VS 2008 MS Reporting Services Question - Designer?

Nov 11, 2009

I am trying to build a report using MS reporting services (rdlc file) and having trouble figuring out syntax to take calculated data from a textbox in table1 to table2. In other words, I have totals calculated in table1 and I need to display those totals in another table (table2) and/or a text box outside of table1.

I have tried versions of =ReportItems!TextBox37.Text and =ReportItems!TextBox37.Value and =ReportItems("TextBox37").value etc. but with no luck. The last thing =ReportItems("TextBox37").value does compile but it prints #error on the report.

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.net - Custom Code In Reporting Services 2008 Makes Cell Show #Error?

Dec 6, 2011

I have the following code in "Custom Code" in SSRS 2008. It works fine in VS2008 but it won't run on the server:

Public Shared Function Ns(ByVal num as Object, ByVal def as Object) as Object
if IsNothing(num) OrElse Not IsNumeric(num) OrElse System.Double.IsNaN(num) then
return def


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SQL 2005 Reporting Services?

Sep 25, 2009

Can these two things work together? That is VB.Net Standard NOT VB.net 2005 or vb.net 2008 or any other year. If not is there an inexpensive solution for reporting in VB.Net Standard and SQL server?

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Extract A Dataset From Reporting Services?

Jul 21, 2009

We have a VB.NET (aspx) website with a login first page. Once the user has logged in and is authenticated they are taken to a single page with a Menu Bar at the top and a report viewer control underneath. When the user has logged in the report viewer is initially populated by a dynamic menu (a menu of links to other reports depending on each user's permission).

Now, on some reports that the user access from the main menu, they like to export the data. The nicely formatted reports export nicely to PDF but these same reports look awful when you export to excel. Further more what is required from the excel version is no formatting and also to include extra columns of data that are available form the dataset but not from the rendered report (for use with importing these expoerts into other systems).

Is it possible to extract the data that is generated from the dataset that renders the report?What I would like to do is obtain this data and create my own excel export option (of which I will put into the page Menu bar at the top of the screen). It is important to just grab the data that is generated because different data is available depending on the parameters the user has chosen.

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Iterate Through A Dataset In Reporting Services?

May 31, 2011

I have the following code:

public sub PrettyRows()
dim ds as dataset = report.dataset1
dim GroupName as string = ""


The Protected Overrides Sub OnInit() is comparable to the load event in VB.NET.

I am utilizing this event to call my custom sub PrettyRows. This sub will iterate the rows in my dataset and change the first column in each row so that an entry only appears once, This is being utilized to identify what group the row belongs to. The rows are sorted by group and I only wish to display the group name once and I am removing all other references to the group name.

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Reporting Services And Web Application (with HTTPHandler)?

Nov 30, 2009

We are trying to add SQL Reporting Services to a .Net 2.0 Web Application. SRS has been installed on the server successfully, but we get an error when we try to load a report or access the report manager:

Server Error in '/Reports' Application.Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'netGmrc' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

The error is being coming from a line in the web.config where an httpHandler called Upload.axc is being added to the web application. The entire httpHandler section is listed below.

<add verb="*" path="Upload.axd" type="netGmrc.Upload, netGmrc"/>
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>


When we remove the Upload.axd handler from Web.Config, everything in SRS works fine. What is the proper way to have Reporting Services work along side the web application with this httphandler?

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.net - Reference A VB Function In Reporting Services Grouping?

Oct 21, 2009

I'm using Reporting Services 2005 to produce a one-time report that will group records according to the PLANCODE field. I've created the following VB function:


How do I reference the above function in a new calculated field so that the report will group data based on the results of this function? The doucmentation states that the expression should be something like =code.PayorGroup. However, when I try this expression in the Calculated Field window, I get the infamous red squiggly line stating Unrecognized Idnetifier.

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Launch Reporting Services Reports From .Net Code?

Aug 30, 2009

What is the best way to launch reporting services reports from .Net code? One method would be to dynamically build a URL and launch a browser. Something like this:



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Looking For Any Reporting Services, Ie, Microsoft Report Viewer?

Apr 1, 2010

Does Visual Basic 2010 have any reporting services, ie, Microsoft Report viewer?

