VS 2008 Most Optimal Method Of Dataset To Excel?

Oct 22, 2009

I am looking for some guidance with the most optimal or efficient way to export a dataset to an excel file. I have searched the forums and found a number of methods to do this. However, the code I am currently using is very inefficient as it is itterating through the rows and columns to create the excel file. The app I am working on needs to be able to create 50 or so excel files each with 500+ rows and 40-50 columns. This method seems to inefficient for my use

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VS 2008 - Most Optimal Or Efficient Way To Export A Dataset To An Excel File

Oct 29, 2011

I am looking for some guidance with the most optimal or efficient way to export a dataset to an excel file. I have searched the forums and found a number of methods to do this. However, the code I am currently using is very inefficient as it is itterating through the rows and columns to create the excel file. The app I am working on needs to be able to create 50 or so excel files each with 500+ rows and 40-50 columns. This method seems to inefficient for my use.

I have seen some code out there to use an ODBC call to excel to create the file. I am wondering if someone can verify that this is the most efficient way to meet my goal. It should also be noted that after the export I will want to do some basic formatting of the sheet. Adding bold column headers, autofilters, and autofit all columns.

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Display Excel File (even If Excel Is Not Installed) Library? Method?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a project that has a need to display a Excel file in second window, but because other controls are needed, simply launching excel is not sufficient. Right now I do not know if the target machines have excel installed but I know with certainty that if they do it would be 2010, is there any method or library that allows you frame your own form around an excel window?

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VS 2010 Excel Method Find In VB2010 - Convert Excel Macro In A Exe File Using Visual Studio 2010

Oct 25, 2010

I decided to to convert my excel macro in a exe file using visual studio 2010. In excel macro method find is present like this:


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C# - MaxDegreeOfParallelism Deciding On Optimal Value?

Mar 23, 2011

How do you decide what the optimal value for MaxDegreeOfParallelism is for any given algorithm? What are the factors to consider and what are the trade-offs?

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Dataset.clear Method - What Does It Actually Means

May 13, 2009

I think I've misused this method and would like to know what it actually does.I 've looked it up on msdn forum and found this


What does it mean by removing all the rows in all tables? Is it the datagridview table? When it says "removing", does it mean that it deletes everything?

The reason I misused it is because I thought dataset.clear means it flushes the record held in dataset.

When I click on the add new icon on bindingnavigator, a new form will appear, which allows me to insert data


when I close the insert form, the parent form will be activated and datagridview will display the new record I just inserted. I thought the dataset.clear method helped display the new added record but then I realised I could do without the dataset.clear method.


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Passing DataSet To A Method Using CodeDOM?

Jun 17, 2010

In my main application i am trying to run Pre-defined Code blocks that the user has created. I would also like to send a DataSet as a parameter when the code is compiled. Is this possible. Currently I can pass in single values by assigning them as a string in the code wrapper through the <%= input %> expression. Then i compile this as source.


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Quick Method To Update Dataset?

Jan 7, 2012

I have a filled dataset from a query.

I must modify 2 columns in this dataset, based on a custom function value (a normal vb function), which parameter is an another column from the dataset.[code]...

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.net - What Is The Optimal Approach To A WithEvents Collection

Mar 5, 2010

What is the optimal approach to a WithEvents Collection - VB.NET?Have you any remarks on the code bellow (skipping the Nothing verifications)?The problem is when I obtain the LinkedListNode(Of Foo) in a For Each block I can set myNode.Value = something, and here is a handlers leak...

-Could I override the FooCollection's GetEnumerator in this case?
-No. :( cause NotInheritable Class LinkedListNode(Of T)
Class Foo


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Optimal Way For A Service To Interact With User

Feb 10, 2011

My application needs to be a service (it needs run regardless of whether a user is logged on), but I also need some sort of client control/oversight over what it is doing. What is the optimal way to do this?Write a separate application to communicate with the service application - I see that as best solution in terms of stability, since the applications will be decoupled somewhat Use callbacks on system events in the service application to load UI forms directly from the service application - I see this as being easier to deploy.

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Optimal Way To Save Settings For Different Users?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm writing a windows application and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. It wouldn't be a difficult program, except that I'd like to support more than one user and with each user I need to have many, many different settings change instead of, say, two or three. I'm wondering if there's a standard ideal way of storing large amounts of settings for different users?

