Can User Controls Capture Raisedevents From A Form

Apr 8, 2011

I have a main form and a user control. I can capture raised events fine in the user control from another class. I have tried the same from my MainForm to raise an event that my user control can handle.

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Capture Which Button Caused The Postback On A Web Form With Multiple Controls Using

Jun 23, 2011

How do capture which button caused the postback on a web form with multiple controls using

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User Controls And Parent Form Boundries

Nov 18, 2009

I have a user control that has several things on it. One is a grid that I want to show pass the bounds of the user control. I want to use the form that is using the user control boundries. How do I do this? I hope this is making some sense. Do I have to set a parent or childeren?

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Adding .net User Controls To The Toolbox For A C# Windows Form?

Sep 23, 2010

This illustration shows how I'm trying to get 2 user controls into the toolbox to use on a c# form. In toolbox Select Items I see the items checked but clicking OK or Reset doesn't make them appear in the toolbox. How do I do that? somehow the controls appeared in the Toolbox, but they're greyed out and unavailable.

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User Controls Hide And Show In Main Form

Feb 8, 2012

I have a couple of user controls, which I show in my main form.

So let's say here's what i want:
Sub Show_Control1()
End sub

Right now I have to hide them one by one with hide, because I don't know what's the current displayed form.

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VS 2008 Adding Multiple User Controls To A Form?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a form that I will be using to keep track of data for computers I build and will eventually link into a database for configuration management, but for right now I'm just trying to get the basic form layout done and functional. I need this for to be customized for each job I do, that means I can have multiple computers, PC card, peripheral equipment, etc. So with that said basically what I have done is created a user control for each separate item that I want to add (i.e. computer, PC card, etc) that has all the fields and functions I require. When I want to add another computer I just add a tab and place my "computer" user control on it, no big deal...

My issue is when I want to add my "PC card" user control to that "computer" user control. What I am trying to do is to add the first user control(PC Card Info) I created under a button called "Add New PC Card" (which is part of the "computer" user control.)and that part works! What I want to do is keep added as many "pc card"user controls as I need and basically keep appending them under the last control on the bottom of the page (which is the "pc card" user control, that is a groupbox with a few drop down boxes and text boxes in it.)with a little spacing between them. The biggest problem I am having is when I add the first "PC Card" user control, it works.. but when I try to add another one and search the current page for all user controls under a certain point or with a specific name, I don't get any results.

I think I'm on the right track with the following code but I am running into 2 things I can't do that are critical to my needs. 1: I need to define the text of the user control I just added so I can uniquely identify it, so If I need to remove it I can and will also play a role later( I thought if there was some way in code to make my control # a variable that may work) 2: I need to know what to look for since I have a count that represents how many of that particular control exist on my form, that way I can name them properly, this will also allow me a method to delete the user control if desired.

Dim pccard As New PC_Card
Dim x As Integer
Dim name As String


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Resize A Form , Its Controls According To User's Screen Settings And Physical Monitor Size?

Nov 19, 2010

I am creating an application for a company and this CD will be distributed to hundreds of people. Many users will have different computer screen size and different screen settings such as their resolution set to 1024 x 728 and their monitor size 17" inches.

I noticed when I loaded the application on a different computer with different settings the application was to big for the screen and did not work. I notice that lot of other programs from microsoft resize their controls and text but never knew how they did it. How can I resize the form and control according to the user's setting.

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VS 2008 - How To Capture PictureBox With Controls

Jan 7, 2010

I have a picturebox with controls on it. I wanna save it as a pic with controls. I have seen a getimageofcontrol() func. on vbforums earlier that does exactly this. But I am not able to find it now...

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Manage A Large Number Of Similar Controls In A User Interface (such As Button Or TextBox Controls)

Aug 23, 2011

There is newer code in a follow up post. I suggest using the code in the later post rather than the code in this one. You can still read this post though. When designing a user interface, one should be conscious of how many individual controls are required to implement the functionality. In some cases an initial design may begin with many buttons or textboxes (for example) but then further review of
the actual required functionality allows for a reduction in the number of unique controls.

But other times, there isn't a better way (which will still make sense to the user of the application) then to have a series of many repeated controls. So in the cases where one can be certain that the best UI implementation for an application will require the use of multiple copies of a given control, then it often becomes necessary to maintain some method of managing all of those controls at various points
throughout the application. Doing so typically requires that one build up some collection of controls which can then be accessed by index in order to work with any given control; but this can lead to a lot of clutter in the code file which handles these control's events. For instance there will be some kind of collection declaration, some recursive routine to find all of the controls of interest, and then any number of event handler methods with long lists of Handles clauses, or additional code loops to wire up the event handling for each control.

