VS 2008 Creating A SQL Statement With Multiple WHERE Conditions?

Feb 27, 2010

I am trying to write a Function which will return a data table, filled with a data from a database.

The Function will accept 6 diffrenet parameters as Optional. Each one of them will be an additional condition to be added to a where clause, if it`s provided when the function is beeing called.

Is there any method in .NET to simply add a new condition to the where clause?

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Forms :: Managing Multiple Conditions In IF - Then Statement

Oct 19, 2010

I currently have an If...Then statement that checks if all fields of a form have been filled before saving the info in a file. I'd like to be able to tell which field has not been filled to give the user a dynamic message (at the moment, it only tells them that the checklist is not completed ) :

If (txtNoDemande.TextLength = 8 _
Or txtNoDemande.TextLength = 13 _
And txtDateLoad.TextLength <> 0 _


Is there a way to determine which of these conditions is false without having to do a seperate If statement for each ?

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How To Make A Statement Run If All Conditions Are True From Multiple Condition Or If Statements

Mar 22, 2011

I have a form that contains multiple conditional or if statements on several defferent for controls.

Example: Radio Buttons, TextBoxes and CheckBoxes.

I am intending to create an order form(demo) where the user can select multiple products.

I have a default order number that changes by one everytime an order is successful.

An order is only successful if all the information on the form is entered correctly.

My question is where do I insert the code for the order number?

Basically for the order number I have a counter that count by increment of one if an order is successful.

Meaning when the user hit place order, and all the infromation is right, then the order numer goes to 1 from zero.

Where do I add the condition for the order number since all the fields must first be completed.

Do I have to create a whole line of if else statements?

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VS 2008 Multiple If Not Conditions On One Line?

Apr 15, 2010

How can I have multiple If Not conditions on one line?

Here are the combinations that I've tried, but they either don't work, or won't build.

If Not (txtDisplay.Text = "0") And If Not (txtDisplay.Text = "")


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If Statement Where Both Conditions Get Used?

Oct 11, 2011

the testBoolean is set to the value True, but for some reason when debugging, it step through both conditions, so in the end the button1.visble becomes False, but I want it to be set to True.[code]....

View 14 Replies

Evaluate 3 Conditions In An If Statement?

Dec 9, 2011

So I am trying to evaluate 3 conditions in an if statement. Its not working how I would assume it should. I basically want to do this:

If PGN = &HEF007E And PGNData(0) = &H58 And (PGNData(1) And &H40) = &H40 Then IgnOn = True Else IgnOn = False

If I write it in that manner it gives inconsistent results. If I workaround by writing it this way it works perfectly:

If PGN = &HEF007E And PGNData(0) = &H58 Then
If (PGNData(1) And &H40) = &H40 Then IgnOn = True Else IgnOn = False

What is the proper way to do this with only one if statement?

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Test Two Conditions In A Case Statement?

Apr 1, 2012

I am trying to figure out how to test two conditions in a Case Statement.[code]...

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Sql - Dynamically Varied Number Of Conditions In The 'where' Statement Using LINQ?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm working on my first project using LINQ (in mvc), so there is probably something very simple that I missed. However, a day of searching and experimenting has not turned up anything that works, hence the post.

I'm trying to write a LINQ query (Linq to SQL) that will contain a multiple number of conditions in the where statement separated by an OR or an AND. We don't know how many conditions are going to be in the query until runtime. This is for a search filter control, where the user can select multiple criteria to filter by.

select * from table
where table.col = 1
OR table.col = 2
OR table.col = 7
'number of other conditions

Before I would just construct the SQL query as a string while looping over all conditions. However, it seems like there should be a nice way of doing this in LINQ. I have tried looking using expression trees, but they seem a bit over my head for the moment. Another idea was to execute a lambda function inside the where statement, like so:

For Each value In values matchingRows = matchingRows.Where(Function(row) row.col = value)However, this only works for AND conditions. How do I do ORs?

