VS 2008 Deleteing + Adding A Limit " Labels "

Sep 21, 2010


Using The Code above how do i set a limit of labels i place in run time ALso How Do i delete The Labels at runtime

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VS 2008 - Adding New Labels In Run Time

Jul 1, 2010

How do i go about adding new labels in run time

Dim Label as new Label

something around those terms

I would like the label to be name label1 ... label 2 ... label3... So on

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VS 2008 Deleteing Duplicates?

Mar 31, 2009

okay i have have a textbox full of names say textbox1 =



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Adding Stack Elements To Labels?

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to add (Push) whatever the user enters in (MyStack) into 5 different labels that should show the (UserResponse). The problem is I don't know how to display each element in a different label. For example:

- The first element that the user enters (UserResponse) should be in Label1

- The second element that the user enters (UserResponse) should be in Label2 etc.... up to label5.

Also, when I press (Pop) the elements should disappear (Last in first out).

Public Class Form1
Private MyStack As New Stack(4)
Private Sub ButtonPush_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonPush.Click


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Adding Two Labels Together/ Calculation On Form?

Mar 8, 2012

Public Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim vatResult As Decimal


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Adding Values Stored In Labels?

Mar 10, 2011

I have to design a project for my IT course at college using Visual Basic. The task is to create a program which allows the user to enter the height of a room plus the width of the walls as well as the paint which costs different prices. I have managed to get the program to work out the cost of painting each wall, but I cannot get another label to show the price for painting a full room, when the result is basically adding up the cost of painting all of the walls. how to add up multiple values displayed in labels?

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Adding Arbitrary Labels And TextBoxes At Run Time?

Sep 28, 2011

The three labels "Floor" "Typ." "HeadsI can insert once fine but multiple times only the third instance is written to the form.I have 2 textboxes to test that the Label.Name is changed but I can't make the Label.text stand for each label. I am certain this will occur too with the textboxes.I also need to keep track of these boxes for further use with the program.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged


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Adding Simple Labels And Combobox To Code Not Working?

Jul 30, 2009

I have a simple poker game that deals out 9 cards into pictureboxes and shows another 3 pictureboxes that hold cards for the dealer. The code itself does what I want it to...even though I'm at a dead end with writing the code further to evaluate the poker hands. I would simply like to add a few labels and a combobox to my form, but everytime I add something, or try to add it I get cast error?

Public Class Form1
Dim ListOfCards As New List(Of String)
Dim dealtCards As New List(Of String)


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User Control - Adding Internal Labels Inside It

Mar 8, 2010

I've made a user control and have added some internal labels inside it. In the User control class I'm trying to handle the mouse events so that: When the mouse enters the User-Control the background of the User-Control turns white - using MouseEnter event. When the mouse leaves the User-Control the background of the User-Control turns grey - using MouseLeave event. However as soon as I move the mouse over the internal labels it triggers the MouseLeave event. I don't want it to do that, because the mouse hasn't left the bounds of the User-Control! So, how do I get it to not trigger the MouseLeave event when the mouse is still internal to the User-Control?

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Way Of Inserting / Updating & Deleteing Data In Database

Feb 9, 2012

[code]The above code does not insert data into table. Please fix this issue.Tell me the proper and most widely used way of Inserting, Updating & Deleteing Data in Database.

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Inserting, Updating, Deleteing Data In A MySQL Database

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to test some stuff out, like adding employees and stuff like that.

Now it used to run on an Access database, but I've made the jump to MySQL.

Now to add an employee I use this code

Private Sub btnOpslaanWerknemer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpslaanWerknemer.Click


now I get the following error: "Error: MySQL.Data - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check manual that corresponds with your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?,?,?,?)' at line 1.

