VS 2008 Implementing A Name Property?

Nov 21, 2011

I have a question thats been bugging me for quite some time now.Recently, I've created a ButtonRow control which is meant to host several buttons on its surface. These buttons are added through a collection property using the property grid of the VS IDE. The property is tagged with the DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content attribute.The objects in this collection are serialized to the designer code of the form or usercontrol on which the ButtonRow is placed. Now it all works fine and everything except that I cannot implement a Name property. I'll explain what I mean by this.

If you've ever used the DataGridView control, you'd notice that the columns work in the same way that buttons work for my control ie a serialized collection. However, the DataGridViewColumn has a Name property which can is used as the variable name when the column is serialized into designer code.

Example: If you place a DataGridView on a form and add a column and change its Name to lets say "AGreatColumn" then the designer would serialize the column as such:-


I went as far as using .Net reflector to decompile MS source code to see how they may have achieved this but I could not find the secret. Also notice that the designer serializes my objects using a Dim statement but the DataGridViewColumn uses a Friend Withevents declaration at the bottom of the designer code file(I didnt it included above)

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Implementing An Interface With A Different Property Type?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm currently trying to create a class that is a composition of the SqlDataAdapter class (as unfortunately you can't inherit from it). In order to try and make it as similar as possible I'm using all the same inherits and interfaces as is documented on MSDN.The problem that I am having is that there are some properties where the interface specifies that the type of the property is IDbCommand. But in the SqlDataAdapter the property type is SqlCommand.

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Implementing Cell Class That Has Value Property Of Different Types

Jan 27, 2010

I am trying to design a table type structure that contains rows and cells. I intend the cell class to have a value property. I'm trying to work out how I can create a value that can return some defined different types e.g integer, single, date, string. I'd like the cell value to be strongly typed, but I am unsure how best to get this working.

My thinking in code so far:
Public Class Cell
Private _value as object
Public Property Value as Object // How can I define this so that it return a Type
Get // e.g. integer, string, etc
Return _value
[Code] .....

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Implementing Property In .NET Have Matching 'ReadOnly' Specifiers?

Jul 20, 2011

The following works in C#:

interface I
int X { get; }
class C : I


The error message Implementing property must have matching 'ReadOnly' or 'WriteOnly' specifiers is pretty self-explanatory, so I do know what's wrong here. It's also not a big issue, because it's quite easy to work around this limitiation. I'm curious, though: Does anyone know why the VB designers decided to treat this case differently than in C#?

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.net Error: Implementing Property Must Have Matching 'ReadOnly' Or 'WriteOnly' Specifiers

Mar 9, 2011

I'm getting this error when trying to implement an interface in vb.net:

Public Interface IFoo
ReadOnly Property Foo() As String
End Interface


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How To Auto-insert A Code Snippet When Implementing Interface Like When Implementing IDisposable

Aug 10, 2010

Is it possible to automatically insert a Code Snippet when an interface is implemented? If so, how do you do it? I am looking for something similar to when you implement IDispoable in VB.[code]This will be used by web forms when transfering parameters from one page to the next using Server.Transfer

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VS 2008 - Implementing Proxies In WebBrowser Control

Mar 27, 2009

I have been trying to implement proxies in a webbrowser control...

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VS 2008 - Implementing System To Check Whether Plugin Installed

Jul 8, 2009

I am trying to create a plugin system. I have the actual plugins working fine but now I want to implement a system that knows whether the plugin is installed or not. I can get the plugin name when the form is loaded (ex. "Plugin1"). I then want to check this against something to see if that specific plugin is already there (if not add it) and if it is there is it enabled. I was thinking of doing this with an xml file but thought that might be a lot of work reading and writing each value. I then thought of the My.Settings and was wondering if this is possible. I would want to create an "element" for the name and give it a value of either true or false.

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VS 2008 General Security - Implementing A Piece Of Software I've Created Into A New Environment

Mar 26, 2011

I'm looking at implementing a piece of software I've created into a new environment. It is currently accessed via network share by users who have full administrative permissions on their user accounts. These same users will have their accounts locked down excessively. I am wanting to consider now before any changes have been made, any code changes I will need to make as my application makes use of a lot of features that admin users take for granted such as registry editing. My program is running through the .net 3.5 framework and is being accessed on XP machines.

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VS 2008 - Property Grid - Click On Item Show Its Property

Mar 18, 2009

I have a listbox with several list items added. I want that as user click on an item, I should be able to show its property. This should change for different items. For example (hypothetical) : Listbox has numbers 1 - 10. Now when I select 1 I should be able to set property - Name, Lastname, Colour, Age.

