VS 2008 - Deploy (RTF) Content Files In Specific Folder

Mar 11, 2011

I've created a Setup project (in VB.Net 2008 Standard Edition) and I need to deploy some .rtf files in a specific folder for the user to edit. I've added these files to the project as content files but the Setup project installs them in Program File/MyApp along with the exe. As these rtf files need to be found easily by the user I need to specify a different folder on the hard drive. These are not mdb or xls files so are not used by the app itself. All the user needs to do is find them manually loading them into MS Word for editing. I don't need to load MS Word from the app, but I do need to deploy them so the user has access to them. How do I edit the file path so it does not bury them in Common Files or the User App Data or app folder itself? Ideally, since these are rtf files they could go in My Documents. (The app itself will work whether or not these files exist elsewhere.)

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Searches Specific Folder For Text Files Which Contain Specific Word

Jun 14, 2009

I have search system that works like charm: 1> Searches specific folder for text files which contain specific word 2> Puts those text file names and/or paths to listbox However i want it to put (instead of InputStr) the specific line where word is found in text file to listbox.


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Get List Of Specific Files In Specific Folder?

Dec 19, 2011

So im trying to get evything that has ends with .iso into a list box, tryed a couple of things but not getting anywhere as yeat

Here is code.

Dim Locate As String = Application.StartupPath & "\Games\"

The Locate String is there because thats the location where the iso files are but the application is in the root of the drive. The ListBox1 command is fairly easy to understand

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Get Specific Files From A Folder In Asp.net?

Jan 12, 2012

I want to get all the files from a folder using DirectoryInfo, how can i perform check and get all the images from the folder,
For checking i want to pass a productid as all the images are saved with their productids, for instance a product (bmw) has a product id 100 ,

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VS 2008 Obtain CRC32 Checksum Of Files Within A Folder Then Rename Files And Folder

Mar 4, 2010

in the current project im making i've decided to add in some tools, 1 of which is a renamer based of a renamer app that already exists (called scdtoolz), i want to build my own version of it so i can learn some new things, and build a nice GUI version of it.[code]So what i have managed to determine is that the current app scans the folders contents for the CRC32 Checksum, and renames based of that, since the 456.bin's CRC32 Checksum was 2274F80B, and in the text file 2274F80B is found here 'WWF - Rage in the Cage (T-81015)(U)#2274F80B#'So now i have determined game identification is based of the CRC32 checksums, how would i go about coding a similar ap in vb.net?first i need to make the app scan a folder, but how to return crcchecksum? and then rename if check = XXXX? If MD4 sums are easier/simpler i can use those instead, im lookin at a few hash app sources now, so i think i can see how to get the md5 but not the crc32 yet, or how to rename the 2 files and folder based of the text file.

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Renaming Files In A Specific Folder?

Apr 23, 2012

i am currently creating a quick and easy way of renaming files in a specific folder, what i need to do is create a program that will populate a listbox with the names of all the files in a specific folder, then i need to be able to select each item in the list box and rename it with whatever i type into a textbox, but it also needs to rename the file in my selected folder with whatever is typed into the text box...

I have done the initial bit which populates the listbox with the names of the files in my folder:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("\c:TestFolder")


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Ignoring A Specific File When Deleting All Files In A Folder?

May 27, 2009

i'm currently working on making a program that does all my normal pc clean up work for me. delete temp files, tif, cookies prefetch etc and i'm using code like this

Dim rKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
Dim path As String
rKey =


I'm stuck in the cookiew folder since "index.dat" doesn't delete and it causes the form to crash.

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Loop Through A Textbox Control Content And Extract Specific Content From It

Jun 20, 2009

loop through a textbox control content and extract specific content from it

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Deployment - Move Files To A Specific Folder When Run The Setup File For Application?

Jan 4, 2010

I have created deployment package for VB.Net appolication and it runs fine. When setup is rnning, I want deployment package to move a file from bin folder to other specific folder. how can I move this file to specific folder.

