VS 2008 Looping Through Combo Box TEXT - Regardless Of Datasource Impossible?

Jul 26, 2009

I was wondering how i can loop through a combo boxes items display item field - and return the value for each - i want this to be generic regardless of the combo boxes data source - or if the combo box has been populated with a string list / class etc

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Impossible To Find TreeNode Text

Jul 2, 2009

So I have a TreeView that starts off empty. Sequence of events is as follows:
Add a new root node. Code makes the label edit box pop up immediately, and I give it a name.
Add a new subnode to that root node.
Add a new root node, after the first one. The label edit box pops up, and I give it a name.

The second root node takes on its new name, but so does the subnode added in step #2. Now, it's not really the subnode's text; if I examine that TreeNode in the debugger, it has the proper text for a subnode. But that text that was entered into the root node sticks around through expanding and collapsing its parent node, until something else happens and I need to rebuild the tree.

I'm building the tree in kind of an odd way - removing all root nodes from the parent, all child nodes from the root, updating all the tags and text, creating new nodes, then re-adding the nodes to their parents - but I've checked, and the proper text is being associated with the proper node. The TreeNode that is showing the wrong text has only ever modeled the one object, never had anything else in its Text property, and has its text set back to the right value ("untitled action") right before being re-added to its parent node.

All I can think of for a culprit is the code for the label editing box, which is based on an MSDN sample:
Private Sub EditSelectedCategoryName()
If Not ActionList.SelectedNode.IsEditing Then
ActionList.LabelEdit = True
[Code] .....

EditSelectedCategoryName is called by a context menu item's Click event, right after the new root node is added and made the selected node. The DisplayName setter in the AfterLabelEdit event handler is what triggers another chain of events that rebuilds the tree. So am I screwing up some internal structure of the TreeView by altering its contents in the AfterLabelEdit event?

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VS 2010 No Duplicates In Combo From Datasource

Sep 7, 2011

I'm having an issue wherein my combobox is populated from a datasource (access database >> [URL] and unwanted duplicates are shown.

-Example- [URL]

How can I make it so no duplicates arise?

Also on another note...I'm having difficulties linking the 2nd combo (model) to the first (make).

I would like the program to function in such a manner that

>makeCombo is populated from the database
>the user selects the Make of the vehicle from makeCombo
>modelCombo is populated from the database according to the make selected
>the user selects the Model of the vehicle from modelCombo
>user hits search
>datagrid is populated with appropriate vehicles

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C# - Fill Combo-box Via DataSource Using Values From Various Columns?

Jun 12, 2010

Employee emp = new Employee();
comHandledBySQt.DataSource = emp.GetDataFromTable("1");
comHandledBySQt.DisplayMember = "FirstName";

The above code displays drop list of employees first names in a combo box. I want first name and last name to be displayed. How can i do it?I tried to include two columns FirstName and LastName as below but didn't work.

comHandledBySQt.DisplayMember = "FirstName" + " " + "LastName";

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Won't Combo Boxes Update Correctly When Changing Datasource In Windows Forms (VB)?

Sep 27, 2009

In a windows forms project, I have several combo boxes. The first combo box contains a list of objects. Those objects then have several lists which are used as the datasource's for the successive combo boxes, depending on which item is chosen in the first.


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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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VS 2008 Combo Box Text Alignment?

Sep 14, 2009

I might be coming up with a few dumb questions over the next few weeks because I am trying to push myself to learn VB 2008. So I think this is the first.I have figured out how to get a datareader to pull data from a MySQL database, pass it from a module back to my form, but when I try to put it in a combobox, the text is always left-aligned. I had never thought about this before because I think I have only ever put text in one before in VB6. However, this time it is numeric and left aligned numerics don't line up well when the numbers look like



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VS 2008 Insering Text Into A Combo Box?

Apr 13, 2010

I would like to ask you a question about combo boxes . I want to insert a string into a combo box , but it seems I have a problem . First of all , let me specify that this combo box is set to only accept specific strings , which populate it when the form is loaded . Assuming that the combo box is located on Form1 , when it is loaded , this code is executed :


What is going wrong ? Is it that the combo box can not have that value because Form1 has not been loaded yet ? If that's the case what should I do ? I guess I could call the Load sub directly from Form2 in order to load Form1 , but I wouldn't like that because with the Load event some other code will run , which I don't want it to . So , is there any way to set my desired string into the combo box ?

