VS 2008 Form Crashes If A Database Object Is On It?

May 27, 2010

I have an access database that I have imported into VB2008 through the data sources and have placed a table onto a form via drag and drop.Now whenever the form is displayed it crashes VS. I have tried deleting everything off the form, only leaving the database dataset, table binding source, table adapter and adapter manager on the form, even then it still crashes.I am running Windows 7 64bit, 2 of my peers are running Win 7 as well and are having this same issue, however the computers at our college are running Windows XP and have no problem at all with it.

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VS 2008 - Picturebox Crashes Using Form

Jun 19, 2010

If Not GroupBox1.Bounds.Contains(PictureBox1.Bounds) Then, and i have a stop after that to try and stop the Picturebox going off the bounds of the form which it does, but it just crashes at that point.

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Use The Word Selection Object To Search For A Text String And VB Always Crashes?

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to use the Word Selection object to search for a text string and VB always crashes. I found a piece of code on the web but I cannot get it to work at all. I have many other apps written which work fine withsearching Word docs. The code is as follows:


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Access Database Engine 2010 Crashes Application

Apr 8, 2011

I have a vb.net 2005 application that connects to an access database. I use Access Database Engine 2007 to connect to to this database.

Everything worked fine until i install MS Office 2010. After this, the application started to crash, returning the error 'application has stopped working'.

I've a Windows Seven Enterprise SP1 32bits.

When i debug the application, visual studio also crashes. I get the following error, closing an OleDbConnection: 'vshost.exe stopped working'.

I decided to run some tests. I installed my application on 2 virtual machines: a windows xp sp3 and a windows 7. When i installed ACE 2007 everything worked fine, but when i installed ACE 2010, thats when the problems began. This behavior ocurred on both machines.

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Program Crashes When Try Run It - Won't Load Form

Apr 27, 2010

I've just finished creating a program in VB 2008, and when I run it, the opening form will load but when I try proceed I get this error:


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VB Application Crashes When Trying To Show The Next Form

May 21, 2009

I have a VB application in .NET Framework 2.0 and I'm using VS 2008 Professional for development. The application is running without any problem on some PCs and it's not running on one of the PCs. To make sure that nothing is wrong with the that specific PC, I tried to reproduce the issue on my machine. So I formatted my PC and reinstalled everything. After installing .NET Framework and required drivers, the ran the application i got the same error. Then I installed VS 2008 and open the project to debug my code and then I realized that the exception is being thrown on this line:

Private Sub btnEnterRecords_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterRecords.Click
' Dim frmNext As New frmIncident()


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Timer Control On Child Form Crashes VS 2010?

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a form that has a timer control. When this form loads it counts down before running a procedure. Simple.

Now I want to subclass this form in a new VB.NET project to so that another form inherits this form (an it's timer functionality) and runs a different procedure on this new form.My problem is that when I create the form in my new project the timer from the parent form seems to be running and when it's time is up it runs and code and crashes the VS environment.

I've searched high and low but have only found references to making sure the timer is disabled at design time. I've done this on the parent form but in this parent form's Load event the timer is enabled.... the purpose of the form. So when the child form loads it is enabling the timer. How can I work around this? Can I enable the timer from the child form? Timer is not visible when the child form loads so how do I manipulate it?

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VS2008 / .Net3.5: Program Crashes When Form Closes?

Feb 19, 2010

I have 2 modules and 2 forms. In the module1, I initiated the form classes and also here I have my public appexit() method.In module2, I have another class(in the form of a keyboard done by code). Form2 use this class as its control.I have:



Now when I call appexit() in my module1 from form1, I can see that the debug is going into form1_closing but when it goes inside form2_closing, it crashing the application here.I am developing mobile device application in Vs2008.Net3.5.

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VS 2008 App Crashes Instantly On Some PCs?