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Reporting Services - Handling An Empty Date?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a report parameter which looks like this: 01.01.2009 00:00:00.Its a date (as string), as you might have guessed :). The problem is, this param can be an empty string as well. So I tried those expressions:

=IIf(IsDate(Parameters!DateTo.Value), CDate(Parameters!DateTo.Value), "")
=IIf(Len(Parameters!DateTo.Value) > 0, CDate(Parameters!DateTo.Value), "")

Both dont work and the value for the textfield where I print the expressions result is always #Error. As soon as I remove the CDate stuff, it works, but I have to use it. IS there another way to achieve that? What I want is to display nothing if its not a date or the date (format dd.mm.yyyy) if its a date.

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Reporting Services - String Separators In SSRS Using .NET?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a function in SSRS using VB.NET as follows: Public Function GenerateCSV(byval str as string, byval str1 as string, byval str2 as string, byval GrpName as string)


This works great is str, str1 and str2 have a value and only one value. But I want to make it so if the value isn't there or there is only one value there is no comma and if there are multiple commas there is a comma.

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SQL Server Reporting Services VS Rdlc And The ReportViewer

Mar 28, 2012

We are planning on creating reports to be run on the same computer that the database application is running on. which of these is the best approach? (SQL Server Reporting Services or creating a rdlc ReportViewer report) Also I tried to locate detailed rdlc ReportViewer report tutorials both in books and online and found none. It's probably because I'm looking in the wrong places.

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VB 2010 - Is The reporting Services in VS a Suitable Replacement?

Mar 24, 2010

I use VB in Visual Studio 2008 Pro. I've created a few solutions using the Crystal Reports tools. I found them easy to work with & easy to do things, (export to different formats, refresh reports, write an automated service that ran & saved reports, etc...)Is CR in VB 2010? If so - which version of VS 2010 do you need to buy to get it?OR - is the reporting services in VS a suitable replacement? Is there a viewer / preview like the CR tools? Can you create a standalone app to refresh reports & export them to different formats? Which version of VS 2010 would I need to purchase to get these?At home - I use Win 7 media centre (a fantastic piece of software). Are there any development 'goodies' in Visual Basic 2010 for Win 7 Media Centre?

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Reporting Services Crashes Visual Studio 2010

Feb 14, 2012

We are in very critical position. In our orgnizantion our development team using Visual Studion 2010 with sp1 and they are using MVC 3. When they try to insert table or create a new dataset, the visual studion 2010 simply restarted again and again. How to fix this issue. The below are the event log files for the above issue.


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Reporting Services - Dynamically Change Text Color Using SSRS?

Apr 16, 2009

I am using the below code to dynamically change the text, but I also need to change the color from black to red of the entire row in SSRS, using VB.NET.However, row.Cells.Style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red does not work. Any ideas on how to dynamically change text color in a particular row?


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Send A Parameters To Reporting Services From .NET That The Report Can Be Viewed In A Browser?

Sep 20, 2011

how I could do that to click a button on a Winform send a URL or you can (with parameters) to a Reporting Services and it loads in a browser.

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Passing Current User Credentials From IIS Server To Reporting Services Sever?

Aug 8, 2011

Question: How to pass the current user on the web page from the IIS server to the Reporting Services Server.I have seen this topic throughout the forums. However, the answers are always hard code the user in web.config - use a login window and pass those fields to the IReportServercredentials or create one user for everyone.

When the person who asks the question comes back and says that doesn't work there is not answer.Does anyone know how to do this? I have VS 2008 ( and 2010 ) I am sending the info to SSRS 2005 server.As anyone using SSRS knows that if the reports have parameters and udf behind the report to inspect who the user is, then you have to pass that user to the report.


I have been programming steady with vb.net for a year now and was all happy about using the List view and email etc from web sites. I even used a reportviewer to pdf to email attach, cool. Now I feel quite lost and realize I have not been using properties, etc. That is my background.

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Reporting Services - Input Parameter Needs To Return All Records If Left Blank

Jul 9, 2009

I have an input parameter for my stored Proc, Instead of choosing available values from a drop Dwn, the customer wants an empty input box that when left blank returns all records. the parameter type is numeric(6,0) in the Db. I have not found a way to leave the input blank and retrieve all records. my default value for all records is '-99' and also is declared as the default value for the param in the proc.

