VS 2008 Parent Form With Sub Forms?

May 30, 2009

im making a 'program' and its a Head form. with 3 Subforms in it. Well. i added a Menustrip.As soon as the forum starts i have a Load timer. (see Image 1)

1.Thats how it needs to be. Also when the Subforms are loaded.But, Now the problem. When the forms are loaded. The Menustrip ends up wrong placed and Resized?

2.How to work this away? The menu strip needs to stay On top of all the others. and the Menustrip goes back to normal as soon as i click one of the Title bars of the Subforms?

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VS 2008 Resize Of Parent Form Keeps Relative Size/Loc Of Child Forms?

Sep 17, 2010

I want a set of child forms to keep their relative sizes and locations to their parent form when parent form is resized. So if one child form is opened and covers the lower right quadrant.. it will remain a quadrant for whatever resize is done on parent form.

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Forms :: Startup A Second Windows Forms Inside The Parent Form?

Aug 26, 2010

I would like to know if its possible to start up a second windows forms inside the parent form. Ex: A button is pressed and a new form is showed. I would like to keep that new form inside the parent form, and have it not be able to go outside the parent form.

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Closing All Forms Within Mdi-Parent Form?

Jun 21, 2010

How will i close all the forms within my main form? Everytime I click on the menus of my main form,I'm setting my main form as MDI-Parent form and then loading a new form as it it is the child form if I'm not mistaken. I have a log-out menu, and what I want to happen is everytime I log-out all the forms within my parent form will be closed. How will I do it? Here are some of my codes.


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Forms Covering Parent Form Topbar?

Jan 29, 2012

I have a main form that stays in the background of my program. Other windows open and are owned by the main form. Think of it as your desktop.It's not a MDI form; I can't use a MDI form for this project because it's too limited for me.

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Display Child Forms Using Menustip In MDI Parent Form?

Apr 7, 2011

When I click on Borrow Book(s) from Transaction menu it should open frmborrow.vb

Also to it should do the same to rest of the menu(s)......

What should i write in the click event for Borrow Books from Menustrip menu

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Doesnt Work For The Forms Which Gets Loaded Into A Mdi Parent Form?

Mar 8, 2009

hey I have a piece of code which gives fade effect to a form at load eventBut it works only with normal forms and doesnt work for the forms which gets loaded into a mdi parent form

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Error In When Make An MDI Parent Form To Call Other Forms

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to make an MDI parent form to call other forms. I have put this code which I found in a post here into the main form which I added to my project as an MDI parent form:


I get an error message which say FrmEmbed is not defined. How can I correct this?

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Forms :: Close And Reopen Child Form Within Parent?

Dec 22, 2010

When my application first loads the parent opens and I select my child form from toolstrip:

'In parent open the form when option is clicked
Public Sub Showfrmitemreview(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles itemreivewStripMenuItemA.Click, itemreviewStripMenuItemB.Click


Nothing happens I don't even get an error message. I've played around with the code numerous times and the only thing that worked was to have it open outside of the parent which I do not want to happen.

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MDI Parent Forms Button Becomes Transparent In Child Form?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a MDI Parent Form and some Child forms.I have some controls on MDI Parent form but as i open child form all the controls of MDI Parent form display in child forms...I m stuck with my application

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Forms :: Enable/Disable MDI Parent Menu From Child Form?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm writing an MDI app in vb.net vs2010. The MDI form has the default MDIMenustrip menu with several menu items. Each has some subitems. None of the child forms have a menustrip defined. I thought it would be easy to call a public subroutine in the MDI that would disable or enable the MDIMenustrip items. If I execute the routine from the MDI form, the menu items disable/enable just fine. THe problem I have is when I call the routine from a child form. How can I control the MDI menu from a child form?

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Menu Strip Appears On The Parent Form But Not On The Child Forms?

Feb 13, 2009

I have created a parent form and 2 child forms. Each of the forms have menustrips. When i run the application the menu strip appears on the parent form but not on the child forms. I have the menu strip set to visable.

