VS 2008 Empty Form On Startup?

Jul 8, 2009

Im making a program that reads from an ini file and then prints it in the form I have a problem when Im trying to open the compiled file the form is just blanc and there isnt any text its like it isnt reading from my code

here is the code

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.Win32


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VS 2008 - Empty Form On Startup?

Sep 26, 2009

Im making a program that reads from an ini file and then prints it in the form I have a problem when Im trying to open the compiled file the form is just blanc and there isnt any text its like it isnt reading from my code

here is the code

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports icsharpcode.sharpziplib.zip


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Application Not Starting Wit New Startup Form After Deleted The Previous Startup Form?

Nov 11, 2009

i deleted my previous start up form to be replaced by another one but each time i launch the application,the deleted start up form is still displayed.i dont know from where this deleted start up form is being loaded.

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VS 2008 - Mdi Form - Startup Form For My Program - Hide The Treeview

Jul 2, 2009

I am using vb.net 2008 i have been using a mdi form which is the startup form for my prog. and i have a main menu on that form. now i would like to shift to tree view as my client has asked for it. whenever a node is selected i can select the form corresponding for that particular code. everything is fine till here. but when the form is loaded the tree view is coming on top of the form the tree view is docked in a pannel. now i have tried everything treemenu.sendtoback and the say the form to b called is taxtypemaster then taxtypemaster.bringtofront but still the tree view is coming over the form

I have tried the following :

Dim mMenuSelected As String = e.Node.Name
Select Case e.Node.Name


Even the visible doesnt work as it seems after the .show it makes the tree view visible again. how do i hide the treeview pls. someone guide me at the earliest. i feel it is not the prob. of treeview but something to do with the mdi form am i right ?

View 23 Replies

Hide Form On Startup If App Occurred Because Of Windows Startup?

Jun 20, 2010

I can hide my startup form (or make it appear hidden) on startup. I can start my app on windows startup--through registry values--if the user checks a checkbox.

But if the app starts up on windows startup, I want the form to be hidden, so the program can just keep working without bothering anyone. If it starts up because the user started it, I want the form to be showing, because the user probably wants to change some settings or something.

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VS 2008 Can't Choose Startup Form?

May 27, 2009

I added this code to be able to use some controls from another form, but since i added it, i can't choose that form as startup form. If i remove the code, i can choose it, if i add it again,i can not. So what can i do?

Private pluginmanager As Pluginmanager
Public Sub New(ByVal CsPluginmanager As Form)


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VS 2008 Show Form On Startup?

May 25, 2010

I'm making a program, I have added it to the startup now but, How can I make it show the form on startup?

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VS 2008 StartUp Form Of A Program Saved In A Variable?

Sep 15, 2011

Is the StartUp form of a program saved in a variable (i.e. from the name space My) ? I guess I can catch it during startup by using an Object Type variable during Load time , but I wonder if it is already defined anywhere else .

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[2008] Copy Application To The Startup Folder In Windows When The Form Loads?

Mar 9, 2009

i was wondering if i can copy my application to the startup folder in windows when the form loads. The path i want my app to copy to is: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsStartup

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Change Startup Position And Move A Docked Form With Parent Form?

Mar 23, 2011

well i successfully docked a perpixel alpha form with the main form(form1). but the perpixel alpha form always appears at the top left corner of the screen and when i move the main form the form(perpixel alpha form) inside it dosen't move it stays at the top left corner. ALWAYS. to dock the perpixel alpha form i used

Me.toplevel = false
Me.parent = form1

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Close The Startup Form And Open A New Form?

Jan 3, 2010

What I want is -

Dim filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Application.ExecutablePath.ToString)
Dim openForm As Object


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Can't Run Startup Form

May 23, 2011

As usual, I change the startup form under Application tab. At this time, it doesn't run my selected Startup form. Whatever I set to any forms or even excluding that form, it still runs the same form.

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Get The Name Of Startup Form?

Mar 31, 2009

Is there a way to get the name of startup form? I want to access a property of a control that is on startup form.

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Getting A Form To Startup On Top

Jul 28, 2010

VB2008 application.

Using a splashscreen.

When the spashscreen is done, the main menu for the program appears.

The problem is that the main menu appears UNDER things already open on the desktop.

Always On Top could be the answer BUT if I do that, all sub-menus will be UNDER the main menu rather than stacked on top.

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IDE :: A Startup Form Has Not Been Specified?

Oct 30, 2010

I continue to get this error when using the code samples from Cengage's book Zak's Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. I am running Visual Studio 2010.I am attaching the code below:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Startup Form Has Not Been Specified

May 16, 2011

I'm supposed to invoke the click event for the two default radio buttons when the form first appears on the screen and I did that but its giving me the following error message when I run the form.A startup form has not been specified.url..

