VS 2008 - How To Capture PictureBox With Controls

Jan 7, 2010

I have a picturebox with controls on it. I wanna save it as a pic with controls. I have seen a getimageofcontrol() func. on vbforums earlier that does exactly this. But I am not able to find it now...

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Capture An Image With A Webcam And Save It In A Picturebox?

Aug 13, 2009

how do i capture an image with a webcam and save it in a picturebox?

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Screen Capture Running Just As A Picturebox On A Winform Updating With A Timer?

Sep 29, 2010

i have a screen capture running just as a picturebox on a winform updating with a timer... i have it so it shows my race in a game.... now all is running gr8 on my pc... im now looking to make it viewable to someone else thats connected to my chat server i have made a picturebox on the client form and have the capture code in my server im hosting on my pc...

so my question is how and what is the best/quickest way to do so? maybe memorystream? if so how do i go about that? how do i send a image over memory stream? or is there a better way?

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Can User Controls Capture Raisedevents From A Form

Apr 8, 2011

I have a main form and a user control. I can capture raised events fine in the user control from another class. I have tried the same from my MainForm to raise an event that my user control can handle.

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Capture Which Button Caused The Postback On A Web Form With Multiple Controls Using Asp.net?

Jun 23, 2011

How do capture which button caused the postback on a web form with multiple controls using asp.net

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Add Picturebox To Form And Draw To It / Will Picturebox Flicker When Controls Are Added To Form?

Nov 15, 2010

I know when I draw to the form and add controls I get a flicker effect.If I draw to a picturebox on the form and add controls will the picturebox flicker?

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Embed A Panel Or Picturebox Containing Controls Or Images Within An Outer Panel Or Picturebox?

Mar 1, 2012

In VB6 I could embed a panel or picturebox containing controls or images within an outer panel or picturebox. If I moved the outer control then the embedded panel would move with the outer panel and stay in the same relative position, which is what I require. This doesn't seem to happen in VB.NET, the internal panel stays fixed in its location, even if I have pasted this panel within the outer container. Is there are trick to this or do I have to code to get the internal panel to move with the outer one? How does an internal container remain embedded within an outer one?

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Displaying File Icons In PictureBox Controls?

Nov 13, 2010

I've tried using the method in the link below, but unfortunately this only works with .exe files. I want to be able to display icons from all filetypes in picturebox's.


So I was wondering if maybe there's a quick edit I can do in the method above to make it work, or even a completely different way of doing it?

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How To Embed Images (for Picturebox Controls) Within An Application

Feb 17, 2009

How can we embed images (for picturebox controls) within an application so that a specifiic directory does not have to be accessed in order to display the image?

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PictureBox Controls In Form With Transparent Background

Dec 31, 2011

I have multiple picturebox controls in my form. Both of them contain an image with a transparent background. I want them to be on top of each other. I've already set their BackColor property to Transparent, but when I place one on top of the other one, the following happens: [URL]. How can I make them transparent while they are on top of each other?

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Serialize A Picturebox With All It's Child Controls And Deserialize It

Nov 15, 2010

I have a question about serializing a Picturebox and it's child controls. I have a picturebox on my main form where a user can put new Picture boxes in.To a add a new Picturebox I say: Pictureboxmain.controls.add(Picturebox)But now I want to serialize this in a stream of bytes. I know that you can serialize an Arraylist as followed:[code]But is the same possible with a collection of controls?So now I tried this assuming the same method can be used with a control collection:[code]

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VS 2010 : Create Multiple PictureBox Controls?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm attempting to create multiple PictureBox controls. This is as close as I've got this thing to work:

Dim Obj(6) As PictureBox, i As Byte
Dim Pics() As Image = New Image() { _


However, it gives me this error on run-time:


Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on the line "Obj(i).Image = Pics(i)".It would work if I was able to create a 'new' instance: Dim Obj(6) As New PictureBox, however apperntly:


Arrays cannot be declared with 'New'.I am pretty sure that my image resource files are 'instances' of objects'' because the code works fine when every statement is written out separately (no arrays).

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Labels And Picturebox Controls Are Black When The Form Moves?

Jun 30, 2011

When my main form loads it also shows two other forms and has them scroll down from the upper right corner of the screen.