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.net - Parent/Child Relationships Failing When Getting Data From Parent Class With Multiple Forms Open?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a main form, and some sub forms, and each sub form can have some sub forms. When I have multiple sub forms open, and I try to get data from the parent form, it returns the data from the wrong parent form.For example I have two instances of Mainform.subform running. If I do something like this in a child form of one instance of the subform. It returns data from the other subform.

dim l = Mainform.subform.listofdata

Edit:I am using visual Studio 2008. Winforms, form designed using designer. In my mainform I am doing this

Protected Friend frmMain as Mainform
frmmain = new mainform

In frmMain I am doing this

Protected Friend frmsub as new Subform'
frmsub = new subform


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VS 2008 Different Ways To Call Another Form From A Parent Or Preceding Form

Aug 4, 2009

I need to know the proper way, or maybe I should say, the different ways to call another form from a parent or preceding form. I am currently using ex: formname.showdialog() to call my next form, but I am uncertain if I should be using that in every situation. [code] Whats the difference between these different methods? (ex: .showdialog() , .show() )I tried both of these to open a temporary form to retrieve a persons name from a database, so as the users progresses through my training program they can keep track of their scores.But, I also call other forms as I branch through my program, from the main page, to a secondary page, to a testing page, to a results page and then back to the secondary page

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VS 2008 : Set The Transparency Key In MDI Parent Form?

Apr 10, 2009

How can i set the transparency Key in MDI parent Form?

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VS 2008 - Setting Mdi Form's Opacity Within Parent

Feb 26, 2011

I can't find a way to change the opacity of a mdi form within it's parent. I can change the parent form's opacity under properties, but can't change the embedded mdi form's opacity under it's properties. Opacity = 0.5 doesn't change the opacity of the mdi... works fine for the parent form. I was hoping that the embedded mdi forms functions would still be independent of the parent in order for me to change it's opacity.

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VS 2008 Access Form(Parent) From DataRepeaterItem?

Feb 21, 2010

I Have a DataRepeater(Power Pack3) placed in a form named Form1.it has a dataRepeaterItem named UserControl1I have to access Form1 programatically from UserControl1...Like.... UserControl1.Parent.parentForm...................

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VS 2008 - Passing Data From WPF Parent To Child Form

Jan 27, 2010

In my WPF Form1 I have TextBlock1 that fill from AddressTableAdapter. To edit address user must click EditButton to open Form2 to perform changes. My problem is passing data to Form2 from Form1. In Form2 I have 3 TextBoxes Street, City, Zip, and StateComboBox. I try to code in Loaded procedure of Form2 like this and got error message:

Private Sub Form2Detail_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
Me.StreetTextBox = IIf(IsDBNull(AbcDataSet.Address.StreetColumn), "", AbcDataSet.Address.StreetColumn))
Me.StateComboBox = IIf(IsDBNull(AbcDataSet.Address.StateColumn), 0, AbcDataSet.Address.StateColumn))
End Sub

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VS 2008 - Show Child Form In MDI Parent Taskbar?

Mar 30, 2012

I have developed vb.net application and have one main form with isMdiContainer property true. It has one Menustrip control docking on top of the form and StatusStrip docking on bottom of the scrren. When User click on any menu item it opens new form or if already opened, show it. My application allow to open multiple child forms opened at same time and all forms StartPosition is set to CenterScreen. My problem is becuase all forms are in cetenr it ovelaps each other and user wouldn't know which form(menu option) is opend. I would like to see all opened forms in different tabs (like in windows taskbar) in bottom of MDI parent form.

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Set IsMidContainer In Forms For Parent-child Relationship Forms?

Jul 1, 2009

I know I can set IsMidContainer in forms for parent-child relationship forms. I just want to know if the parent form could be a panel. If so, how can i do it?

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VS 2008 MDI Parent, Menu Item Form Shifts Position?

Jun 2, 2010

I've made a project with a menu.This menu is placed in a form which i use as a MDI Parent, and all the other forms are opend in this parent form.Everything works ok.

When I open a menu item (eg form A), the form display's correctly.But when I minimize the procject to the taskbar, and maximize it again, Form A shifted position a bit lower.

I can't figure out what's going on.

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VS 2008 Invalidating Inherited Controls When Parent Form Is Resized Or Moved?