When I select 2 I should be able to set - Age, Hair Colour (clr shows), Weight, Date. When I select 3 then - City (combo box drop down), Country, Age only. This way value changes for diff items. One way is to put them in property grid and show them. Though this looks nice but adding/removing items in that is not easy. You need to have a class that refer that to prop grid. Do I have to code for each classes for all values in listbox or is there an easier way to manage items in property grid. If you think prop grid is not the right tool for such an activity then can you suggest something else.

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.net - 'Property' Cannot Implement 'Property' Because There Is No Matching Property On Interface 'IName'?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having some very weird issues with interfaces right now.

I have a very simple setup. In one of my class, I have a Property implementing a Property from an Interface.

In my class it's like:

Private _oForm As IForm
Public Property Form As IForm Implements IContainer.Form
Set(value As IForm)


I have like dozens of interfaces like this working throughout my project and I can't believe this simple one can't work!

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Implementing Index In .NET?

Feb 16, 2011

Public Class IndexableLinkedList(Of T) Inherits LinkedList(Of T) implement an index 'property'

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Implementing WebKit Into VB?

Jun 24, 2011

i've been trying to make a simple web browser, but i've been trying to have it run on WebKit because IE sucks. The first form is where the user enters in a product key, and after they enter in the correct key, it's supposed to open up the next form containing the actual web browser, except this is where i'm getting errors.


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.net - Implementing A Dynamic Submenu In .Net?

Jun 20, 2011

On a Windows Form in .Net 3.5 I have created a menu object and populated it with ToolStripMenuItems. One of these items has a DropDown object attached. The DropDown should appear when the mouse hovers over the parent ToolStripMenuItem and disappear when the mouse leaves the ToolStripMenuItem unless it is "leaving" the parent by entering the parent's DropDown.Also, I don't want the DropDown to automatically close when the user makes a selection in it, so I have set its "AutoClose" property to False.

Getting the DropDown to appear was easy. I just set up a handler for a "MouseEnter" event on the parent ToolStripMenuItem. But I'm stuck trying to make the DropDown disappear at the right time. If I set up a handler to close the it when the mouse leaves the parent ToolStripMenuItem, it becomes impossible to use the DropDown, because moving the mouse into the DropDown means "leaving" the parent ToolStripMenuItem, and so the DropDown closes as soon as the user tries to hover over it!

I haven't been able to figure out how to detect if the mouse has really left the whole ToolStripMenuItem / DropDown assembly (in which case the DropDown should close) or has only "left" the ToolStripMenuItem by entering the DropDown (in which case the DropDown should not close).This seems like a common design - a drop down that appears / disappears when the mouse hovers over / leaves the parent element - so how is it normally done?

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.net - Implementing A Progressive Search?

Jul 10, 2010

how to implement such a thing , i am currently programming a compact framework vb.net this is what i have done and am stuck,what ive learn is very basic and simple i am using a sqlce query to use it to search for any string matching entries in the database and then it will display it something like google search engine.And am using visual studio 2005, what ive done is that i will use the datareader to search for the rows in the database and then i will have to assign them to something that is similar to google search engine a dropdown list of similiar results but am not sure how. What im doing is for the user to search for a particular salesman name and then have a progressive search function to also help the user to complete typing rather than typing the full words

Public Class FinanceSalesManCom
Dim connection As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = My Documentsfinance.sdf")
Private Sub txtSalesman_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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C# - Implementing Faded Border In .NET Or WPF

Nov 14, 2011

I want to achieve this in .NET either in WPF or VB.NET

I have a passport size photograph. In that I want to implement a fade effect on image border. The fade parameter we pass would be the pixel width and we require to fade image border such that fade depth is decided by this parameter.

Note:- I am not using any controls to hold this image. Customer will upload the images in the applications and we will modify the above required and send them through email it is going to be console application. any WPF or VB Controls to implement this.

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Dynamically Implementing Set And Get Properties?

Jun 17, 2009

how can i dynamically generate the set and get properties in VB.NET

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Getting An Error While Implementing An AVL Tree

Feb 17, 2012

I am very new to VB.net and I am having a hard time figuring out this error. I am using Visual Studio 2010.
The error is like this[code]...

I am also attaching all the files need to run this program. Please help me because I have been scratching my head for more than a week without any success.

The inorder traversal is working fine, but when I implemented the Breadth First Search Traversal to show the output of a numbers by level, then I started getting this error because I implemented new queue class (clsQueue.vb)for this.

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Ideas On Implementing .NET Properties In T-SQL

May 16, 2012

As I design my system using VB.NET with SQL Server/T-SQL I'm always struck by what seems to me an obvious gap, namely VB Class Properties. Say I have a table Employee with columns: [code]In VB I might have a class like:[code]So my property SpeaksAForeignLanguage depends on two fields currently. Perhaps someday this will change and more fields or conditions might come into play. THAT'S THE WHOLE REASON for using properties.Now if I need the equivalent of my property in SQL for whatever reason there's no way to do it other than to recode some SELECT statement using the two Knows... columns.