Here's the code for one of them:

Me.Visible = True
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer


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Picturebox Collections - Avoid Adding The Controls In Code

Nov 19, 2011

I have forms with multiple pictureboxes, labels, etc. They are all numbered, for example, pb_QL01 to pb_QL99, or lb_Main01 to lb_Main29. In the old days, I could reference the properties of these in code using, for example, Me.Controls(a).Image where 'a' was the string of the name of the object (e.g. "pb_QL23"). So, I get it that you can't do this anymore in QB2008 (too bad). I need to set the properties in loops. [Code]

but it takes a long time to cycle through all of my controls, and there are some properties that will not work (like mycontrol.image), image not an option. So, is there an easy way to get this done? I don't want to add the controls in code, since they already exist on the form. If I have to use collections (which I'd prefer not to if there is an analogous way to the old way of passing the name of the control in code with a string, but if I need to, how do I get this to work.

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VS 2010 Save Controls And Image Inside Picturebox?

Feb 13, 2012

drawing shapes on a picture box then saving them.

My current situation: I have a scrollable picturebox (achieved using panel + picturebox). On top of the image inside the picturebox I've added labels on different locations(the labels are added on run-time using PictureBox1.Controls.Add etc). I want to save the contents as well as the image inside the picturebox.

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VS 2008 PictureBox Always Repainted - PaintEventHandler Connected To A Picturebox Via AddHandler

Mar 31, 2010

I have a PaintEventHandler connected to a picturebox via AddHandler.

In PaintEventHandler I have coded this for writing the drawing to PictureBox1.Image:

Dim PictureBox1 As PictureBox = CType(sender, PictureBox)
PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(PictureBox1.Width, PictureBox1.Height)
Dim bmp As Image = PictureBox1.Image
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)

... drawing something ...

PictureBox1.Image = bmp

Everything works fine but after running through the paint event handler and showing the picture on the screen it calls the painthandler again and again. It does not stop.

Replacing the code above with

Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics

Makes it running. But then I cant save the Image to a file.

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VS 2008 Add Picturebox During Runtime And Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.

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Mousewheel Scroll In Panel With Dynamically Added Picturebox Controls?

Dec 2, 2009

I've dynamically added 20 pictureboxes to a panel and would like to see the panel scroll when I use the mouse wheel. To implement this I have tried to set the autoscroll to true on the panel control. Here is the code.

For i As Integer = 1 To 20:
Dim b As New PictureBox()
b.Image = Nothing


It works for "button" control, but not for the "picturebox" or "label" controls?
How can I implementthe scrolling affect using 'mousewheel'?

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VS 2008 - Draw A Line On Top Of A Picturebox But It Keeps Going Behind The Picturebox?

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to draw a line on top of a picturebox but it keeps going behind the picturebox, even when I do Line.BringToFront()

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VS 2008 Drag/Drop From Picturebox To Picturebox?

Jul 13, 2009

I was wondering how could I drag an image from a picturebox to another picture box. Anyone knows? Any tut or something.

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VS 2008 Loop Through Controls Doesn't Get All Controls?

Jan 21, 2011

I am rather irritated at this. I have no clue why looping through controls on a form and in groupboxes leaves out 75% of the controls.

Here's the code I have:

Dim settings As String = ""
Dim gbControl As Control
Dim gbbox As Control


I want to have setting save all settings to an ini file, and not have to reprogram the saving routine when I add a group box or control. At random times, any number of controls can be disabled, checkboxes can be checked and unchecked, radiobuttons can be checked and unchecked. Regardless of the state of the control, I want the control to show up in the loop. But they don't. Only controls that are enabled and only checkboxes that are checked, every other control state is ignored. That's crap, and is definitely not what is needed by any programmer of any type. We're capable of determining if a control is enabled, hidden, checked, visible, and otherwise.

How do I get the controls to be included in the loop regardless of their state?

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Capture Events In VB 2008?

Apr 27, 2012

how can I capture an event like a button click or timer event, if I created the controls at run-time?

Ex: Dim a As Button

Dim b As Timer

I want to capture the click event of the button "a" and the timer event of the timer "b".

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VS 2008 Signature Capture?

Apr 30, 2009

Ok, I have an Ambir Signature Pad, and i just want to get the signature as an image (lol just).Well, I was wondering if there is a way to 'connect' to the device via usb and treat it (the pencil) as a mouse and get the coord's when they drag.

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Packet Capture And Threading, Capture Library Waits For "thread Stop"

Apr 5, 2009

So I am hacking together an app which listens to traffic using SharpPcap library, it reconstructs the packets from sessions using the code from TpcRcon.

