VS 2008 Getting External IP?

Mar 30, 2010

I just want button1 to make label1 the external IP when you click it.I found this:[URL]..and it is just your ip when you go to it.I don't know how to make this work and I have looked around a bit.

Dim wc As New Net.WebClient
Dim html As String = wc.DownloadString("http://whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp")
Label1.Text = html

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VS 2008 : VB Won't Run External .exe

Jul 23, 2009

I've been working on a program and the final step in it is to run an external exe. This particular exe is a video game exe. What happens is the code will run fine, the game starts up, and right when the screen blinks to go into the game, the game stops stops. I don't even get to the logos in the beginning.

This game in particular is Star Wars Battlefront II, and I'm trying to run the main game file (BattlefrontII.exe). I've tried TONS of ways to try and get this work.

System Diagnostics, MyProcess.StartInto blahblah.....

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VS 2008 External Checkbox?

Jun 27, 2010

is it possible to find external window's checkbox and tick untick it?

like if the title is Checkboxtest

and the checkbox text is CheckBox1Test

how can i tick CheckBox1Test (which is seperate file) through my software

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VS 2008 Get External Values?

Dec 24, 2009

I want to run a simple app i am making, with an value set to it. I don't know how to call it, but for example in php it would be: text.php?value=string here

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Zip A Folder Without Any External Dll Nor Any External References?

Feb 3, 2012

I wanted to know if it is possible to Zip a folder without any external dll nor any external references - just with native features.I've been able to Zip files with System.IO.Packaging, but it does not include folders and I cannot tell it to Zip the parent folder.I know there are external dll and so, but I'd like to know if it's possible to make it from a native way.

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VS 2008 : Open External .exe In Same Window?

Jun 28, 2009

1. Open external .exe in same window as application

2. Embedd a .exe in a VB application.

The .exe was not made in VB.

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VS 2008 Clicking External Button?

Aug 19, 2011

i have an external window, which i have his hwid and etc... there is a button named Button4, (class- button, child - aka intance - 4) how do i click it

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VS 2008 Close External Application?

Mar 1, 2010

Currently I am using a simple



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VS 2008 Control External Program

Aug 4, 2011

i have an external program, i got his and w.e else is needed.... i want to know how do i tick a checkbox from my vb.net program. to this external software. to tick this checkbox and then the checkbox will do what it supposed to do, and not just change the gui to ticked without doing a thing,

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VS 2008 Controlling External Application

Jun 18, 2009

I need a quick way to control an external application. For example, I want to be able to... let's say... click a button and open up paint and zoom to 200%. This isn't my intention but that's basically the functionality that I need. I figured there must be a simple way to do this. I need to open the application, make choices (not all have keyboard shortcuts) and type in information.I've come across "shell" but that doesn't get me anywhere except opening the application.

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VS 2008 External Application Focus?

Jun 24, 2010

I have an app that calls another executable and then minimizes it until I need it. But when I do this, my app loses focus and when the user types into my app it inputs unwanted input to the minimized external application.

Is there a way to give and take focus between my vb app and the external one?

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VS 2008 External Directory Listing

Jun 12, 2009

how would i go over an external directory listing (like an external computer that i am connected to through winsock or likewise) with a server and client..i would like to hear some suggestions on what libraries to use also (winsock, unolib,...)I need this for a school assignment so help is more than welcome. I'm planning on letting the client download files from the server through this directory listing or something likewise..it doesn't matter really if it's a directory listing or something else, it just has to be user-friendly.

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VS 2008 External File For ConnectionCommand?

May 26, 2010

Does anyone has some experience with calling a strings which includes the "Dim blabla As New MySQLCommand(SELECT *... etc." I'm not talking about the connectionstring itself, but the "SELECT" part. Really would like to know how to read it from an external file. I don't care what kind of file. (.text / .xml / ...)

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VS 2008 External Program Open?

Apr 21, 2009

I am using this code to open an Outlook 2007 application.

Dim psInfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsMicrosoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Outlook 2007.lnk")
psInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized


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VS 2008 Get ProcessID Of External Program?

Mar 5, 2010

I've been doing bits of research, and im yet to find a direct way to be able to get the processID of a window like "notepad.exe",

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VS 2008 Grids With An External Database?

Mar 23, 2010

I am trying to use a grid to display datasets. The database that I am using is not on my local machine. I have to dial in and log in to the database. We are using an image database. I was shown by my boss that he uses MSFlexGrid, but it appears that is no longer available on the newer versions of Visual Studio (he is using VB6). I was wondering if there was a way to display these grids without going through the Data Sources?