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"Backup Files" In VB 2008 EE - Application Suddenly Became Impossible To Access

Feb 27, 2009

A routinely used application suddenly became impossible to access, with and error code indicating that the "VB Backup\Backup" file cannot be found. When I click File Open, the projects display as always. I select the application, double click the .sln file--and nothing happens. When I try to access the .vb file in Solution Explorer, it says "Cannot find VB Backup\Backup Files."

What are the Backup Files, when are they created, and why would they suddenly be "gone?" Is there any way to rebuild the Backup Files? I used the application last night and it worked fine. Today it can't be opened because the Backup Files cannot be found.

I have backups of the application folders, but get the same error message. Cannot be opened because the Backup FIles cannot be found.

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VS 2008 Disabling Text Entering In Combo Box?

Dec 14, 2009

How do I stop the user from typing into a combo box and only allow them choose from the options available?

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Forms :: Combo Box Value And Text In Vs 2008 For Windows Application

May 2, 2011

i want to load customerID and customerName in a combo bom. ID will be invisible and name will be visible in column using visual basic 2008 for windows application.

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VS 2008 Combo Box Reading A File And Displaying In A Text Box?

Jan 31, 2011

Private Sub FrmTestMid_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim myfile As System.IO.File


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VS 2008 Disable Text Boxes Until Combo Box Choice Is Made?

May 28, 2009

I currently have my cute little first program made... I'm just stepping into the water with this programming thing. I made a program where you can select a shape from a drop-down list and then input some values and click a button and get the area of the shape. I have it working so that when a certain shape is chosen, certain fields are disabled, such as when you pick "circle" from the combo box, the "length", "width", and "number of sides" text boxes are disabled but the "radius" text box is enabled, thus allowing you to enter the radius and find the area. I want to make it so that when you first load the program, all of the text boxes for the length, width, number of sides and radius are disabled until you select a shape from the list. Currently I'm using


This works for disabling the correct boxes when something is selected, but I don't know if I'm even on the right path with that first part.

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VB 2008 - Updating Bound Table/datagrid From Text Boxes And Combo Box Data?

Sep 27, 2010

None of the Microsoft videos I have watched, or the other posts I have seen, have given me the pieces I need to understand this process. This is the one key piece of understanding that I need to finish about 4 different programs I have started in the last 2 years. All of them key on understanding the following processes:

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Saving Data From A Text Field And Multiple Combo Boxes To A File On A Server In VB 2008?

Apr 28, 2010

saving data from a text field and multiple combo boxes to a file on a server in visual basic 2008

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Impossible To Change MAC Address?

Jan 11, 2011

I've heard many people who said that it is impossible to change a MAC Address, however after googling there are ways to change Mac address in Windows XP. Therefore, is it possible to change MAC Address using Visual Basic .NET? For both XP and Windows 7?Test

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File Modifiers Username Across Network Connection Impossible?

Apr 18, 2005

I'm running into this problem when it comes to determining a network logged on username and i hope someone can help me out or atleast point me in the right direction.Situation:1 Windows 2003 server that is serving files through Active directory. No Dfs installed, just plain files sharing.1 or multiple clients that access the files, make modifications and creates or deletes files. For arguments sake let's say that the clients are Windows XP computer and the users are logged on to the local domain (AD).Currently available:When the client alters, creates or deletes a file i have a (VB.Net Windows Service) script that tells me that this is being done and stores a record in a database for this action being performed.Desire:I wan't to know the client's ip-address, computername or logged on username so that i can store this to. I have tried about 20 different scripts but all check the username on the server side and not the client. So now i either get back "SYSTEM" or "NTAUTHORITYSYSTEM" instead of the user's AD name.Below is the code i use to monitor the directory and or file changes.The "writeDBLog" is where i want to pass the username to write to the database.


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Why Maximum Value Of Scrollbar Is Impossible To Reach By User Interaction

Jun 4, 2011

Not so much a VB question more of a Net question.Does anyone have a logical explanation as to why the Maximum value of a Scrollbar is impossible to reach by user interaction?The documentation explains clearly the how, it just gives no reason for the why.

