VS 2008 DataGridView Filtering?

Apr 5, 2009

i have a datagridview(has about 7000 rows) like this:

ID Name
9 David Brown
11 David Blue
17 Hans Yellow

what i want to do is when i write something in a textbox, i want to show rows only which starts with my text.for example, if i write "dav", then first 2 rows should be visible.

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Filtering Output In A Datagridview VB 2008?

Aug 15, 2011

I am running a stored procedure and presenting the data back to users in a simple datagridview. I'm unable to figure out a way to filter my data through the SQL side, so I wanted to see if I could filter data through the datagridview. Basically my sql query returns back values of "activity" that are either added or deleted, and I only want to present data back to users that are "added.' Is there a way to do this by filtering the contents of the datagridview?This is what I have in my codebehind for the page for both the SQL connection string, and the stored procedure. I'm assuming that this would be where I would filter the information.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles oncallsubmitButton.Click
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand


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Filtering A DataGridView In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 21, 2010

I am having some trouble filtering a datagridview using a combo box. Does anyone have an samples of code that I could utilise to do this exact task? I have tried using the samples here url... but I cant get them to run in Visual Studio 2008.

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Filtering Date In DataGridView?

Oct 15, 2011

I am using VS 2008 and have a DataGridView linked to a SQL table. One of the columns in my table is a dueDate column. On my form I have a set of check boxes and one of them is set to display all rows that have a dueDate > today's date (well that's what I want it to do). I have set up another filter on other criteria in other columns and am able to get it to work fine but I can't seem to find the trick to get the date comparison to work.

Here's the line I am having an issue with. BillLogBindingSource.Filter = ("dueDate < System.DateTime.Now.Date")

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Filtering Records In The Datagridview?

Mar 24, 2009

I am using Vb.net2005. I have a datagridview which displays some data. I want to filter the records based on some criteria given by the user at runtime. How can I do th

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Filtering Rows In DataGridView

May 12, 2010

I am trying to filter rows in a DataGridView control. I am getting an error that says "Syntax Error: Missing operand after 'Name' operator."


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My Datagridview Is Not Filtering Columns

May 24, 2012

I have a datagridview.I fill my datagridview using csv file. I need to filter it using 2 datetimepickers. The filter must display only the columns which are the start date, range of columns between start date and end date, end date. I give you the code and the screenshots that how my program result must look like. My code is not working here even after click the button1 it not filters. Please can any check this. sorry for bad english.Here are my csv file,code and images. My result must look like image2. here the tportera column must not be filtered. it must remain there.[code]...

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VS 2010 Filtering A Datagridview?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a datagridview that is filled as follows:

Private Sub cmdExecuteSproc(ByVal SO_Number As String, ByVal Prev_SO_Number As String)
Dim spSteps As New SqlCommand("sproc_shop_order_get_recipe1", cnPMSQL)
spSteps.Parameters.AddWithValue("@int_shop_order", SO_Number)
spSteps.Parameters.AddWithValue("@int_prev_so", Prev_SO_Number)
spSteps.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure


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[2005] DataGridView Filtering?

Jun 28, 2007

I have two textbox - Name & Mobile which i use to filter customer's data in DataGridView1.When i filter the data using NAME field i get perfect results but when i use MOBILE field i want the data should filter after filtering according to NAME field and then according to MOBILE field. For example, i first filter data for all the customers whose Name starts from 'V' using NAME textbox and then i further filter these data on the basis of MOBILE so i should get result of all the customers whose name starts from 'V' and whose Mobile number is as per query in the MOBILE textbox :

My code for Name:
Private Sub name_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles name.TextChanged


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Complex Filtering Datagridview Items

Aug 15, 2011

I wanna search items like MS windows search for example if i wanna search mp4 files i should write "*.mp4" its enough my searching but if i ll use filter function i cant do this on datagridview couse when i want to search something i need to know full name of this record... its to bad for me... is there any way? can i do it?

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DataGridView Column Binding Filtering?

Sep 14, 2009

I have two database tables in SQL Server Express 2008 with the following layouts.



These two tables are related on fiscalYear and fundKey. So if you were to look at the first line in the DATA table you would get:


I'm trying to create a front-end for this using VB2008. I thought a DataGridView (DGV) would work well for this. So I create a small app to test out my theory. I put a DGV on it and setup a data source to the DATA table using the designer and it works great. Then I change the fundKey column to be databound to the FUNDS column, looking up the fundDescription based on the fundKey. I also change it to a combobox column because in the future I would like other users to easily change the value. And all of this works well.My problem is in that combobox column, all the fund values are listed as options.So it lists: General, Indirect, General, Sponsored. I would like it to list only the values for the appropriate fiscal year. So if that row is for fiscalYear 2008, the fund options should be General and Indirect. And if it's 2009 the options should be General and Sponsored.What is the best way to do this? I thought about setting up views on the SQL Server side and having two datasets in the app and switching between them.

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DataGridView Filtering - CSV Style Data?

