VS 2008 Invalidating Inherited Controls When Parent Form Is Resized Or Moved?

Jul 19, 2009

Pretending I have a class that inherits off Control, how would I handle the parent form's Resize and Move events within the control? I have a painting glitch that happens when the form is resized or moved. Right now in the form I just have:

vb.net Private Sub frmMain_ResizeMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Me.Resize, Me.Move Me.Refresh()End Sub

But this can't be the proper way to do it, considering Refresh() invalidates all children (will be slow and flashing if the form has lots of controls). I want to basically do the above code inside the control.

Edit:This is the glitch after a resize of the parent form:

And this is what the button is supposed to look like:

Also, I experience this issue if something like a message box is dragged over top of it. How can I remedy these issues by forcing a repaint?

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Anchor Point For Picture Box When Moved And Resized?

Feb 26, 2012

Anchor point for picture box when moved and resized

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Certain Controls Won't Paint Until Form Resized

May 20, 2010

In VS 2005, I have a form with a few controls (comboboxes and labels) that won't display when the form loads. The controls show up as transparent "holes" in the form, through which I can see my desktop. As soon as I move the form, or left-click on the title bar for about a second (without moving the nouse) the controls render correctly.What do I need to do to get these controls to display correctly, short of forcing a resize?

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Interface And Graphics :: Dock Or Anchor Controls So That They Resize Themselves Accordingly When Form Is Resized

Feb 12, 2011

we all know how to dock or anchor controls so that they resize themselves accordingly when a form is resized. It works fine till we have rows of controls on left and right size of the form. But what if have three columns (Columns as in visual sense. I'm not talking about any column control containing other controls) of controls? For example a form having a bunch of controls in the left side, a bunch in the middle and a bunch in the right. There may be a few more bunches in the middle. Now while resizing the form, I want the controls to resize accordingly as well as change their positions to make space for the previous bunch of controls that are resizing.I mean, while the user increases the form size horizontally, the controls of the second bunch should resize and at the same time they should move right because the controls of the first bunch are increasing horizontally too. When the user decreases the form size horizontally the same thing should occur in the reverse order.I can manage it somehow using nested splitcontainers but that's too cumbersome. I would like to know if there's some better way to achieve it, like setting some property etc.?

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Unable To Add Controls To Inherited Form

Jul 2, 2010

Unable to add Controls to Inherited Form I should be able to add an inherited form by simply[code]...

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Calling Both Parent And Inherited Methods With The Same Name?

Mar 30, 2012

It's been a while since I've had the time to browse through here, answer questions and ask some of my own. Just got a job at a custom business software developing company! But I do have a question I'd like some clearing up on.

What I have here is 2 classes, one inherits the other. Both function similar so a lot of the methods are the same for each. The one in particular is Reset_Class()

Here is a sample code of what I'm trying to do.. My question is, is it correct?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Access Parent Form Or Container's Other Controls?

Apr 5, 2010

Private Sub NamesControl_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


How do I access parent form or container's other controls?

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User Controls And Parent Form Boundries

Nov 18, 2009

I have a user control that has several things on it. One is a grid that I want to show pass the bounds of the user control. I want to use the form that is using the user control boundries. How do I do this? I hope this is making some sense. Do I have to set a parent or childeren?

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Allowing Controls To Be Resized By User During App Runtime?

Jun 3, 2011

I am developing a science application on VB.NET. I want the controls to be edited, resized, and drag & dropped (like in Visual Studio IDE) by the user during runtime. How to achieve this functionality?

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Change The Size Of Child Form And Add Controls From Parent In A Showdialog Mode?

Mar 17, 2012

I have an outlook application, whenever the user receive a new mail I show him a form and some controls

The user needs to insert information and close the form. Sometimes the user is not near his machine so whenever there is a new mail I am adding new controls and modify the child size.

It has been successful using the Form.show() method but not in showdialog() i cant add controls and change the form size can someone please help on the subject?


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VS 2008 Creating An Inherited Form With Comments From The Original?

Oct 25, 2010

This might seem like an odd question, but is there a way to make it so that any form that is created based on another, would have some comments in the code behind of the new form?

For example, i create a form called frmONE, and i put in code like this:

Overridable Sub frmONE_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Make sure you call these functions, in this order:


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Bug In Inherited Controls?

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes. to produce this issue, i have below a sample code for a test inherited control

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class TestControl


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Question Bug In Inherited Controls?

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes.to produce this issue, i have below a sample code for a test inherited control

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class TestControl


create a form, add the usual objects necessary for data bindings, (datasource, datatable). make sure the data column bound to this TestControl will return non null values.also create a procedure for position changed to catch the datarowstate like below...

Private Sub PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim rowstate As DataRowState = DataRowState.Unchanged


Note that i used Position - 1 so that when you go to the next record, it will show you the rowstate of the previous record.

on your Form_Load add the ff:

AddHandler YourBindingSource.PositionChanged, AddressOf PositionChanged

don't make any changes to the current record before you go to the next record. you will see that the rowstate will still return Modified.

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Controls On Inherited Forms Moving Around?

Oct 28, 2009

I have setup some base forms with some bottons on it The buttons are situated in a panel.Both the panel and the buttons modifer properties have been set up as "Friend".The problem I have is when I inherit these base forms, the buttons seem to jump around by themselves allot

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Controls On Inherited Usercontrol Are Invisible?

