VS 2005 - Inherited Controls - Data Column Returns A Datarowstate

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes. don't make any changes to the current record before you go to the next record. you will see that the rowstate will still return Modified.

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Properties On Inherited Data Column?

Jul 29, 2009

I created a custom datacolumn class which inherits from DataColumn and has 2 properties. I then successfully added this custom datacolumn to a datatable. When i try to access the properties through the datatable.columns(index).property, the properties i added are not listed. If i go back in the code to where i instantiate the custom datacolumn i can see the properties here, but not after its added to the datatable.

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Bug In Inherited Controls?

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes. to produce this issue, i have below a sample code for a test inherited control

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class TestControl


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Question Bug In Inherited Controls?

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes.to produce this issue, i have below a sample code for a test inherited control

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class TestControl


create a form, add the usual objects necessary for data bindings, (datasource, datatable). make sure the data column bound to this TestControl will return non null values.also create a procedure for position changed to catch the datarowstate like below...

Private Sub PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim rowstate As DataRowState = DataRowState.Unchanged


Note that i used Position - 1 so that when you go to the next record, it will show you the rowstate of the previous record.

on your Form_Load add the ff:

AddHandler YourBindingSource.PositionChanged, AddressOf PositionChanged

don't make any changes to the current record before you go to the next record. you will see that the rowstate will still return Modified.

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Controls On Inherited Forms Moving Around?

Oct 28, 2009

I have setup some base forms with some bottons on it The buttons are situated in a panel.Both the panel and the buttons modifer properties have been set up as "Friend".The problem I have is when I inherit these base forms, the buttons seem to jump around by themselves allot

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Controls On Inherited Usercontrol Are Invisible?

Jun 26, 2010

am trying to make use of inheritance to keep consistency in my user control appearance. I created a usercontrol to use as my base design, as a platform to link to a tab as acontainer. To this I added a few framing visual items like a header panel andsome labels.I then created another usercontrol that inherits from my base control, with the intention of adding the necessary items to this derived control to build it into a complete functional usercontrol that I can associate with a tab on my main form. I want to keep the visual appearance consistent across all similar derived controls. Then later if I change the design of the base form, this flows through to the derived controls.

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Unable To Add Controls To Inherited Form

Jul 2, 2010

Unable to add Controls to Inherited Form I should be able to add an inherited form by simply[code]...

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Change Properties Of Inherited Controls At Design Time?

Mar 23, 2009

I am using visual inheritance and was wondering if there is a way to change the properties of inherited controls at design time, preferably in the form designer. If not, then in the designer code. I have my control declared as Public in the base class. I can access it in the child form code, but not in the form designer. Is this just not possible?

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Difference Between Custom Control - Inherited Controls Adn Usercontrol?

Dec 14, 2009

what is the diff between custom control ,inherited controls adn usercontrol in vb.netadil

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VS 2008 Invalidating Inherited Controls When Parent Form Is Resized Or Moved?

Jul 19, 2009

Pretending I have a class that inherits off Control, how would I handle the parent form's Resize and Move events within the control? I have a painting glitch that happens when the form is resized or moved. Right now in the form I just have:

vb.net Private Sub frmMain_ResizeMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles Me.Resize, Me.Move Me.Refresh()End Sub

But this can't be the proper way to do it, considering Refresh() invalidates all children (will be slow and flashing if the form has lots of controls). I want to basically do the above code inside the control.

Edit:This is the glitch after a resize of the parent form:

And this is what the button is supposed to look like:

Also, I experience this issue if something like a message box is dragged over top of it. How can I remedy these issues by forcing a repaint?

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VS 2005 Making Inherited Method Availble

Sep 10, 2009

I created a com dll using Vb .net 2005. One of my classes inherits from System.Collections.CollectionBase. The methods of CollectionBase, such as Count and clear are not visible/usable to the program that references the dll. How do I make those methods/properties visible?

<ComClass(ReportCollection.ClassId, ReportCollection.InterfaceId, ReportCollection.EventsId)> _
Public Class ReportCollection


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VS 2005 Set 1 Of The Column Into As DatagridviewCheckbox When Binding Data?

