VS 2008 Double Sorting Of A List?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been learning how to sort a list using lambda functions

excessPop.Sort(Function(f1, f2) f1.ID.CompareTo(f2.ID))

I am however struggling to sort a list using 2 parameters within a lambda function. The properties within my list that i need to sort by are Category and then by Cost. how to do this?

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List View Sorting In Vb 2008?

Dec 28, 2009

how we can sort a listview on column wise in a simple way?

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[2008] Sorting A List Within A Form By Name?

Feb 7, 2009

One displays a list of contributors for a charity and the amount given in a text box.However iv created another button but i need this to sort the list of names to just display the names and in alphabetical order.


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VS 2008 Extracting Best Laptime And Sorting A List

Aug 22, 2011

So I'm working on this school project where I'm supposed to add names and laptimes from textboxes to a list. I've got that sorted out with some help from Shaggy_Hiker (thanks!). Now what I'm trying to do is get the best laptime from the list of entries and display that in a label. I also want to sort the list by laptimes in ascending order, and I've tried the.Sort method without too much luck + all entries with a laptime over 60 min should be disqualified.

(I'm thinking of adding all of these to a seperate list which I've named feilreg, but right now all entries that doesn't meet the right criteria like empty textbox, negative laptime and so on gets saved to that list. I'd like to make it just entries over 60 min) I also can't seem to figure out why a laptime of say '32.45' won't register, it has to be with a comma like '32,45'. I've got a function in my class 'Rundetid' to format the output to two decimals maximum.


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VS 2008 Sorting A List(of Class) Using LINQ?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm using the following code to sort a List(of Class) using LINQ. It works fine, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do it. I'm basically taking one list, applying LINQ to it, then using the result to create a second list in the sorted order. Can I do this without creating a second list? Here is my sample

' KeyMatch is my Class Variable
' mMatchList is the Unsorted List


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IDE :: Sorting By Double Date?

Feb 8, 2010

i use data grid view in couple of my forms, i want to sirt there by date, but the datagridview of these forms take in two dates as well, a from date and a to date., and both are displayed side by side. eg feb 01 2010 - feb09 2010 and therea are more like this. the grid takes in couple of values like this

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VS 2008 : Double Quotes Inside A Double Quote?

Apr 4, 2009

In vb.net, im using objWriter.Write("playerA= "x"")as you can see im using double quotes inside double quotes, how do i skip it so the error doesnt show up?in php you make an "" to skip the string like ("playerA = "x" ")

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Exception When Sorting List

Jan 29, 2010

I'm trying to sort a List of objects with a generic comparison.I get an exception when the property on which I'm sorting happens to be null in one of the objects.VB.NET 2.0, web.i've read several posts on this exception, and still don't get it.[code]It is true that this only happens on properties which happen to be null somewhere in the list.Sometimes I sort on other properties which happen to always be always non-null (using a different, but similar, comparison method), and this technique works just fine.I've tried to implement the CompareTo for both IComparable and IComparable(of FollowupSurvey) so I could capture this exception while debugging, but netiher actually get invoked (despite what it seems like the exception is telling me). At this point, I don't have a CompareTo in my FollowupSurvey object; thus, it's using Object's.It doesn't seem as if I can really help if the base CompareTo doesn't reutrn 0.anyone have any idea what this exception really means, and how to make sorting work properly?

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Sorting A List By A Class Value

Jun 25, 2011

I have a list (i.e. Dim nList as new List(of className)). Each class has a property named zIndex (i.e. className.zIndex). Is it possible to sort the elements of the list by the zIndex variable in all of the elements of the list?

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Sorting A List Of Objects?

Mar 16, 2012

Suppose I have:

Public Class myClass1
Dim foo As String
Dim bar As String


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Sorting Within A List Of Type's?

Jan 30, 2010

I have a simple type like:-


if I have a list of type top_params then how can i sort the list based values in the k_sig_level field?

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C# - Sorting List Alphabetically And By Type?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a list of instruments and I need to sort them to the following requirement.

order by:

securities in alphabetical order
managed funds in alphabetical order

I have a list of instrument which has properties name and type, I've managed to sort alphabetically by name.

Instruments.Sort(Function(x, y) String.Compare(x.Name, y.Name))
Instruments.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name));

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Marking Duplicates In A List While Not Sorting

Feb 15, 2012

I had a need to mark a listview row if filenames were duplicates for n number of characters from the left. I wrote the following but it smacks of VB6.[code]...

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Return List After Sorting With Repeater?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a list going into a repeater, sorting with jquery sortable(), and then need to put the sorted list into a session variable. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the sorted values back into a list.[code]...

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Sorting - List.sort Not Working?

Apr 3, 2009

I have a slightly odd problem that I think is most likely due to an act of foolishness on my part, but for the life of me I (and other members of my team) can't see it.I have an object that contains a generic list property which I would like to sort. I have written a comparer class to do this for me and I am calling it in the following way:baseObject.ListOfThings.Sort(new ThingComparer()I have debugged into my compare function and it is returning the right values.However After the sort call, the list remains unchanged. Have I missed something obvious, or is there something else I need to do.EDIT: Yes I was being a fool, and the property returning a list was recreating it from scratch each time it was accessed

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Sorting A List(Of FileInfo) By 2 Properties?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a List of FileInfo objects that I want to sort by creation date & file size. Is there a way to do that?

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Sorting Items In A List View?