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Multiple WHERE Conditions SQL Update

Feb 15, 2012

I'm doing a stock Control System as a school Project using An Access 2007 DB and Visual Studio 2010. I'm trying to do an update Query based on two variables entered into comboboxes, I cannot get the VB to accept the conditions for this, Can anyone Help me?[code]I Cannot get the Code to recognise the Last "'", is there a way to do this?

View 7 Replies

Using Multiple Conditions In The Same For Loop?

May 7, 2010

i want to set 2 conditions for a for loop as i want to loop through the same line of code at the same time . here it is as i have it now

it does not work how i want it to as i want both loops to run simuntaneously instead it runs the first loops continuously before the second and way around this?

For Me.i = 0 To maxrows - 1
For Me.h = 1 To maxrows
Me.Controls.Item("TextBox" & Me.h).Text =


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Join With Multiple (OR) Conditions In LINQ To SQL?

Jul 8, 2010

How would I perform this SQL query

Select Distinct s.*
from #ScopeIDs x
Join Scopes s on s.ScopeID=x.ScopeID or x.ScopeID is null

in LINQ to SQL? (This query would return all Scopes whose ScopeID is present in #ScopeIDs, unless one of the entries in #ScopeIDs is null, in which case it returns all Scopes).

A "literal" translation doesn't work, since LINQ doesn't support joining with multiple conditions - code along these lines ...

From x in ScopeIDs
Join s in Scopes on s.ScopeID equals x.ScopeID or x.ScopeID equals nothing
Distinct Select s
... doesn't compile.

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Multiple Conditions With A SELECT From Where Query?

Mar 30, 2010

I am trying to link to a Access database at runtime using a SELECT FROM WHERE query, which I can do but.......

with the WHERE part I want to select several conditions, 4 actually and it is not working, what am I doing wrong?

Here is my code,

Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=V:GYMDBFLineProdSanderProduction.mdb")


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.net - Group Join With Multiple Conditions And One Of Them Being With A Constant?

Jan 29, 2010

Here is a snippet of my (VB) LINQ:

From event_evn In xmlEvents.Descendants("event_evn") _
Join genre_gnr In xmlGenre.Descendants("genre_gnr") On event_evn.Element("evn_gnr_id") Equals genre_gnr.Element("gnr_id").Value _
Group Join eventdata_eda In xmlEventData.Descendants("eventdata_eda") On _
eventdata_eda.Element("eda_evn_id").Value Equals event_evn.Element("evn_id").Value And _
eventdata_eda.Element("eda_dty_id").Value Equals "15" _


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Access - JOIN Two Tables With Multiple WHERE Conditions

Jun 21, 2010

I have two tables 1) tblRequests and 2.) tblMainTags. The Fields in tblRequests are Tag_Request_No, Employee_ID , Accepted, Accepted_Date, and Accepted_Time. The Fields in tblMaintags are Tag_Request_No, Tag_ID, Completed, ... The fields 'Accepted' and 'Completed' are set to YES/NO.


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Linq Group By And Order By Multiple Conditions?

Jan 16, 2012

I have the following:

myFilteredContractors = (From c In myFilteredContractors
Join cc In myConClasses On c.ContractorId Equals cc.ContractorId
Where inClassifications.Contains(cc.ClassificationId)[code].....

This is properly ordering this list of contractors by the number of classifications that they have.I also want to order them by whether or not they have a field set (CompanyOverview), which if is an empty string should be below those contractors who have set their CompanyOverview. Also, after the CompanyOverview is ordered I want to order by Registration Date.So it should order by:

Number of Classifications
Whether Overview has been set (c.CompanyOverview)
Registration Date (c.AppliedDate)

Is it possible to all of this in LINQ?

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VS 2010 - Multiple Conditions For Select Case

Jun 26, 2010

I'm programming a utility for a game, and at the moment I am adding chat commands for it. They use the Select Case type, but I want to be able to use multiple conditions for 1 case.