Listening and reconstructing part work on their own . What I want is on each packet arrival main window gets an event so it can display the packet , and when session is reconstructed display a complete packet (I am interested in HTTP ones) . -That is where it breaks with weird symptoms: for example right now it does not stop on invoking stop listening method - the sharppcap library function hangs there forever waiting on this line of code : m_pcapThreadEvent.WaitOne();//wait for the 'stopped' signal from thread

I also had it not working and crashing in sharppcap function because I had omitted one parameter in form delegate- which makes no sense, because form delegate does not deal with packet capture at all and only reacts on "New Packet" event from my "Listener" class (which is only there to notify main form)

My app starts as module main instancing class "Listener". MainForm has it
registered as friend with event and handles even "New Packet"

Main Form:
Private Sub uiListenStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btListenStart.Click
aLogger.AddMessage("Started Listening")


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VS 2008 - Capture A Part Of The Screen?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm doing program that I can capture a part of the screen. Heres code, I don't know why it's not working.


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VS 2008 - Imagebox And Webcam Capture ?

Sep 15, 2010

After a long while I started a project in VB.Net. I am making a security cam application for my own room. What I have done so far is capturing image from webcam (15 fps) to a imagebox and copying a still image from that imagebox to another in an intervall I have decided. Afterwards my code saves the image with a date and time as jpg. The code for capturing image I have found in this forum (iCam). My problem is (by the way I am an amateur programmer ) that the first imagebox (for realtime image capture) is not being showed (I dont want to see it). But if it is not active then all still images (saved as jpg) are all black. I think it is a drawing issue. I think imagebox is not being drawn (because it is not visible (actually the form is not visible)) and that is why still images are black. But I really don't know how to fix it? The class for capturing still images is very useful but only works with an imagebox.

(I really tried to understand the code. Especially the function, which copies a still image from 15 fps webcam output to a imagebox (which is used to save image as jpg file). But there are objects like: IntPtr, Hdc (getHdc, releaseHdc) and BitBlt. I really don't know anything about those objects.)

Code of iCam:

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Public Class iCam
#Region "Api/constants"


I get realtime images with: iCam.initcam(me.picturebox1.handle.int32) and copy with: picturebox2.image= iCam.copyimage(picturebox1,New RectangleF(0, 0, Me.picturebox1.Width, Me.picturebox1.Height))

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VS 2008 : Capture Images From 2 Different Webcams?

Jun 24, 2011

i just want ask you guys how to capture images from 2 different webcams.is there any dll out there that i can use?

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VS 2008 Capture .NET Remoting Calls?

Sep 22, 2010

We have a client server application that 650 users are using everyday. Lately they have started complaining about over all slow responses and slowdowns in normal application usage like searching, reporting etc.We are using .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Remoting is the technology we have used for client connection to the server side. We can't remove that and use something else due to legacy application maintenance. We are using SQL 2008 R2 x64 on a very good server.We have gone though the basic steps of making sure that all the SQL side is ok everything is well tuned but we need to convenience the client that it is not the application but the database that needs to be regularly maintained by a DBA in order for it to run smooth due to the nature of the application making tons of changes and inserts in the database everyday.

Anyways I need to write some sort of module that can plugin into the .NET Remoting calls so it can log the normal usage of different methods on the server like;* How many times a remoting method is called* What params a remoting method is called with* How much time it takes to execute each remoting callIs there anything available in .NET Framework that can help me? I read something about .NET Remoting Sync but not too sure if that is what I need to use? If any can shed any light on the subject or nudge me in a right direction with some sample code, that would be great.

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VS 2008 Capture Image Using Webcam?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm developing an application and it needs a facility to take photo of the customer using the webcam.

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VS 2008 Capture MSN Text Message?

Jun 15, 2009

I had an idea for an MSN (Windows Live Messenger) "addin" today, which I thought was a great project for me to try.Basically, I want people to be able to type LaTeX code in their MSN conversations, and my application parses the LaTeX code and displays (probably in a separate window, but if possible inside the conversion window) the math formula.

I am probably not going to get it to send the image in the conversion window, but I will be happy if I can get it to display in a separate window.Basically, all I need for this to work is to capture the text that a user receives over MSN. If it contains a certain token (like "$$ ... $$") then I can try to parse the text between the dollar signs, and if it is valid LaTeX I can show an image of the result in a separate window.

So, I probably don't even need an actual MSN plugin / addin, if I can just get the received text by some other means.

1. some basic Windows Live Messenger add-in programming examples / tutorials? I've never done this before, and have no clue how to do it... VB/C# are both fine.

2. how to retrieve the text that you receive using either an addin, or some sort of windows API ?

So I'm looking for either an addin, or, if possible, a completely separate application that basically monitors each and every window and sees if it's from MSN, and then retrieves the received text...

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