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Implementing A 'Remember Me' And 'Keep Me Logged In?

Jan 5, 2011

On Form1 I have two textboxes (Username, Password), two checkboxes (Remember me, Keep me logged in) and a 'Login' button. I am using a MySQL database. Here is my code (w/out my database info, of course):

MySQLConnection = New MySqlConnection
MySQLConnection.ConnectionString = "server=REMOVED;Port=3306; user id=REMOVED; password=REMOVED; database=REMOVED"


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Implementing A C# Interface In A VB Class?

Oct 28, 2010

I am working on a plugin architecture and after some reading I have settled on one. The host class will be implemented in C# as well as some of the plugins for that host. The issue I am having is that some of my team uses VB.net. So the question, is it possible to implement a C# (plugin)interface in VB, such that when it is dynamically loaded into the host program it will have the methods required by the interface.

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Implementing A Long Dash?

Jun 21, 2012

I used to do this by eg String(52,95). (Getting 52 repetitions of an underscore) Cannot make out how to do it in dot net. I realise that String is no longer right but Str is not working either.

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Implementing A Loop In Calculations?

May 3, 2011

' I will declare some variables and constants ' these will be declared globally

Dim dblCost As Double
Const dblHANDLING_STRESS As Double = 595
Const dblSTRESS_DAYS As Double = 3
Const dblTIME As Double = 695


My program needs a loop for calculation of items added to the listbox.

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Implementing A Search Function

Jun 27, 2011

im trying to implement a search function to my booking program, wich retrieves data from a SQL database. I have the screan all set up and all the variables at the ready, the only problem is, im not sure how to execute it in a sqlcommand line.

I've got all the fields that are required, such as date, time but i also have two optional options, Room Type and Room Capacity.

How would i write a sqlcommand to search for available rooms that meet the criteria for the room to be booked?

Heres the code i have so far;[code...]

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Implementing A SPECIAL System?

May 9, 2009

Dim SPECIAL As Acronym = "Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck." The game I'm working on is going to use this style of system.

What I need to do is:

1. All SPECIAL values have to be between 1 and 10. [DONE]

2. When adding and subtracting from any SPECIAL; update remaining points accordingly.

3. If remaining points = 0, then you cannot increase any SPECIAL.

4. If remaining points <> 0, then you cannot continue until all are spent.

I'm up to task 2, but having some difficulty.I managed to figure out how to do it for one. For example:

Sub Numeric_Up_Down_Strength_Value_Changed() Handles Numeric_Up_Down_Strength.ValueChanged
Label_Remaining_Value.Text = CStr(10 - Numeric_Up_Down_Strength.Value)
End Sub

But I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it work for all. I've had some ideas but upon trying to implement them I've been having data type conversion errors.

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Implementing Comobox In Datagridview?

Oct 21, 2010

How can i merge a combo box in a datagridview row.

datagridview is connected to datasource by code not with cool tip.

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Implementing Custom Login For MVC?

Oct 29, 2009

I'm new to ASP.NET MVC and need abit of advice on how to implement the following.The site is a heavily used site with roughly 200 users internally (intranet). We use forms authentication hitting a SQL Server DB (not windows integrated).

Some actions are protected, some are viewable by anyone and some are viewable by both - so if theres a logged in user they see their stuff from the DB, otherwise they see a temporary profile - much like StackOverflow.

How would I go about implementing a security model for this scenario? Can I reuse the existing framework in ASP.NET MVC and use the authorization filters?

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Implementing GOCR Into An Application

Jun 8, 2011

GOCR is a common Optical Character Recognition software that can be implemented into almost any programming language. You must convert the image you wish to convert into a PNM file and then proceed to call the executable OCR file. I cannot find any conversion methods for Visual Basic, nor am I quite sure how to send the file to the program and retrieve the text. Has anyone ever worked with GOCR or happen to know anything above?

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Implementing GOCR Into An Application?

Apr 7, 2011

As many of you know, GOCR is a common Optical Character Recognition software that can be implemented into almost any programming language.You must convert the image you wish to convert into a PNM file and then proceed to call the executable OCR fileI cannot find any conversion methods for Visual Basic, nor am I quite sure how to send the file to the program and retrieve the text. Has anyone ever worked with GOCR or happen to know anything above?

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Implementing MVVM In Silverlight?

Nov 11, 2009

IM Looking at Implementing MVVM in Silverlight.Kind of new to Silverlight and I'm Definately new to MVVM Pattern.I get it all But I want A set of small Prism VB.Net MVVM exmaples if that makes sense.

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