Case "/lame"
If sParameter = "announce" Then
AnnounceMsg("^1No Laming
^7Laming consists of
^5* ^7Attacking someone with
^5- ^7Weapon Down
^5- ^7Chatbubble Up")
[Code] .....

I get an error:
Conversion from string "/lame" to type 'Long' is not valid.

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 If Statement With Multiple Possible Values?

May 4, 2010

Is this not the correct way to do this? I get an error with it but if I change it to only one value then it works.

If dt2.Rows(0)("STATUS") = "COMP" Or "CLOSE" Or "CAN" Or "INCOMP" Or "WAPPR" Then
End If

View 5 Replies

VS 2008 : Creating A File With Multiple Sections?

Jan 29, 2010

Is there a preferred method of creating a file with multiple sections? For example a program for a small retail business that might include different categories of sales, etc.I've come up with a primitive way of separating sections of a text file, which I can read and write right now, but I'm not confident that it will always work. I have a feeling it could produce an error down the road.

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Conditions Met, Message Box Still Appearing?

Apr 8, 2011

This is something probably very simple for you all by the looks of these other thread but I can't figure it outThis is a hotel reservation order form.IsFormComplete function checks to make sure the form is complete, if true it calls GetOrderList which... well you get it.The problem is this:I have checked functionality at random and everythn there is an error, message box displays what is wrong... except one thing. When you complete everything but choose cash as the payment method and click place order, the message box pops up with the GetErrorList caption "Please Complete the following:" BUT there is no error reported after. I'm losts, I know, it's probably terribly written to begin with but I'm all of a week in to the class so I will get there.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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VS 2008 Easily Generate WHERE Conditions In SQL Using .NET?

Dec 12, 2010

I always have a problem with dynamically generating WHERE conditions to a SQL statement which are base on the nformation given by user (combobox, listbox, checkbox etc.) Here`s an example of how I normally deal with the problem:


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VS 2008 - Write Conditions For The Button To Be Able To Submit

Jan 14, 2011

I want to write conditions for the button to be able to submit. The combobox must have a store name and the textbox must be a decimal or integer. Whenever I don't have the inputs are not valid I want an error msg to be display on the labels

This is my code so far:

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) = True And ComboBox1.Text = "store" Then


View 17 Replies

VS 2008 Highlight Rows In A ListView Based On Specific Conditions?

Oct 12, 2009

I have a ListView that I populate with running processes and would like to highlight specific rows based on the amount of memory consumption. After I add the processes to the list and and call the WorkingSet64 property of the process, I tried this:

vb.net For Each lvi In ListViewProcess.Items If proc.WorkingSet64 >= 2000 Then lvi.BackColor = Color.Yellow End If Next

Processes is the variable I used to grab the collection of processes. proc is defined as a variable and then used to loop through the processes.

lvi is of course the ListViewItems in the ListView.So, by the code I have above, I loop through the ListViewItems, and if any of the processes are above or equal to 2000, then I set the background color to Yellow.

However, it sets every line to yellow, and I can't seem to figure out to set only those processes that have a WorkingSet64 above 2000.

Would I need to loop through the processes and then set the background color of the ListViewItem based on that? That kind of makes sense to me, but if I do that, I'm not sure how to set it just for those processes. Maybe by setting a separate variable?

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Dynamically Creating Labels In An If...then Statement?

Oct 20, 2011

This may be simple, but im having a tough go at it. I'm trying to make a "review" section in a step through form, where the user can see everything that has been entered and if they choose go back and "edit" that information again. One section only has to show the information that has been added by the user, basically if they don't select a certain checkbox there is no reason to display the info for that box.I want to to dynamically create labels in a Panel (Panel7) on a TabPage (TabPage3), only for the checkbox information that was selected. This is what I have right now, and I am unable to see anything on the page, I have also tried without the panel and straight onto the tabpage itself to no avail.

MsgBox(CurPat, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
If (CurPat = "True") Then
Dim lblTemp As New Label


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Creating Array From Select Case Statement?

