VS 2008 - List Of Class(Of T) ?

Aug 15, 2011

If i have the following class:

Is there anyway to load classes derived of this class into a single list kind of like: list(of Test) so that i can itterate through all items and call the load sub in each?



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VS 2008 Adding Class Object To List Or Array In A Different Class

Jun 21, 2010

I am trying to create an list or an array of a class.Here is my "Ingredient" class that I am trying to create a list of:[code]In my "recipe" class, I am want to create a list (or array) and I am drawing a big blank on how to do it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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VS 2008 List (of Class) In A DataGridView Question?

Oct 10, 2009

I have a List(of Class) where the class has two properties. One is a string and the other is a List(of String). I want to view this in a DataGridView and show the list property in a combobox. This is the basic structure of the grid, can someone tell me how I assign the "Files" property to the combobox? [code]

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VS 2008 Removing Items From List Of Class?

Jun 12, 2010

I've searched on the Internet and I can't find a solution to this simple problem. I've also looked on Microsoft's MUCH improved MSDN site and haven't found a solution, so here it goes. I'm trying to remove an entry from a list of class and it doesn't get removed. Here's a sample of the code I'm trying: (I renamed the class and variable names to make it a simple example)

Dim lstClass As New List(Of TheClass)
Dim mClass As TheClass
I tried this first
mClass.filename = "The Entry to Delete"


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VS 2008 Sorting A List(of Class) Using LINQ?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm using the following code to sort a List(of Class) using LINQ. It works fine, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do it. I'm basically taking one list, applying LINQ to it, then using the result to create a second list in the sorted order. Can I do this without creating a second list? Here is my sample

' KeyMatch is my Class Variable
' mMatchList is the Unsorted List


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VS 2008 - Class Ranking List Box Has An Enum Function?

Dec 7, 2010

Application: Arrays are to be used for this. When button Add Student is clicked it should add all the information for a student and when Show Student button is clicked it should prompt the user for student's last name and student's information in a message box. Class ranking list box has an enum function to it and has to be stored be show along side other answers.NOTE: FindItemIndex if from the last application I did, i am suppose to use it in this one,so you can modify it the way you want.


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.net - Overrides A "list Of Base Class" Property And Returning A "list Of Child Class"

Oct 19, 2010

I have a base class (ex: Class1) containing a list of another base class (ex: ClassA). Each child class of first base class (ex: Class1AA, Class1AB,..) containing a list of child class of second base class (ex: ClassAA, ClassAB,...)The client must never know which child class is using, then i don't think i can use generic for my bases classes.I try something like this and many more, but i always received errors..Imports System.Collections.Generic


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VS 2010 : Create A New Class And Have Each List Item Of That Class Such As 'btnID', 'btnText'?

Apr 27, 2011

I want to read a number of items from a file and then associate each of those items with a new button at run-time, so that when the user clicks one of the buttons I can display some information about that item.Can I use a LIST to manage these buttons and items? Can I create a new class and have each list item of that class, such as 'btnID', 'btnText', etc... ?

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Get Type Of Derived Generic List Class From List Item Method?

Mar 23, 2011

Public Class notifierMain
Public Class Contacts
Inherits List(Of row)
Public Sub New()


When I debug this winforms application I get curType = "notifier.notifierMain+Contacts+row" I want to the Validate function to know it is in MyContacts. How do I do this?

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Make A Project Where A Teacher Views A List Box With A List Of Students Of A Class?

Nov 5, 2011

I wish to make a project where a teacher views a list box with a list of students of a class. When he selects a name from the first list box the second listbox would change its data to show the grades for that one student.

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VS 2010 List(of Class) - System.NullReferenceException Error When Add The Info To The List

Jan 27, 2011

I'm getting System.NullReferenceException error when I try to add the employee info to the Employees list.


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Convert A List Linq Expression To Defined List Class?

May 26, 2012

y have this class

Private Class MyClass
Public Property propertyOne() as String
Public Property propertyTwo() as String


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Adding A List (of Class) Or Collection As Another Class's Property

Apr 2, 2010

I'm looking for a tutorial on how to Adding a list(of Class) or Collection as another Class's Property.What I am after is something like the Columns Collection for the DatagridView control.I would like to add Items in the graphics screen. Where the item list is displayed in the left panel and the selected Item properties are displayed in the right panel.

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Using The List Class - Displaying Information From A List Into A Listbox

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to understand classes in VB 2010. I am a bit confused with displaying information from a list into a listbox.When I run the following code, the word collection appears in my list box. How do I drill down into 'hostnames' to display the info I want.

Public Class computer
Private _HostName As String

Public Property HostName As String


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Array In One Class Writing To A List In Another Class?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm designing a small GUI Windows program that allow staff at a cinema to reserve seats for customers. There will be a total of 60 seats in the cinema. I have two classes in my program:-

1.) MainForm.vb - used for I/O actions and user interaction
2.) SeatManager.vb - used to hold and handle the background methods and functions that make the program work Here is the code for my MainForm.vb class thusfar:-


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Passing List / Collection From Class To Class

Apr 28, 2009

I seem to have problem with passing a collection/sorted list/ list of strings from one class to another.I am using property procedure to pass it, however nothing is sent to another class. There isn't any error messages either.[code]

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Populate A List(Of Object) In A Class Method, Where The List Was Passed To The Method As A Parameter

Aug 13, 2011

I'm trying to code a class of RandomNumber. One of the class methods needs to populate a "List (Of RandomNumber)" ... which was passed as a parameter to the method ... with 10 random numbers between 1 and 50. DEAD SIMPLE :)