Jul 19, 2009

Pretending I have a class that inherits off Control, how would I handle the parent form's Resize and Move events within the control? I have a painting glitch that happens when the form is resized or moved. Right now in the form I just have:

vb.net Private Sub frmMain_ResizeMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Me.Resize, Me.Move Me.Refresh()End Sub

But this can't be the proper way to do it, considering Refresh() invalidates all children (will be slow and flashing if the form has lots of controls). I want to basically do the above code inside the control.

Edit:This is the glitch after a resize of the parent form:

And this is what the button is supposed to look like:

Also, I experience this issue if something like a message box is dragged over top of it. How can I remedy these issues by forcing a repaint?

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.net - Child Forms Not Getting Minimized Along With The Parent Forms?

Apr 8, 2011

I have made a project on Library management system using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Sql server 2005 .I have used MDiParent form in this project, from where I can click on the menu item to open the desired form.

I am now able to open the child forms in the main window background.Now what happens is When I click on one menu Item it open in the parent form background.I am able to open all child forms corresponding to the click event in the MenuToolStrip ...all in the Parent form Now the problem is that I cannot minimize child forms when I minimize Parent form..I want child forms also to minimize along with the Parent form.. Also are child forms still not attached to the parent Form is also my question here.....

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Forms :: Control In MDI Parent?

Jul 2, 2011

I put a button in my MDI Parent Form and then when I call my form inside the MDI form, the button is always on top of my Form1.

myForm= New Form1(idNumber)
myForm.MdiParent = Me

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MDI Parent And MDI Child Forms?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm just getting started in VBE 2008 porting a VB6 program and have created the MDI Parent form. I've added a form called frmNav and need to designate this and all subsequent forms as MDI child forms. Is there somewhere in each form's properties where I designate this? It used to be in VB6 there was a property called "MDIChild = True." input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!-- Session data--></input> <input id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" type="hidden" />

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VS 2008 Passing A Form - Get The Error.'cmbDataTable' Is Not A Menber Of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm upgrading a project from VB6 to VB2008.I have a routine that clears a combo box, named 'cmbDataTable' which could be on any form. I pass the form and the combo box is cleared.


I assumed it would be the same in VB2008 but I get the error.'cmbDataTable' is not a menber of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'I am working my way through the project, first updating the global procedures - this is one - I haven't written the calls so cmbDataTable doesn't yet exist.

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Close Parent And Child Forms?

Oct 5, 2009

I have been looking around at how I can close my parent form and my child form. This article: [URL] has some information but it either doesn't work for me or I am putting the wrong information it. What I want to happen is when a button is pressed I want to close both parent and child forms and then go to another form (frmResults). Then there will be a button on frmResults that will take me to the beginning form (frmPTCalculator). With this code below when I click the button on frmCalculator it goes to the MDI form and both parent and child forms are there.

my Parent form is called: frmGender
my Child form is call: frmMale & frmFemale

Below is what I have tried from the example in my Child form frmMale:

Private Sub btnResults_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnResults.Click
Dim frm2 As frmMale = New frmMale()
AddHandler frm2.FormClosed, AddressOf frm2_FormClosed


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Communication Between Child And Parent Forms

Oct 25, 2010

VB.NET 2003 makes it difficult to have a child button create an event on a Parent form control. I would like to change the state of a control on the parent form by using a button on the child form.

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Forms :: Values From Mdi Parent To Mdi Child?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there any chance to pass values from mdi parent to mdi child.

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Jncilhinney Or Anyone Parent And Child Forms?

Nov 30, 2011

In all my post I have explained I am a total novice so a little more elementary explanation is normally required in my case. I have tried reading the explanations about Parent and child binding but just cant get it to work.This is what I have:

A parent form called Sites Primary key is pkSitesID Various other fields On that form I have placed a tab control and in page one I dragged SitesInstallation to it there is a relation created in the DBDiagram to link fkSitesID (in the sitesinstallation table) and pkSitesID

All I want to do is when I navigate through the Sites records the data in the tab page changes according the values I have selected for that given site.

For example: The Siteinstallation maybe Pending or on air.

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