VS 2008 How To Really Fill Up All Screens

Jul 26, 2010

I'm building an application that essentially attempts to fill up all of the user's screens with a maximized form. On most machines this works. I'm simply using My.Computer.Screen.AllScreens enumeration to get a reference to all the user's screens (assuming a multi-screen setup). I'm then using the following to set the forms:


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Interface And Graphics :: Default Image For Splash Screens And About Screens

Aug 29, 2008

I am using VB 2008 Express: The template forms for splash and about screens have a background image

consisting of 3 circles (orange, green and blue).I would like to use this image throughout my app,

but can't find it anywhere.Does anyone know where this is located in the visual studio program


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VS 2008 Scaling The Screens For Different Monitors

Mar 5, 2010

I am new with VB.NET 2008 and I would like to know how to make a project so the forms will show correctly on various sizes of monitors. Do you have to put code in every form for this?

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VS 2008 : Zoom Into Monitor To See A Pixelated Image Of The Screens Content?

May 26, 2010

How can I zoom into monitor to see a pixelated image of the screens content?

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.net - Getting Screens Name In C#

Aug 20, 2009

I am aware of the Screen class, but when trying to use Screen.AllScreens[0], I get something like .Device1. Instead, I'd like to have my screen's name, something like HP 24' something.

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What Are These Types Of Screens

May 6, 2011

I often use VBA to automate internet explorer and interact with web sites.I can find links on regular URLs I navigate to, fill in forms on them, etc.But I don't know what these types of windows are that come up or how to get a hold of them to click links on them or enter text in their forms if there is any. It comes up then grays out the screen it came from. It looks like its some java popup or something. I'm not interested in the site this is from, its just an example of one to show what I mean. I've been searching and looking but can't figure it out.

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.net - Form.Bounds With 2 Screens?

Feb 11, 2011

I have 2 screens, and 2 forms. I want each form to fill a screen, so I did the following code:

s = Screen.AllScreens
f1.Bounds = s(0).Bounds
f2.Bounds = s(1).Bounds

(s(0) is my primary screen, and s(1) is above it.) F1 fills s(0), but f2 does not fill s(1). The size of f2 is set correctly but the location is set to (50, 0) instead of (0, -1024). Maybe location won't accept negative numbers? If so, how can I get my form to the other screen?

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2 Forms 2 Diferent Screens?

Jun 25, 2010

I want to develop a score card to s small stadium it will have 2 42'' LCD i one lcd i want to put the team's name and score

the lower screen i wan to to elapsed time, remain time and first or second time is it possibel Visual basic 2010 (visual studio 2010 Pro), to display on form in one screen and the other form on the other screen

It must be to setup, so that the user does nothing but to put the name of the team's, the the score?

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Communications :: Programming LED Screens Using .NET?

Nov 24, 2010

for a test project that i'm doing i am looking for ways to program a LED screen. I ordered a few LED screens (320x160) that can be connected together). Using a special controlcard the whole thing can then display text etc. Using the software that a Chinese supplier gave me. All the above works fine. But I am depending on the software I have. I have VB.Net experience and I would like to put the software aside and write my own software. I would like to set up the COM connection and tell what LED to activate.

Problem i'm facing is that the chinese cannot provide me good use of the software dll files. I need a small Vb.net program that does the above. Would somebody be able to figure out how to do this.

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How To Programmatically Disconnect Screens

Nov 21, 2011

I have a PC with four LCD monitors attached, but often I leave it unattended and need only one monitor running. I've set up power strips so that I can flip one switch on a power strip to turn on or off the other three monitors. The problem is, when I turn off the other three monitors, the computer makes the disconnect sound every few seconds. you can go into Control Panel->Display->Change display settings, and under 'Multiple displays' disconnect the monitors you are not using, and them reconnect them when you need them again. However, this is time consuming to do manually.can I program this in VB .Net, i.e. is there a Class or some registry keys that I can use to connect or disconnect monitors the same way as through the Control Panel?

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Tell If User Display Is One Or More Screens?

Sep 20, 2011

Private Sub Resizescreen()
Width = Screen.AllScreens.First.WorkingArea.Width
Width *= 2


I am using this to size the screen to two, but not sure how to be able to tell if it is a multi monitor display.