I'll try to describe what I'm trying to do here..At the moment I have an Access database (for easy deployment) with about 60-something tables. 66 tables are named after books, and each have a different number of chapters. Each of those tables contains one row for every chapter plus a CheckState field that contains a 0 or a 1. I also have a simple Users table with a UserName and UserID field, and another AllBooks table with data for every book, like the name and the number of chapters.

When I user is selected, I have a listbox that displays every book (taken from the AllBooks table) and then a checkedlistbox that displays the chapters of the selected book and automatically checks off different boxes depending on the CheckState field.

So but I'm a bit stumped on how to implement different users... instead of tons and tons of different tables should I have a different table for each user that have 60-something columns...? I dont know enough about relational databases to make the right call.

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Getting The Optimal Resolution In Visual Studio 2010?

Oct 5, 2011

Is there any way of getting the monitors optimal resolution in vb?

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DataSet Has Errors In Multiple Cells After Fill Method?

Mar 2, 2012

I am experiencing something very bizarre when I execute the Fill method of my adapter. I've been running this query for months and all of the sudden this is happening after I installed SP1 for Visual Studio 2008. For some reason several DataRows in 2 of the 3 tables within my DataSet have errors in them when I view them in debug mode using the DataSet Visualizer. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about

It does this to random rows. If I execute the Fill method the first time, rows (5-10) will have these errors. If I execute the Fill method again rows 12-23 are affected and so on. I have no idea what is happening here.

This is effected my DataGridViews, because they don't display any rows, because of the erros. I should also note that when I run the lines of code below in the Immediate Window it says the DataSet doesn't have errors.


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C# - Optimal Database Connection String For High Traffic Connections?

Mar 14, 2011

I just want to know, What parameters or attributes should be taken in connection string so as to handle high traffic enterprise applications? Like in general we use server, initial catalog, userid, passwd. Some times we add timeout , and in some scenario pool etc. But i don't know what attributes should i take in as my common practice apart from above.

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Selecting A Particular Query In The Dataset Designer To Be Used In The Fill Method Of The Table Adapter?

Mar 1, 2012

I created a new query in the dataset designer. There are now 2 queries there. The original one and the new one.I also added named parameters in the Where clause of the 2nd query.This is the query in the new one:

SELECT ID, FatherName, MotherName, EmergencyContactName,
EmergencyContactRelationship, Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip,
PrimaryPhone, SecondaryPhone, Emaile.


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.net - Going From Excel To A DataSet Or DataGridView

Jul 28, 2010

I have data that I'm taking from an Excel sheet with the ultimate goal of displaying in a DataGridView.

Currently I am just going over the UsedRange of excel data and plugging it into a datagridview. This works fine, but can get bogged down when there 100+ rows of data.

I have also toyed with going from excel into a dataset (using the same wasteful method), and as expected it takes about the same time to load the data. Maybe use the XML from the Excel file?


Some Additional Information:

This is a WinForms application and the user will be picking and loading the excel file at run-time.


The Return of Some Additional Information:

The Excel file is located on the user's pc. The general assumption is that they will be loading different files each time they use the application. [not sure if this helps, but might be good to know :)]

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Dataset Not Updating To Excel

May 12, 2011

I"m completely stumped. I've looked here[url]... Changed my connectionstring appropriately. My dataset is fills with data. The Excel file already exists, but has nothing but a Header row. I can't understand why the dataset can't push the values to Excel. The only thing it's doing is inserting a bunch of rows. There's nothing so far indicates something is wrong. [code]...

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Excel To DataSet To Strings

Oct 28, 2010

I have this code in VB and I want to look for a value in the first collum of the DataSet and retrieve all the values from that row or is that not possible or is there a better way,..The excel sheet has 45000 rows..[code]

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Export Dataset To Excel?

Mar 27, 2009

I have the following bit of code that I have used in the past to export a DataSet generated from the Stored Procedure 'HISTORICAL_COSTS' to Excel.[code]...

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Exporting Dataset To Excel

Mar 15, 2012

I'm exporting datagridview data to Excel via dataset.Col 1 of my datagridview contains dates and the grid shows the dates w/o time.Once exported the dates to Excel, they are then formatted via wSheet.Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "ddMM"..The above code works fine for dates having a single digit day. For days 10 and above, the dates are shown as dd/MM/yyyy 00:00 in the excel sheet.[code]If days are single digit, month is swapped with day when writing to Excel from a dataset.

