VS 2008 : Creating Dynamic Labels Not Working?
Dec 6, 2009
I am making a hangman clone for boredom and I can't seem to make the labels show up properly. Maybe I'm doing this wrong entirely and should just limit what's visible instead.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
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Oct 2, 2009
My Form closing
Note: I tried this with a textbox and it worked. The Textbox text was the labels closing, but when I used this with label, it didnt work.
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Oct 27, 2011
I have the fonts needed to create barcodes and all the code written to generate them inclusive of the check digit. I have a SQL table that contains UPC codes for each item. I have searched high and low for an example in creating barcode labels and printing them however, I'm unable to find anything that does not require SDK to be purchased or mail merge in WORD etc. I need to be able to do this in VB .net for Windows. My label will have a picture of the product in the upper left hand corner of each label.
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May 31, 2009
I need to create some serial port controlls manually. My program reads through a config file, and it if comes across an entry called COMPORT then I need to create a contol to talk to this port. The entries in the ini file might be
So here is my problem! I'd like to create the variable control name with part of the com port number, so I can always refer back to it.
Dim strVar as sring = "COM1"
Dim CName+strVar As New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort
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Aug 21, 2011
With Button click i have to create dynamic 3 Labels in a Panel or panel. First Label show text from TextBox1. Second Label show text from TextBox2 And the last show date from DatetimePicker.
First problem: I have find some code to create one label but not 3 labels with different text each one. How to create this 3 different labels with different text? Each one under the previous. Second problem: When i create a label and close the form - Next time when i open again the form none label has saved. The Panel is clear. How to save that dynamic created labels?
View 20 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
I am deveolping a charting program and have a need to have dynamic draggable labels on the chart for notation purposes. Everything works fine until I try to drag a label past the 32767 (16 bit limit).
Here is the code that I drag the label with:
[Code] .....
I have tried to create a new label and override the Top value with a Long Value, but it still does not do the trick. Hhere is my attempt to overload the top value to an integer.
Public Overloads Property Top() As Long
Return _Top
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Long)
[Code] .....
The charts are dynamically generated from a database and represent depths. Usually at least 10000 feet are plotted at 5 pixels per foot. So some labels will be created or dragged below this 32767 line regularly. Any way to be able to drag the labels past this limit, or possible another option to be able to view these long charts.
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Apr 7, 2011
I'm currently working on a program where I'm trying to dynamically create a picture box, a button, and a label for each item in a text file. Any ideas on how to do this? What I have: a plain text file with a list of numbers. Each number corresponds to a location. When that file is read, I want to create a picture box, a button, and a label related to each number. If I want to add something to the screen, all I Have to do is add a number to the file. So, lets say the file has. 1, 2
When the file loads, it will create a unique item on the display for each location. say pic1, button1, and label1 and pic2, button2, and label2. Right now, if I add something to the file, I have to go back into the editor and manually add everything. Which is a pain.
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Jan 6, 2009
I search for a grand total of about four hours online for a method of how to get transparency working in labels in VB.NET 2008. After finding nothing but some example that I have no idea how to implement into my project, I have almost given up. Yes, I've heard about setting the parent properties, but in my case it is imperative that I have labels on top of a PictureBox. (Apparently it's not possible through normal means to have transparent labels over PictureBoxes.)I'm losing my patience with VB.NET, even considering switching back to VB6. How could Microsoft make such a stupid decision? Today I decided to use a stupendous workaround and instead of labels, use transparent PNGs of bitmap text. And guess what? It has the exact same problem as the labels when placed in front of controls! The transparent background has been set to the colour of the form's background!
View 5 Replies
Jun 4, 2010
I need to create an Array of Labels. I am using A With Code block to set the properties of the Labels as well as the Data Binding. I want to set the LabelIndex inside this block as well. How do I go aboute this?
View 8 Replies
Aug 14, 2009
I'm trying to make labels at runtime. The idea is to create them on the fly in runtime.
I have this on my form:
Which work fine, but if I want to create another label, how do I check to see if one or more labels have already been created and then apply a new location of the new label? (so it doesn't get override on the same location on the form?)