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IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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VS 2008 Scan DriveFolder For Files And Store Folder Name And Files?

Apr 1, 2009

I need to scan either a drive are folder and search for .theme .VStyle and shellstyle.dll and there folder/subfolder names.The code scans for all .Theme files on the drive or in a folder, when it finds it it stores the folder name that file is in and also the name of the .theme .

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Using Directory.Getfiles(DirPath,"Pattern")to Locate Specific Files In A Folder?

Apr 20, 2011

I am using Directory.Getfiles(DirPath,"Pattern")to locate specific files in a folder. This works fine unless no files are found. How can I get my code to determine whether no files have been found?

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VS 2008 Setup Project Change SourcePath Of Content Files?

Apr 4, 2011

Is it possible to change source path of content files in setup project? I need to copy some of files located in source directory to installation directory while installation.

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Copies Files From Folder(A) Into Folder (B) First It Checks If The Files Exists If Yes It Will Copy Them

Nov 3, 2011

I wrote an application that copies files from Folder(A) into Folder (B) First it checks if the files exists if yes it will copy them and it will over write the them in fodler (B) and is working great , but if I have a file in Folder(B)that is located in a subfolder the file inFolder (A) will not be copied to the new location.

belwo is the code to copy the files if they exist :[code..]

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Copy Folder Along With Content To Another New Folder??

Oct 28, 2009

i want to copy folder along with content to another new folder,i use this code


Dim source As String = ""
Dim destination As String = ""
source = "C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktopweapon"
destination = "C:weapon"


this code make me copy source to destination but also delete source,this code delete folder source and move to destination.All i want is not delete folder source.

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Deploy Applications To Program Files?

Jun 16, 2009

when i publish my applications in visual studio 2008. when it is installed i only see the entry in the programs list at the start menu and the application folder is thrown some where else(wonder where). So i was wondering is there a way to publish an application so that when it is installed, it gets installed in the program files folder on C:\

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Deploy Project To Other Computers And Transfer All Files That Need?

Oct 17, 2009

1.How can i deploy my project to other computers and transfer all the files that i need? I know i do publish, but do i need to change any of my files setings, or do anyting inparticular get the files to the automatically deploy.for example how MS Office suppliers all file you need to do templates and stuff.

2.How can i tell the other persons to create a folder if they havent got one? my locations to work from is here, but no one will have the rimless data sheets folder and the shapes folder.C:Program FilesRimless Data SheetsShapes.

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Deploy Windows Application With Attached .sdf Db Files?

Apr 29, 2009

I am working on vs2008+vb+sqlserver compact edition project which hav a attached .sdf database. Now i want to deploy my project to clients machine. I dont want to embbed sqlserver ce with my setup and also on clients machine. Now i m not getting idea, how to add sqlserver ce dll files with my application to deploy on client side and also i don't hav any experience of deployment. I m using a third party code security tool to prevent my codes and which also provides licencing facilities. So, How could i manage all these stuffs for successfull application deployment?

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Publishing Application Files (MySql.Data.dll.deploy)?

Jun 26, 2011

Using: VB 2008 Express?I created an application that connects to my MySQL, and everything works fine, but...

1. On my development computer, Windows 7, 64bit, I add the MySQL.data.dll file as a reference. I publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

2. I then copy my published folder to my test computer, Windows Vista 32 bit, and upon running the setup, the program fails to work because it cannot find the Mysql reference.

3. I then transfer my entire project over to my Vista computer, publish the program, run the setup.exe, and sucess.

4. I finally found out what was happening. My Windows 7 comptuer was not including MySql.Data.dll.deploy file in the Application Files published directory; but when I compiled it on the Vista machine this MySql.Data.dll.deploy was included.

So, in the end, I cannot compile the program on Windows 7, because it fails to create the .deploy file, and use it on Vista or XP (for some reason Win7 doesn't need this .deploy file?); but I can publish it on the Vista machine and install it fine on Windows 7, Vista, or XP. My targe CPU setting is Any computer.