Jun 26, 2010

am trying to make use of inheritance to keep consistency in my user control appearance. I created a usercontrol to use as my base design, as a platform to link to a tab as acontainer. To this I added a few framing visual items like a header panel andsome labels.I then created another usercontrol that inherits from my base control, with the intention of adding the necessary items to this derived control to build it into a complete functional usercontrol that I can associate with a tab on my main form. I want to keep the visual appearance consistent across all similar derived controls. Then later if I change the design of the base form, this flows through to the derived controls.

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Base Form And Inherited Other Forms From It - Don't See Those Changes Take Effect In My Inherited Forms?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a base form and I inherit other forms from it. However, if i go back and change say the size of the base form, I don't see those changes take effect in my inherited forms. Does anyone know why that is? Is there a solution to this issue?So as far as design is goes, what exactly gets inherited by other forms?

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Make The Width Of The Textbox Relative To The Form Size When The Form Is Resized

Oct 24, 2009

I have a form with a text box in a toolstrip. I would like to make the width of the textbox relative to the form size when the form is resized. The following code works fine except when you click the restore button from a maximized state.


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Make Form Snap To Certain Heights When The Form Is Resized Vertically?

Jun 12, 2012

I have 3 PictureBoxes on a form that are tiled on top of each other. the form has a minimum vaule of (502, 416) and a maximum of (502, 1080). because the user can select from a MenuStrip to display '1', '2' 0r '3' PictureBoxes at once '3' being the bottom and '1' being the top PictureBox. What i need is when the user drags down the form it snaps to the next PictureBoxes position, so it goes down in blocks this is what i have so far which is pretty far from working.

If Me.Height <= (1079) Then
Me.Height = (732)
ElseIf Me.Height <= (732) Then
Me.Height = (424)
End If

I also thought i might be able to figure it out if i new how to create a variable like this

If Me.Height <= (1079 to 733) Then
Me.Height = (732)

I know that it isn't the correct syntax but it's kind of the idea If you can make sense from my not so good description and point me in the right direction/code example i will be most grateful :)

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Whenever Click Form Maximize Button Automatically Form Is Resized

Jul 18, 2009

[code] Actually,I m doing notepad application,my problem is when ever click the form maximize button automatically form is resized .. same like that my richtextbox control also maximized. this is the my scenario.

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Change Properties Of Inherited Controls At Design Time?

Mar 23, 2009

I am using visual inheritance and was wondering if there is a way to change the properties of inherited controls at design time, preferably in the form designer. If not, then in the designer code. I have my control declared as Public in the base class. I can access it in the child form code, but not in the form designer. Is this just not possible?

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Difference Between Custom Control - Inherited Controls Adn Usercontrol?

Dec 14, 2009

what is the diff between custom control ,inherited controls adn usercontrol in vb.netadil

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C# - Prevent A Windows Form Being Moved?

May 25, 2009

How would i go about stopping a form from being moved. I have the form border style set as FixedSingle and would like to keep it this way because it looks good in vista :)

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VS 2005 - Inherited Controls - Data Column Returns A Datarowstate

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes. don't make any changes to the current record before you go to the next record. you will see that the rowstate will still return Modified.

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How To Detect If Form Resized

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to discover how to detect that a form has been resized, or rather, that a form is being resized. I need to call a sub to handle the resizing of text in relation to the new size of a form or control. I have found that setting a minimum height and width works behind the scene so I figure there must be something watching the form size but can't find what or where it is.

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VS 2010 Detect When Form Has Stopped Being Moved

Jan 4, 2012

I know you have to use WM_EXITSIZEMOVE or whatever it is, but I'm just not really sure how to use messages properly...I've read a few things online but just can't get it to work properly.

I'm looking into making child forms dockable inside my parent form and want to know when to hide my dock labels again (after the child form has stopped being moved).

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MDI Form - How To Disable FrmMainChild To Be Resized

Apr 12, 2005

i created 1 mdi parent form as frmMDI and 3 child forms as frmMainChild, frmChild2 and frmChild3. When the frmMDI is loaded, it will call the frmMainChild and set it to maximize. At here, i treat the frmMainChild as the base form of my application. in the frmMainChild, i can call other forms like frmChild2 and so on.

and now, my problems are: 1. how to disable the frmMainChild to be resized, restored? i just want to make it maximized only. 2. when i call the other child forms from frmMainChild, i notice that it always maximize the child form. can i make the child form to be in normal window state?

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Prevent A Form From Being Resized By The User?

Jul 13, 2009

i have a form that needs to be maximized in vb.net. i dont want the user to be able to change its size or move it around.

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Textbox Disappears When Form Is Resized

Jul 30, 2010

I am working on a web browser with the url bar in a tool strip.I have noticed that whenever I resized it, the textbox stayed the same.


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VS 2008 Different Ways To Call Another Form From A Parent Or Preceding Form

Aug 4, 2009

I need to know the proper way, or maybe I should say, the different ways to call another form from a parent or preceding form. I am currently using ex: formname.showdialog() to call my next form, but I am uncertain if I should be using that in every situation. [code] Whats the difference between these different methods? (ex: .showdialog() , .show() )I tried both of these to open a temporary form to retrieve a persons name from a database, so as the users progresses through my training program they can keep track of their scores.But, I also call other forms as I branch through my program, from the main page, to a secondary page, to a testing page, to a results page and then back to the secondary page

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Make Windows Form Cannot Be Resized By User?

Jan 28, 2010

Does anyone know how to make the windows form cannot be resized by the user?

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