VS 2008 : List FTP Dir In VB?

Jun 11, 2009

This should hopefully be a simple one. I want to list the files and file sizes of a directory on an ftp. I have absolutely no clue how to get into an ftp with VB.I made a batch script that does this but batch can't do the math to convert the file size from bytes to either kb, mb, or gb.

So all I need is to learn is how to get the file names and sizes (other things such as date, owner, permission would be nice to know also) then I can get it to write a file in the format I want. I figure I'll use arguments to choose the directory or if no argument is used root will be listed.

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VS 2008 Student List Views - List Boxes And Data Fro Access DB Tables

Dec 30, 2010

This is what I'm sure will be the first of many noob-ish questions from yours truly... I'm studying as a mature student for a Computing Degree (encompassing web design, hardware, programming and systems analysis). The programming seems to be my weak spot this year. I enjoyed C++ last year, doing basic console applications, but progamming visually with VB in Visual Studio 2008 I'm struggling!


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VS 2008 Will Not Need To Update Each Component Variable Of Products List When Components List Changes

Sep 21, 2010

I think (?) this is about object design, and perhaps about structural and/or creational patterns. But a bit hard to say when I only know a couple of patterns yet.[code]But... what if we INSTEAD want each Product instance only to (in some way) refer to one instance of a specific list of Components. So we wan't to save the products list to one file, and the components list to another file. Then would I build the objects the same way, or different? So let's then say we have now Class B as below. [code]

1. Will not need to update each component variable of the products list when the components list changes.

2. If the Product object shall be shown in a DataGridView, for editing properties, it seems easier to implement the selection of the component property.

Is this wrong approach? Is it suitable in some cases, and if so, when? Are there other solutions I perhaps am not aware of that would be appropriate? Is this about structural design patterns? and if so, can the alternatives above be catagorized to some pattern type? I don't really know exactly what I'm looking for.. But I think probably I'm looking to understand whether the object design will be determined by the way the objects are saved.. And if i shall save the objects by serializing to file, vs saving to a database, would I create the business objects differently?

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VS 2008 - Fetch List Of Directoies From 1 Special Ftp Server Wich Does Not Support LIST Command

Jan 27, 2011

I have a small problem i'm trying to fetch list of directoies from 1 special ftp server wich does not support LIST command i was try this code and it works for all ftp server i have try exept this special one :

'' Get the object used to communicate with the server.
'Dim request As FtpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & txtFTPhost.Text), FtpWebRequest)


I'm getting error 502 which means command is not supported and app crashed. I would just simple said leave it but i have try normal ftp clients like FlashFXp and it works just fine (i can see error in the log but it just pass it and show direcoties)

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VS 2008 Declare A List(of T) (or List(of <anonymous Type>))?

Jan 7, 2010

Ok i'm trying to declare a global list of type T (or is it <anonymous type>) i declare it in a module with something like Friend query As New List(of {whatever type i try}) the app takes some xml and parses it into a list but i need this list available to other classes and methods within the app, everything i have tried fails resulting in an error like Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of <anonymous type>)' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of {whatever type i try})'.

What would be the correct way to declare a list of this type? is there another way i could do this?

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VS 2008 Search Item A (from A List Of X Items) In List B?

May 5, 2010

i want to search item A (from a list of X items) in list B but i want to get the item not found example Search ITEM A in LIST B if not found then return a print....if found continue with ITEM B..and so on.

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VS 2008 Displaying A List Within A List In A DataRepeater?

Feb 2, 2010

Firstly i apologise for another topic on a subject i have created already but this is a slightly different question and not related to LINQ at all despite the fact the code uses LINQ (the linq works fine and creates a List(Of Test) where each 'Test' contains a List(Of TestList) This data could be anything i guess and could come from an array or a database rather than xml literals.Ok, essentially i have a list which contains a list and i wish to display all the properties (List and list within this List) onto a DataRepeater Control. I have developed a testbed to get this working so i can implement it into my main application. Firstly I'll show the current code and how to construct the form and after that i will explain what i have tried and what i have had happen from these trials over the last week.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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VS 2008 List Box : List Only The Image It Self?

