VS 2008 Display List Of Images From Internet?

Jun 6, 2010

If I have an array of urls which link to images, how can I list them as thumbnails in my application?

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VS 2008 - Vista - Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage

Jul 20, 2010

everytime i run my project here on laptop with vista as its os, it says internet explorer cannot display the webpage. but in my desktop im using xp and im not encountering that problem.

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VS 2008 - Display Resized Images In DataGridView

Mar 21, 2011

I am using VS2008. I have a table in which the jpg images are stored. I can retrieve the images from the table and display it in datagridview. But many images are of different sizes. So the cell height of the datagridview changes according to the image size. Is it possible to give a fixed cell size for the image column and also shrink the image to that cell height.

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VS 2008 : Display Resized Images In Datagridview?

Oct 18, 2010

I am using VS2008. I have a table in which the jpg images are stored. I can retrieve the images from the table and display it in datagridview. But many images are of different sizes. So the cell height of the datagridview changes according to the image size. Is it possible to give a fixed cell size for the image column and also shrink the image to that cell height.

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VS 2008 : Pre-load Images From Web To Display In Form?

Nov 20, 2010

I want to pre-load a number of images from the web, so that I can display them in a form, and scroll through them without delay. It can be a large number, but i only need to pre-load perhaps 20, and then remove/add in advance, as I scroll through. The images will typically be .GIF or .PNG, of quite small size, <50kb. The link for any single image will look something like this: [URL]..and I will keep a list of all the links I need to access.

What "type" shall I use to store these images? And how do I make web requests to put the data into this type? I guess it will be more convenient to keep this as in-code list of some memorystream type (?) instead of saving them to disk and having to deal with file names and stuff..? Also, what type of control shall I use to display such images? Do I use a PictureBox?And if a memorystream is indeed the best choice, how do I make this show in the picturebox?

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VS 2008 Pre-load Images From Web, To Display In Form?

Apr 21, 2010

I want to pre-load a number of images from the web, so that I can display them in a form, and scroll through them without delay. It can be a large number, but i only need to pre-load perhaps 20, and then remove/add in advance, as I scroll through. The images will typically be .GIF or .PNG, of quite small size, <50kb.

What "type" shall I use to store these images? And how do I make web requests to put the data into this type?I guess it will be more convenient to keep this as in-code list of some memorystream type (?) instead of saving them to disk and having to deal with file names and stuff..? Also, what type of control shall I use to display such images?And if a memorystream is indeed the best choice, how do I make this show in the picturebox?

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Capturing Images - Get Images From The System And Display On Image/picture Box

Sep 20, 2011

I am developing a visual basic 2008 express edtion program of an organisation that should get images from the system and display on image/picture box. further the program should save the displayed image in access database so that it can be retrieved together when you want to search the information about that particular employee.

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Saving Images From Internet Explorer?

Dec 7, 2009

dim ie as shdocvw.internetexplorer
dim ie=new shdocvw.internetexplorer
sleep (500)

Now I want to save that image to a file,. How do I do that?

Also is there a way to do it using webclient?

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Make An Application That Loads Images From The Internet?

Aug 8, 2007

i am trying to make an application that loads images from the internet (from my FTP Server).The problem is that when i want to change the image by selecting another image from a ComboBox control my application becomes non-respondive.When the image is loaded the application works properly again.

I tried to move that in a separate thread so instead


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Stream Images In An Mjpeg Steam Over The Internet?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a program (attemping) to stream images in an mjpeg steam over the internet. I cannot get Windows Media Player or Firefox to display the stream. Firefox asks to download a file with a type of application/octlet stream.


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Images Into An Image List Then Using That To Fill A List View?

Jul 24, 2009

I am loading a series of JPG images into an image list then using that to fill a list view. My program is using ALOT of memory by doing this. What would be the easiest way to add the images but take up less memory/time?

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VS 2008 List Box And Text Box Display

Dec 8, 2009

I'm working in a program that need to do the following.An airplane has 15 rows (1-15), with six seats (A, B, C, D, E, F) in each row. I need to write a program to display the seating chart in a list box, when the person clicks on the desired row in the list box, the row number and the status of the seats in the row are displayed in seven read-Only list boxes.Now, I know how to create a listbox and the make the text boxes, my problem is how to display what is in one row into 7 text boxes.Then the person click on any of the text boxes a second form with 4 radio buttons is poping up. This form will have the status of the seats, (Unoccupied, Low Carb Food, Vegetarian and Regular) if any of these is selected will change the status of the seat at the listbox and the text box..Should I use arrays to fill up the listbox and redim when update is require?

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VS 2008 - How To Display Records From Database Into Dropdown List

Mar 30, 2011

How to query a record in vb.net using combo or textbox via linq to sql like the search engine? Just like when you search in google or youtube, once you typed in the initial string on the textbox or combo box it will show a drop-down list. I tried to use it in my application using linq method but the problem is it would duplicate on the first string that you entered on the dropdown list if that record exist on your database after you press the space key. I used the code below which duplicates the records on the drop-down list when you type in your string after the space key.

I just want it to be like in any search engine that when you type in the string or your initial string, it will display on the drop-down list all the records from the database that contains the string you entered without duplication. In my case, I'm trying to query a name from my database. This is how it should work, For example, if you type an initial string in the textbox or combo box a named 'Mark', it should display all the names from the database containing 'Mark' into the drop-down list before it changes into its final string that you entered.

Here is the codes I used:
Private Sub ComboBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim db As New MultipleDatabaseOperationDataContext
Dim search As String
search = ComboBox1.Text
[Code] .....

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[2008] Get A List Box To Display The Names Of Directories That Are In Certain A Folder?

Jan 15, 2009

I'm having some trouble with list boxes at the moment. I need a list box to display the names of directories that are in certain a folder. How can I do this?