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Trying To Suppress Error Screens

Apr 13, 2011

I am writing a program that tests our hardware write blocker units.When i send it the command to delete a text file on the device it should ONLY respond with my error message coded with a try...except statement.However the error message seems to be coming from windows 7 when it says "The disk cannot be written to becuase it is write protected. Please remove the write protection from the volume POCKET in drive F:" then it has the buttons Cancel, Try Again and Continue. If i click on Cancel or Continue then my error message comes up.Is there anyway I can suppress the "The disk cannot be written to." error message in Visual Basic 2010?

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Building An Application Which Uses Multiple Screens?

Jan 12, 2012

In the very near future I'll have to develop an application that uses multiple screens.

So I'll give you a practical example:

I have 4 screens where different pricing infomation is being displayed. At any given time, I have to show a Promotion which is a single image that needs to be displayed across all of the screens with text scrolling across the screens.

Now I'm wondering what the best way would be to achieve this.

At first I was thinking of using one form and to stretch it across 4 screens, while I create 4 'areas' on the form that represent a screen. However when you extend a form this big I'm afraid the text is going to look horrible.

Then I was thinking of using 4 forms and split up the image into 4 different images which are displayed on the different screens. However to get a scrolling text right on 4 different forms, that's going to take some trial and error.

how I can achieve this form of digital signage?

I want to use VB.Net unless this would seem impossible and I have to use other software?

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C# - Arranging Many Windows Forms On Screens

Jan 14, 2011

Issue : Is there any efficient way to arrange many independent Windows Forms in .Net? I have to display many forms at the same time in my application. It is a graphic charting application, and the number of forms depends of what the user wants, so it has to be dynamic. Is it possible to arrange it like with MDI Layout ?

Example: For example, if user chooses 12 output chart forms, I would like to have them auto-arranged 4x3 on the default screen. Ideally, User could even choose many target screens among the monitors he has.

Why not use MDI: I do NOT want MDI, since my application is multi-screen and I want to leave the opportunity to the user to put his external output chart windows scattered over different screens wherever he wants. But I would though like to have a default arrangement of output windows, without calculating manually screen and forms width/heights by dividing and stuff (Already doing this, it's a real pain). I would like to spare myself this ant-work and focus on business logic.

What I am looking for: If somebody knows an open source library or tool or cool method that could be great. By the way, I found a very useful and handy tool that could help people having the same needs I am formulating here: It is named AquaSnap, but unfortunately code is not Open Source. PS: Again, I Know how to do it "by hand" and assign monitors to forms. It is not the kind of answers I am looking for.

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Get A Reference To The Screens Collection In VB Express 8?

Mar 2, 2010

I've tried this example directly from MSDN:

Dim Screens() As System.Windows.Forms.Screens

and I can't find a way to get a reference to the Screen. I've checked my references and they seem fine but I may have missed something. Anyone experience this or know of a bug?

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Screens Shot Screen 0,0 Point

Mar 7, 2012

I have this cod to take a picture of this location


but it uses the edge of my screen as 0,0 how could i make 0,0 the edge of the application. Edit: ALl i know to do was copyfromscreen butthat uses the screen

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Detect Update/change To All Screens Array?

Jan 11, 2012

VB 2010

Is there an event generated when you plug in or remove screens/monitors. I know you can keep checking but wondered whether there was an event generated.?

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Forms :: Check If A Computer Has Multiple Screens?

Jan 25, 2012

How can I check if a computer has multiple screens?And is it possible to move form to other screens aswell?

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Application That Consists Of About 4 Screens - Slow Launch Time

Aug 23, 2010

I have an application that consists of about 4 screens. Screens can be changed by clicking on buttons or via menu item. I use about 16 to 17 tables in all for all 4 screens. I've publised the application and it works fine except that it takes about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes to launch the application using the setup file that I save onto my PC. If I get lucky, a little over a minute is already fast for me. What can I do to help speed up the launch time?

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Change Screens When The User Clicks A Node In A Treeview?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a treeview with several nodes I would like to know how I can display different screens when the user selects the nodes: just like switching through tabs.Regards Rimzy

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Power Point Slides Or Splash Screens In Form?

