VS 2008 - Picturebox Crashes Using Form

Jun 19, 2010

If Not GroupBox1.Bounds.Contains(PictureBox1.Bounds) Then, and i have a stop after that to try and stop the Picturebox going off the bounds of the form which it does, but it just crashes at that point.

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VS 2008 Form Crashes If A Database Object Is On It?

May 27, 2010

I have an access database that I have imported into VB2008 through the data sources and have placed a table onto a form via drag and drop.Now whenever the form is displayed it crashes VS. I have tried deleting everything off the form, only leaving the database dataset, table binding source, table adapter and adapter manager on the form, even then it still crashes.I am running Windows 7 64bit, 2 of my peers are running Win 7 as well and are having this same issue, however the computers at our college are running Windows XP and have no problem at all with it.

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Add Picturebox To Form And Draw To It / Will Picturebox Flicker When Controls Are Added To Form?

Nov 15, 2010

I know when I draw to the form and add controls I get a flicker effect.If I draw to a picturebox on the form and add controls will the picturebox flicker?

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Program Crashes When Try Run It - Won't Load Form

Apr 27, 2010

I've just finished creating a program in VB 2008, and when I run it, the opening form will load but when I try proceed I get this error:


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VB Application Crashes When Trying To Show The Next Form

May 21, 2009

I have a VB application in .NET Framework 2.0 and I'm using VS 2008 Professional for development. The application is running without any problem on some PCs and it's not running on one of the PCs. To make sure that nothing is wrong with the that specific PC, I tried to reproduce the issue on my machine. So I formatted my PC and reinstalled everything. After installing .NET Framework and required drivers, the ran the application i got the same error. Then I installed VS 2008 and open the project to debug my code and then I realized that the exception is being thrown on this line:

Private Sub btnEnterRecords_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterRecords.Click
' Dim frmNext As New frmIncident()


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VS 2008 : Setup A Picturebox In A Form?

May 5, 2010

I am trying to setup a picturebox in a form so i can add small rectangles (points of interest) over a floor plan. I have the following code which does exactly what i want but im having trouble filling the rectangles with solid colour. Heres the code i have:

Dim MyRect As New Rectangle(e.X, e.Y, 10, 10)
Dim g As Graphics = Me.picShowPicture.CreateGraphics
Dim Pn As Pen = New Pen(Color.Red) 'Create pen from color
Dim Mybrush = New SolidBrush(Color.Red)


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Timer Control On Child Form Crashes VS 2010?

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a form that has a timer control. When this form loads it counts down before running a procedure. Simple.

Now I want to subclass this form in a new VB.NET project to so that another form inherits this form (an it's timer functionality) and runs a different procedure on this new form.My problem is that when I create the form in my new project the timer from the parent form seems to be running and when it's time is up it runs and code and crashes the VS environment.

I've searched high and low but have only found references to making sure the timer is disabled at design time. I've done this on the parent form but in this parent form's Load event the timer is enabled.... the purpose of the form. So when the child form loads it is enabling the timer. How can I work around this? Can I enable the timer from the child form? Timer is not visible when the child form loads so how do I manipulate it?

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VS2008 / .Net3.5: Program Crashes When Form Closes?

Feb 19, 2010

I have 2 modules and 2 forms. In the module1, I initiated the form classes and also here I have my public appexit() method.In module2, I have another class(in the form of a keyboard done by code). Form2 use this class as its control.I have:



Now when I call appexit() in my module1 from form1, I can see that the debug is going into form1_closing but when it goes inside form2_closing, it crashing the application here.I am developing mobile device application in Vs2008.Net3.5.

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VS 2008 PictureBox Zooms In On Part Of A Form?

Jan 2, 2012

Basically, I want PictureBox1 to zoom in on a certain location of a form.

Like this

PictureBox zooms in on part of the form.

NO I dont want it to change a fixed zoomed in image so dont tell me to zoom it in and put a fixed imaged. As the image i wanted zoomed in constantly changes.

P.S This example isn't my form, just an example

Just to make it clear, I want my pictureBox to zoom in on a different part of the form. The image is on a part of a WebBrowser.

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VS 2008 Semi Transparrent Form/picturebox?

Mar 20, 2010

I am making a program, witch should gray the screen. But like a 66% transparency. So the background should be 66% transparency but all the text and images in the program should just be 100%. How can i do this?

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[2008] Setting Picturebox Location On Form?

Feb 14, 2009

i need a picturebox to, when an event has happened to either revert back to its original place.or set a location for it to go after the event has taken place.ive tried lots of different code but its not working?

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VS 2008 - Displaying Image In ByteArray To PictureBox On Form

Sep 4, 2010

In my project I am using a camera to capture images. The images will be stored in a byte array. Now I want to display my images in byte array to picture box on my form. I am pasting the code bit below.

Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(ByRef Destination As Byte, ByRef Source As Byte, ByVal Length As Integer)
Delegate Sub MyFrameHookerDelegate(ByVal FrameType As Integer,
ByVal row As Integer, ByVal Column As Integer,
ByRef lpImageAttribute As TIMAGEATTACHDATA, ByRef Buffer As Byte)
Public ImageBuf() As Byte
[Code] ....

I want to display the image from ImageBuf() to a picture box on my form.

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VS 2008 App Crashes Instantly On Some PCs?