Jan 19, 2010

i got my list box working.but it lists the path and the name..ist it possible list only the image it self?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form3
Private Sub FindFiles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FindFiles.Click


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Getting A String From A List Box On One Form To A List Box On Another Form In VB 2008

Oct 17, 2010

I need to get a string from an items collection in a list box on one form to a list box on another form in VB 2008. Here is the code (I've tried a couple ways in the code to get the values over).

Public Class frmPrintBooks
Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles btnClose.Click


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VS 2008 Add A Control To List (Of Control) What Gets Added To List?

Jul 26, 2011

when I add a Control to the List(Of Control) what gets added to the List? Is it the Control or reference to the Control.I have a collection of controls (picture boxes representing notes,comments, icons, etc.), which can be drag and drop into other picture boxes holding read only images. Those controls are never permamently added to those images, they can be move or dispose as needed. I need to save those controls to a file and retrieve it later, however when retrieved, they must be place onto the same location in the image. Saving just the image is not the option, I also need to save all the control attributes.

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Making A To Do List In Vb 2008

Feb 9, 2011

I want to create an app that is constantly running and as part of my desktop toolbar. When I mouse over the icon, I want the list to show in front of all other windows on the screan. I, also, want it to fade away once the mouse leaves the icon.If the icon is clicked, the window displays.

I want to be able to click-and-hold the title bar to move it around when the window is displayed. I want the full display of the window to be a check box list with each line being ~25 characters long. At the top of the window, there should always be an open line on top of the list where I can enter a new "task," and hitting the "ENTER" key will save the line and move it down one line, as well as the entire list underneath

The action of ENTERing a new "task" should spawn a new open line at the top of the checkbox where the user can enter a new task. When a box (located to the left in front of each line of text) is checked for a line, that line will disappear."Checking" a box should move every line underneath of the Checked (and thus deleted) line up one line. There should be a "close" or "minimize" (depending on how you keep in to the task bar) button the hide the app when I'm through using it.

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Vb 2008 List Box Limit?

Apr 29, 2011

i have 3 list boxes, 2 for selection one displays selection. i want a limit on input in lstbox3. i cant figure the right syntax etc. if lstbox3.count > 2 then is not accepted.

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VS 2008 - List Of Class(Of T) ?

Aug 15, 2011

If i have the following class:

Is there anyway to load classes derived of this class into a single list kind of like: list(of Test) so that i can itterate through all items and call the load sub in each?



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VS 2008 Array Vs List?

Feb 5, 2010

I used an array for collecting data throughout my program. With "Redim Preserve" I increase the size along the way. However I understand that this method is not really efficient and recommended is to use: List
So I tried (simplified here):


But the line: "ExtInfo(indx).Done = True" produces an error: "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment."Clearly I don't understand fully the concept of "List(Of T)"...

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VS 2008 Clear List?

Oct 25, 2010

How can i clear this list. Is this list called Recent or?

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VS 2008 DGV Displays Same Value For Whole List?

Jan 18, 2010

Heres my issue which has been bugging me all day and i haven't been able to resolve.

I have a DGV on a form (frmResults) this is linked to a bindingsource of type InventoryItem (popInventory is a list(of InventoryItem) and popular is a list of another class object (StockItem). here's some code to explain better

first the declarations in my globals module

Public Module globals
Friend popInventory As New InventoryItem
Friend popStock As New StockItem


ok what this routine is doing is on the results form is 2 dgv's the first contains stock to keep, the 2nd one contains excess stock to sell. what i get however is all cells on both DGV's are the last item to be read from the popular list. the items are adding correctly (varified with a breakpoint and looking at variables at the time. the popInventory item is added to the relevent List.

