VS 2008 Graphing Sum Of Account Balances From Multiple Individuals?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a graph that shows the balance of any number of individuals' accounts over time. The data is taken from a SQL datatable that contains the Individual's ID, Date&Time, and Account Balance.

The account balances of different individuals are not necessarily recorded at the same times. So for person1 I may have:

11/24/10 10:32:43 am - $150
11/24/10 1:47:13 pm - $180
11/24/10 5:15:34 pm - $140


So I want to graph the total between these two individuals, but the 'x-value' of their data points don't match up, so I can't simply add up the 'y-values' of corresponding points.

If I wanted to plot points showing the total between accounts, what should I do to achieve this? I would like this to work for not only 2, but any number of individuals.

The first thing I've decided is that I need to set an interval at which the total will be collected: every 10 min, every 1 hour, etc.

If I supply a date/time value as a parameter, how would I retrieve the most recent balance entry from each individual?

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Store Multiple Account / Password Values?

May 26, 2009

Currently I am trying to receive input from a user for up to five usernames and passwords. I can not figure out the best way to do so. I have tried textboxes but that makes forms look dirty and redundant.[code]...

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TCP Messaging -application Call Center - Team Leaders Can Send A Message To Individuals Whilst They Are On The Phone

Aug 7, 2009

Im currently writing an application for our call center to use and would like it to have messaging functionality so that team leaders can send a message to the individuals whilst they are on the phone.

I have used a couple of tutorials around the web, but they differ to what i actually require. They all seem based around the whole "client must connect first" thing, is this really necessary? I just need each user to be a "server" constanly listening to any message recieve on a specific port, and display it in a popup when one is.

At the moment the code i have sort of works, but its a bit flakey and doesnt handle the initial connection/final disconnect very well.

Client program (team leaders console):


Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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Run Windows Explorer With An Admin Account While Logged In With A Non Administrative Account?

Sep 12, 2010

Does anyone know how to run windows explorer with an admin account while logged in with a non admnistrative account? i want to be able to open up an admin share on a remote host with windows explorer instead of iexplorer. I tried some code I found on the net to impersonate but it didn't work.

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Creation Of A New Account (sort Of A Personal Account)

May 17, 2012

I am currently working on a stock market monitoring application. how to create a new portfolio(sort of a personal account) for each user that accesses the system such that 2 different users do not have the same portfolio. I am making use of SQL server for my database.

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Graphing From CSV?

Dec 3, 2010

I currently have an app that records several temperatures then logs them to a csv file every minute. I am thinking about adding some sort of graphing capability. Which direction should I look to accomplish this? I did a few searches but for some reason it wasnt pulling anything realavent up. Eventually I would want to have it autoscale based on max and min temps, as well as export the graph to a GIF to JPG. Need to figure out the plain graph first...

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Graphing Functions In VB?

Mar 7, 2010

Does VB.net have anything built in for graphing functions? Linear, quadratic, cubic, log, and absolute value functions would be my main needs. I would want to display the functions on a graph whose x- and y-axes both go from -10 to +10, with grid lines.

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Graphing And Rotating An Array Using VB10?

Apr 16, 2012

I had an assignment that I had done, which has been turned in, I was able to get it to graph, but it when it reaches the right side of the screen it drops off, when it is is adjusted using the velleman controls it jumps back up, hw would I fix this.

Here are the instructon for the assignment:

Write a program tat rads two analog inputs from a velleman board and plots the values on a rotating graph. The number of value plotted horizontally should be specified in a text box. Label the graphs vertical values in at least three places. Print the current voltage reading for each input in it's own lable. The graph should auto scale to fille the graph vertically and horizontally.

The two things that I couldn't get to work is the graph drops off the chart and I was unable to place the vertical values in three places.

Here is my code:

'Date: April 10, 2012
'Progammer: Cathy Hjelm
'Progam: wk8-1


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Graphing Technique Works In Head?

Oct 6, 2011

I am trying to create a graph that changes every second and just shows a 3 second history. In my head it would make sense to tie it into the T variable (Time in seconds), so I have form1 outputting T to a text box on form2 and then everytime that textbox changes it graphs the new chart.

The reason I am doing the step ladder approach is because I wanted the numbers to appear under the points as they travel. does this make any sense at all, or am I completely off base?