Mar 6, 2012

DataGridView filtering. I have this data bound to a combobox:
Product Index
Prod1 1,2
Prod2 7,8,9
Prod3 10,11

Actual Table structure is:
Index Product
1 prod1
2 prod1
7 prod2
8 prod2
9 prod2
10 prod2
11 prod3
(Product is the Display Member, Index is the ValueMember)

On the combobox's SelectedIndexChanged event, I'm filtering the DataGridView:
DGVCustomers.DataSource.DefaultView.RowFilter = "indexes like '%" + MyDropDown.SelectedValue + "%'"
If MyDropDown.SelectedValue is "1,2" then any record without either number will not be shown , in addition "7,8,9" will only show customers with that string... etc etc. How can I filter the DGV correctly with the CSV style data? (It's not my data unfortunately!)

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DB/Reporting :: Filtering A Datagridview With A Textbox?

May 8, 2008

I'm using a DataGridView object that i populate using a series of datagridview.columns.add("xxx") and DataGridView1.Rows.Insert(0,"xxx")

I would like to create a text box that would filter the datagridview accordingly for a given column.

example: i put 'jeremy' in my text box and it returns only the row(s) with jeremy in the 'name' column.

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DB/Reporting :: Filtering A DataSet To A DatagridView?

Apr 25, 2011

Here is my code that parses an XML string to a datagridview:

Dim DS As New DataSet
DS.ReadXml(New StringReader(StringHTML))
DataGridView.DataSource = DS


Child list for field Produits cannot be created.I'm sure it's something so simple you guys are chuckling...Can't wait to see what's the problem

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Filtering A Datagridview With Text From A Textbox

Apr 23, 2012

I am filtering a datagridview with text from a textbox.That works , but can i filter with 2 [code] Now the question , first i want to filter the Day and then Part Then fill the datagridview ,how or can i put this in one code ?

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Filtering Datagridview Using Unbound Text Box?

Dec 29, 2009

I am creating a form to display data in a DataGrid that is bound to a .mdb Query. I am semi-experienced in VB6 Programming, but relatively new to VS8 and all of the features. I created the form, and have the DataGrid that displays all of the info in the query. I would like to be able to filter the form to only display data that matches what the user would type into a text box on the form (I have a text box created as well as a command button that says "Search by...").

Additional Info - I do not have, nor do I want, the DataGrid Navigator displayed on the form.

I want the user to be able to type a value in the text box (Rack Number), then press the button (Search by Rack Number) to only display the data in the DataGrid that corresponds to the rack that matches the text box.

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Filtering DataGridView With DataView Object

Jan 9, 2010

I am grabbing a DataTable from a database and am displaying it in a DataGridView. One of the columns in the DataTable is a Boolean, which is properly displayed as a check box column. This part is working fine. Now I want to put an optional filter on the DataGridView which does not show any of the rows that are checked. So I now have a DataView object that can filter the DataTable and have bound that to the DataGridView. Great!

Now the problem is when the user clicks the Check Box and then focuses another row (or anything else), the row that was just checked immediatly gets filtered. However I would like the row to remain visible until the user commits the changes to the data. Is there any way to get the a DataView to not filter rows that have been modified?

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Filtering Same Datagridview 2x From Two Differant Tables

Mar 3, 2010

this is for VS 2008 w/ an Access database.My database has 3 simple tables, Customer, Services and Workorder.

-Customer table = Customer ID (Customer Name, Address)
-Services table = Service ID(Service type, Cost,)
-Workorder table = Workorder ID(Service ID FK, Customer ID FK, Cost FK, Description, Date)

How I have my database set up is the Workorder table is like a linking table linking all three tables together. This is what I need out of my Windows Form.

-List view 1 contains customers names. Selecting it shows all of the customers previous workorders in the Datagrid view. (This works fine)
-List view 2 contains available services. Selecting it filters the datagrid view that was previously filtered by list view 1(customers). (This I cant figure out)

-In the end the Datagrid view would show all certain records for an individual. You when then be allowed to add the needed information and it would populate the database.All relationships were created to reflect the FKs in the workorder table.What function or coding should I be looking at to accomplish this task?

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Filtering Using Combo Boxes And DataGridView?

Mar 20, 2010

I am building a simple GUI to view data within a database. I am getting stuck when it comes to filtering data. I have followed Beth Massi's video entitled How Do I: Filter data on the client?

However my datagridview will not filter, it simply moves the highlighted cell down to the location of the item selected in the combo box. The items in the combo box are also repeated as opposed to grouped by what they they are called, for instance I have a column called region and every cell contains the text "West" and the combo box just shows a list of all the cells as opposed to just one.I followed the video several times and every time this happens. Even with a new project. Could it be because my data isnt a table but a query of several tables? I can filter on this data in excel and access easily.

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Use All Listbox Contents For Filtering Datagridview?

Mar 11, 2010

using all the listbox contents for filtering a datagridview2 (that is binded with an access database)

my code is as follows:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim tables As DataTableCollection = VPC_DatabaseDataSet.Tables
Dim view1 As New DataView(tables(4))
Dim source1 As New BindingSource()


the code above is working, however, the datagridview2 only displays only the matches for the first entry in the listbox, which is 100101. it does'nt include the matches for the other two contents in the listbox.