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VS 2008 : Using Files From Folder?

Dec 30, 2009

Basically I have a known folder that is going to have some pictures in. All the pictures will be bmp for now (hoping to change it to jpeg shortly) and this directory will only contain that and nothing else.Basically I have a PictureBox on a form (pbImage) I also have a Next button and a Previous button.What I want to do is when the form is loaded read that directory and display the first image in the picturebox. Then using the Next/Previous button go through the images.I don't know how many images will be in the directory and I don't know what the names will be.

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VS 2008 Putting Specific Files Into A ListView?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm currently grabbing all files in a folder and displaying them into a listview. Below is the code I'm using:


If you look at the "For" line, you can see that pulling all files with an extension of .txt. There are some files that I need to pul with different extensions. I tried just doing "*.", and it would grab the files with not extension, but not the txt extension.

So, I wanted to know if there was some way to just pull all files or specify more than one extension.

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Writing The Specific Content?

Sep 9, 2009

i have line like this

46N93 P594 40898, 35899 39MIL;
PHY2_P2_CONFIG0 P2767 34205, 33537 39MIL;
18N879 P141 120461, 49324 39MIL;
PMC3_270_ETH1_D0+ P3021 8061, 44624 50MIL;


but before that i must check the MIL value. If it is 39MIL i should write T5 first followed by the value from all 39MIL than if have 50MIL it should write T10 followed by all the value from 50MIL my output file will be like this

40898 35899
34205 33537
120461 49324


I try this code to split

Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:file.txt")
Dim sf As New System.IO.StreamWriter(drill, True)
For I As Integer = 0 To tfLines.Length - 1


But i can not get the exect value that i want?

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Opening Folder Code Specific Folder

Mar 15, 2009

I need a code to work to simply open the my document folder.However, I tried using open file dialog:[code]

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VS 2008 : Print All Files In Folder?

Mar 28, 2010

What would you do to have a vb form (on a button press) print all files in a folder using the default/user associated program, and then delete everything in the folder?

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VS 2008 Counting Files In One Folder?

Dec 6, 2009

I am attempting to count the number of files in one directory. When I do this:

'Count the number of files found, and then add them to the total variable
Dim numFiles As Integer = Directory.GetFiles(strUserTemp).Length


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VS 2008 Download All Files From A Folder?

Dec 24, 2009

Okay so i'm trying to download all files from a folder but no Luck My code My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("mywebsite.comsetup45.exe", "C:setup45.exe")So i need to download all files from the setup folder to the User computer.

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[2008] List The Files From A Folder?

Jan 29, 2009

I want to list some files from a folder to a list and put a filter for specific files like *.exe or *.jpg or something else and a name filter to be able to find files like Photo01.jpg, Photo02.jpg etc

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VS 2008 Using Text Files To Save Specific Settings

Jan 29, 2011

i've been busy with a program and it has worked out quite well. The only thing I still want is that it is possible to customize things and save that in a text file. Normally if i want an other background for one day, i need to change it in VB or make a checkbox to do that. if i then restart the program all the settings are lost and i have to set it again. so i was wondering if the program can make a text file and put codes like 1 for theme 1 and 2 for theme 2 etc. in it, then save it and load that file when it starts up again. and is this also possible for a login form? if yes, i can also add a "Create Account" button for my program instead of adding codes in VB.

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Script That Will Check Files In Certain Folder Against Files In Another Folder

Jul 20, 2009

I need a script that will check files in a certain folder (lets call it folder1) against files in another folder (folder2), if there are any new files, or changed files it updates them in folder2.

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IDE :: Deploy Data Files In Root Directory With Application In Its Normal Place

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to deploy my first application using vb. I have tried to use the one click but here is my problem.

I have a group of data files, some *.txt and one access data base (*.dbf) that I need to have placed in a folder (that is created) located at c:monitor.

how to do it in either the one-click or in a setup project.

I would also like to have a condition that if the files exist that they are not overwritten with an updated installation.

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