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Looking For Sample Code / Literature For Graphing

Sep 28, 2010

I recently aqquired VB 2010 Express but have limited programming experience.I am looking for sample code and/or literature which will show me how to plot a Y=f(X) curve - for example code which will plot a straight line, a parabola, etc.I need it as a template from which I can learn about how to build such a graphing program and then tailor one to my needs.

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Graphing - Display A Line Chart Of Some Values

Jun 9, 2009

I have a program that is supposed to display a line chart of some values Im reading in from an XML sheet. The function that reads the data into arrays works fine. When I try to graph the values, all I get is a flat line.

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Windows Service Running Under A Network Account Is Calling An EXE And Running It Under System Account?

Aug 27, 2010

We have a windows service running under a network account that calls and runs an ActiveX exe. The exe is running under the local system account, not the network account of the service.

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VS 2010 Graphing Collatz Cojecture - Class Assignment?

Feb 6, 2011

I am working on a programing project for my college class. The program is working fine except when it graphs the data on the panel it flickers and doesn't always do it smoothly. I'm sure there are more efficent ways of doing this, but this is what my class specifically wants. Also, it must run on the timer otherwise I would have made it calculate without delay. Here is the

Public Class Form1
Dim n As Double
Dim myGraphics As System.Drawing.Graphics


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VS 2008 Creating A New Account On Login?

Oct 20, 2009

Ive created a new login system with a "create a new account" option , but when i debug it and create a new account and then login its works fine , but when i debug it again it wont remember the account ive just created . heres my

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(" C:ACCOUNTS" + TextBox1.Text + "") Then


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VS 2008 Eliminate Account From Disc?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a Login Form and ...

I have this code to create an account on my disc:

Dim aa As String
Dim ab As String


But now I want creat a button to emilinate accounts, and I dunno how to do that.

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VS 2008 - Module To Verify About Account Login

Jan 17, 2012

I have an VB.net Login Module and what I want to do in this module is to know whether the account being logged in is being used or it's online
Ex: If I logged in then it will say "User is already logged in" etc etc...

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VS 2008 Administrator Account / User Rights

Aug 14, 2009

While testing my software a friend of mine got the following Error: "Access to the database file is not allowed. [File name = ...etc..." I found out that this has to do with the user rights in Vista (perhaps also XP). How can I solve this?

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VS 2008 Application Settings For Account Registration?

May 21, 2010

I'm making a program that requires you to be logged in, and I have a registration button. I would like to know how to make it so that when they click the ok button it saves the settings Settings for username is Username and password is Password. The username textbox is TextBox1 , and password is TextBox2

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VS 2008 Saving Account Details To File?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm not sure which way to do this, i want to save numerous login user/pass to file i can:1) save to a .txt file2) save to a .xml filethe format i would use for a.txt file would be user|pass, for xml something like:

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Auto-mating Outlook Account Creation?

May 7, 2009

How would i go about automating creating a new internet email account in outlook (2003/2007 or express) ? We currently have an application developed in miniPHPstudio (in PHP obviously) which we distribute to clients, and that sets up their email app with their account details and our servers details for them.

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VS 2008 Login To Hotmail Account Http Post?

Sep 10, 2009

i can't figure out how to set cookies im trying to login to my hotmail account using HttpWebRequest here is the code im using

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Linq


every time i send the data it returns ""Cookies must be allowed""i have Googled for while now and can't figure this out how do i set cookies so i don't get this error ?

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VS 2008 Make A Form That Checks If Account Exist In Forums?

Jun 1, 2010

i wanna make a form that checks if account exist in forums.. like this forum. ill type my ID and my Password on the VB forum and itll tell me if its found or not..

i dont know how to do that i dont program web things ..

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VS 2008 Make The Client Send The Users Account And IP To The Server?

Oct 4, 2009

Im trying to make my client send the users Account and IP to the server. And the server puts them on a list box?

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Create A New User Account In Visual Studio 2005 Or 2008 (vb Language)

May 17, 2009

I want to create a new user account using ms.access database. How to recall back the database to login form so that we can using multi user account. So with the validate the user account, i can change the username and password anytime as the windows user acoount service.

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Add Each Account Number To List1 So Now The Account Number Is Associated With The ListBox?