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VS 2008 List View Value

May 2, 2010

This is my code to open a openfiledialog and put every line into my listview and skip if there is any newline character.[code...]

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VS 2008 Loop Through A Row List Until End?

May 6, 2010

how can i loop until the last row of a data grid

I want to loop through a series of rows

Dim num4 As String Dim found As Boolean

HERE HOW CAN I LOOP to check if a nummber its found and if it is found then condition = true if its not found when finished the list the n condition = false For ver = 0 To 1105 (IDK HOW TO LOOP SO I DID THIS BUT DOESNT WORK CUZ IT CHECKS row FOR row RATHER THEN ALL OF THEM)


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.net 2008/2005 DB Search And List?

Jun 21, 2010

I am in a beginning stage vb user.I need to create a program, if I entered the "product code" in a text box / search box, it wants to display its full details from database, such as Product code, product name, description and picture.

so, can any one tell me how am I wanna start this?I dont need complete codes, I need advices and the facts that I need to consider, i like to try it my own.

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Copying List Boxes In VB 2008

Mar 2, 2010

I need to copy the contents of one list box to a list box on another form. I've tried a number of ways of tackling this, including copying to the clip board and then to another form.....but with no success.

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Get A List Of LAN Settings And Codes For VB 2008?

Apr 18, 2009

I need a list of LAN settings & codes for visual basic 2008

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List All Computers On The Network With 2008?

Apr 11, 2010

I wonder how do I list all computers on the network with vb 2008?I know to do in vb6 I have no more sense in vb 2008.

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List View Sorting In Vb 2008?

Dec 28, 2009

how we can sort a listview on column wise in a simple way?

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Scrolling Of 2 List Box Scroll Together In VB 2008?

Mar 14, 2010

How to make 2 list box scroll together in VB 2008?

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VS 2008 - Removing Item On The End From List Box

Aug 31, 2009

I have a button that when pressed I want it to remove all the ending urls that have ending with / just to remove / item on the end so it will live me a url with out / on the end if u know what I mean. [Code]

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VS 2008 : Access A List Of Attributes?

Apr 8, 2009

I need to access a list of attributes as follows.I'm drawing a curve named "CurveName". With Curvename I need to access the curve color, the data symbol etc.I tried this:

Dim cllCurveAtt as new cllCurveAtt
sub SetAtt
cllCurveAtt.Add(CurveName, "Color.Red")
end sub

If I then want to refer to the curve color through cllCurveAtt(CurveName) I get an error because "Color.Red" is not a system color, it should be Color.Red without the quotes. But if I remove the quotes in the assignment THAT causes an error because since CurveName is a string, that color thing should also be convertable to a string. Catch 22.

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VS 2008 : List Files In Desktop?

Oct 23, 2010

I'm trying to list all files in my desktop folder.But strUserDir value is "0" any ideas why?

My code

Dim strUserDir As String = Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop
For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(strUserDir)

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VS 2008 Add An Array On Names In A List Box?

Jun 28, 2010

How can i add an array on names in a list box And be able to add and delet name in a listbox ps sence i just fond out .net cant mke control array ill use listbox with an array of names in it

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VS 2008 Add List Box Items To Text Box?

Mar 18, 2009

I know this must be more simple than i'm making it out to be, but it's not working for me.I have a listbox with items that are set up in a specific order and need to be kept in that order when going into the text box line by line.


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VS 2008 Adding List To Textbox?

Nov 25, 2009

I am making a program that when you click a checkbox it will add a corresponding list of items to a textbox. The only problem is that I have lists that are about 20-30 lines long, and all I know how to do is items.add "item" I was wondering if any one knew a way that I could add a long list without out items.add.

Here is a sample

Private Sub CheckBoxes_CheckedChanged() Handles CheckBox3.CheckedChanged, _
CheckBox2.CheckedChanged, _


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