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.net - Inheriting From List(of T) Class

Apr 27, 2009

I want to implement a priority queue class. When an item is added at a higher priority it is pushed to the front of the queue instead adding to the end of queue. Simple few lines of code


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Can't Get A List(Of <my Class>) From A Dictionary In .NET

Jun 11, 2010

I have a Dictionary with key of type UInteger and the value is List(Of Session) where the (Public) class Session contains a couple of variables and a constructor (Public Sub New(...)). Some of the variables in my Session class is:

Private count As Integer
Private StartDate As Date
Private Values As List(Of Integer)

and a couple of methods like:

Friend Sub Counter(ByVal c as Integer)
count += c
End Sub

There is no problem to add values to the Dictionary:

Dim Sessions As New List(Of Session)
Dim dict As New Dictionary(Of Integer, List(Of Sessions))

then some code to fill up a couple of Session objects in Sessions (not shown here) and then:

dict.Add(17, Sessions) ''#No problem
Sessions = dict(17) ''#This doesn't return anything!

The Sessions object is empty even if the code doesn't returned any error.Is my class Session to compex to be stored in a Dictionary?

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Creating A List In A VBA Class

Nov 18, 2011

I would like to know how I can get the list of possible choices to Intellisense for my class object, like it does with MsgBox.For example, when creating a message box you type MsgBox "Test Message Text", vbYesNo, "Test Message Title".In typing that, when you type the comma just before the vbYesNo, it gives you the possible selections for button types in a drop down list: i.e., vbYesNo, vbOKOnly, etc.I have a class called clsKeyState. what it does is turn on/off/toggle key states, such as CAPS LOCK, SCROLL LOCK, NUM LOCK, etc... I have set my property for it as Get/Let "State". When I call it to set a key to on/off I will be doing it like this: KeyState.State WhichKey, On/Off/Toggle.I would like the WhichKey part to automatically display all the possible selections that I define, such as CapsLock, NumLock, Scroll Lock; and I want the On/Off/Toggle to display those specific items also (On, Off, Toggle). I will be using the ability to create these displayable options for many more things in my project than just this one simple class.

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Inheritance Of List(of T) In A Class?

Dec 3, 2009

working on an implementation of a list control for a card game. The catch is the deck control object. I want it to be reusable for different types of cards, which is wheretuck since I seem to be having some issues.First: The basic card object

Public Class BaseCard
Private _Id As Integer


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Initializing A List Of A Class?

Jul 25, 2009

what the syntax is for initializing a list of a class, eg:-

Public class myparams
private myno as integer
private name as string
end class


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List Contains A Particular Instance Of The Class?

Feb 17, 2012

In a program that I'm putting together, I have a small class and in the program, I add instances of that class to a List(Of [that class]).Later in the program I test whether or not that list contains a particular instance of the class, but it fails to return true when I've proven that it's in there. I've since set up an iteration routine where it finds it, but it has me puzzled why the ".Contains" will not locate it.

My question is simple: When I have a List where I add an instance of a structure or class, does it not actually examine the contents of the structure or class inside it?

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Sorting A List By A Class Value

Jun 25, 2011

I have a list (i.e. Dim nList as new List(of className)). Each class has a property named zIndex (i.e. className.zIndex). Is it possible to sort the elements of the list by the zIndex variable in all of the elements of the list?

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VS 2008 Component Class - Drag And Drop Control Onto New Class

Nov 21, 2009

I am searching for the Component Class. When I go to "Add New Item" ,in my project their is no Component Class Item in VS 2008. I would like to Drag and Drop control onto my new class and I can't see how to do this ?

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VS 2008 Reference Parent Class From Inside Child Class?

Apr 11, 2009

I have a 'property management class' that contains several functions and properties. I have several other classes that use the 'management class' as a property to derive the value of several of its other properties.Is there a way for me to reference the outer class from the 'management class' functions without having to pass it as a parameter? I ask because several different classes can have this 'management class' as a property and am having a hard time typing the parameter.

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.net - Get A Class Property To Be A List Array?

Oct 14, 2009

Stack Overflowers:I have been racking my brain trying to get an List(of T) type array to be the property of a class. I know there has to be a simple way of doing it and I can't find a good example on google. Everytime I create a class that I think will work I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when I try to use it. My thinking now is that I cannot use it in the way I was hoping to. Here is my latest attempt:

Public Class Item
Private _itemno As String
Public Property ItemNo() As String


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Access List From Another Class Program?

Jan 4, 2012

I have these two classes class FootballAdmin makes use of the import Football from the projects references, what i need to do is in class MainForm is for the updateView method to access the list held by FootballAdmin and display it in the teamSheetListBox, i am unsure how access the list as indicated by ?[cod]e...

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Add Custom Class To A Generic List?

May 10, 2010

I created two classes. One class is StudentClass and the other is HomeroomClass. The HomeroomClass contains a readonly property as a generic list of the StudentClass. [code]...

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Continuation Of A List (of T) As A Property Of A Class

Apr 2, 2010

This is another continuation of an issue with a List(of T) as a property of a class.Following the excellent advice of AtmaWeapon and others on this forum, I have my classes working fine except for something that is inexplicable to me.I initialize my "course" class at a public level in a module. This is so the data in the class will be available program wide and for the application's lifetime. "Public newCourse As New Course".I initialize a local instantiation of the class TimeTable as newTimeTable [code] This issue is: The List(of T) is populated with data, however, when the loop finishes, what I have is the last set of values repeated "X" number of times in the List instead of the data being different in each element of List( Of T). [code]

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