VS 2008 Inserting Records Based Upon A Query In .net?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm getting an error on my index simply setting a string field prior to using it and entering the loop. When I set this field within the loop I get a error still. how to go about Inserting records based upon a query in vb .net? The following is the code that I have:

Public Sub Insert_RunsizeUPCs()
Dim Command As SqlCommand
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsin As New DataSet


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Inserting Multiple Records In Database Using Single Query?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using vb.net and sqlite as database. I am using below scenario to insert multiple records in database using a single query.

INSERT INTO TableName (FirstCol, SecondCol)
SELECT 'First' ,1
SELECT 'Second' ,2
SELECT 'Third' ,3
[Code] .....

For less records it is working very well.But when I am inserting about 800 records at a time, executenonquery is throwing the following exception:
SQLite error
Too many terms in compound SELECT.

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Search Query Based On Date - Records From A Table In MsAccess And Displaying In A Listview

Aug 22, 2009

I used following code searching records from a table in MsAccess and displaying in a Listview and it is working fine with the search criteria based on Discription.


I also tried the above code to search records on the base of CustId and it worked fine too.My table DailyTransaction in MsAccess is as under:DTDate, DTTime, CustId, Description, Quantity, Price, Amount, AccountNumber, Name

Now I want to Search records on the base of Date I tried the following but it did not work.

Dim cmdText As String = "SELECT * FROM DailyTransaction WHERE DTDate=' " & TextBox1.Text & " ' "

Also i want to make following sort of query to retrieve data between two dates and to display the sum of amount group by DTDate. I could sketch following query and deifinitely it is so wrong with Syntex.Select * From DailyTransaction where DTDate Between textbox1.text AND textbox2.text Group By DTDate AND SUM(Amount)

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VS 2008 Displaying It Into Datagridview While Inserting & Deleting Records

Sep 2, 2009

displaying it into Datagridview while inserting & deleting records in runtime..I insert records it into database using Access and delete but the datagridview not changes or update.my question is how can i update the datagridview while inserting records and deleting records.[code]

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VS 2008 - Inserting Value Through SQL Query

Apr 17, 2011

I am working in VB.NET08 and Access Database. Generally we send or update a Value into a Column in a Table through any control like TextBox or Combobox...etc.
rscitycountry.Fields(1).Value = Me.cmbpersonalcity.Text
rscitycountry.Fields(2).Value = Me.cmbpersonalstate.Text
rscitycountry.Fields(3).Value = Me.cmbpersonalcountry.Text

But I need to send a Value or Insert a Value in a Column through Condition. So I wrote a SQL Query for that. By Using this SQL Query I want to insert a value in a particular Column. How can I Update This Column Value in a Table? My SQL Query is :
"INSERT INTO tblPersonsInstitute(InstituteID) SELECT tblInstitution.InstitutionID from tblInstitution where tblInstitution.InstitutionName=" & Me.cmbInstitute.Text & " "
By using the above Query How can I Use? Where I can update??

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Vb - 2008 Customized Printing / Group Records Based On The Year Value?

Jun 12, 2011

how do I customize my Datareport? I want to group my data based on field value.This are my table fields;

SubCode, Description, Units, Grade, Year, Semester

I want to group records based on the Year value. There should be a different table for records whose Year = 1st Year, 2nd year, 3rd Year etc... (Guys this is in printing, OK?)

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VS 2008 : Build Query Based On Two Variables?

Dec 29, 2010

In my program I have a combo box that the user selects a date from and a list view that the user selects an employee ID from. How do I properly design my database query string to use both the date selected and the employee ID selected? The date is stored in a variable called YearMonth and the employee ID is stored in a variable called EmpID.

Here is what I am trying to do with my query:

Dim ExactQuery As String = _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM[JobTypeExact_Query] WHERE (EMPID = ?) AND WHERE (YEARMONTH = YM)" 'Define Exact job type query


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VS 2008 Filter/Hide The Record Set Based On Query?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a Query to Display values in grid view, now i wanted impose certain condition in query to filter the values.I have FABDue(date column) and FABComp(date column)columns in a table.I need to check following two conditions in query

1.Records which does not contain FABdue date in FABDue column, then those records should not be listed in Grid view.