Aug 15, 2011

I am using the code from hereevelopment/vbnet/code/370426 to sort my listview items. But I want something more 'dynamic': when I click on a header column, I want that it changes the sorting based on the column that has been clicked. here is my code:

'Classes usadas
Imports System.Math
Imports System.IO


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Sorting List Of String Paths In .NET?

Aug 14, 2010

I would like to sort a list of strings which represent paths. The sort result will do have a hierarchical order. What I mean is: for each directory path, I want to list all files in that path (alphabeticaly or not doesn't matter) in first time. Then, each subdirectory path will be listed. For each subdirectory, I want all files..


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Vb.net - Sorting A List Of <Object> With VB And LINQ

Mar 1, 2012

I'm trying out some LINQ expressions and can't get them to work with the List class. Basically I want to be able to sort a list of custom objects by property type, however the C# LINQ syntax is KILLING me and I can't figure out how to convert it to VB

Class Foo
Sub New(Name As String, Position As Integer)
Me.Name = Name


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Sorting Generic List On Multiple Keys?

Nov 2, 2009

I need to sort a list (of person) to person.Age within person.Department. f I user personlist.sort with a comparer for Age and then sort again with a comparer for Department, the sequence of age is destroyed.

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Sorting Number Numerically In List View?

Dec 18, 2010

In 2007 I created a program that reads weather data into a listview. When a user clicks on the column header it fires off the column click event handler which calls the Sort Wrapper function. The Sort wrapper will re-order items either in ascending or descending order.

I have never been able to get negative integers to sort properly. I have created a stripped down listview program with a few numbers in the grid for testing. (see attached program zip file).When you run the program, click on the column header that says "Val" and you will see right away that the numbers do not sort correctly.

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Sorting System.Collections.Generic.List?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a lists of different custom classes and each must be sorted severals times before the algorithm is complete. For each sort I wrote a comparer. Sofar so good. Everything works. But: By now I have abou a dozen different comparers in more than one class and it is still getting more. I wonder if there is a way to limit the number by writing a new general function that can be used to sort all lists without the need for a specific comparer.Below is what I've got so far. But it does not work.

"System.Collections.Generic.List(Of ClassA)" can not be converted into "System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Object)."


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Sorting Thousands Of Records - Linked List?

May 6, 2009

I'm looking for a simple and efficient way to sort up to 60,000 strings that are 3000 chars long in reverse order and save them back out to a text file.

I originally thought of a doubly linked list, but then I realized that we aren't privileged enough to have pointers.

Is there some other way I can create an efficient linked list without pointers?

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Sorting A List Based On An ArrayList Within A Custom Object

May 24, 2010

I am using a list to keep track of a number of custom Row objects as follows:

Public Rows As List(Of Row)()
Row has 2 properties, Key (a String) and Cells (an ArrayList).

I need to be able to sort each Row within Rows based on a developer defined index of the Cells ArrayList.

So for example based on the following Rows

Row1.Cells = ("b", "12")
Row2.Cells = ("a", "23")

Rows.Sort(0) would result in Row2 being first in the Rows list. What would be the best way of going about implementing this?

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Sorting List (Of Structure) - Sort Multiple Variables

Feb 17, 2011

I'm using a Listview in VirtualMode, so I can 'add' a lot of files almost instantly. A Listview in VirtualMode does not allow sorting, so I need to sort the data myself. The data is stored as a List of Structure (it's faster to load than a List of ListViewItem). The code below works fine, but I need to sort based on multiple variables in the Structure. Code:

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VS 2005 Sorting A List (Of Point) Based On Distance

Mar 26, 2010

I have a list of collection of points on the screen. I want to order them based on their distance from a seperate, independent point. What's working is I have a function GetDistance which does the dirty pythagorian work of returning the distance between two points.

'Create the set point from which to start all measurements from (startpoint)
dim SetPoint as new Point(200,200)
'Create a list to hold arbitrary points to test (endpoints)
dim ListOfPoints as new list(of point)


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VS 2010 Sorting A Listbox (after Trying To Copy Class Instances Properties To A Temp List)

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to sort the entries of a listbox... but in a different way instead of the obvious one (sorted property). First of all, I need to explain how the items are populated at first:


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Double Linked List - NodeLink Function?

Apr 29, 2011

I have a question about doubly linked list the uses student names and ages and creates them into node objects. the studentItem class is already created for me I just have to create the nodes that will hold each item entered. I am required to fill in the code needed for each function givien in the ICollections library that is setup for me. I dont know where to start out I'm trying to create a NodeLink class and from the class use the information to create the guts for the add function for my Nodelink Function I have the following:

Public Class NodeLink(Of T)
Public node As T
Public NextLink As NodeLink(Of T)
Public PrevLink As NodeLink(Of T)
Public Sub New(ByVal StudentItem As T)
[Code] .....

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Convert Generic List Of Double To Byte Array?

Sep 3, 2011

how to convert a list of int to byte array in C#, but can't get syntax to work out for me in vb.Converting a list of ints to a byte array.

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Excel Sorting Is Only Sorting One Column Not Multiple?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having my program sort an excel sheet by a few columns. However, it is only sorting by the first column not the rest that I specify.ere is my sort code below:

myRange.Sort(Key1:=myRange.Range("A:A"), Order1:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Key2:=myRange.Range("G:G"), Order2:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Header:=XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, Orientation:=XlSortOrientation.xlSortColumns)


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