Jan 20, 2010

I've been writing an application that gathers various details from a PC and writes the info to an SQL database. It works fine on my PC and on several others that I have been testing on, but I just ran it from one other machine and the app instantly crashes with a "testipm.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close" message. This is logged in the event log every time the user tries to run the program:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:.NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting
Event Category:None
Event ID:5000


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32 Bit Application Crashes When Exiting On Windows 2008 64 Bit

Jan 4, 2011

We have an application that works well on XP/Pro, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server (32 bit) but is problematic on Windows 2008 Server (64 bit). The application uses an unsigned activeX control which may or may not be related to the problem. To install we need to add the program name and regsvr32 as DEP exceptions. Once that is done the application installs correctly and operates normally except when the application closes.

If a user clicks the 'exit' button our code basically says 'unload me' (where me = the main form of the application) and there is no code in the form_unload section of the program.

Everything works well on every Windows platform except Win 2008 64 bit where we get

Application Name: PDFPrint.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4d238253


After we continue to close the program we see a message box with run time error 216 at 00002B24 message.

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VS 2008 ExtendedDateTimePicker (QSS Components) - Crashes VS2008

Jan 28, 2010

I have an ExtendedDateTimePicker control on my form. When I attempt to change the "ShowCheckBox" property to true, VS2008 stops responding and eventually exits the application; losing any unsaved changes.

I then tried to changed the property in code and the same result.

I want the control's value to be blank when it initializes.

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VS 2008 Open Project, Compiler Crashes?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to move a project from my old laptop to my new laptop. But I'm running into a problem: whenever I open the project on my new laptop, it crashes!I can open other projects on my new laptop, including some copied from my old laptop. I can also open the project in question on my old laptop. So the problem must be some combination of things in the project, and the fact that it was moved

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VS 2008 Error Messages Not Appearing When Program Crashes

Apr 16, 2011

whenever my program crashes at college, an error message pops up in a window which tells me why the program crashed and points to the line of code which made the program crash. I have recently taken the program home to finish on my own computer but now whenever it crashes nothing pops up to tell me why it has just crashed.

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VS 2008 : Random Application Crashes: Exception Code: E053534f

Jul 26, 2011

the error code points to a Stack-Overflow I can not pin the offending code down because the software works faultlessly on some computers after deployment but on others the crash occurs when a Gantt chart gets redrawn after changing activity dates. All the computers are situated on the same LAN and connect to the same SQL server 2008 database.The application has been developed with Visual Studio 2008.

I used the same install disk on all the computers and they are all using the same date/time format. The crashes occur on both 32 - and 64 bit machines.

The error message:
Stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Pfisterer Project Manager.exe


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VS 2008 Can't Run A Form With Shockwave Object On?

Aug 11, 2010

ok so if i create a new form and i put in a shockwave object and debug it the form will not load and it comes up saying:

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))

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VS 2008 Create An Object Out Of The Form?

Mar 19, 2009

In Visual basic is it possible to create an object out of the form e.g a picture that moves (windows dacer, Virtual sheep even Virtual girl (lol) )

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VS 2008 How To Set Focus To An Object In A Form

Aug 6, 2009

Here is my


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VS 2008 Get A Topaz SigPlus Object On A Form?

Jun 26, 2010

I am using VB Express 2008 an am trying to figure out how to get a Topaz SigPlus object on a form. I have downloaded sample code from their site, but still do not see hoe to actually get the object on the form. In their sample, the object does NOT show up in the Toolkit.

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VS 2008 - Find The Difference Between Creating A New Object In Program And New Record In The Database?

Mar 7, 2010

I`m a beginning programmer, and I`m trying to build my first 100% object. The object would be a USER object, representing rekords from users table in database. The table in the database has 5 columns ->


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VS 2008 Form With An Object Bound To A Datasource Closes?

Aug 17, 2010

My form closes whenever I insert an object that has a data bound in it. The object I'm trying to insert is a textbox from the data source window (drag n drop). I've checked on the database and that the table has records in it.

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Convert String To Form Object To Invoke Function Using 2008?

Mar 1, 2012

In My project, i have Multiple Forms in which same Function name with return values. i like to convert the String name to Form Object and try to call the user defined function in the corresponding form from the Module I am using vb.net 2008 .