2.Rcords which are having FabComp(column) date then those records should not be listed in grid view


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Inserting Several Records At Once - Sql

Jun 13, 2011

I have recently created a disk catalog program for myself, it is working fine. The problem is, when i try to index my 2 TB HDD, the time taken to write 66K rows into sql table is taking a lot of time nearing 30min.

I am using sql client (sdf is the file extension).

Also, i am using two threads to insert data simultaneous saving 50% of time.

I am using vb generated table adapters only.

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Inserting New Records Into Database

Aug 27, 2009

I typically dont use a dataset in a case of new data insertion to the database. But then again, I will run in a problem the weather the inserting data already exsit in the database. Therefore i need to perform a search first. However, if i follow this it will take slow down the application (if the table has 1 million records). One way i could optmimize this is to load the whole table in to a dataset then the application doesnt have to go to a back end trip nwo it can search inthe dataset. Is this the standard way for inserting records?

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Inserting Records Into Database?

Mar 13, 2009

having a bit of trouble with inserting records into my database. I have the following code:

Dim mypath As String = Application.StartupPath & "\Data\Contacts.mdb"
Dim mypassword As String = ""
Dim inc As Integer


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Inserting Records To SQL Table

Nov 23, 2009

I'm getting an exception error when trying to insert a record to a SQL table in VB.NET. Following is my insert command.

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO RunnerDB VALUES ('" & txtLast.Text & "', '" & txtFirst.Text & "', '" & txtMiddle.Text & "', '" & txtAddr1.Text & "', '" & txtAddr2.Text & "', '" & txtCity.Text & "', '" & cmbState.SelectedValue & "', '" & Integer.Parse(txtZip.Text)
[Code] ......

I am getting the error on the cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()...it says: Syntax Error near ','. I can't find the problem.

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Inserting Multiple Identical Records Into Sql?

Jan 24, 2012

I wish to insert a row into an SQL table a multiple number of times. The only field that will change is the Primary key ID which will update automatically.

To enter the INSERT into a loop seems very inefficient (time). The only other way I can find to do this is build up an array of values and do a multiple INSERT but again this seems very inefficient (memory) when the values will all be identical.

Is there a way of saying insert this row a variable number of times?

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Inserting Records And Batch Update

Jan 15, 2009

Right now I am doing the following.
Inserting records one at a time. See below
I am trying to figure out how I can update in one connection.

Public Shared Function saveserver(ByVal servlist As List(Of server)) As Integer
Using myconn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Citrixmanagementlocal").ToString)
'Dim mycommand As New SqlCommand("sproc_serverload_Update_insert", myconn)
'mycommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
[Code] .....

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Inserting Records In Access Database

May 13, 2012

I am trying to insert records in an Access database using VB.NET 2008 using the following code:[code]I get this error Syntax error (Missing operator) in query expression when I try to insert any record that has apostrophes in the name.I have tried everything I can think of to get these types of names intserted into the database with no luck.

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Inserting Records In Oracle DB Using Datagrid In .NET?

Aug 10, 2011

Here is the code which is working fine for me on another form but creating problem when i use the same code on another form it gives me this error message when i try to insert a new record in DB "Value cannot be null Parameter name: Data Table"

and here is the code
Imports System
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging


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Inserting Records Into Access From VB Using Begintransaction

Jun 28, 2011

so now i know i have to use begintransaction to insert records into Access. i've searched for information and it seems that i have to implement Ole.DB and SQL in order for begintransaction to work. My question is, currently i didn't implement any Ole.DB or SQL codes to connect my Access database to Visual Basic.

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Inserting Records Into Database From Tab Controls?

Feb 28, 2010

I created tab controls to seperate the controls till this point everything is OK. but the problem is I can't insert records into database from the tabs controls. but when I enter in all of tabs the insert statment is running.

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SQL Query - Execute A Sql Query That Will Display The Top 5 Based On Average?

