VS 2008 Converting Mid() To .Substring?

Dec 23, 2009

Am working on converting my VB6 mid() functions to .net .substring.I cannot figure out this part of it.Here's my VB6

txtInput.Text =Left(txtInput.Text, txtInput.SelStart) & strtext & Mid(txtInput.Text, txtInput.SelStart + 1)
My new .Net is like this:


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Converting A Substring To Decimal?

Mar 5, 2010

I am working on a simple Point of Sale Program for my Intro to Visual Basic class. I am trying to pull a substring with a decimal point (ex 0009.50) from the string I get from my readline and turn it into a decimal value for calculating money values. Something is wrong with they way that I am converting and I can't find how to to it write in my book.

Private Sub addButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addButton.Click
Dim currentLine As String = String.Empty


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[2008] Richtextbox Substring - Select A Substring With 2 Criteria?

Feb 3, 2009

How will I select a substring with 2 criteria? I have a Richtextbox where I select a number after a : with this code; For Each line As String In Richtextbox1.Lines Dim equalsPos As Integer = line.IndexOf(":") + 1 txtFound.AppendText(line.Substring(equalsPos, line.Length - equalsPos)) Next This is working ok, but the whole line.length is appended for number2. The line ex. Some text:my number some text-my number2. I want my number appended to txtFound, and my number2 appended to txtFound2. With my code only number2 can be appended correct.

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C# - Prepend A Substring If The Source String Does Not Begin With The Same Substring?

Oct 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a valid RegEx replacement pattern for correctly formatting specific .XML file names. Specifically, if a file name does not begin with a prefix, let's say, ACE_. If the XML file name and extension does not begin with ACE_, prepend the string ACE_ to the file name.For example, if my input source string is the following:


I would like to execute a single RegEx Replacement that would result in the string being:


Conversely, if the string already begins with ACE_, I would like it to remain unchanged. Also,how can I include the pattern ".xml" to ensure that the string pattern for the file name and extension ends with ".xml" in the same matching pattern for the RegEx Replacement pattern? As for the match, I have some luck with the following:


Which indicates there is a match for the pattern if the input string is ACE_Widgets.xml and no match if the string is Widgets.xml
The RegEx pattern would suffice, but if you need to know the language in which I'd like to use the replacement pattern is in .NET 4.0 in either C# or VB.NET.

The following posting is close to what Im looking for, but with the inclusion of the *ix directory path prefix, and the use of preg_replace() in PHP, I'm having a bit of a struggle getting it to work with what I need to do:

Regular Expression: How to replace a string that does NOT start with something?

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VS 2008 Substring And Like Operator?

Nov 3, 2010

Im not too experienced with VB so this question will probably be fairly easy to answer. Im trying to take a 4 character value from a textbox and make sure it meets these specifications: 1st digit = and F OR P, 2nd and 3rd digit any A-Z value, and the 3rd Digit a 1 OR 2. Whats wrong with this?

part1ID = idTextBox.Text.Substring(0)
part2ID = idTextBox.Text.Substring(1, 2)
part3ID = idTextBox.Text.Substring(3)
If part1ID Like "[FP]" AndAlso part2ID Like "[A-Z]" _
AndAlso part3ID Like "[12]" Then

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Using Substring - Remove "Left" And Use "Substring

Feb 3, 2011

I am trying to remove VB6 type code and use VB.Net code, in particular, remove "Left" and use "Substring". This code does not do what the old style code does. It seams to ignore the first two chars and forces the msgbox prompt no matter what I type in the textbox (at "Leave").

Private Sub TextBox5_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox5.Leave
If TextBox5.Text = "" Then
'Do nothing


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Converting File Into Bytes And Then Converting Those Files Back Into Its Original Form?

Aug 22, 2011

my goal is to

1.Take an file(exe,dll,etc)

2.Convert it into hex

3.place that hex values in a stack

4.Execute the values inside the stack to its original form(i.e. take the elements out of stack and then convert it to a compile format)

Imports System.IO
Sub Main()
Dim fileName As String = "ABC.exe"


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Converting From Vb6 To .net 2008?

Feb 26, 2010

I have what might be a dumb question, and/or discussed at length back in the 2005 days, but I could not find anything on it. Sometimes Google Fails me I am moving a old vb 6 application to .net and I hit a roadblock on ADODB. Now I used the converter to see what the effort was going to be and the first thing I noticed was that I could no longer bind my Text Data source like I used to.