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VS 2008 Drag Drop Operations Copying An Object Anywhere On Form

May 4, 2010

I am looking for an advice how to do a drag and drop copying an object anywhere on the form and also move an object around and place it where the user wants. Is that possible? Kind of something what we have in the designer of Visual Studio, we can drag and drop a label or a textbox down on the form.

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Failure To Create Data Controls To Access Database Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

May 3, 2011

I was create Access database with Access 2003. I create VB project with Visual Studio 2005 Standard With connection wizzard I create coonect with this Access database, select all tablesI see this database inside Data sources and inside Server explorer Test connection is OK When I drag and drop table from Data sources, Wizzard don't create DataGridView, DataSourceBinding etc .. and I see popup window with mesage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object and then "game over"

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Database - An Error Saying Object Reff Not Set To Instance Of Object?

Jan 14, 2011

what is wrong with my code it is supposed to output all tables in my sql database but it is giving me an error saying object reff not set to instance of object

ListBox1.Items.Add(CType(GetTables().ToString, String
Public Shared Function GetTables() As String()
Dim kon As SqlConnection[code].....

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Error - Creating The Form - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Apr 13, 2012

I'm having this problem with my code and cannot seem to get past it although it was working fine before. The error is "An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The code is:


I am trying to get information to be pulled out of a database and show in text boxes on another form (frmviewsdets). The error occurs when it gets to the line frmviewsdets.txtsnumber.Text = rdr("StudentNumber") and even when a breakpoint is applied there it just moves on to the next and so on.

I have tried to show frmviewsdets before I pull the data out of the database beut I get the same message.

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Windows - Access The My.Application Object From A Form Or Control Object?

Jul 6, 2011

I have a solution with several Projects in it. There is a Windows App project (called ImportClient), and a Class Library (Import.Library). The Import.Library has functions to perform data imports (I have other applications in the solution that also need to call it). But the interactive application, I want to be able to pass in some form controls, and have it update the GUI. No problem. But, I also want to execute a DoEvents() so that the loop execution doesn't hang other interaction to the app.

So, ImportClient has a reference to Import.Library. But I can't add a reference to ImportClient to the Import.Library, because the compiler complains about circular reference, etc. I don't know how else to define the My.Application object of ImportClient as a parameter to the data function in ImportLibrary.

(I realize this is a dumb question - problem is, for this project I have a tight timeline, and haven't learned how to do the BackgroundWorker process. If you think I could pick it up quickly, I'm open to some hints about how to update the progress bar on the GUI, and how to pause / cancel the background task.)

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.net - Interface Variables (ie Dim X As Iinterface = Object?) And Also If Object Is A Form?

Mar 10, 2010

I've got 3 forms that have exactly the same functions, so I decided to create an interface.

public Interface IExample
public sub Add()
Public sub Edit()


At this point, objfrmExample is now instantiated, even though I've not done a "objfrmExpample = new [what-goes-here?] " and I'm curious as to why.I could possibly guess that because you cannot instantiate an interface variable, then vb.net automatically creates an instance. But thats just a guess. The question is , what is meant by declaring a variable of type Interface, and how does it work?

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.net Windows Form, Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Apr 27, 2010

I am getting this error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and I dont know where/how to fix it and it does not tell me where the error in the code occurs, just a pop-up windows saying the error. Here is the code on the "start up" Windows form..


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VS 2008 Crashes On Add New Item After Exporting Item Template

Jul 11, 2009

I am using VS 2008 (VB) with an XP machine. I exported an item template and now my computer locks up when I attempt to add a new item to my project. I tried deleting the exported template but the same thing happens.

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VS 2008 Form Data To Database?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a simple form with about 40 textboxes bound to an access database.I simply want the data entered on the form to be written to the database.I have search extensively but i am getting more confused.I dont want to use the binding navigator to do the record adding just a button.From what i understand the data has to be written to the dataset and then the datbase updated.But how do i get the form data into the dataset ?

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