VS 2008 Creating A Base Form?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit.This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why

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Creating A Number Base Converter?

Nov 3, 2009

Module Module1
Dim Bf, Bt, Lgt, Total, Pwr, Valu, Val2 As Integer
Dim InNum, Temp, OutNum As String


I, will just explain a few areas of this to ease the process of understanding it:

1-The conversion Subs are to be used for values such as A7 in Hexadecimal

2-The Err Boolean will hopefully be used to link back to the top in the event of an error

3-Apollogies for the abreviated variable names, it simplifies things in my mind but winds my fellow students and teacher up no end.

This code is not fully functional yet, however I believe it should give an answer for my test value of 800 Base 10 to Base 8 (1440), however when the program runs in debug mode I can enter the three inputs but then it leaves two lines and gives an unresponsive flashing cursor.

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Creating A Table In A Data Base?

Mar 24, 2009

I'm creating a table with the CREATE statement and it is working fine, but I have to lopp thru one of the columns. I have a value on variable and I will have to create the column depending on the variable value. Here is my code. I need to loop thru the Rnd column renaming it like this


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VS 2008 : Updating A Data Base File Via A DataGridView Control When Called From Another Form?

Jul 24, 2011

I am sorry to keep bothering you about this damn DataGridView control ... As you might have noticed I am having a hard time with the DataGridView control ... My latest problem has to do with updating the data base file (Access) through a DataGridView control .
Up to now I have managed to successfully edit an entry in the DataGridView control and moreover to successfully update the data base file itself .

The above form and its code work fine . The problem starts when I am trying to run the code of the Update button from another form .
You see , I have another form , through which I change the contents of some of the cells in the DataGridView control (back in Form1) . What I want next is to simply update the data base file itself , just like I was doing with the button in the first form , after I manually changed the cell in the DataGridView control .Thus , on the second form I have a button with this code :

Form1.Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing) (of course the Click event is declared public)I have also tried :


but still nothing ...Although Form2 successfully changes the cells back in Form1 , the data base file itself does not get updated ...If I manually press the Update button in Form1 I once again successfully update the data base file , but I want to do the whole thing by calling the Update button from Form2 .

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Creating A Base Class For Windows Services?

Jan 16, 2012

In our application, we have a number of Windows Services (more than 30) that must run behind the scenes to process data at given times throughout the day. I was attempting to create a BaseService class that I could inherit from that would log to our database when the service started or stopped as well as some other common functionality. However, I ran into a show stopper in trying to create BaseService as MustInherit as we have a number of MustOverride properties. The issue lies in:

<MTAThread()> Shared Sub Main()

Our code is all in VB (as you can probably tell). Given that it is a Shared method, I cannot have it be overriden (i.e. make it MustOverride). Without this method, the code will not compile, however it will not really work in the base class. The code in this method is:

Dim ServicesToRun() As System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase
ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New BaseService}

The BaseService (the name of my base class) cannot be created because it is specified as MustInherit. And therein lies my problem. I cannot create this in the Base Class and cannot override it in the inheriting classes.

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Creating An Array Of Instances Where Instance Could Be Base Or Sub Class?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a class structure and am attempting to create an array of object instances from the class some instances are parents and some are children Code snippets,

Parent Class object
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class cTransportItem


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C# - Dynamically Creating Objects At Runtime That Inherit From A Base Class

Apr 27, 2010

I am writing a game editor, and have a lot of different "tool" objects. They all inherit from BTool and have the same constructor. I would like to dynamically populate a toolbox at runtime with buttons that correspond to these tools, and when clicked have them create an instance of that tool and set it as the current tool. Is this possible, and if so will it be better/easier than creating those buttons by hand?

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Creating A Circular VB Form - 2008?

Jan 31, 2010

Is it possible to create a circular visual basic form. I see plenty of tutorials on how to do this for VB6 but none on Visual Basic Express.

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VS 2008 - Creating Form That Can Be Modified

Jul 6, 2009

I am trying to create a form that can be modified by other developers. For example kind of like firefox, developers can make extensions/toolbars and firefox uses them. How I can write my code so that other developers can add controls/toolbars to my form.

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Add A MDI Parent Form To A Panel On A Base Form

Jul 13, 2009

I want to add a MDI parent form to a panel on a base form, the problem is that i must set the toplevel = false when add the parent form to the base form, but if i set its toplevel to false i can't set isMDIParent parameter to true. how can i fix this conflict?