Apr 1, 2011

I have some apppliction....interface is good but its not that advance in visual style...so i manage to implement power point slide in web browser (webbrowser.navigate "pps "to twick the look of the program...but when im changing the tabs or opening other windows and then go back to tab where is pps it wont refresh properly.(web browser spec. fill)And i got flickering when im changing tabs or pages.

1.Is it because i have slow comp?

2.Or it have another way (faster) to implement power point slides in application instead of the web browser?

3.Or in general the visual basic is a poor program(when u talking about visual stile) that have some limitations and works very slow when u implementing some visual staff?

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VS 2010 Make A Form Resize On Smaller Screens?

Nov 15, 2011

I made a program on a computer with a big screen.I set it to open in 'maxamized state' , and I took away the top, so you can't close/resize/minimize it. How can I get the form to automatically resize to the screen size??

2) Is it possible to make a form ( in visual basic express edition 2011) not close when user shuts down computer and/or logs-off ...maybe run in back grond..?

3) Is there a code ( in visual basic express edition 2011) that can make the program start automatically when a user logs-in ?

4) Is there a code that can make something happen (e.g. play music, etc.) from e.g. 7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.

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VS 2010 Network Manager - Watch The Screens Of Other Computers Connected In LAN

Jul 30, 2011

i m new in .net programming i am wanting to develop a network application by which i can watch the screens of other computers connected in LAN,i can give permissions/privilages to other users.

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Get X And Y Coordinates Of A Control's Location On Form Relative To Screens Top Left Corner?

May 23, 2009

How can I get x and y coordinates of a control's location on a form relative to the Screens Top Left corner?

For example, if I have 3 labels on a form and I want label2 and label3 to display the x and y of label1 relative to the screens top and left corner.

When running the app, as the form's possition is changed label 2 and 3 update the coordinate of Label1's possition relative to the top left of the screen.

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VS 2008 - Fill The Labels With The First 4 Results

Jul 7, 2009

I have 4 labels to fill with certain data and after a search query i want it to fill the labels with the first 4 results or if less just fill them up with what is there [Code] and if the database returns 5 results how do you get the first 4 in there or if it returns only 2, how to put just the 2 in the first 2.

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VS 2008 Automatic Fill Of A Table?

Jun 20, 2012

I am new in forum and in VB 2008 as well, I have a little background in VB6 I am making a program for a project and I need to calculate some mathematical formulas and the results I want to send them in an external device via serial port. To be more specific I have a function, like y(x)=a*x+y0. I get the starting and ending x and y from textbox and I calculate the respective y but I want to store each x and the resulting y(x) in order to send them after the completion of the complete calculation to the serial port.I have tried with datagrid view and dataset but I cannot fill the tables with the results.Does anyone have any idea what I can do.

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VS 2008 Change The Fill Picture?

May 20, 2009

I have a several rectangular boxes in a game that I am making and I am trying to change the fill picture. Right now I have something like this

F1.BackgroundImage = WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.SnowDrift
F2.BackgroundImage = WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.SnowDrift
F3.BackgroundImage = WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.SnowDrift


I would like to change it to something like this. With the names of F1...F6, SnowDrift and the many other pictures in an array

for i=0 to 6
array(1,X).BackgroundImage = WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.array(2,X)

where array(1,X) is the string name of F1..F6, and array(2,X) is the different Pictures When I try this it gives me an error the Backgroundimage is not a member of string. (Because when I set up the array I set it up as a string)?

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VS 2008 Fill Array With DataReader?

Jan 11, 2011

How can I fill this Percentage array with Sql data reader..

Dim StudentID As Integer = Me.ComboBox1.SelectedValue
Dim Percentage() As Integer
Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:Database


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VS 2008 Fill ComboBox With DataReader?

Mar 16, 2010

The code works fine, but I don't know if is necessary while sentence, maybe there is another option..

Dim CMD As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
CMD.Connection = otraConexion
CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * from procedencias"


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VS 2008 Fill Webbrowser Textbox?

Aug 3, 2009

how can i fill in a textbox in my webbrowser just by the name of it this is how it looks name="email"i know how to fill in the textbox if you have the ID of it but can i fill it in with just the name ?

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