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Converting Vb6 To 2008?

Oct 25, 2011

I have visual studio 2010 Ultimate, but I cant convert a vb6 project easily. I just downloaded and installed the vb2008 express because I know it should have the capability to upgrade/convert it with reasonable accuracy.

I am getting this error:

unexpected exception occurred during upgrade engine operation: not able to bind to the source (exception from hresult: 0x8004000a (ole_e_cant_bindtosource))

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VS 2008 Reading A TextBox Line By Line And Using SubString On Each Line?

Jul 5, 2010

I am trying to read in a TextBox line by line and take the first 7 characters of each line and output everything in another TextBox.This is what I have so far.

Dim line, lines() As String
lines = TextBox1.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine)
Dim i As Integer = 0


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Converting 32-bit Application To A SQL 2008 64-bit DB?

Nov 13, 2009

We are currently running a 32-bit VB.NET 2005 application with a 32-bit SQL 2000 data store. The network guru is going to be upgrading the server and SQL to a 64-bit version on both. Will the 32-bit application still connect to the 64-bit data files? I am guessing I will somehow need to tie in the 64-bit drivers somehow, but will those work on a 32-bit development system?

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Converting VB6 Codes To VB 2008?

Jul 29, 2009

I was converting my VB6 codes to VB 2008. There is a section i use a third party application (Microsoft Excel) to print report. But now VB 2008 is not accepting one of my statement. the statment is shown below in bold letters.

oSheet.range("H" & Row & ":" & "J" & Row).Value = Array(InvoiceNo, , Today)

it works in VB6 but fails in VB 2008 because of the Array statement, is there any replacement for this in VB 2008.

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Converting VB6 Programmes To VB 2008

Mar 25, 2009

I have been converting my VB6 programmes to VB 2008. many of the problems that came up I have been able to solve; mostly by trial and error. However, I have one problem that was easy to handle in VB6, but I don�t see how to do it in VB 2008. I have checked Google, but didn�t find anything exactly similar to what I want to do.

On my form in VB6 I added two text boxes, each with it�s own name. I then copied these two and pasted them back onto the form, under the original textboxes, 5 times. Each time I was asked whether I was creating an array; I confirmed that I was.

I could then code as follows:

For x = 1 To 6
BidderName(x) = txtBidderName(x)
BidderCommunity(x) = txtBidderCommunity(x)


I tried to do the same thing on my VB 2008 form, but it does not ask whether I was creating an array, and in fact the array of textboxes on the form, is not an array!

how I get around this. The form has to show an array of textboxes, which are entered in order.

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Converting Vb6 To .net 2008 Got Some Errors

May 7, 2010

I converted vb6 project to vb.net 2008 but I got some error first one :Name 'VarPtr' is not declared.I got this one two times :Value of type 'Projectname.Func.EXPLICIT_ACCESS' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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VS 2008 Converting CSharp To .net?

Jun 15, 2009

I have been trying to design a custom tabcontrol in vb.net used a codeproject example to develop the said tabcontrol but the example is in C# I have converted all parts and theres only one error i cant seem to work around


if this is the wrong section since my result code will ve in vb thats why i posted it here.

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Converting .NET 2003 Application To 2008?

Nov 13, 2010

I wrote an application in VB.NET 2003 and would like to upgrade and use VB.NET 2008. Is there anything I should know before hand when converting my application from 2003 to 2008? Didn't know if it was like converting a VB 6.0 application to VB.NET.

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Converting The Format Of A Date In .NET 2008?

Apr 24, 2009

I'm having some trouble converting the format of a date in .NET 2008...

Dim currMonth As Date
currMonth = Format(Now, "mmm")

From this code, I need to extract today's date in the format of "mmm" (so it should return.. "Apr")This worked in vb6 but not in .Net, I keep getting some sort of conversion error.. I looked at using theformatdatetime option but it doesnt have the format that I need... only short date/long date...that kind of thing.

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Converting VB 2003 Application To VB 2008

Jun 4, 2009

I have an application that was developed and is maintained in VB.NET 2003. Is it possible to convert the 2003 files to Visual Studio 2008 and maintain the program in 2008? If so is this fairly easy to do?