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Assign Startup Form In VB

Oct 15, 2011

I have an problem to assign a startup form in vb.net. I have three forms:

1) Registration Form
2) Login Form
3) Main Form

Firstly i have set set startup form as registration in properties =>Application after registration completed or saved i am displaying the Login form by hiding the registration form. and entering username and password it displays the Main form. Now the twist when i exit from application next time i started to run my project where i can check if their is entry in registration form it will directly goto login form.

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C# - What Is Startup Form Constructor

Feb 16, 2012

I need to put following code in the Constructor of my startup form.
JohnKenedy.BusinessSQLEXPRInstaller _ins = new JohnKenedy.BusinessSQLEXPRInstaller(" _ <Installation Display Name>", "localhost", "<New database instance name>", _
"<new database name>", "<database password>", "<database backup filename>");
if (_ins.IsDone == false) _ins.ShowDialog();
if (_ins.IsRestart == true) {
But I really do not know what the Constructor is and how to access it?

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Choose Which Form To Startup?

May 28, 2009

make my application choose which form to startup using an IF statement. Where can I type my IF statement to make it work that way? Please explain in very simple terms.

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Having A Startup File Instead Of Form?

Jun 1, 2011

I created a VB.Net Windows Forms application and my Form1 is my startup form. I want to have a class be my startup file instead of my form. In c# you have program.cs which does that for you but I cant seem to find something like that in vb.net.

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Making A Form 3 Startup First

May 25, 2009

How do I do it, I suppose it would be through properties but Im not sure where

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Name Of Startup Form Instance?

Aug 2, 2010

this might be a really dumb question, but if someone could enlighten me I'm writing a Winforms application in VS2008 vb.net.The application starts with a main form. I've got a status bar at the bottom of the main form, indicating the application status. I've got a 'SetAppStatus' method on the Main form.

I'm writing a class that needs to update this status. So in the class I'm Importing the Main Form. But I don't know how to call this SetAppStatus method because I don't know what the instance of the main form is called Plus am I doing this the right way? I'm still grappling a bit with how .NET all fits together and it can get a bit baffling :)

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Startup Form Will Not Close?

Sep 13, 2009

I have a startform called start1 this opens a form called oppstart, I added Me .Close avter the showialog codelike this:


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VS 2005 A Startup Form Has Not Been Specified?

May 12, 2009

I have a VB.net program that originally had a form. I added a module and then deleted the form, but now I get the error...

"A startup form has not been specified"

With VB6 I would change the startup object to sub main, but I can't see how to do this in the properties of the project. I tried changing the application type to console, but then I get the following error...

No accessible 'Main' method with an appropriate signature was found in 'WindowsApplication1'

How can I do this without using the original form?

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Where Does A Startup Form Get Instantiated

Sep 10, 2009

When developing a Windows Forms Application, I can see in the Application.Designer.vb file where Me.MainForm = Form1, but I can't find where/how Form1 actually gets newed-up.

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.NET - Startup Class Before The Logon Form?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a VB.NET project and I want to know how I can call a class called StartUp.vb BEFORE my logon form.

Here below is the coding of Startup.vb class


The problem is: I couldn't find a way to call this StartUp.vb file and therefore I am unable to call my LogonUI form, I also try to "right click" the vb project and select "properties" and go to "Startup form", couldn't see the class of "Startup.vb" showing up

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Abort Startup And Close Form?

Jan 26, 2009

I've got a single form application.

In the Sub New() of that form I'm creating two database classes.

In those classes if I get database errors (such as connection issues) I'm messagebox'ing the error message and setting an ERRFLAG property.

Back in the Sub New() I'm checking that ERRFLAG and I thought I could ME.CLOSE() - but that's not working.

What all is best practice for this type of operation?

This is what I had up to now

Sub New()
Me.CMCStarting = True
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


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C# - Dynamically Call Startup Form??

Apr 22, 2010

I have application in VB.net that have two different form (Form1 and Form2). Now I need to examine some condition and if condition is true then i set Form1 for startup for and if it not then i set Form2 for startup form.So is there anyway to dynamically call startup form?

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Change Startup Form After 15 Days?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm looking for a way to change the startup form after 15 days. The best way to approach it seems to be by adding a registry key with the date on the first startup.

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Change Startup Form By Click?

Jan 31, 2009

Alright so im working with a Tabbed web browser and i cant find a way to change the startup form by a button click..This is what im trying to make: In my webbrowser you can open a security window, in that window you can choose to "enable password on startup" or "disable password on startup". The enable password on startup button shall make the loginform the startup form, and disable shall make form1 the startup form. Ive got no clue about how to do this so im asking you.

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