Jan 10, 2012

Is there a way to pass data from a Select Case statement to an array? i.e. I have a gradebook program I'm working on which specifies that I'm to create a form with a menu that will open another form which has textboxes for 5 student names and 5 grades for each. I need to use an array that holds 5 student names (done), an array of 5 strings to hold each students' letter grade (?) and 5 arrays of 5 numbers to hold each student's set of test scores (done). What I can't figure out is how to get th

Public Class StudentData
Private Sub btnOk_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOk.Click


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Creating Table - Getting Insert Statement Error?

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to insert into a DB with has the following columns:
ID (autonumber), BonderIdentifier (text), Username (text), Login (date), Logout (date).
BonderIdentifier, Username, Login is the PK.

Here is what I do:
Public Function submitNewToDB(ByVal sessionData As BonderSession) As Boolean
Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim str As String
[Code] .....

Like I said I get an insert into error and I dont know why. Nothing is in the DB yet and the table is created. I ran the built string in Access as such:
Insert into Session ([BonderIdentifier], [Username], [Login]) values ('Mork', 'sean', '2/23/2010 11:12:42 AM')
And it works.... but in VS it doesn't.

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Creating A Class That Can Be Compared To A String In A Switch Statement?

Jan 13, 2012

Is it possible to create a class in VB.NET that can be compared to a string in a switch statement? For example, let's say I have a class Foo:

Public Class Foo
Public Bar As String = "test"
End Class

Is it possible to implement some interface or override some equality operator so that I could use Foo like so?

Dim foo As New Foo()
Select Case "test"
Case foo
' It worked!
End Select

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Creating A Condition - IF Statement Which Is Checking Each Row In The Data Table

May 4, 2011

I have a IF statement which is checking each row in the data table (for a match) and ELSE statement with commands which are executed if the If statement is not satisfied. Now I would like to write like so that it goes to the Else part BUT ONLY for values which are not satisfied in the IF statement. If I am more specific; I would like to calculate values if a match is found and just print them if it is not fond (usually there are both cases). Now the problem is the bold text; if there is a match found I don't want it processed BUT if the match is found I do. How can I write that?

currencyPosition = 0
Dim d As Integer = w + 100
For Each currency In Ary


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Count Multiple In One Statement?

May 8, 2011

i have a table with data title and date of the data inserted.and right now i want to do count to make the statistic out of it.can i do multiple count in one sql statement?like from, the column date, i want to count how many on this month, and how many in this year, until month selected. this is what i have come up, for now.

SELECT a.trigger_type_code
, c.trigger_name
, COUNT(*) AS number
FROM issue_trigger a


by this is only for one count.

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Creating VB Code To Increment The Number Of Fields In An SQL Create Table Statement

May 8, 2012

I have an SQL statement which i need to code in vb:


Notice the fields prodno1 and prodno2 in the table structure.. this is part of a number of sql statements i need to run and put inside a loop. my problem is i want to automatically use this same code such that on the next loop, this sql statement is going to be:


Note that in this "2nd loop"

- the table name is now r3 from r2 in the first SQL statement
- there are now prodno1, prodno2 and prodno3 instead of just prodno1 and prodno2
- in the WHERE clause, the p.prodNo becomes p.prodNo2

And so on and so forth.. so for the 3rd loop

- there's going to be r4
- there's going to be prodno4
- in the WHERE clause i will use p.prodNo3

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Filter With Multiple Column And One Statement

Dec 1, 2010

How do I combine the following two similar statement into one. They are similar in the sense that they both get input from the same textbox:
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "ParkingSpaceID = '" & txtSearch.Text & "'"
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "StudentID = '" & txtSearch.Text & "'"

I have tried couple :
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "StudentID = '" & txtSearch.Text & "'" Or "ParkingSpaceID ='"& txtSearch.Text & "'"
Me.ReportsQueryBindingSource.Filter = "StudentID Or "ParkingSpaceID ='"& txtSearch.Text & "'"
......just none of them works...

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