Apr 26, 2009

Ok this is what I'm stuck on:I have 2 ListBoxes and 2 Lists, let's call them ListBox1, ListBox2, List1 and List2.List1 needs to be associated with ListBox 1, and List2 with ListBox2 I loop through a bunch of accounts, add them to LixBox1 at run-time.During that loop I add each account number to List1 so now the account number is associated with the ListBox index number which is right.Now when I double click one of the accounts in ListBox1 it is added to ListBox2 (but it still remains in ListBox1), and the same index of List1 added to List 2, now the account in ListBox2 is associated with the account number at the same index in List2 you see where I'm going with this?The issue wtarts here.When I double click an account (let's say the account at the first index) in ListBox2 it should be removed from the list, so now I remove the index from List2 since it's no longer needed, but now you know what's happened right? ListBox2's List indexes have all decremented by 1 because I just removed an item from the beginning of the list, but List2's indexes have stayed the same (at least that's how it appeared when I tested it).

So basically whats the best method for keeping things in reference? I was told about list boxes in another thread of mine, but is it really the best way to go about this, I can't seem to keep everything linked together reliably.

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Buffer/Array - Safe Application That Contains 3 Threads - Data Acquisition And Decoding - Data Graphing - FFT And Filtering

Aug 26, 2009

I am trying to write a thread safe application that contains 3 threads : -

1 - Data acquisition and decoding
2- Data graphing
3 - FFT and filtering

Thread 1 is collecting bytes from the serial port and converting them int integers (so taking two bytes) after is has captured 64 Bytes and converted into 32 integers, it then needs to pass the array to the graphing thread.

The graphing thread then plots the data and waits for more data.

Thread 3 also waits until thread one has collected 2023 integers and takes these and performs some FFT calculations (which take time).

My question is how do i share the arrays between the three threads without deadlocking the program? as the serial thread will be flying around reasonable fast (1000 bytes per second) so it will synclock onto the shared buffers for most of the time.

Originally i was going to use two synchronised queues, so when thread 1 has collected 32 bytes it queues the data into the graph queue, and once it has collected 2023 it queues the data into the FFT queue.

Then thread 2 and 3 can simple dequeue the data.

However using queues has the overhead of casting the data in and out, and as i know the data type i was planning on using two arrays :-

Dim GraphArray() as ushort
Dim FFTArray() as ushort

Then Thread 1 adds data to each thread, and thread 2 and 3 simple wait until the correct amount of data is available before removing the data. my question is there an array type that allows me to remove x amount of data from an array?

Because i cannot do this easily with the ararys defined as above (GraphArray, FFTArray), as i was planning on making them 1mByte and allowing thread 1 to fill them Knowing they should never overflow and then let thread 2 and 3 remove x amout of bytes at a time unless there is a better way of doing it

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Graphing "peak" Times From Database

Oct 16, 2009

I have a database that has alarms, times/dates of the alarms, etc. What I am wanting to do is somehow graph the times these alarms come in so I can see where the peak times are for certain alarm types (fire, burglar, communication trouble, etc)


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VS 2008 Return Multiple Table Rows To Multiple Text Boxes

Feb 27, 2011

visual basic 2008 express
access 2007 db

I am attempting to fill a form with multiple rows from an access table based off of a parameterized query. My query works fine but I don't want to return one row at a time, I want to return all rows that match my query in multiple text boxes. I know that I can use a datagrid view to accomplish this, but I would prefer the look of a textboxes on a form. I have read through many books and searched the internet forums but think I may just not know what to search for as nothing has worked yet. Can anyone point me in the right direction. So far I have tried setting the text box value to the row().item(), creating a different dataset for each row, and even setting variables for the results of the query to then be passed to the text boxes. Since none of this work, I don't really have any starting code to post. If I could just get a starting point I could work from there, so don't feel the need to code anything for me, just set me in the right direction.

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WebBrowser More Than 1 Account?

Apr 9, 2012

im making premium link generator for some webhosting service...So i want to use more than 1 account because if 2 or more users start app they can download because already some one is downloading w/e i want to make to app alone choose with which one account to connect... How to make that?? Here is code with one account:

If WebBrowser1.DocumentText.Contains("Forgot your password?") Then
With WebBrowser1.Document
.GetElementById("username").SetAttribute("Value", "USERNAME")


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AD Account Password Resetting

Jun 10, 2010

Looking to make a simple VB form, that has three text boxs on it. One for a users username, and two for passwords. What I want to do is provide teachers with this form, they type in a students username, and if that username is found in AD it enables the two password boxs. Then the teacher can type a new password for that user in the boxes (the second one obviously being a validation) and then when they click save, it updates the AD account with the new password. Any ideas on how to do this? Does anyone have any code?

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