VS 2008 - How To Get Details Of COM Ports

Nov 13, 2009

I want to get the details of a com port on my machine. To be more precise the com port presents itself in the device manager as:
I know how to get the name of the port i.e. COM3. Is there a way to get the rest of its description i.e. "MyPort".

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How To Do Programming Master Details Details Details

Jul 26, 2009

I have 4 Tables Master And Three Tables Details

how to programming this Technique

This Picture dispaly what i mean http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/3981/26072009110315.png

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VS 2008 How To Check USB Ports

Jul 29, 2009

i saw Anti virus auto run when usb enable but i don't how to check port usb? my idea.i want to run my program when have port usb open

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VS 2008 Checking If COM Ports Work?

Aug 3, 2010

I want to make a program where I can chose a COM port (For example COM 1), then check if it's working. It would be really useful for me, seeing as I work a lot with broken COM cards.

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VS 2008 Creating Internet Ports

Dec 16, 2009

There are some programs like uTorrent that allow me log into them through the url...How would I be able to create a port like that, and display information there?

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[2008] Make Web Service Ports?

Feb 2, 2009

I'm making an application that tracks jobs we log in our IT department and as I'm often out and about it would be handy to be able to use this app from my laptop and connect in to our server at our office. The problem is that a lot of the places I go block all outboundtraffic apart from port 80 and 443 (for HTTP and HTTPS). Now I know I could write an ASP.NET front end that I could just access over the internet but to be honest I just plain dont like making ASP.NET web pages and so if there is any way I could do this just through my standard desktop app that would be good.

I've heard a bit about "web services" and to me this sounds like a solution but I dont know enough about them to decide if I should use one or not.The main thing that will decide this is whether or not I can make this web service listen on port 80, is that possible?Also, is it hard work making something use HTTPS instead of HTTP so that the data is encrypted? I mean, do you have to do all of the encrypting yourself or is there some sort of automatic function you can use to handle this?

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Open Two Or More Serial Ports In One VB 2008 Program?

Apr 20, 2009

able to open and utilize a single serial port within with my VB 2008 program (i.e., set port parameters, open&close port, send&receive data via port, etc.), but I want to open two or more serial ports concurrently within my VB 2008 program so that I can read data from one port, say COM1, make decisions and calculations based on that data, and send instructions out through another port, say COM2.

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VS 2008 Sending Info Through Sockets / Ports

Jun 2, 2009

VS 2008: Send commands to a local UDP port. The port is 5975. Let me know if im being to vague or you need more info.

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VS 2008 Using Regex To Extract All Ips And Ports Using Webcontrol?

Mar 27, 2009

I have been stumped on this for about 3 weeks now. In the beginning me and my partner have been trying to hit this at the internal angle. only problem is different html tables are constructed different than others. We are needing to extract from multiple pages and sites so we know that Regex will be the best solution. We can use the same script for everything. This is my first time working with Regex, I got it actually extracting the very first ip[proxy]. I have no idea why it isn't extracting every one on the page. I also have to add the . in between each each octave of the ip. That is weird because I have it in the Regexpession to find the .'s.What I'm Needing is for this to basically scan the whole page and grab all the ipsorts and add them to a listbox.Here is my

Dim request As HttpWebRequest = Nothing
Dim response As HttpWebResponse = Nothing


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Get A Details View In ASP.NET To Display The Details Of The Logged-in User Only?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm trying to get a details view in ASP.NET to display the details of the logged-in user only. I have been told to use:

select * from STAFF where USERNAME = user.identity.name

I thought this was too simple to be true and I was correct as it shows no data when I attempt to run.

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VS 2008 Create An Array Of Serial Ports - Deleting Dynamic Object

Jun 29, 2009

I have the following code to create an array of serial ports.


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VS 2008 Collecting PC Details?

Nov 27, 2009

How can I collect details regarding the hardware and software, of a PC ?As for registration process of the product (my app), I wish to collect the details of that PC and get it saved into my server.When the client request for a new serial key, because of formatting the PC and other reasons, I would compare the PC details and will issue a new serial key based on the result. (small changes in the PC will not be considered)

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VS 2008 Getting Details For Checkbox?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a dialogue box that pops-up on a click event which offers the user a selection of three employee types which are selected using checkboxes. These checkboxes have been drag'n'dropped and are in a groupbox, called uiSelectEmployeesGroupBox.

On this click event, I have the following

'some code omitted for clarity
If uiEmployeeDetailsDialogue.uiEmp1CheckBox.Checked Then
mEmployees.Add(New Emp1())


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Get Local Ip Details With VB 2008/2005?

Aug 4, 2007

All I want to do is grab the IP details of the local machine in VB 2008 (or previous versions) using actual coding and not relying on output from ipconfig/all. I specifically need the subnet mask and gateway of the local machine.