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Forms :: PointToScreen - Co-ordinates For The Labels In One Statement Without Adding The X And Y Co-ordinates Of The Panels

Nov 2, 2008

Apparently I don't understand what PointToScreen() is actually returning. I'm thinking it should be absolute screen co-ordinates. In a form, I have some labels in a panel, which itself is in a panel and am trying to derive the screen co-ordinates for the labels in one statement without adding the X and Y co-ordinates of the panels. Why does PointToScreen(Label.Location) return the same value as PointToClient(Label.Location) and the same as Label.Location? Shouldn't PointToScreen() return absolute SCREEN co-odinates?

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Vb 2008 List Box Limit?

Apr 29, 2011

i have 3 list boxes, 2 for selection one displays selection. i want a limit on input in lstbox3. i cant figure the right syntax etc. if lstbox3.count > 2 then is not accepted.

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VS 2008 : Do Multiline Textboxes Have A Character Limit

May 6, 2009

Do multiline textboxes have a character limit?Someone who was using my program said that he has some textfiles that are about 50 KB and when he goes to copy/paste that data into a multiline textbox, he only gets about 31.9KB of the data.My MaxLength property says 32767, which basically matches the 31.9 KB, however, most of what I read on the internet says Multiline Textboxes can hold unlimited characters and that MaxLength is actually ignored when a textbox is in multiline mode.

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Instruct VB To Save These Values In The Text Property Of The Labels So That The Next Time The Program Is Loaded The Labels?

Oct 21, 2008

I created a program that has serval labels on a form and a listview object. It has a button that when clicked reads a textfile and loads up values in the listview object. I then can click and drag text from the listview box to any label on the form and then the program removes the value from the listview box. Now, my question is how can I instruct VB to save these values in the text property of the labels so that the next time the program is loaded the labels will contain the values loaded during the last run time session?

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Labels (SHOW/HIDE) Place The Labels Ontop Of Eachother

Jun 1, 2012

Well im currently developing an application for public use, I have a login screen in which the user enter's their registered credential's and the progressbar loads by increments of 3, now i placed 6 labels ontop of eachother and where the progressbar coding is i put:

If Progressbar.Value >= 1 Then
If Progressbar.Value >= 20 Then

And so on up until Label8 Show at 100%,

Now the problem is... As i have placed the labels ontop of eachother i need them hidden until they are called to show, i have tried adding a background worker to do this but have had no luck, all i see is the labels overlapping eachother when i run my application when i want them hidden untill Label3.Show() is called, and then to display them as they are called and hide them when another one is called to show...

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VS 2008 : Limit The User To Enter Only Certain Data In A Datagrid?

Mar 9, 2010

How can i limit the user to enter only certain data in a datagrid. Lets say 0 - 9 only. When the user try's to enter any other char, it should stay 0

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Project - Add And Resize The Labels - Create Scrolling Labels ?

Feb 5, 2009

With VB, but I've got the few basics down, file naming, adding objects, naming objetcs, etc. But the reason I'm on here is because I cannot complete even the first step. Our form is 640 X 480, and we need to have two labels, both have vertical scrolls. I know how to add and resize the labels to meet my needs, but I do not know how to create scrolling labels. Or are they text boxes? On our bubble chart (Do you know what that means?) it says lblInformation. We are going to have clickable radio buttons which will update the lblInformation with info about each of the radio buttons.

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VB2010- Click And Store Value On Labels Into A Different Set Of Labels

Apr 19, 2012

I'm trying to make a program that allows the user to click on labels which have a number in it and then that value has to be stored into a different label.

For example the user click on label1 and the values goes into label12, then it click on label3 and the values goes to label13 and so on.

At the moment I can only code on the respective label underneath (1->12,2->13...) but it has to be in any order (5->12,7->13...)

Here a picture and below my code:

'defining the click order....
Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click


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VS 2008 - How To Get Labels On Each Row In ListView

Apr 18, 2009

I want to have each row in the listview (the view mode is set to detail) have a row #. I COULD set the item text as a row #, but that's kludgy and means sorting has to be customized because the REAL item text is in subitem(1). Is there a way to have a label on each row in a listview that shows the row #?

