I mainly want this so that all the forms will minimize at once... and won't have the extra clutter of all the forms having a separate item added to the toolbar. So simply, I want 1 main form shown on the toolbar and when multiple forms are opened from the same project, it doesn't add to the toolbar and just keeps the one main tool bar.

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Create A Setup For An Application?

Apr 12, 2010

I created a small application that uses various things such as .NET GDI Graphics, Text to Speech etc. I want to create a full fledged setup for my application so that the end user would install and start using the application.

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IDE :: Setup Application To Not Install Or Run From CD

Apr 19, 2010

I have a VB.NET 3.5 Win Form app that I want to put on a CD and distribute. I don't want the application to install since it is only going to be run a few times ever by a user. So is there a way to just run the application from a CD?

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