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VS 2008 - Creating Instances Of Controls On Form?

Sep 14, 2010

Is it possible to create instances of controls on a form ? Of course I mean visually , not just by code. After all, these languages define themselves as "Visual" so they should provide that possibility. It is important for the instances to be visible during design time because otherwise we could only guess where those controls might "land". Nevertheless , I have the feeling this is not possible in VB .NET but still I thought I should ask first ...

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VS 2008 An Error Occurred Creating The Form

Jun 6, 2012

After i've upgraded my project from vb6, i've changed the text from a textbox, and after that i've tried to run again the project Now I get this error: An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Control array element 0 doesn't exist. In this code


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VS 2008 Error Occurred Creating The Form?

Nov 16, 2009

I don't know what's wrong. I can't figure out what's causing this error. I've tried placing a breakpoint on the load event but this error happens before. I tried a breakpoint at the form's class, but it crashes still. I haven't done anything major, just added a couple GUI elements, and I've tried deleting them to get to the point I was at before this error, but no luck.

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The Input Is Not A Valid Base-64 String As It Contains A Non-base 64 Character, More Than Two Padding Characters

Jun 3, 2011

I am getting following error when I am trying to use Convert.FromBase64String "The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or a non-white space character among the padding characters."

Dim payloadBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(payloadBase64)

Basically when my facebook registration form [URL]mphone field has a dash in it and encoded string is posted to other page and I am trying to decode it there which creates this error. Basically I am trying to extract data from Facebook Signed Request.

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VS 2008 - Creating Form (Illegal Characters In Path)

Mar 17, 2009

When I use the
I get this error when it attempts to show the form:
An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Illegal characters in path. How can I get rid of this error? I only want to show a form...

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VS 2008 : Creating A Form Bigger Than Screen Resolution?

Feb 28, 2010

Is it possible to create a form bigger than my screen resolution ?. My screen is 1680 x 1050 but i need to create a form of 1920 x 1080.

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VS 2008 Creating An Inherited Form With Comments From The Original?

Oct 25, 2010

This might seem like an odd question, but is there a way to make it so that any form that is created based on another, would have some comments in the code behind of the new form?

For example, i create a form called frmONE, and i put in code like this:

Overridable Sub frmONE_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Make sure you call these functions, in this order:


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.net - RemoveHandlers On The Base Form?

Feb 8, 2010

I wonder if I can remove all added event handlers in all the child forms from the one base form in the Closing method. (VB.NET; .NET 2.0)Background: In a project I analyze a memory problem. I verified with the memory profile (see related question) and find out that some forms are not collected by the GC, probably because of the EventHandler non-removed references.

In the project all the forms inherits from the BaseForm. Now I search I way to remove in the OnClosed method foreach Control all the EventHandlers to/from the ChildForms.

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Define The Base Class Of A Form At Runtime?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm developing a software that handles very specific regional standards. In one part of the country they have different standards for entering this data than they do in other parts of the country. In fact there are hundreds or thousands of possible configurations that would be best in various regions.

The solution I've come up with is to write a program that can load different control configurations with the supporting code to its main form at runtime. I do not know how to accomplish this. Would I use visual inheritance at runtime? Would I use a plugin system? I just need to potentially allow a power user to design thier own interface or to modify an existing interface to better suit thier needs.

Edit: Is there a way to define the base class of a form at runtime? Could I create user controls in a plugin and pass them in to the host program?

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Load Windows Form From Data Base?

Dec 24, 2009

i want to save the form name in data base and load form using that saved name. How would we achieve this task?

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Login Form And Registration With Sql Data Base?

Feb 13, 2011

how do i make a login and registration form with a sql database so you can login on any computer in vb

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Visual Studio 2008 Creating A Check In Form For A Class Of Students With An Access Database?

Dec 4, 2009

Visual Basic Project - Student Check In Form using an Access database backend This form needs to draw information from an Access database containg tables for STUDENT, INSTRUCTOR, and SECTION. These all need to have primary keys and ids. When (the user) clicks on the drop down box that displays all the sections:

{Table Tennis 1, Table Tennis 2, Table Tennis 3, Billiards 1, Billiards 2, Billiards 3}This should populate the listbox or datagrid from the STUDENT table with the Students that have the same SECTIONID as the SECTION selected in the drop down menu above.