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Filtering Datagridview Using Column Names By 2 Datetimepickers In Vb?

May 20, 2012

I have a csv file and I import it to datagridview. Now I filter it using 2 datetimepickers. One for start and other for end.When click it must loop through the column names and must display only the columns which matches start date, range of columns between start and end date,enddate. please see the image attached.First image shows the datagridview when loaded from csv.second shows the desired output when filtered using datetimepickers.

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VS 2010 With MS ACCESS 2007 DataGridView Filtering?

Jan 16, 2010

Been trying to solve this for the past few days It's doing my head in I have just moved from a legacy version of VB to VS 2010. I'm happy with SQL statements.I have placed a DataGridView on a form and it impressively sets up a grid view of the data. Now I want to provide a txtSearch texbox and a btnFind button to filter the records by the search string entered into txtSearch.In the good old days you would create an SQL satement and refresh the DataSource property of the data control and all would be well - easy, quick and effective.

In this new environment I am totally lost = simply don't know how to refresh the DataGridView with records resulting from a dynamically generated SQL statement - and I don't want to use stored procedures at the moment (using Access).So, from the Click even of btnFind I can create the SQL statement but how do I implement it

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Filtering Rows In DataGridView Based On Date Field

Mar 12, 2010

I have a datagridview and trying to filter recs based on a Date field. This is the
Dim ds As New AOListingDataSet
Dim da As New AOListingDataSetTableAdapters.CallwithNameTableAdapter
Dim dv As New DataView(ds.CallwithName)
dg1.DataSource = dv
[Code] .....

It works ok when filter is on other fields but brings empty on 'CallDate' date field. I have declared the 'CallDate' field in db as long date format in Access.

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.net - Filtering DataGridview Using DataSet -> BindingSource, Extra Columns Later Added?

Apr 29, 2011

For a WinForms VB.Net application, I use the Bindingsource's filtering capacity to filter data, which is seen in a DataGridview. The BindingSource is from a DataSet, created using the Designer, and the data comes from a Access DB, using JetEngine and .Net 3.5. So basically:

Datagridview.Datasource = xxBindingSource
xxBindingsource.Filter = "[extended filter string with multiple columns]"

This filtering works fine, however, now I included some extra columns in the DataGridView, which I'd like to filter on, too. Of course, when I feed the manually added columns to the Filter of the BindingSource, this doesn't work out.I've done some research, and was not able to find any way to use the BindingSource's filtering syntax on the DataGridview. I'd like to use this syntax though, as I designed quite a nice UserControl and class around it, to provide smooth, fast and simple filtering capabilities.

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VS 2010 Filtering The Datagridview Column Headers Using Datetimepickers In Vb 2010

May 16, 2012

I have a datagridview populated from a CSV file in vb.net. I have 2 datepickers, 1 button. see the attached images. Image1->before filtering


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VS 2008 Filtering Data Before Output

May 2, 2011

I am pulling different information from the same file at two different times: 1) The first time, I pull information that is inserted into a combobox. I need to use the combobox as a filter for when I pull the information a second time. 2) I pull different information from the same file, and it is outputted into a datagridview table. I already have a filter in place when the information is pulled the second time, and I was wondering if I could add to that filter or if I have to make another filter? The filter (or filters) will be used to filter the information in the datagridview before it is outputted in a chart.

This is the code for binding the combobox to the information

Dim cnRange As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"data source='" & strFileName & "';" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0; IMEX=1; HDR=No;"""


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[2008] Filtering And Displaying A Database?

Jan 20, 2009

I want to be able to use this program to filter through a list of doctors, and based on what doctor you select, only show the patients who see that doctor.Here is what I have so far, the database has a column with just the doctor names so I thought I should be able to filter it by that and show the patients, but none show up. I don't get an error and it seems to refresh, but nothing ends up in the schedule.

Public Structure ScheduleOwner
Dim _doctorname As String
Dim _description As String


Actually I just realized I don't think I loaded the data from the database as the form loaded. I tried doing that, but get an error where I called for the data to be loaded. I added the code where I try loading the databases."No value given for one or more required parameters."

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VS 2008 Filtering A Datagrid Based Upon A Specified Total

May 5, 2010

I am trying to filter a datagrid based upon stepping through records and suming the contents. What i am trying to do is get to select records that equal (or if the sum of records exceed the entry they revert to the previous record) or less than the entries specified in a combobox on a form.

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VS 2008 Filtering Data From Database To Combobox?

Mar 9, 2010

How to filter data from the database to combobox? For example, the database have the data, and i have a combobox, then i want to type the first letter, and the dropdown list comes down that the data have the first letter that i type in the combobox.

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VS 2008 Filtering Dragenter File In Label?

Dec 15, 2011

Alright i have a code for getting the path of drop file to my label.Private Sub Label1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles Label1.DragDrop If e.Data.GetDataPresent("FileDrop") Then

Dim theFiles() As String = CType(e.Data.GetData("FileDrop", True), String())
For Each theFile As String In theFiles
End If
End Sub


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