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From DataSet To Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 19, 2009

In my latest project, I'm iterating through an Excel Spreadsheet and importing the information from it into a DataSet row for row. Based on certain conditions (namely, the text in a certain column on the spreadsheet). For certain conditions, the app is to write the row into a new spreadsheet and email that spreadsheet as an attachment to a pre-defined email address.


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Import Excel Into A Dataset?

Dec 6, 2011

Anybody happen to have a semi-current link on how to do this? Don't imagine it is too tough but have never tried to before.

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Best Or Better Method To Open Excel File

Jun 2, 2011

Im struggling on how to open an excel workbook without one of two problems.

1. After the first workbook is opened and I close the workbook, if another is opened the worksheet area is "transparent", as in, you can see the desktop or any open app behind excel.

2. Closing excel and opening another workbook after X times (4+?) via the vb.net app I use causes the computer to reboot.

I am stuck thinking it is the method used to open excel within the app.The code below has two methods, both produce the same affect. One method is blocked (makes it easy to test either one).[code]I have two buttons that open workbooks, both have identical code less the workbook requirements.Is there a better or best method to use for opening excel workbooks from vb.net?

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Call The Chart In Excel Using Poi Method?

Jun 3, 2010

i have an excel template and there was a chart there, I was confuse on how can I call that chart when I'm coding in vb.net.. how can I call the chart for me to set the new value to fill the chart..

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Limitations Of Excel Resize Method

Jul 9, 2010

I am loading a considerable amount of data from SQL into Excel. For specific reasons, I need to use the Resize method with an array when loading data to Excel.I have found a condition where the size of a cell/row causes the Resize method to crash. I have not found any doco anywhere that shows a Resize limit. My array is OK. My code is OK. But, the data for one row is very large - one field that I am trying to load to a cell has 1097 characters. I have breakpointed the code to assure that this one is the culprit.[code]Does anyone know of any size limits when using Resize. The total number of bytes being written to the row is 1402.Anyone know limits on length for Resize or "overrides" to handle this?

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NET Method Equivalent To NETWORKDAYS In Excel?

Jul 7, 2009

I'm trying to do some date math in Visual Basic. The NETWORKDAYS function in Excel is exactly what I need. Is there an equivalent or similar method available in .NET?

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Releasing Excel COM Object Method?

Sep 23, 2011

Well, I've searched numerous threads and I'm stumped. Though my VB.net experience is newb status.I'm interacting with Excel Workbooks/worksheets with:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Now I'm fairly adept with getting data from the excel sheet with no problem.But each and every time I quit my widows form, or execute a new command_button click to repeat an operation, in the task manager, excel.exe then opens up a new instance.Releasing the the Excel COM object seems to offer a bit of head scratching.I realize that you can get your form to activate and retrieve data from whatever spreadsheet has been directed to be opened, but I can't seem to put it back and close it correctly.I have read about the Marshal. release object methods and garbage collection with no luck so far.Do I need to import another liberary that completes this operation? I would asssume this would be taken care of as apart of the:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

close excel instances opened up by my windows form? Somethig like this:

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet


(so that it is no longer looked at as "read only" when the spread sheet is opened up from directly from excel)As A minor work around, I've teminated it from the task Bar with proc.kill() but this does not help because my ultimate goal is to just simply realease the excel sheet when my windows form is finished getting its data.This following code does not seem to work.


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Export To Excel Sheet From Dataset?

Oct 29, 2009

how to access the dataset if it is in another page so that i could export it to the excel sheet....and

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Import Excel Data To Dataset?

Jul 14, 2009

I have a problem with the function below. If anybody knows of a simpler way to accomplish the same results,The problem that I have with this function is that sometimes, not always, it keeps the Excel process running and when this happens I can run the function again until I kill the Excel process manually.

Another problem with this function is that it is slow if the Excel sheet contains a lot of data.

And also I can't get this function to read all the sheets in the Excel workbook and put the contents of each sheet in a separate data table in my dataset.


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Populate DataSet With Excel Worksheet

Sep 10, 2007

I was wondering what is the most efficient way to populate a dataset from an excel worksheet.I have tried many ways but most are very inconvenient.

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