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VB6 To .NET 2008. Converting Design Before Coding?

Feb 2, 2011

i have to get this off my chest.Forgive me... I'm a relative newbie stuck in the vb6 world because of my job.vb6 to vb .net is a huge change in the way one has to program (and to think). I never could figure out the big picture of things with .net.Everything is a class..? What's with all of this... Class this, Interface to a class, inheritance (of classes) here, casting? polymorphism.

As a newbie to vb.net (I use 2008)... I just wanted to say this out loud and see if i can even get my terms correct. Vb6 is a good language for beginners but not a real professional language and (vb6) is effectively a watered down, lazy man's (quick and dirty) way of creating programs to solve some particular task.


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VS 2008 - ASCII To HEX Buffer Converting

Sep 16, 2009

I found this function from the net. But I have a problem with the reply buffer. The reply buffer is in ASCII value...but I need is HEX value. Is there any way that the reply buffer is in hex?


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VS 2008 - Converting String To Date

Jan 15, 2010

I use following codes to to convert string to date. In messagebox it displays correct date with format but in textbox it displays only #12:00:00 AM #. How to send date to textbox1 from variable mydate.

Dim mydate As Date
Dim dateString = "31/12/2009"
Dim formats As String() = {"dd/MM/yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy"}
Dim dateObject As DateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, formats, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Globalization.DateTimeStyles.NoCurrentDateDefault)
Me.TextBox1.Text = mydate

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VS 2008 - Converting VB6 But Getting Error On Addressof

Jul 8, 2010

how to convert this vb6 into vb net it has en error on addressof vb.net m_lngPreviousValue = SetWindowLong(p_lngWindowHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WindowProc)

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VS 2008 Converting A Byte To Binary

May 25, 2009

Is there a way to convert byte values to binary so i can read the values from the bits themselves? I have some byte whose values are 00 09 and I'd like to convert the values to bits to be like this : 0000 0000 0000 1001. Then I'd like to read the value of first 2 bits and the remaining 14 bits separately.

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VS 2008 Converting An Array Into A String?

Feb 19, 2010

[code]There are 5 matches every time. I have another function that needs to use each match but as a string, not an array. I usually just use the .ToString but it is not working.

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VS 2008 Converting Bitmap To String?

Feb 23, 2010

I have made an application with a client, server and listener. The server is a console app and the other two are Windows Forms Applications.

Basically i am using a Network Stream to send messages from the client which go through the network to the server which bounces them to the listener which then reads the message and tells the app what to do. (For example if i sent "shutdown", the listener would read it and then execute "shell(shutdown -s)".

The messages are sent like the following SendMessage("shutdown") but when i use a screen capturing API and send from the listener to the client like so SendMessage(background) i get the following error:


Value of type 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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VS 2008 Converting Hexadecimal To Decimal

Jul 7, 2009

This program, it reads in a file, and displays it in hexadecimal, like using a hex editor. It then goes to compare the strings and whatnot, and display certain values. During the program, there is a time where I need to display a set of offsets as decimal because that is the way that it is shown regularly.

Taking the two specific offsets and displaying them in hex ends up giving me something like "3039" or "000A", which should respectively convert to 12345 or 00010. This "ID" that I am converting, can be 00000 to 65535, which in hex is 0000 to FFFF. The current method I was given only works if the value is less than 512 or something like that.


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VS 2008 Converting Some Code From CSharp?

Nov 22, 2009

VB.NETbyte[] packetTemp;
packetTemp[1] = (byte)pSize1;
return new byte[0];

CSharp (converted but i don't think they are correct):Dim packetTemp As Byte();

Return New Byte() {0}

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VS 2008 Converting String To Integer?

Mar 17, 2009

i have a question... If i have a ListView and i have a subitem with the text 140.00, what can i do to make that string an integer?

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VS 2008 Converting VB Date To Filetime?

Jul 28, 2009

I want to receive a date from the user and convert this date to filetime.I understand the System.Runtime..FILETIME data structure as



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VS 2008 DVD Burner Is No Converting To DVD Format

Aug 2, 2009

There are not very many good DVD burners out there for free so I was looking at making my own Data DVD buring (so no converting to DVD format just yet). How is this done? I need a starting point, I can do the basic GUI and add files to a listbox or something but the burning part. How does this get done???

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