I have found documents on how to do this in C++ using the networkadapter functions which is of no use to me because im using VB. Ive managed to find how to get the local ip address (using winsock or third party control) but nothing more and a few pages on using WMI but all examples are using vbscript rather than the full blown visual basic.

how to do this in vb and have any sample code?

As a network server administrator im confused on why this is so difficult, even in VB.

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Vb 2008 Retrieve Mp3 File Details

Feb 15, 2012

is it possible to get the details of an mp3 file like the Contributing Artist, Artist, Album, Year etc. and display it into a form? I am using the IO namespace and I have almost tried all the methods and properties under my variable.

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VS 2008 Extracting File Details?

Jun 21, 2009

I've found all sorts of threads about extracting file icons, and I'm able to do that no problem, but I would like to also extract some other information from a file (like you can find in the properties window), such as the file description. Are there any commands that are geared specifically toward getting this information?

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VS 2008 Getting Loggeg In Users And Their Details?

Jun 13, 2009

I want to get the detail of all users logged in to my system . I want name of users, status of users, id of users, client name of users, no of applications to a user.

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VS 2008 ListView Details View?

Feb 11, 2010

I've got a listbox and am using details mode, i'm also looping throgh a database to look at data. how can i add data to my listview and i have 3 coloumns

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VS 2008 Store The Configuration Details?

Apr 18, 2012

i thought of storing some of the configuration settings in a xml file on a remote linux machine. and vb.net application on the client system has to access and read from it.

i don't want to encrypt and keep the data with in the client system

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VS 2008 Collect Details Regarding The Hardware And Software Of A PC?

Jun 27, 2010

How can I collect details regarding the hardware and software, of a PC? As for registration process of the product (my app), I wish to collect the details of that PC and get it saved into my server.When the client request for a new serial key, because of formatting the PC and other reasons, I would compare the PC details and will issue a new serial key based on the result. (small changes in the PC will not be considered)?

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VS 2008 Linking DataGridView And Details View

Apr 8, 2011

Using VB2008 and Sql. I have one table and two forms. On form1 I have details view of table and on form2 I have DataGridView of the same table. What I am trying to accomplish is when i click on DataGridView is that details view changes and shows data selected in DataGridView.

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VS 2008 Saving Account Details To File?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm not sure which way to do this, i want to save numerous login user/pass to file i can:1) save to a .txt file2) save to a .xml filethe format i would use for a.txt file would be user|pass, for xml something like:

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VS 2008 Calling A Dll That Returns SQL Details To A Buffered String

Dec 12, 2010

my app is calling a dll that returns SQL details to a bufferred string, here is what i did 6 Dim server As New String(" ", 256) when i use this in sql connection string i get this error: Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 22.

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VS 2008 - Get The Caption Property Of Serial Ports Available On Computer - Error "A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidCastException"

Nov 12, 2009

In my project I'm trying to get the caption property of serial ports available on computer. But when I run this code below I get "A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll" exception. I tried putting "Option Strict On" and then I'm getting build error saying it disallows Late binding.


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Add Available COM Ports To Select From?

Jul 21, 2008

I'm working on a project and would like to know how i can add the list of avabilable serial ports to the combobox[code]...

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Can Get Ports Name Listed In PC?

Feb 21, 2012

Anyone here has an idea where I can get the ports name listed in my PC? [code]I could get COM26 and etc. if any, but that's not what I want. Instead of retrieving COM26, I want USB-SERIAL CH340 or USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM26). How could I do that?

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VB 2010 And Com Ports

Apr 10, 2012

I will explain first what kind of program we are talking about: The program that I made works togehter with my PIC Microcontroller to control 2 stepper motors. One for the rotating motion and the second for a tilting motion. With this system I want to make a airplaine pointing and tracking system.


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Communication With Serial And TCP / IP Ports

Feb 19, 2009

What is the best way of communicating with Serial ports and TCP/IP communcation using vb.net?Using visual studio .net can we make it easier?? Can anyone send me sample application of communications?If I write a program communicating with my hardware using Searial port or TCP/IP, will the program be slow?? Are there any programming techniques working with communication ports?

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DCOM With Limited Ports

Dec 1, 2011

We need to put a firewall in between our servers and a couple of clients. To do this we need to limit the number DCOM ports available so that we know what ports to open on the firewall.The question I have is do we need to limit the number of ports on all the machines inside the firewall as well as outside. This would cause an issue as we have lots of machines which would need to be modified.If DCOM has the intelligence to negotiate on port 135 which port is available on both machines which need to communicate, we will only need to modify the 2 machines on the outside of the firewall.

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Disabling/Enabling USB Ports?

Jun 6, 2011

I am creating a USB "cookie dispenser" (long story) and I plan on programming it by, when cookie.exe starts, it disables the port, you plug the USB in and press a button and it enables the port (thus powering the device). What I need to know is, is this at all possible? And if so, can you help me get it to work? I know I should put in an effort but it's late for me (UK) and I want to post this overnight so that you guys (in the USA may

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