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[2008] TONS - Set Of Default Images And Then The User Created Replacement Images

Feb 11, 2009

The app i am working on is for creating theme for the iPod touch... It has to deal with LOTS of images (100's potentially) There will be the set of default images, and then the user created replacement images. I started loading all the defaults into a resx file... thinking then I could just pull them out. now that I started setting the default, this sucks! lol the app will do this, on load it will set all the images (variables) to the resx images then when a theme is loaded, it will replace the default with the user image (if the user img exists) otherwise, the default stays. Then the "screen" is drawn to show the user. so, here is just the images to build the wallpaper, dock, and status bar...


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VS 2008 'add Images' Button Where To Load Multiple Images

Jan 3, 2012

I need this for my program. There is "add images" button where you can load multiple images and those images should be show on listview after loading.I have been trying to make this but could not get it work.

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No Connection With Database (possible No Internet Available) / It Should Display An Error Message

Aug 1, 2010

I've added a database to my application with 2 fields:"ip" address and "started" that holds the number the application was started from that specific IP.I want to upload the database to my site hosted at google.sites. When the program is started it should make a connection with the following cases:

1-no connection with the database (possible no internet available) - it should display an error message

2-there is connection, the IP is not stored on the database, it addes the IP to the database and the field "started" with the value 1

3-there is connection, the IP is stored on the database, it increments the field "started" by 1

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Display Local File In Webbrowser Control If Internet Connection Not Available?

Oct 25, 2011

Question for all of the more experienced programmers out there. I am working on a program with a tab control. One tab will hold a webbrowser control within it. What I am trying to accomplish to have it pull a specific url from my website to the webbrowser control if the person is connected to the internet, BUT if they don't have a internet connection at the time, I would like to display a local html file instead

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Cannot Get List Box To Display Each Increment And Cannot Get Data To Save Correctly In Order To Display

Feb 28, 2012

Cannot get list box to display each increment and cannot get data to save correctly in order to display.

Public Class Projectile_Motion
Dim initialHeight As Double ' Holds beginning height
Dim initialVelocity As Double ' holds velocity


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Display Next 34 Images

Jul 8, 2010

i have an array of directories. I use these file paths to display pictures in 34 picture boxes.I want to click on the forward arrow and display the next 34 images.[code]The attached image shows the 34 posters, i want to click on the arrow and display the next 34 images

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VS 2010 - Clearing List (Of Image) Storing Images In A List Of Image

Jun 10, 2011

I'm storing images in a List Of Image. When I want to clear/remove all the images it contains should I dispose & set each item to nothing before using .Clear? Or can you just call .Clear? I'm doing it like this for now...

' remove all images in list of image named "images".
For i As Integer = 0 to images.Count - 1
images(i) = Nothing

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VS 2010 List Of All Sites That User Has Saved Password For On Internet?

Dec 17, 2011

I am making an application where a user can store their logons/passwords and other details for websites on the internet.My question is this: Am I able to have a list of all sites that the user has saved a password for on the internet?I don't think I will be able to get the password (because of Windows security), but am I able to see what sites the user has saved their password on, and maybe even the username they used?

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Can't Display Images With RadioButton

Apr 23, 2012

Probably bad code but I'm wondering why I'm getting these errors for the code below?

Value of type 'System.EventArgs' cannot be converted to 'System.Drawing.Image'.

Syntax error.

Private Sub rdbtnVisa_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdbtnVisa.CheckedChanged
If rdbtnVisa.Checked Then
pBoxVisa.Image = E:VBClassProjectProjectProjectinDebugVisa.jpg
End If

I've underlined an marked in red the characters that are spitting the error.

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Display Images From A Folder?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm wanting to create an application that will display images from a particular folder. On load, it will display the first image from the folder. Then the user can use a button to navigate through all of the images. [code]...

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Display Images In A Listview?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a couple of images in a imagelist1. I'd like to display images in listview1 control. Once the image is selected it should display in a picturebox1. I should be able to navigate through (next/previous) pictures and I should also be able to delete pictures.

ImageList1.Images.Add(Image.FromFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)) not adding files!

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Display Images In Form?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a field for each record with a hyperlink to pictures in access database. I want to display the pictures in a picture box in vb2008.picturebox1.Image = dt.Rows(rowindex)("ImageUrl")I am getting the following error when i am trying to access the link

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DIsplay Images In Program?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a number of image files name image1.gif image2.gif image3.gif etc upto image52.gif

I want to display an image in a picturebox dependant upon a value wich is generated elsewhere in the app, so that if '3' is generated I a picturebox to display image3.gif

if 2 is generated image2.gif. However I have 52 such images to be displayed in 16 picture boxes so I was wondering

if there is a more efficient way than a select case method for each image and each picture box.

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Images Display Differently On Other PC's?

Jun 8, 2011

When I view images on my development PC they look fine, but when I view them on other PC's, the images are sized differently and often get cut off. I've tested this on multiple PC's and the images always get cut off.I've attached the images from my PC and another PC to this post, the image that is cut off if from a Windows XP PC.I'm using VS 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit.

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Display An Amortization Table To Display The List After Doing The Calculation?

Oct 19, 2009

i have to create a mortgage calculator (I know we have killed this mortgage calculator). Has to display an amortization table to display the list after doing the calculation. Here is the actual assignment:

Write the program in VB.Net (not Web based) and have it accept user input of the amount, term and interest rate. Display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. The list will be longer than the screen, so use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list. Insert comments to document the program.

I have created 4 buttons. Calculate, Clear, List, and Exit. The buttons all work, but the list does not. Not sure what i am doing wrong.


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Get My Price List, And My Section List To Display On Two Separate?

Apr 10, 2012

get my Price list, and my Section list to display on two separate?

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