VS 2010 Network Manager - Watch The Screens Of Other Computers Connected In LAN
Jul 30, 2011
i m new in .net programming i am wanting to develop a network application by which i can watch the screens of other computers connected in LAN,i can give permissions/privilages to other users.
Here is my Prob- we have a main router from which we use a distributor or hub for internet connection distribution, ever computer connected automatically obtains IP address of format say - 180.50.50.xxx to access net connection.if any connected computer has different IP format than the given one, it cannot access internet.
On my program I am trying to make a ToolStripStatusLabel's text change to "connected" if connected to a network and if not connected to a network change the text to " Not Connected" then I don't know how to display a image if connected to a network or not connected. So if the computer is connected to a network I have a image that I would like to be displayed next to the ToolStripStatusLabel. And if not connected to a network, can the program display a different image? I tried this:
how do i get list of all connected computers in local network i have tried through Active Directory and it gives all computer names whether connected or not. the main problem is few computers on network have dual operating systems and both have different name like different on xp (comp1 xp) and different on vista (comp1 vista) and when i try to ping a computer name like (comp1 vista) which is not active, but maps to its associated ip and return replying so i m not able to get true status of computer name as (comp1 xp) can also reply on ping
I'm looking into making just a simple Instant Messenger that will be accessed through the Login program i just made.I'm having trouble just creating the APP window at the moment. I get an eror when i try to add a message queue to it so help with this will.This is just going to be a simple Instant IM like program connected between two or more computers.Does anyone know about a source for this out there- or how would i go about codeing this?
I would like to ask how to connect our application to connected computers in a LAN.Will I use the winsock control?How can I run queries using a server database?Any answers are welcome.
Part of an application that I'm building searches the network that the current computer is connected to and returns a list of the IP & MAC addresses and the hostname. It is based largely on the post by richard__deeming at [URL] At the moment, it will only get the information about computers that are in the same workgroup, but I have several computers that need to be shown, that are joined to a domain rather than the workgroup. How can I get the program to find every computer on the network?
how can i detect in VB.Net 2010 that which network card I'm currently using for internet? Like Local Area network, Wireless Network Connection, Cellular Modem or Bluetooth Modem?
Is there any easy way to find out , which network am I connected to via programmatically. I mean we can check the Network is available through "My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable", same way can i find the name the network (Either Direct or via VPN).
I have to do something if my network is connected to a particular network.
I want to be able to change my network on the press of a button to another favorite network followed by the launch of a LAN based game and closing a set of pre-defined internet applications that will interrupt gameplay with "Lost connection" popups Basically I have two networks, on Internet, one only LAN (Both Wireless)I want to be able to switch networks and launch my game. I know the code for launching my game, but my question is....How do I switch network connections using my program?
I am writhing a program to replace a file in network computers. but the problem is in our network there is 32 bit systems and 64 bit systems. There are different files to be replaced for 32 and 64 bit systems. I have written a program to replace the file.if we give the target of the location (eg \drd001-dsk1C$Documents and SettingsAdministratorPlayerfilename where drd001-dsk1 is the computer name in the network) Is there any way to check if the system that i need to replace the file is 32 or 64 bit
am trying to get the IP address of all of the computers on a network. I know how to fetch the names of the computers on the network but I need to fetch the IP address to. I have a listview control with 2 columns 1 for the name of the computer (1st) and another column for the IP addres (2nd). I have the code so can the IP address be displayed in column 2
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click ListView1.Items.Clear()
I have an application that automatically updates addins for excel from the server to all the computers on our network. right now all i get is an error if excel is open, but what I want to be able to do is check if excel is open on each computer first and give the user a chance to save their current work then close excel. otherwise i cannot update their addins if excel is open.
I need to write a program that can be distributed over a network of 400 computers and that can be updated if necessary. How do i do that with VB if i can at all? What should i learn?
I want to develop a process that will monitor computers that logon to my network. Gather information such as computer name, time of logon and log out.The process would be located in the icon tray?
Using the code below i will get all network interfaces wich are enabled and functional on the machine.
Private netIntrfc As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() For i As Integer = 0 To netIntrfc.Length - 1 If netIntrfc(i).OperationalStatus = OperationalStatus.Up Then
But my problem is how to get the default one, the one(ethernet adapter) through wich user is connected to internet?I need to change some settings of default(through wich user is connected to internet) adapter. settings i change through registry so i could sample add same settings for each network interface but that could cause problems and makes no point then?
EDITED:for now i have done like code below, so if this can help someone other...
Dim u As UdpClient = New UdpClient(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName, 1) Dim localAddr As IPAddress = CType(u.Client.LocalEndPoint, IPEndPoint).Address Private netIntrfc As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
I'm using SQL Server and ASP.NET.[code]I have worked this way in another application with the same environment without a problem, but here I have this problem.
I am trying to write a program to ping computers on my network to see if they are turned on. So far i have the following:
If My.Computer.Network.Ping("") Then MsgBox("Computer is on.") Else MsgBox("Ping request timed out.") End If
If i use ip addresses, this works fine but i would rather use hostnames due to the ip addresses being dynamic (something which is outside my control). Using the hostname, it reurns "Computer is on" if the ping is successful, but if the hostname cannot be found, instead on returning "Ping request timed out", an error occurs as follows:
A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException' occurred in System.dll
I have recently finished a console application and deployed it to several computers on our network for testing. As it is just an EXE a copied to the hard drives of selected computers for now. When the app is launched it writes info to an sql DB so I always know which computers it is on.
During the past few weeks I have modified this app at least 6 times (improvements, adjustments, etc)
It is a paint to keep going back to the computers to update it with the new version, and getting mixed up which version i am on - LOL I am looking for advice on how I would go about doing this automatically, for example, it would be cool if I just had to put an updated file in a repositry and clients would use this to update.
In Visual Studio, when I view the properties of my application>assembly information - I can set a file version. Is it possible to extract this info and store it in a variable? I would like to dump the in my DB. Also I could then possibly compare the file version of the launched app against an updated file in a network share folder.