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Sql - Matrix Reporting Services - Use A Cross Tab Between Store Names And Just The Month Of The Date Field?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a matrix with rows indicating a name (Ex Store name) and I have data pertaining to that in the DATA cells. I also have another date field in this format (MM/DD/YYYY). I would like to use a cross tab between Store Names and Just the Month of the date field.


is there any expression I can use to get the month format on the header of column.

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DB/Reporting :: Changes To Typed Dataset Not Seen In Windows Form Designer?

Nov 19, 2008

I have a typed dataset with table adapters. I use this method because it makes it easier to design the layout of my DataGridView.The problem is I have added a new table to my dataset. When I go to the "Data Sources" list view, I can see the new table.However, if I add a new DataGridView to my form then attempt to bind it to my new data table, the table will not show up in the list of tables for that dataset.

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Asp.net - Add A Pdf To A Reporting Services Report After Rendering Report As Pdf?

Apr 30, 2009

We are using Reporting Services to generate a purchase order, which is rendered as pdf before displaying on the screen. The report works well, as is, except that now we have to add a Terms & Conditions page to every PO. I've tried placing it in the footer, setting it to display only on the last page--this didn't work. I've also tried adding it to the body, setting the "Page Break Before" property to "true". This works, except that it looks like there is still space reserved for the header (i.e. the header's "show on last page" property is set to false). I can't get the Terms & conditions to fill the page. how I could attach or bind the pdf generated by reporting services with a pdf version of the Terms & Conditions sheet?

Note: We are using ASP & VB.NET 2.0, Visual Studio 2005, & SQL Server 2005.

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IDE :: VS 2008 IDE Form Designer Will Not Render Form In The Designer?

Mar 30, 2011

My self and most everyone else on our team is having the same issue with VS2008. The designer will not render many forms in designer mode. Currently I am getting this error "The type 'Team.CAD.UI.My.Resources.Resources' has not property named 'view_16'" Well veiw_16 is in the resouces file.

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Modify Designer.vb (form Designer) To Remove A DataSet Control From Winforms Windows?

Jan 27, 2011

I am attempting to update an existing winforms application, that was created with a dataset control on all the winforms pages. I have ported it from VS 2008 to VS 2010 and I need to update the database section and connect it to the SQL backend using traditional code method.In the Solution explorer, when I click on the Dataset files, and click "Exclude From project" I am unable to build the project.Is it advisable to comment out the code lines that refer to the dataset in the .designer.vb files?

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VS 2008 WCF For Web Services?

Oct 18, 2010

I am .net windows programmer and new to web services.I want to start with web services using .net.Should I directly jump to WCF. What was there for developing web services in .net before WCF. Is there more to web services than WCF ?Basically I need some guidance to start such that I get to know the concepts as well as start developing web services using latest .net classes.

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VS 2008 Application Runs Like As NT Services

Jul 5, 2010

I am new in programming. Have a some knowledge in scripting. me in sample coding using VB 2008. - Create an application that will run on system start up and still run even if user's Log off. - The application will read a list file that contains other application names (e.g notepad.exe) then the application will continue running.. if notepad runs then it will log to a text file the time started the execution and after it was quit it also log the application ended time of execution. - Like its running as services.

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VS 2008 Checking Server Services

Jun 6, 2009

I have started to Build my Server Monitoring/Alarm system and I have built all the components that check network connectivity and internet connectivity etc and alarm if anythingis bad.However I am now struggling to find a way that I can check the following local services are running ok:

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VS 2008 Do Services Run At Windows Welcome Screen?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm wondering, do services run at the welcome screen??

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VS 2008 Do Timers Not Work In Services

Mar 12, 2010

Do timers not work in services? I have a service that is running fine, has been for a while. I'm trying to add some work that needs to kick off regularly, so I create a timer that fires every 5-seconds and kick it off when needed. The Tick event never fires. Never, not once. I'm not sure why it doesn't work. Here's the relevant code I'm using. I have 4 backgroundworker threads named, simply enough, bgw1 - bgw4. I wil show you the code for one of the threads so you can see what I'm doing.


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VS 2008 .Net Class Library DLL And Component Services?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a DLL file i have made in VS2008...builds with no errors...but when i go to add it to my servers component services i get an error...i have attached a screen shot of where i am getting the error and what the error is...i even tried to make a simple single class dll with the following:


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VS 2008 Do Timers Work In Windows Services

Oct 28, 2010

Do Timers work in Windows Services?

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