After the Student list has been populated (the user) clicks on a student name in the listbox/datagrid and this inserts that student into the CHECKEDIN table that has a datagrid/listbox associated with it.

This is a great project to practice connecting a database to Visual Studio 2008 .net and playing with the data that has been pulled in. You could use SQL instead of Access.

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Base Form Handle Event - Array Of ChildForm

Jul 27, 2009

Base form baseForm generate an array of childForm (3 fo them). I have one event handler in baseForm which is called when user close each childForm. The problem is that this event handler is only called when the last childForm is closed. When other childForm is closed, the event handler doesn't do anything.

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C# - Inheriting A Base Form But Paste/Cut Commands Not Captured?

Jun 9, 2010

I created a base form that has a specific size and an icon as a base for all forms created in my project (to be consistent in looks). The problem is, for some reason if I add a Text box to the Child form, I can no longer execute shortcuts like Copy (CTRL+C) etc into the Textbox.

What should I do to handle this OTHER THAN writing code to capture those on the KeyUp control?

This is also the case for RichTextBox control as well.

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Forms :: Put DataGridView DataSource Into A DataTable From Base Form?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a base form and I am trying to get the DataSource of the ActiveControl if the control is a datagridview.What I have so far is:

Dim curControl As Control = Me.ActiveControl
Dim ControlType As String = curControl.GetType.ToString()
If ControlType = "System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView" Then


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VS 2005 Using A Common Base Class For Form And Usercontrol

Aug 10, 2009

I happen to have these common procedures which I want to be used in my forms and usercontrols, with the form I can put those procedures in the base form which is being inherited but I happen to have a need to use those same procedures in my usercontrols, is there a way that I can have a common base class that I can use both for my form and usercontrol? I haven't used yet a base usercontrol since my usercontrols will not look the same so I have to put those procedures in each one of them and I find it rather cumbersome.

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Forms :: Base Window Events Are Triggered When Focus Is On Another Form On Its Top?

Apr 3, 2009

I am migrating my code from vb.net 1.1 framework to vb.net 3.5In my windows application, the base window has some buttons and events are written for the same.I have shortcuts defined for these buttons also, for example: ctrl+d, DEL (keyboard) etc.Now i open a property Grid form on top of my base window for a selected object.Even when the focus is on this property grid, i am noticing that my base window events are firing on pressing those shortcuts.

example:I select some text in my property grid and hit delete button from keyboard. The delete event that i have written for the selected object gets fired and the text is not deleting.I fail to understand why is it happening. It wasnt behaving like this in .net 1.1.In .net 1.1 it would delete the text and only when the focus is back on the base window, hitting Delete would call the event.How do i control such a behavior? Is there some property that i need to set for property grid in .net 3.5 to prevent base window events from firing till the time focus is on property grid form?

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Handle Base 13 (or Generic Base N)?

Sep 6, 2010

I can quickly knock together soem code to xlate base 10 to/from bae 13, but I just wondered if something very easy already exists in VB.NET (or even somethign generic, with base N, but right now I am only looking at base 13)

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Declare A WithEvents Class In Windows Form Designer Which Is Not Control Base

Jun 4, 2011

I am making a TabStrip control to hold a number of tabs just like TabControl, but only with the tabs, no page. The control has a "Tabs Collection", which stores a list of "Tab" class. "Tab" is not inherited from Control, but each tab has its events. So when the user add a "Tab" in the "Tabs Collection", each "Tab" instance should have a (Name) identifier, which user can access it in the code, and with WithEvents keyword so users can add event handlers to each "Tab". The expected out come should similar to this:

Friend TabStrip1 As TabStrip
Friend WithEvents t1 As Tab


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VS 2008 Base/Derived Class?

Jan 17, 2010

Trying to implement some sort of commit/rollback functionality in my base objects. I have it working with some help from google. However, I have a question My Base Class has a BeginEdit as shown below -


Now, what I'm confused about is if I create another class, Class1, that inherits the base class. I add some properties such as Name, Age, Location, etc. to Class1.When I do Class1.BeginEdit, wouldn't "Me.memberwiseclone" make a copy of Class1, then CType try to cast it from Class1 to the BaseObject class? How does that work if Class1 has additional properties like the Name, Age..blah blah? Where do those gets stored in the Base class? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the concept...

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