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VS 2008 : Killing External Console Applications?

May 19, 2009

I am developing an application which launch an external windows app, ei called APL.exe Also, this APL.exe launch two console utils, ie. named CON1.exe and CON2.exe I would like to know if is there any way, after APL.exe has died, of killing CON1.exe and CON2.exe, because there is a small possibility that they will not died completly after APL.exe has exited.Also there is another requirement. My final app version could be executed twice in the same machine, so there could be two instances of CON1.exe and CON2.exe, and because this I need a way to kill them not by process name, but knowing which of them has been launched by my current application instance.

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VS 2008 Allow Window Resizing, External Process?

Jun 6, 2010

how can i allow resizing of window that doesnt allow resizing,.

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VS 2008 Auto-reopen External Process?

Jun 21, 2010

Constant monitor for process, if process not running execute this()

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Form1


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VS 2008 Change External Window Position

Jun 24, 2009

as title says.... ive been searching it for a long time and i couldnt find it

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VS 2008 Extracting An Image From An External Application?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm hoping someone can provide me with some help in regards to this, here's a quick overview of what I'm doing: I'm using user32.dll API on a 2 second timer to detect which window is open, FindWindow(), once I've found the window I'm looking for, I use FindWindowEx() to get the child window of the previously found one.

So I've got my window which contains 2 items. An image, and an Input box.

2 questions (Minor, and Major)

Minor: Is there a better way to monitor when a particular window opens?

Major: How would I extract the image that is held on the form? And then insert text into the input box?

Note: The image is variable - it's polled from a website.

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VS 2008 Launch External Application In Second Monitor

May 3, 2009

I know how to run forms in second monitor, but I dont know how can I lauch and external exe program in second monitor. How can I do this?

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VS 2008 Open External PDF File From Application?

Mar 22, 2010

I have a pdf that I want to be able to open when a button is clicked within the application that I have built in Visual Studio 2008 in .Net.

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VS 2008 Setting Focus To An External Textbox?

Mar 26, 2010

Essentially what I would like to do is press a button, this then triggers a code to focus on a certain program, focus on a certain textbox and input the text from the clipboard not via pasting.

Now I have been able to achieve all of the above fairly easily except for one crucial component, focusing on the desired component. This program is essentially to automate some data entering for users via hotkeys, therefore I can't simply simulate tabs as it will not always be in the same position. So now comes the question, how do I focus on specific textboxes/controls in other programs?

I've been able to find huge walls of code with no explanation beyond "this is a concept". However no documentation or relevant examples.

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Include External Installer In The VS 2008 Setup Project?

Sep 30, 2009

Recently I created one windows form application and also created setup project using VS2008.My application works with external software, which needs to be available on the PC.I want to bundle this external application installer in my installer, so that I can check if it is already installed and if not then install it and then install my application.I figured out how to work with pre-requisites that Setup project identifies such as .net framework?

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VB 2008 - Sorting And Searching An Array From An External .txt File

Jul 25, 2009

In the past, I have learned by reading three or four other people's coding and once I gained understanding of how it worked, I could easily write my coding. I've got I will say this is a school project, so I don't expect anyone to just throw coding at me. I'd like to actually learn this stuff! Also, I HAVE read my book (over and over) and also requested help from the instructor, but as I'd like to meet the deadline on this project, I'm having problems waiting on his availability or lack thereof.


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VS 2008 - Play WAV, MP3 Music From Within Service Without External Program WMP

Jun 6, 2009

I am making a Windows Service and i need to play either a WAV or MP3 from within the service (no using external program like WMP) May I ask which is the easiest way to go about this with built in stuff on VS 08. I don't mind which I use whether its WAV or MP� but I only need to use one of them.

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VS 2008 : Make An Application To Edit An External Exe's Icon?

Apr 3, 2009

I'm trying to make an application to edit an external exe's icon, and other resources, much like ResHacker.

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VS 2008 Event Handler On An External Form / Module

Dec 6, 2009

I have a simple, but important question: How can I raise events of my form1 on another module/form?My form tempalte is crowded with events (50 of them contextmenustrip events)How can I place those events on another form/module to clean it up a little?

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VS 2008 Find External Window, Object Text?

Aug 5, 2011

i have an external form, and it has a label, which his name is: Static62 how do i read the label into my vb.net program?

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