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VS 2008 Loop Through Certain Labels

May 14, 2010

I have a few labels on my form:


I would like to loop trough the labels using the following


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VS 2008 - My.Settings Are Not Working With The Labels?

Oct 2, 2009

My Form closing


Note: I tried this with a textbox and it worked. The Textbox text was the labels closing, but when I used this with label, it didnt work.

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VS 2008 - Fill The Labels With The First 4 Results

Jul 7, 2009

I have 4 labels to fill with certain data and after a search query i want it to fill the labels with the first 4 results or if less just fill them up with what is there [Code] and if the database returns 5 results how do you get the first 4 in there or if it returns only 2, how to put just the 2 in the first 2.

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VS 2008 : Creating Dynamic Labels Not Working?

Dec 6, 2009

I am making a hangman clone for boredom and I can't seem to make the labels show up properly. Maybe I'm doing this wrong entirely and should just limit what's visible instead.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


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VS 2008 : Make A Labels Backcolor Invisible?

Dec 28, 2009

I wan't to know how to make a labels backcolor invisible.Like it only shows the caption but the backcolor is "nothing".i have put some labels on a many colored picture so I can color the label one color, I just need to get the back color invisible.

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VS 2008 Creating & Printing Basrcode Labels?

Oct 27, 2011

I have the fonts needed to create barcodes and all the code written to generate them inclusive of the check digit. I have a SQL table that contains UPC codes for each item. I have searched high and low for an example in creating barcode labels and printing them however, I'm unable to find anything that does not require SDK to be purchased or mail merge in WORD etc. I need to be able to do this in VB .net for Windows. My label will have a picture of the product in the upper left hand corner of each label.

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VS 2008 Declaring A Array Of Labels Programmatically?

Jul 4, 2009

Is there a way in which I could declare an array of labels in VB 2008?

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VS 2008 Loading Text File Into Labels?

May 11, 2009

I have a few questions. Working on a program here that reads in data from a .txt file and puts it into 3 different labels during the form load procedure. I was wondering though, here's what I have so far:

Dim contents As String
contents = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("UserInfo.txt")
Label1.Text = contents


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VS 2008 Text Lines To Affect Different Labels?

Apr 26, 2012

I am COMPLETELY new to Visual Basic except for a high school Computer Programming class and I'm attempting to make a text-based game via VB2008. There is a tough problem I'm having. I followed a few YouTube tutorials and managed to create something where you can press a button and have a window open where you search for a text file and have it's file path appear in a text box. My problem now is that I want certain lines of this text file to change the text of certain Labels on a different form. I don't know how to do this though?

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[2008] Labels Displaying Incorrectly On Other Machines

Feb 25, 2009

I've nearly finished my latest project (VB 2008 Express Edition) I built the project and ran the .exe from inRelease and it appears and works exactly as it did in Visual Basic

When I carry this .exe to any other computer, it displays differently. The biggest difference is the font size in labels (grows on other machines) and the size of the tabcontrol is a bit larger on other machines. see the links below for comparison (coding machine vs other machine) [URL]

note that both machines were set at the same screen resolution, both were using the default Windows XP "Theme" and display fonts appear to be set the same on both machines. I've tried this on about 3 other XP machines with the same result (only looks correct on the machine I coded on)

I've specifically used Microsoft Sans Serif font, size 8 (VB seems to display this as 8.25pt in the properties window) I have also tried making all labels "UseCompatibleTextRendering" both true and false with the same result. Perhaps something on the original (programming) machine is different that is throwing this off? Am I missing a step when building this project? If other encounter this problem often, what steps do you take (when programming) to avoid this and allow the form(s) to display correct regardless of the user's settings?

Edit: One difference can be found in (Right Click on Desktop -> Properties -> Settings Tab -> Advanced Button) the DPI Setting on the coding machine is Normal Size (96 DPI) The DPI on the other computers is Large Size (120 DPI)

The application will be used by roughly 100 folks on various systems (some Windows ME, most XP). How can I prevent things from going crazy with different user settings?

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