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Looping In Text File

Jun 25, 2009

[Code] I want to replace the X and Y column to user enter value. For example If User enter X=100 Y=100. So the text File Should Do changes Like this:

In first line The X and Y should Be replace by 100. For the second line to the 10th line The X should X=X+2.54 and Y remain 100. For 11th line X=100 and Y=Y+2.54. From line 12 to 20 X=X+2.54 and Y remain which is 102.54. The pattern should be continue until end of file. For every 10 line the Y value should change. This Is the code to replace X and Y value: [Code]

code working perfectly for X values. But for Y values for the first 10 lines is no problem but after that the initial Y value is adding by 2.54 and that value should remain for 10 lines only but not for 20 lines.. Actually the number of lines is determined by the user. they need to enter the number of lines. User must decide to how many lines once the changes should take place.

And One more question is : If user enter Row= 2 the changes should occur for two set of lines only. If user enter Row =2 and column=10 So only 20 lines should changes other lines should remain the original value. I attach my text file after the replacement. But the replacement is still wrong.

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Looping Through Text Boxes?

Feb 9, 2009

how I can loop through text boxes.I will be useing several text boxes. Some created at design time and some at run time. The name will be name with a number at the end (MyTextBox1,MyTextBox2)The below code will work for text boxes added at design time but will not take in to account the run time added boxes. Basicly I am looking for that vb6 control array .ubound The other problem with using below code is the boxes are not on the same container.

Dim Tbox As TextBox
For i As Integer = 1 To 4 'Need a Ubound?
Tbox = DirectCast(Me.Controls("txtMyText" & i.ToString()), TextBox)

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WCF And Validation Application Block: Impossible To Customize Error Messages?

Sep 13, 2010

When using WCF together with Enterprise Library 5.0's validation application block, is it possible to customize the error messages which are sent back to the client? I've added the ValidationBehaviour-attribute to my service contract and the FaultContract-attribute to the operation:


The service returns ValidationFault as it should, but instead of having the error message and tag which I've defined, it uses some generic values. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Forms :: Add Looping Text Into Text Box?

Feb 19, 2010

I'm new to VB.Net. I try to convert from VB6 to VB.Net (2008) with a simple code as shown in the picture below but its come up with Warning. Did anyone know how to solve this warning. Sorry for lame question..

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Looping And Counting Using Text File

Nov 20, 2009

So i am count after i find each string example when i find "ADT^A08" it counts how many found in the txt file and then it moves to the next file. My problem is that you can see totalA08 += 1 counts the amount. My problem is that it keeps its old value after each run so the first run counts 5000 and then the next count is 10000. When that last file was the same as the first only 5000. Any ideas on how to properly clear that value after its done [Code]

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Looping In Reading Text File?

Oct 14, 2011

Here is my code for splitting "," from the text file. But the problem is I don't know how to include looping in the code to make the code read the whole text file. when I run this code, it's only read the first line of the text file.

Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("C:\drill.txt")
Dim data As String()
data = sr.ReadLine().Split(",")


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Change Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Datasource To ODBC Datasource?

Jan 30, 2011

I use vb.net and windows form and sqlserver

I added Data Source(Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)) to my project. and now I need to change it to ODBC Data Source .

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Add A Value And Text To Combox Control Without Datasource?

Nov 11, 2009

I want to add items to my combobox but am not able to add a value and a display text.

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Display Data From Datasource Into A Text Box?

Jun 12, 2009

I would like to Display a note from a column in the Notes_tbl to a text box this from an Access database.[code]...

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VS 2005 Set Label Text While Looping Through Date Range

Oct 2, 2010

in a form I need to set the text of labels while looping through a range of dates set by a start date and an end date. Right now I have come up with this code,


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Save Multiple Text-boxes And A Combo-box To A Text File

Nov 20, 2010

I need to to able to save multiple text-boxes and a combo-box to a text file. the thing is, when I go to save, I check out the .txt file manually and its saved all in one line, no spaces. when I go to "read" it with the 2nd part (<-----this is a 2 part Challenge) it even reads all from that one line in the text file. What i'm asking is how can I make my text-boxes saved in the text file on different lines. [Code]

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Alternate Datasource For A Text Field Using Runtime Databinding

Mar 5, 2011

sir i've one text field and two tables named table1,table2

i've to just display text from two different tables using two different navigations for each table.

1.when i'll click on first navigation, data from first table should have to display in textbox

2. when i'll click on second navigation, data from second table should have to display in same textbox alternatively

i've to show data in only one text box alternatively

i've binded designtime table1 to textbox

so how to unbind it & bind table2 to same texbox runtime.

like that i've 12 tables & 12 navigation for each table and only one text filed

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