VS 2008 Count Items In A List?

Mar 6, 2010

Im trying to count how many items are in a list(of)

I looked it up on google but still cant figure it out.

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List.count While Adding Items To The List Increments Returns 0

Jul 20, 2011

I am attempting to read the results from a SQL query into a List(Of) and I can see the List.count while adding items to the List increments, however in another part of my code when I am attempting to read the List the List.Count returns 0. My List is as follows:


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Count Items In A List Box?

Nov 22, 2009

So i have 4 items in a listbox how do i count then up together to show in a label [code]...

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Count Items In List(Of Structure) Using Predicate .net 2.0?

Jul 26, 2011

I need to count the items that meet a criteria in a list(of structure) in .net 2.0. eg

Dim listcars as new list(or car)
Structure car
Dim Name as string
Dim year as integer
End structure

Now i need to count all cars with name toyota etc, how do i do it.


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Getting Count Of Non-distinct Items In List(of String)?

Feb 7, 2012

On to my question.I have a List(of String) that contains multiple items in each index.

A list declared as:

Dim NewStrings As New List(Of String)
May contain the following:
item (0) - (1 MKNO ABC 2.45 STND 3.3)
item (1) - (1 MKGO ABC 1.34 STND 2.5)
item (2) - (1 MKNO ABC 2.45 STND 3.3)
item (3) - (1 MKNO ABC 2.45 STND 3.3)


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VS 2008 Count How Many Items Contain A Word In A Listview Box & Remove Items?

Sep 27, 2011

i have a listview box full of items, image below:

when i click a button i would like a msgbox to pop up displaying how many are alive.

How would i do this ?

Also how would i remove all items that status is "Dead"

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VS 2008 : Count The # Of Items Containing (U) In A Listbox?

May 23, 2010

in a list box which is populated by the end user using this code

Dim lb1s As String = Form1.Folder.SelectedPath
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(lb1s)
Dim mydirInfoArray As IO.DirectoryInfo() = di.GetDirectories


I have 3 text boxes i want to display the number of items in the list box which contain certain words,So for example in textbox1 i want it to display the total number of items in the list box which contain "(U) or [u] or [ntsc-u]" etc, this will be triggered via page load or a button which ever works best.

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VS 2008 Listview Items.count Misreporting

Nov 13, 2009

I have a listview that I add items to by loading from a file, and that works fine. I then edit the items or add new ones, and on form dispose, the file is supposed to be saved containing the listview items, but when I step through this process, mylistview.items.count is said to be zero, which I know is not true because I can see the items right on my screen, I added them myself.[code]I use this same method for saving and loading to and from listboxes, and it works fine.

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VS 2008 Search Item A (from A List Of X Items) In List B?

May 5, 2010

i want to search item A (from a list of X items) in list B but i want to get the item not found example Search ITEM A in LIST B if not found then return a print....if found continue with ITEM B..and so on.

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VS 2008 Add List Box Items To Text Box?

Mar 18, 2009

I know this must be more simple than i'm making it out to be, but it's not working for me.I have a listbox with items that are set up in a specific order and need to be kept in that order when going into the text box line by line.


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VS 2008 List Box Items And Textbox

Dec 23, 2009

I have struggled to find a way to make this work. I have a listbox that has 5 items. These items are lets say Company Name, Address, User Name, Phone, Fax. On the form I also have the same labels with richtextboxes under each of the above names.What I am looking to do is have each listbox item equal the text that is related to each textbox. Then write to file from the listbox.The file created should be the text from the related textboxes.The goal is to allow the user to re-arrange the items in the listbox via drag and drop (which I think I have figured out) and write a new order of the file[code]

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VS 2008 Add Multiple Items To List Box From A Database?

May 12, 2010

I'm trying to add multiple items to a list box from a database but I'm having a few problems getting it to work. Below is the code i have so far but for some reason it will only add the last field in the database to the listbox and not the remaining 12.

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VS 2008 List Box Items(from DB Table) To A New Form?

Feb 10, 2010

I have squiz my mind out for this but no luck I have a Windows Form with a list box that gets data from a MS access Database table(table1).The table fields are NAME,SURNAME,AREA.In the list box i see the recors of AREA(for example:NY,Chicago,L,...).I want to do this,when a user selects a item from the listview and click OK Button to open a new form with the selected records(with all the table fields).How can i do this

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VS 2008 List View Items Flickering?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a listview (details) with owner draw set to true (so i could make rows alternate in color, looks cooler) which basically contains items and subitems whose texts reflect status info that updates constantly
the problem is, sometimes (if the task runs quickly) the status changes really quickly, and as a result, listview items "flicker" for a millisecond no error, no real problem, its just really annoying and makes the program look less professional.

Is there a way to make the listview not flicker? Or maybe there is a way to make it so that the listview doesn't process too many drawsubitem calls during the same time interval? or maybe there is some customized list view out there that does the trick better?

NOTE: i tried with owner draw set to false. it flickers less, but still flickers. same problem :S
Also NOTE: i am not making cross-thread calls. i have 50 items in the listview and 4 colums, mainly the last 2 subitems change.

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VS 2008 Removing Items From List Of Class?

Jun 12, 2010

I've searched on the Internet and I can't find a solution to this simple problem. I've also looked on Microsoft's MUCH improved MSDN site and haven't found a solution, so here it goes. I'm trying to remove an entry from a list of class and it doesn't get removed. Here's a sample of the code I'm trying: (I renamed the class and variable names to make it a simple example)

Dim lstClass As New List(Of TheClass)
Dim mClass As TheClass
I tried this first
mClass.filename = "The Entry to Delete"


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[2008] Collecting Sub Items In List Views?