Purpose Since most of this functionality could be considered a requirement regardless of the type of control being managed, or its required functionality, it may make sense to wrap all of the control management functionality into a single class. And since our first requirement is a collection of controls, then a base collection class could be the perfect starting point for our control manager. There are a number of existing thread around this topic, with some recent (at the time of this writing) ones being:[URL]..In this, and related, threads I have posted examples of a simple TextBoxManager and ButtonManager control. But again, with so much similar functionality required regardless of the control being managed, it would be technically possible to create a generic ControlManager(Of T As Control) class which can manage any type of control.


So in summary, one can facilitate managing a large number of user interface controls by building a "control manager" class which both encapsulates the list of control instances, and deals with adding and removing defined event handlers for every control it manages. The generic control manager class itself can be inherited and extended into a more specific class on a per-application basis in order to provide more application-specific functionality. Reed Kimble - "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"

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Capture Application Window Switch By User?

Feb 6, 2009

How to capture when a user switched application windows. Basically what i want to do is for example is when EVER a user works inside Microsoft Word i want the CAP lock to be turned on. When they leave Microsoft word's app window and select a new app the CAPS button would turn off. Then when they return back to Word caps turns back on. I have code I found in another post on how to turn CAPS on, now i just don't now how to automatically capture application switches running all the time. My idea is to create a small app that can be minimized to the system tray then let it run and capture all thE app changes.

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Unable To Capture The Value Of A Cell When The User Selects A Row?

Jun 12, 2011

How would you be able to Capture the Value of a Cell when the User Selects a Row?

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Capture Data Before A Postback (User Control Within A Repeater)

May 9, 2012

I have several UserControls in an ASP:Repeater. They are 'Add to basket' User Controls with a text input for quantity and a button to add the item to the basket.

My problem is the value is being reset to 1 whenever I enter a value into the quantity text box. I think this is happening because the containing page reinitialised the repeater (which holds the UserControls) and the quantity is one again before the UserControl's click event is fired.

how to capture the value in the textbox before the Postback occurs, I am happy to stick this data in a session for now.

I am thinking I need something along the lines of PreLoad? But that didn't work for me

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Capture Keypress / Let User Pick Their Own Start/stop Key?

Oct 29, 2011

Currently I have the start-key for my application hardcoded like this:


Where sais "F2 As System.Windows.Forms.Keys = 113" on mouse-over.But I want my users to be able to pick their own Key. If I make a drop-down box (combobox) and pre-define some choices in there (Like ESC or F3), all those choices are strings. How can I convert those strings to a System.Windows.Forms.Keys integer? Also, I'd like it to also be possible to "capture" a single keypress. So they'd click the "capture" button, and the next key they hit will be saved as the start/stop button. But I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for that one.

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Capture When The User Pastes Some Text From The Windows Clipboard?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to capture when the user pastes some text from the windows clipboard. At the moment, I don't care about files or images. Here is the base code that I am using.


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Way For User To Close Web Browser Control / Can Capture Final Url

Oct 29, 2009

I want to give my end user the abilility to navigate to a web page, and then I need a way for the user to close the web browser control so that I can capture the final url. There must be a way but the obvious candidate (a property named "url" of the web browser control) is not there.

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Wpf Custom User Control MouseleftButtonDown Capture Area?

May 23, 2012

I have a custom control with an event handler when you click on it. Everything works and the event get fired right.

AddHandler (cu.MouseLeftButtonDown), AddressOf Me.DoSomething

When the control resizes to show some extra information it expands. It also collapses when the user preses a button. This works alright. But now when I click where the expanded area used to be, it still fires mouse leftbuttondown on that control. I have tried to set IsHitTestVisible to false on the expanded element but it diden't work. Here's some xaml...

<UserControl x:Class="MyCustomControl">


I cant use another element around my customcontrol since I also use this MouseLeftButtonDown on all different kind of controls.
I can't figure out how the boundaries on the cu.MouseLeftButtonDown event work to fix this.