Jan 20, 2010

I've been writing an application that gathers various details from a PC and writes the info to an SQL database. It works fine on my PC and on several others that I have been testing on, but I just ran it from one other machine and the app instantly crashes with a "testipm.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close" message. This is logged in the event log every time the user tries to run the program:

Event Type:Error
Event Source:.NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting
Event Category:None
Event ID:5000


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32 Bit Application Crashes When Exiting On Windows 2008 64 Bit

Jan 4, 2011

We have an application that works well on XP/Pro, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server (32 bit) but is problematic on Windows 2008 Server (64 bit). The application uses an unsigned activeX control which may or may not be related to the problem. To install we need to add the program name and regsvr32 as DEP exceptions. Once that is done the application installs correctly and operates normally except when the application closes.

If a user clicks the 'exit' button our code basically says 'unload me' (where me = the main form of the application) and there is no code in the form_unload section of the program.

Everything works well on every Windows platform except Win 2008 64 bit where we get

Application Name: PDFPrint.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4d238253


After we continue to close the program we see a message box with run time error 216 at 00002B24 message.

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VS 2008 ExtendedDateTimePicker (QSS Components) - Crashes VS2008

Jan 28, 2010

I have an ExtendedDateTimePicker control on my form. When I attempt to change the "ShowCheckBox" property to true, VS2008 stops responding and eventually exits the application; losing any unsaved changes.

I then tried to changed the property in code and the same result.

I want the control's value to be blank when it initializes.

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VS 2008 Open Project, Compiler Crashes?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to move a project from my old laptop to my new laptop. But I'm running into a problem: whenever I open the project on my new laptop, it crashes!I can open other projects on my new laptop, including some copied from my old laptop. I can also open the project in question on my old laptop. So the problem must be some combination of things in the project, and the fact that it was moved

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VS 2008 Error Messages Not Appearing When Program Crashes

Apr 16, 2011

whenever my program crashes at college, an error message pops up in a window which tells me why the program crashed and points to the line of code which made the program crash. I have recently taken the program home to finish on my own computer but now whenever it crashes nothing pops up to tell me why it has just crashed.

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VS 2008 : Random Application Crashes: Exception Code: E053534f

Jul 26, 2011

the error code points to a Stack-Overflow I can not pin the offending code down because the software works faultlessly on some computers after deployment but on others the crash occurs when a Gantt chart gets redrawn after changing activity dates. All the computers are situated on the same LAN and connect to the same SQL server 2008 database.The application has been developed with Visual Studio 2008.

I used the same install disk on all the computers and they are all using the same date/time format. The crashes occur on both 32 - and 64 bit machines.

The error message:
Stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Pfisterer Project Manager.exe


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VS 2008 PictureBox Always Repainted - PaintEventHandler Connected To A Picturebox Via AddHandler

Mar 31, 2010

I have a PaintEventHandler connected to a picturebox via AddHandler.

In PaintEventHandler I have coded this for writing the drawing to PictureBox1.Image:

Dim PictureBox1 As PictureBox = CType(sender, PictureBox)
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)
Dim bmp As Image = PictureBox1.Image
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)

... drawing something ...

PictureBox1.Image = bmp

Everything works fine but after running through the paint event handler and showing the picture on the screen it calls the painthandler again and again. It does not stop.

Replacing the code above with

Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics

Makes it running. But then I cant save the Image to a file.

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VS 2008 Add Picturebox During Runtime And Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.

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VS 2008 - Draw A Line On Top Of A Picturebox But It Keeps Going Behind The Picturebox?

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to draw a line on top of a picturebox but it keeps going behind the picturebox, even when I do Line.BringToFront()

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VS 2008 Drag/Drop From Picturebox To Picturebox?

Jul 13, 2009

I was wondering how could I drag an image from a picturebox to another picture box. Anyone knows? Any tut or something.

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PictureBox In MDI Parent Form Covers The Child Form?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a picture box created in the parent form.But whenever i call a child form, the picture box will be at the top and cover the child form.I try with SendToBack and then it is completely hidden at back ofthe parent form.

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VS 2008 Crashes On Add New Item After Exporting Item Template

Jul 11, 2009

I am using VS 2008 (VB) with an XP machine. I exported an item template and now my computer locks up when I attempt to add a new item to my project. I tried deleting the exported template but the same thing happens.

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Add Picturebox To Form With Loop?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm trying to add picture boxes on my form for a connect 4 game. I'm trying to make the grid and use a loop to do so. This is the code I have so far, trying to make it a subroutine I can just call on my form_load.

'create picture boxes for game board
Private Sub pb()
Dim i, j As Int16
Dim space As Int16 = 5
For i = 0 To 3


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Add Scrollbars To Picturebox Or Form When It Becomes Too Big?

Dec 30, 2009

Add scrollbars to picturebox or form when it becomes too big?

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Any Way To Zoom In On PictureBox In Form?

Apr 23, 2011

I finished making a top view shooter game that shows the whole map from above. The map is kind of big so the characters that move around are kind of small. Is there anyway to zoom in on the main character (a picture box), but still keep all the original properties of the form?

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Move A Picturebox In Form

May 17, 2009

I want to move a picturebox in my form.[code]I get an error saying: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'PictureBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Moving A PictureBox - Up And Then Down On My Form

Nov 20, 2009

(Visual Basic .NET 2003) I am trying to move a picturebox up and then down on my form. The Picturebox moves up but does not move down. The motion is more of a bouncing motion (to the left) until it disappears off the screen. I have one button and one timer. I know this is probably so simple, but I cannot resolve the problem

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub


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Moving PictureBox In Form?

Sep 17, 2009

how do i "drag and drop a picturebox" on a form drag and drop is used in vb.net for moving a picture by mousedown

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