Mar 12, 2009

I have used list views for a project. I have used sum items on the items. The sub items are prices of products. I will need to use these sub items to come up with a total.Also, i have used to listviews, for a smoother look and feel. You click the product which then is removed from the list view and added to the second one. Would this also "move" the sub item across to the other list view?

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Transform A Repeating List Into A List With A Count?

Jun 5, 2012

I have a list(Of transaction) :


How can I transform it to a list(Of transactionShortened) :


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VS 2008 Get A Combobox With List Of Items And A URLs Binded To Them?

Dec 14, 2009

Im planing to make a little radio application for my own use,I want a Combobox with list of items and a URLs binded to them.for example i got 3 items in the combobox:


I want it to be like when im choosing the "Radio1" and press my Play button ( AxWindowsMediaPlayer2.Ctlcontrols.play() ), the will open.

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VS 2008 Show List Box Add.items Progress On A Progressbar?

Aug 28, 2010

on page load i have a listbox which gets populated with the subfolders of a folder, im trying to have it so a progress bar fills as each item is added but im not having any luck with remembering how to do this And googles not been to helpfull.Heres my code so far:

vb Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ProgressBar2.Maximum = ListBox1.Items.Count
ProgressBar2.Minimum = 0
ProgressBar2.Value = 0


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VS 2008 - How To Show Sales (List Of Items) On Daily Basis

Jul 28, 2010

I have problem on my project on vb.net I'm using visual studio 2008. May I know how to do to show all my sales everyday. I have sale almost 5 items every day I want to have list for this. I'm new on vB.net..

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VS 2008 Mdiwindowlistitem Dropdownlist - Copy Items And Add Back To List After Refresh

Jun 16, 2009

In my project when someone logs in I refresh the overhead and side menus. My overhead menu is an extended menustrip component that I have made. I am able to clear the menu, reload it dynamically but I am not able to add/insert the open windows which are managed by the mdiwindowlistitem property. These are the items named "1 - form name " "2 - form name" etc.

I have been able to copy the whole dropdown list, and with some very hacky loop work I can take out everything but the items related to the forms. But when I add them back in, they are not on my list. The related forms are still open and if you click the maximize button to shrink a open child window, and then re-maximize that same window...the items magically show up in the list.

This ManageMenus sub is called during a login change. If you breakpoint on "openwindowslist" after it is returned with data, it has the proper entries and nothing extra. It just seems that the for/each add loop does not actually add the items. Or, if it does add them, I can't see them.

Tried both insert and add functions, same results both ways.


In my xmlMenuStrip component this is the function that removes everything but what follows the seperator. It returns them in a list.

The format of the full window menu is:


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VS 2008 Pre-Load A Large Text File List Items In Dropdown

Oct 28, 2010

I need to load a large txt file that is in a fixed width format. There are over 45K lines, so speed is important.I need to load one of the fields into a dropdown box and have another field (label) display the text of another field in the related line.I could import the file to an access db if needed, but would rather not as i also want the txt file to update from a link on a regular bases. So having it in a DB would be more work to process that part.[code]

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VS 2008 Selecting List View Items And Dsplaying Other Related Information?

Jan 1, 2011

I have a table being imported into my VB application that has 3 columns. I have written code to import the table, and have written code to display on the first column (country) in a list view.What I want to do now is have the user select / highlight an item in the list view, and have the third column (currency) related to that selected country appear in a text box when a button is clicked.Here's the code I've written that successfully imports the data and displays the first column:

Private Sub frmCountry_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Count All Items To A Total?

Jul 1, 2011

How do you let all the numbers of listbox2 count to each other to get a total?

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How Can Count Items In Listview

Jan 15, 2012

How can I count the number of items in the listview.

Example scenario.
Today, I added students say, 20 students and tomorrow I added another 15 students, i need to have a breakdown on how many students i have been adding per day.

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Asp.net - Count The Number Of?

Jun 12, 2011

i am developing an online shopping site..so when the user adds any item to the cart i store it in a table...now what i want is to count the number of items in the cart as well as update the number of items in cart every time the user adds a new item....

Public Function AddToCart(ByVal itemID As String, ByVal itemName As String, ByVal itemPrice As Integer, _
ByVal offer As String, ByVal buyNo As String, ByVal userID As String) As String
Dim sqlStatement As String = "INSERT INTO shoppingCart" & _


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Count Checked CheckedListBox Items?

Apr 12, 2010

I have CheckedListBox and four item in it!Now I want to count number of checked item. For this I use:


But countnumber is always 0 even if I checked CheckedListBox items or not!

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Linq Group Count Items?

Dec 5, 2011

I have this linq to entity

From r In ReceiptRepository.Fetch
r.RECEIPTDATE >= ReportStartDate And


This is working fine, except the count property, it is just giving the number of group count. I don't know how to find out each Tender Count

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VS 2010 - How To Count Number Of Items In Rtb

May 25, 2012

Would it be possible to list the number of items in a rich text box? Each item starts on a new line. Something like the following but obviously for a rtb.

TextBox1.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count

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Count Number Of Items Checked In A CheckedListBox?

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to get the number of items that are checked in my CheckedListbox. The Items.Count seens to only reference the entire collection so I am not sure how to narrow the count down to only the ones with checked boxes.

Dim i As Integer


Basicaly I have the option for the user to print a series of reports directly to a printer that is not located in the same area as the application user. I want to show the user a progress bar how far into the process they are but I can't do it without getting the Maximum value of the Progress Bar (number of reports checked for printing).

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