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Custom User Controls - Correct Size With User Choice

Sep 27, 2011

I have some custom user controls in my .net winforms program that do not display correctly when the user has selected larger text size. This setting:

My controls look like this:
Instead of like this:

The bill to area and ship to area are both custom controls. I don't know if this is contributing to the problem but I do have code in each to scale the phone/fax areas to stretch nicely, like this code from the bill to control,

Private Sub panFaxPhone_Resize(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles panFaxPhone.Resize
panFax.Width = (panFaxPhone.Width / 2) - 1
panPhone.Width = (panFaxPhone.Width / 2) - 1
panFax.Left = panFaxPhone.Width - panFax.Width
End Sub

How can I get my controls to size correctly while still respecting the users choice for larger text (I don't want to just set the AutoScaleMode to None)? After playing with this for a long time it seems to be a problem with anchors in the child controls. See this below image, the inner black box is the control with its border turned on, the text boxes (like name) are anchored left and right and should stretch to fill the control, but don't.

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Use Parent User Controls From Externally Loaded User Control?

Jun 2, 2012

i have a windows from project and in that project i created a user control lets call itcustombutton1 now i can use that control quite easily either at design time or runtime by creating a new instance of it like

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Crop Form Screenshot - Screen Capture Of Twindows Form And Display Only A Certain Specified Area

Aug 2, 2010

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.

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VS 2008 Controls Vs User Controls

Dec 2, 2009

How many controls can I have before I should start looking at user defind controls because of too many controls making my program go slow?

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Capture Form To Image?

Jul 13, 2009

direction to some methods that can capture the contents of a form so that it can be saved as an image. The catch is, the form may not always be displayed on the screen, so BitBlt doesn't work for this particular scenario.

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Add Controls To A Form In Code And Set The Properties Of The Controls?

May 24, 2009

How can I add controls to a form in code and set the properties of the controls using the With statement?Also I would like to know how to add a container control and then add a control to that container.

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Controls Not Return All The Child Controls For The Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a slight problem With an enumaration of child controls on a form. The following code will not get but about have the controls that are on the form. The controls show that the count is correct but when it goes through the loop it skips over some of the controls. If you run it through the enumeration two or three times it will get all the controls a few at a time. The solution uses two forms, one that has the controls and the other that labels are made and displayed on. The Tx is just a index to add a number to the and rename the label. So each label is identified seperately. This works for all the the controls that are seen in the for each loop.

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Pass Usercontrol Controls Or Form Controls?

May 11, 2009

I created a class that can take either usercontrol.controls or form.controls as a parameter,how can i pass either to that class? as a property or how?

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Any Way To Capture Screen Of Form Area?

Mar 2, 2010

I was about to create a code for capturing screen of the area of a form.. Below code is capturing only the form size but from the top of the screen.. I want to capture the area of screen wherever it placed..
Dim loBmp As Bitmap = Nothing
'Dim Somebitmap As Bitmap
Dim screenSize As Size = New Size(Me.Bounds.Width, Me.Bounds.Height)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(Me.Bounds.Width, Me.Bounds.Height)
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(screenGrab)
'Dim FiletoDelete
g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, screenSize) ("Need Some changes here!!")
screenGrab.Save(LogLib & lsFile)

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How To Capture Mouse Click Outside Of Form

Jan 21, 2010

I am working with a winform. I would like to close/hide the form when the user clicks outside of the form. How would I do that? I tried to capture the event deactvate and lost focus and they don't get fired.

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Capture Mouse Click On Form AND On Any Control?

Jun 21, 2010

Is it possible to capture a mouse click anywhere on a form (both on the form itself and on any control) without putting code in each control? I want to reset a timer/timeout when the user hits a key (which I have working no problem w/ a combo of


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Capture Build Date/time To Display On Form?

May 3, 2011

I would like to display the Visual Studio 2010 build date and time on the 'About' box/pop, changing the following from current date time to only the build time. frmAbout.Label_CurrentDayAndTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()

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How To Capture Form Events From A Separate Running Process

Mar 21, 2011

I'm trying to automate a product that provides no such automation capability.I've take a cursory look at loading the app in a separate AppDomain, and also, through reflection, executing the Program.Main() to get the app running. I also tried getting the windowhandle from a separately created Process object (which I've learned will not work).If I have a reference to their assembly added to my project so I can reference an instance of "TheirProduct.FormMain", what, if it's possible, is the best way to go about capturing events from that form? What I need to do is to be able to capture a couple events, and perform a few Button.PerformClick() against the form.

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VS 2008 - Capture Values Form Html Codes

Feb 3, 2011

I have to capture the values of the left positions of textboxes in a webpage. I have used the code below but don't know why its not working.

For Each Elem As HtmlElement In webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("div").Cast(Of HtmlElement).Where(Function(element) element.GetAttribute("style"))
LeftPosition = Elem.GetAttribute("left")

Here is some lines of html code for the texboxes:

<div style=position:absolute;top:100px;left:100px>
First Name:


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