View 11 Replies
Nov 18, 2008
i am attempting to create and then update data in Labels using VB2005.I create the label when the form is loaded using this for loop
For j As Integer = 1 To count
Dim name As String
Dim m As String
ReDim L(count)
This creates the labels and text boxes in the form. Later in the program I would like to change the text within both the T1310() and T1550() text boxes and I am attempting to do so with the following code.
For j = 1 To count
status = OP930_SelectModule(j - 1)
status = OP930_SetWavelength(1310)
I get errors on the Blue lines. Everything compiles fine, but when the software goes through the loop I get the error "NullReferenceException was unhandled"
View 2 Replies
Oct 14, 2010
I am using a variation of Stanav's example from the previous post seen in Sub dd_Inhoud_Labels. The first 3 Subs (Add_Titel_Label, Add_Byskrif_Label & Add_Lewering_Label) is allso shown below so you can see what I am leading up to. Sub Add_Inhoud_Labels is not only responsible for creating labels but allso placing them acording to the location and size of the previos label and allso ather properties as Font and so on depending on the marker at the start of the text string saved in the data base.The problem I can not get solved is that only the last of the Inhoud Labels seem to be created, it seem to be in the correct location as last label as seen in the pic below
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Oct 20, 2011
This may be simple, but im having a tough go at it. I'm trying to make a "review" section in a step through form, where the user can see everything that has been entered and if they choose go back and "edit" that information again. One section only has to show the information that has been added by the user, basically if they don't select a certain checkbox there is no reason to display the info for that box.I want to to dynamically create labels in a Panel (Panel7) on a TabPage (TabPage3), only for the checkbox information that was selected. This is what I have right now, and I am unable to see anything on the page, I have also tried without the panel and straight onto the tabpage itself to no avail.
MsgBox(CurPat, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
If (CurPat = "True") Then
Dim lblTemp As New Label
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a simple poker game that deals out 9 cards into pictureboxes and shows another 3 pictureboxes that hold cards for the dealer. The code itself does what I want it to...even though I'm at a dead end with writing the code further to evaluate the poker hands. I would simply like to add a few labels and a combobox to my form, but everytime I add something, or try to add it I get cast error?
Public Class Form1
Dim ListOfCards As New List(Of String)
Dim dealtCards As New List(Of String)
View 7 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
How can I check if an array of labels is created before creating it?
The If Created dos not seem to work with an Array.
Hendri Bissolati noviceprogrammer@vodamail.co.za
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May 9, 2010
I'm currently making an application that involves time tables / scheduling. I'm required to generate a timetable for school teaching activities. in this application, I want to display the time slots using labels and I want to enable users to drag them around to place the subject cards in the available slots. I'm even confused with the control to use for the time slots. Right now I'm thinking of using datagridview for the time slot. So I'm trying to drag the labels around and placing them in the datagridview cells.
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Jun 16, 2009
i just don't understand how come my code doesn't work when according to every tutorial that i find in the web, i am actually doing the right thing
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/AppMaster.master" Title="Results" AutoEventWireup="true"%>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="ceTe.DynamicPDF" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="ceTe.DynamicPDF.PageElements" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="MySql.Data" %>
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Mar 31, 2012
I am creating dynamic text boxes on button click and then showing values on another button click. It works fine until I use ajax updatepanel. In that case values are not shown when I hit second button. My aspx code is:
aspx markup is:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<div id="divRT" runat="server">
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Nov 5, 2011
I have a VB.Net WinForm Program. I dynamically create panels with controls.Each panel has:
2 Labels
1 DataGridView
1 Button
Everything works fine the first time I create the panels.
Everything gets created, and everything is functional.
If I have to re-create the form, I get rid of the existing panels (and their controls) with this code:
When I re-create the panels, I get the panels and all of their controls except Buttons.When I step through the debugger, I see the buttons being removed, and I see them being created, but they don't appear in the panel
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Oct 16, 2009
i want to create a modalpopup dynamically but i come across a problem.I pasted my sub here and i dont know what to do for that problem.When i want to show modalpopup,it says "Control 'mdldelete2' of type 'ModalPopupExtender' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server."
