Finished A Console Application And Deployed It To Several Computers On Our Network For Testing

Dec 17, 2011

I have recently finished a console application and deployed it to several computers on our network for testing. As it is just an EXE a copied to the hard drives of selected computers for now. When the app is launched it writes info to an sql DB so I always know which computers it is on.

During the past few weeks I have modified this app at least 6 times (improvements, adjustments, etc)

It is a paint to keep going back to the computers to update it with the new version, and getting mixed up which version i am on - LOL I am looking for advice on how I would go about doing this automatically, for example, it would be cool if I just had to put an updated file in a repositry and clients would use this to update.

In Visual Studio, when I view the properties of my application>assembly information - I can set a file version. Is it possible to extract this info and store it in a variable? I would like to dump the in my DB. Also I could then possibly compare the file version of the launched app against an updated file in a network share folder.

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Getting ALL Computers On Network?

Jan 22, 2012

Part of an application that I'm building searches the network that the current computer is connected to and returns a list of the IP & MAC addresses and the hostname. It is based largely on the post by richard__deeming at [URL] At the moment, it will only get the information about computers that are in the same workgroup, but I have several computers that need to be shown, that are joined to a domain rather than the workgroup. How can I get the program to find every computer on the network?

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Scanning The Computers In Network?

May 18, 2012

how to program an application that scans the computer in the network in

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32 Bit Or 64 Bit Operating System In Network Computers?

Aug 10, 2010

I am writhing a program to replace a file in network computers. but the problem is in our network there is 32 bit systems and 64 bit systems. There are different files to be replaced for 32 and 64 bit systems. I have written a program to replace the file.if we give the target of the location (eg \drd001-dsk1C$Documents and SettingsAdministratorPlayerfilename where drd001-dsk1 is the computer name in the network) Is there any way to check if the system that i need to replace the file is 32 or 64 bit

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Fetching IP Address Of All Computers On A Network?

Aug 30, 2011

am trying to get the IP address of all of the computers on a network. I know how to fetch the names of the computers on the network but I need to fetch the IP address to. I have a listview control with 2 columns 1 for the name of the computer (1st) and another column for the IP addres (2nd). I have the code so can the IP address be displayed in column 2

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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List All Computers In Network/Workgroup?

Dec 29, 2007

How can i get a List of all Arivable Computers in my Network/Workgroup ? I need to add all to a Listbox

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List All Computers On The Network With 2008?

Apr 11, 2010

I wonder how do I list all computers on the network with vb 2008?I know to do in vb6 I have no more sense in vb 2008.

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Determine If Excel Is Open On Network Computers?

Sep 8, 2009

I have an application that automatically updates addins for excel from the server to all the computers on our network. right now all i get is an error if excel is open, but what I want to be able to do is check if excel is open on each computer first and give the user a chance to save their current work then close excel. otherwise i cannot update their addins if excel is open.

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How To View Computers Connected To A Local Network

Jun 8, 2011

Here is my Prob- we have a main router from which we use a distributor or hub for internet connection distribution, ever computer connected automatically obtains IP address of format say - to access net connection.if any connected computer has different IP format than the given one, it cannot access internet.

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Write A Program That Can Be Distributed Over A Network Of 400 Computers?

Feb 16, 2009

I need to write a program that can be distributed over a network of 400 computers and that can be updated if necessary. How do i do that with VB if i can at all? What should i learn?

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Develop A Process That Will Monitor Computers That Logon To The Network?

Jul 5, 2010

I want to develop a process that will monitor computers that logon to my network. Gather information such as computer name, time of logon and log out.The process would be located in the icon tray?

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Write App That Transfer Files And Folders To Others Computers In Network

Dec 20, 2010

I need to write an app that transfer files and folders to others computers in my network

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Bcp Does Not Work In Deployed Application

Aug 21, 2009

I am calling a stored procedure that calls a bcp command from a visual basic 2005 application to export data to excel. When I publish the app on my machine the procedure works fine. However when I attempt to install on another users machine when I push the button to call the event ..the export does not happen. I am trying to install from a network and the other modules work fine.

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Using Switches In A Deployed Application?

Nov 30, 2010

This may be a dumb question, but I am stumped. I wrote a simple desktop application in (vs2005) and published it via the "deploy" method. After I deployed the app and ran the deployment exe - the application runs fine. However, I have recently added some command line switches so I can run the app via a scheduled job. But I cannot find the "exe" file in order to run the application from the command line. Am I missing something or did I deploy/publish the application wrong?

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Communications :: Write A Program To Ping Computers On Network To See If They Are Turned On?

Jul 4, 2008

I am trying to write a program to ping computers on my network to see if they are turned on. So far i have the following:


If My.Computer.Network.Ping("") Then
MsgBox("Computer is on.")
MsgBox("Ping request timed out.")
End If

If i use ip addresses, this works fine but i would rather use hostnames due to the ip addresses being dynamic (something which is outside my control). Using the hostname, it reurns "Computer is on" if the ping is successful, but if the hostname cannot be found, instead on returning "Ping request timed out", an error occurs as follows:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException' occurred in System.dll

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Remote Desktop - Modify That Program To Allow Me To Connect To Computers Not On My Network?

Jun 12, 2011

I have created a program that allows me to remotely access computers on my network (not all done by me i found some code online) however i want to modify that program to allow me to connect to computers not on my network. How can i go about doing this? My program consists of a client and a server. When the server runs it listens for the client on the client side i enter the IP address and it connects so i can send remote commands to the remote system.