May 17, 2012

I have a data table that looks like this:

LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012
LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
LAGX04 4598 1555 05-07-2012
LAGX05 2589 3245 05-07-2012
LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
LAGX07 3698 3458 05-07-2012
LAGX08 2589 4587 05-07-2012
LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
LAGX10 3156 1987 05-07-2012
LAGX11 5547 2011 05-07-2012
LAGX12 9456 3459 05-07-2012

Now, I want to execute a sql query that will display the top 5 based on average, so i did this:


LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012

Now, I want to numberize my query result, so it will look like this:


1 LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
2 LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
3 LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
4 LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
5 LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012

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DataGridView - Inserting Records To Access Table?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a datagridview which contains 4 records. I want to insert these records into access table. This access table already have records. Datagridview's columns & access table's columns are same (datatype & columnname). How can I insert these 4 records in access table?

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DB/Reporting :: Inserting Records - No Open Connection?

Apr 17, 2008

If I use the CmdObj.ExecuteNonQuery() I got an error
I'm not having an open connectoin.

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Inserting And Saving Records To An Access Database?

Jul 6, 2010

My program runs with no errors, but the actual .accdb file does not reflect changes when I make them in the running program. Also when I fill in the text boxes and click the "Add New Item" Button, the "ID" text box displays a -1. "ID" is the primary key in my Access Database.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class addMemberForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Inserting Records In Access/SQL Server Through VB 2010?

May 5, 2012

how to connect to databse from vb and insert records ?

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Inserting Records To Two Separate Tables Via DataSet

Dec 19, 2009

I've got a form where a user enters data. When the user submits that data, it inserts a record to two separate tables via a dataset. One of the records has no problem being saved into the database (in the table it was put into), but the other record seems to temporarily be in there (according to a third form), because it exists for the duration of the application, but when I exit, and then check the database, it's not there, and it's not shown on the third form when I restart the application again either.

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Refresh Data Base After Inserting Records?

Jun 10, 2011

How to refresh data base after i insert records. I explain, i have form in which user add data into database ACCESS

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Sql :: Inserting Records To Database From Multiple Checkboxes?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a table like these:

Club Table contains: ClubID(IDENTITY), Name, Address
Genre table contains: GenreID and Genre
ClubGenre table contains Club ID, GenreID


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VS 2005 Inserting Records From Dataset To Table?

May 11, 2012

Im inserting records from a dataset to access table by selecting a key(dix) from a listbox. below is the code Sub loop2(ByVal dix)

table_name1 = "TestStepDetailTable"
con.ConnectionString = dbprovider
'MsgBox("database is open")


The problem is when i insert a first key(dix) records its coying fine. But when i insert the second set of records in is sorting int he table. but when i looked at the dataset by using gridview the recods appears in a right order. but the updated table is somewat sorted order. Is there any possible way to insert the records in the same order in the dataset..

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Sql Server :: Stop Inserting Records In SQL Table When A Limit Is Reached?

Sep 25, 2009

My Problem is that I want to give user a message if the delegate limit has reached for that course.See I have a course where I have MinDelegate and MaxDelegate limit. I want to stop inserting and give user message that "Max Delegate limit has reached can't have more delegates for this course"And below is the insert commmand which is inserting records in my delegate table.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspInsertDelegate]
@CourseID int,


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Inserting A Sql Query?

Oct 4, 2010

I have the following code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing


which should return back the next available sunday to me from the database. What I'm getting back is 01/01/0001 - 01/08/0001.

I've tried a couple of versions of this but they all produce the same date.

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Asp.net - Inserting Records From Multiple Computers In The Same Database At The Same Time In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a web portal designed in ASP.NET in which we ask customers to enter the data. On the click of submit button all i have done is, just read the data and called a stored procedure which inserts that into a table. There seems to be a problem in SQL Server 2005 while inserting the data from multiple computers at the same time. We have tested in our lab with three computers, result is that we get the data inserted successfully in only one machine and on the other two machines we get error on page. I have used transactions in the stored procedure and also tried setting the isolation levels to READ_UNCOMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE and SNAPSHOT. Nothing seems to work properly.

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