Public Sub Raise_Alarm(ByRef p_Page As Page,
ByRef p_AssignedButton As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button,
ByVal p_Message As String)
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May 16, 2011
I am trying to access VB.Net exe on a client system through LAN.Its working fine for server with static IP address.In case I try to access it with server having dynamic IP address, It doesn't provide access(config file containing server name).
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Jan 4, 2012
What im trying to accomplish is I have a table which im creating dynamically and I want in the first tablecell a radiobutton, second tablecell first name, third tablecell last name.The second and third tablecell work fine but having trouble with the radiobutton. Im making it a radiobutton list b/c only one name should be selectable. Below is how im creating the radiobutton list. I have omitted the second and third tablecell as its working properly. The yesNo variable is used to say i
tblrow = New TableHeaderRow
tblcell = New TableCell
If yesNo = "yes" Then
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Nov 19, 2011
heres my code i have it set up so when i press spacebar it should create and display a picture box my help is two parts one why is the picture box not displaying and how to i set it so that every time the space bar is pressed a picture box is created. The second part to that is how do i create a timer with that picture box that makes it move, i know how to make a picturebox move im just not sure how to do the for each statement to set a dynamic name and how to use the timer to affect it...
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
' Sets Handled to true to prevent other controls from
View 14 Replies
Oct 20, 2009
Below I create an array of labels. I would like to add an click event to my labels. Can someone point me in a direction?
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Sep 20, 2009
[URL]..And put into a dynamic array where each month represents a record in the array with 3 given with C/P, Strike and Settle
The criterion is for every month grab all C/P that have matching strikes thus returning the following for every month. See data below and what I would like to return below. Want to use excel VBA to return the values from array into a sheet in excel. See data below
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Jan 9, 2009
I am writing an application that requires button controls to be created at run time because the amoutn of controls created depends on data retrieved from a database.
I believe I am creating the control properly but I am not capturing the click event.
Code example:
Dim myButton As Button
myButton = New Button
myButton.id = "id"
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Jan 2, 2012
I need the ability to create a dynamic number of hotspots in an imagemap the pseudo code for what I want to do is below:
Protected Sub AddHotSpot()
Dim r1 New RectangleHotSpot
For Each Item as datarow in dataset
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Aug 18, 2011
I am looking at creating a Dynamic Menustrip.I have managed to write the code to add subItems to a Item. The root item is called item1 and when the form is run, item1 gets populated by items called subItem[0-5].I am wondering how do I assign an action to a subItem when click? At the moment I want a message box to popup with the subItem's name that has been clicked. I.E If subItem3 is clicked, I want a msgbox to pop up with "subItem3".
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For j As Integer = 0 To 4
Dim subItem As String = String.Format("subItem{0}", j.ToString())
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Aug 16, 2011
I have a windows application that dynamically loads DLLs using Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(dll_file_name_here).
It works as expected, until I ILMerge the application with another DLL.
So this scenario works fine:
Once I ILMerge MyApp.exe and MyAppComponent.dll resulting in:
Calling Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("Plugin.dll") seems to load successfully, however once I try to do anything with it eg:
foreach ( typeAsm in Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom("Plugin.dll"))
I get an exception "unable to load one or more of the requested types. retrieve the loader exceptions property for more informtion".
The frustrating thing is I can't really debug it, because debugging pre merging works perfectly!
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Oct 6, 2011
I am trying to create a dynamic dropdown after a dropdown has been selested (in asp.net vb)
For example: I have a dropdown question that asks: What brand of car do you drive (Toyota, Ford, Honda, Nissan, Chevrolet)
When the brand is selected I want another dropdown to appear under it with new chocies
For example: If Nissan is chosen, the second dropdown will be populated (from the database) with (Altima, Maxima, etc...)
And in some cases I would like a text box to appear, but If I can figure out the dropdown portion, I am sure I can figure out the textbox.
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