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VS 2010 Network Manager - Watch The Screens Of Other Computers Connected In LAN

Jul 30, 2011

i m new in .net programming i am wanting to develop a network application by which i can watch the screens of other computers connected in LAN,i can give permissions/privilages to other users.

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.net - Debugging ClickOnce Deployed Application

Nov 9, 2010

I am new to ClickOnce deployment and at first glance it seems a great way to maintain .Net applications updated with ease. I am developing a simple application that stores information on a mdb database and over some XML files. I understood how to use the "data" folder with ClickOnce and I am developing the part of my application that should migrate the data from older versions after a ClickOnce update. Now I need to debug that part of my code that only runs when the application is in "networkDeployed" mode. So actually I'm doing the following really slow process to test a new deployed version:

publishing the application on a provisional website (I can choose between a faster locale iis site or a real online one) installing the application from the deploying website (the first time) or running the old installed application so it automatically catch new updates and gets updated... running the application

So basically I have two problems here:

the whole process is much too slow :/ I'm running the app as every other app directly from the OS, so I can't access to the debugger...

I am pretty sure that there are better way to test ClickOnce deployed applications...

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Add Crystal Reports To Deployed Application?

Sep 27, 2010

I want to know how i can add reports either crystal or microsoft to a folder called reports in my application and then for them to be displayed in my menu tool bar under reports and then for them to run once clicked. I know it can be done its just how it is done.

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LicenseException For AxMSFlexGrid In Deployed Application

Jun 24, 2009

I have migrated a VB6 application to .Net which uses the MSFlexGrid in a total of 7 different places on 3 forms.When the compiled application is installed on a non-development PC, one of the forms throws a LicenseException when trying to create the instance of the MSFlexGrid control.The other two forms successfully create and use the MSFlexGrid instances that they contain.The problem doesn't occur when the application is run on a development PC.[code]I have looked at the designer.vb code for the forms, comparing the instances which work with the one that doesn't.In both cases, (working and failed) the same calls are made to the control wrapper (i.e. a new instance is created, BeginInit() is called, attributes are set, it is added to the containing control, and EndInit() is called, where the exception is raised.To reiterate, this is not the 'usual' problem of a missing developer license.The exception is not occuring during development, it is occurring in the application installed in the production setting.

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Wired <-> Wireless Network Communication - Grab A List Of All Networked Computers?

Mar 28, 2010

My issue, however, is connecting to the wireless laptops as well.


I need to grab a list of all networked computers, and I definitely include systems on the wireless

network in that list. I'm just not sure how to approach this. Being able to enumerate through a

'tree' of all networks and systems available would be a major plus.

View 5 Replies

Deployed MSAccess Database Not Updated Through Application?

May 26, 2009

I've created a VB.NET Windows Form application which pulls info from an MSAccess database via datasets and tableadapter. When the user makes a change to the data, I use the Update method of the tableadapter to send the changes back to the database. This all works fine in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE, but once the build is done and the application is installed, I run into problems. The application keeps the original data and will not read or write to the database, although any changes I make through the application are mysteriously saved somewhere. If I make changes directly to the database using MS Access - which I need to be able to do - those changes don't show up in the data pulled into the application.

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Desktop Shortcut For Click Once Deployed Application?

Aug 12, 2009

I would like to create a desktop shortcut for my clickonce deployed application.The IDE is VS2005 and there is no need for upgrading to 2008 yet.

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Smart Client Application Deployed As A Click Once Application Called "PDFSplitter"

Jun 24, 2009

I have a smart client application deployed as a click once application called "PDFSplitter". The link to install this PDFSplitter is on our company intranet and when you click the link you get a "The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software?" message. Is there any way to make this message go away?

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Deployed And Installed Application / Want To Attach Database Within SQL Server Management Studio

Mar 9, 2009

I've developed an application in VB2008 express and have installed it to another PC. The installation has put the mdf file in c:documents and settingsuserappsdata.I want to attach this with SQL Server Management studio but when I try to browse to the file in order to attach it, I find I can't browse further then C:documents and settingsuser.

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Pause Application Until Process Finished?

Sep 16, 2009

When a button is clicked,my program gets the list of all Drives on a current computer.Then I use String.Concat to merge the drive letter and the rest of the path.So I get something like: "C:" + "somefoldersomefile.some_extension"That creates a full path to a file I am looking for.Then I check if that file exists.If it doesn't exist,I use Process.Start to run the setup file(to install the program I need).It works well and installs the program I need.I want my application,after the installation is finished,to check again if the program is installed and ofcourse confirm that it is.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DriveList As String() = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()
Dim Drive, FullPath, Path1 As String
Dim EmptyDrives As Integer


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IP Address Filter Or Mask To Only Allow Valid IP Address Before Pinging Or Testing For Network Connection

Jul 6, 2011

Are there any IP Address filters or masks available in Windows Forms as per following screenshot? A backslash shouldn't be allowed or it should be filtered somehow.

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C# - .Net Console Application That Doesn't Bring Up A Console?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a console application I'm using to run scheduled jobs through windows scheduler. All the communication to/from the application is in email, event logging, database logs. Is there any way I can suppress the console window from coming up?

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Application Stalls Until Finished Running Code

Dec 17, 2009

i'm working on a internet cache cleaner.. i load the cache files in a listbox and send them to the recycle bin. in this process, the app stalls until completion and the stall depends on how many files are in the can i do this and keep my app active, not stall?

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Internal Database Inside Finished Application?

Feb 21, 2010

I am currently using vb2008 express, I want to have a database inside the finished application. Not one that connects to an external database or any outside connections but one so all the data is readable, writable, deletable from within the application itself.

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