Jul 27, 2009


Above is the code i use to retrieve information out from my database. Column Commissionable will return either '0' or '1'. how is it possible that when i bind it into the datagridview, Column "Commissionable" is set as a datagridviewCheckBox have 0 as 'Unchecked', and 1 as 'Checked'

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VS 2005 Accessing The Controls Of Multiple Data Window(mdw) Forms

Oct 21, 2009

I have to make some automatization on a web server, I use Visual Studio 2005 Visual Basic Windows Console Application. I want to make a load/performance test of the web server, so I open several Internet Explorer instances, and I login the application, that is not a problem. But after that I have a mess on the page and I cannot make any more automatization...The composition of the page after the login is like this: I have the default form, another form and a multiple data window(mdw) controller, which dinamically can switches the forms on this part.

The problem is that I don't know how to access the controls of this mdw forms. I couldn't find much about this mdw controller and I am not an expert.

My code is here:

Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Web.Ui.Webcontrols


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VS 2005 Possible To Remove Some Of Inherited Properties Of User Control?

Mar 30, 2009

i created a user control and inherited a textbox.is it possible to remove some of the inherited properties of the user control?like to Multi-Line, PasswordChar etc also at the Form Design, when selecting the user control, there's an arrow on the upper-right which i also want to remove.

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VS 2005 Sort Data New Column Added To DataTable?

Feb 21, 2011

I am creating a datatable and then adding a column to it which is filled with data from existing column and parsed into correct format DateSold is my existing column from my datafile and I create NewDateSold by adding the column to the existing table and then parsing the information in date format.

This is added to a binding source which then is used to populate a combobox I want to be able to sort the combo box by NewDateSold Desc I was able to this on the original column by simply using the "order By" in my query, it seems now that I added new column it is no longer sorted? I am finding different solution such as using dataview and wish to know the best way to do this

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VS 2005 Missing Operand Error In Computed Data Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to add a computed column to a datatable that references another column in the datatable. Sometimes the computed column has a mathematical operation applied to it, but in this case I'm just referencing the original column. The code looks like the following:

ReportData.Columns.Add("1_1_US", _
GetType(Single), _

The code isn't actually hard coded as shown above - there are functions that return the values for the first and third parameters - but I checked those and they are returning the expected values and not generating any errors themselves.

The error is thrown when the .Add method is called, and the error states "Syntax error: Missing operand after '_1' operator." It seems to me that it doesn't like the column name, which I suppose I could change and just workaround it at the presentation level. Still, I'm curious. Is this a bug in the .net framework or something? It doesn't mind "1_1" as a column name in the datatable, so why is it having a problem with it in the expression statement?

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DataRowState.Added Is Neven Been Set

Jul 29, 2009

I have done the following, however haschanges(added) is not true but set to 'Modified'. When will actually 'Added' will be set? I am relying on this flag to see whether the record is newly added or an existing one.[code]

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Display Of Datagrid Column: Can't Get It To Handle Carriage Returns

Sep 3, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and .NET 2.0 to display data pulled from a Oracle table. I am trying to display a notes column, but the column is not displaying the CRLF characters properly. The text is showing as a single line.

Private Sub BindNotesGrid()
Dim colRequestNotes As New BoundColumn()
Dim colCreatedBy As New BoundColumn()
Dim colCreatedDate As New BoundColumn()


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Returns The Property Names As Column Headers And Empty Fields?

Jun 14, 2009

why this code returns the property names as column headers and empty fields?

Dim table As New List(Of SalesPersonClass.SalesPersonClass)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To salesPeople.GetUpperBound(0)
dgSalesPeople.DataSource = table

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C# Equivalent Of The Code: DataTable.GetChanges(Not DataRowState.Deleted)?

Jan 23, 2011


DataTable.GetChanges(Not DataRowState.Deleted)

What is the equivalent in C#?

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TestDataSet.HasChanges (DataRowState.Added) Does Not Return True When New Record

Dec 15, 2011

I would like to get message, or true result when DataSet get new record (new row). But, I always get message as "no". [code] Button3 should return "Yes" as new record has been added, but does not? [code]

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VS 2005 Develop A Script Which Returns The Below Information Of A File?

Aug 25, 2010

im trying to develop a vb.net script which returns the below information of a windows file

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Winforms - Change The ListView Column Header's Font For Each Column In 2005?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a listview and i want to make one column's font smaller than the other column to fit form design. How will i do that?

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Base Form And Inherited Other Forms From It - Don't See Those Changes Take Effect In My Inherited Forms?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a base form and I inherit other forms from it. However, if i go back and change say the size of the base form, I don't see those changes take effect in my inherited forms. Does anyone know why that is? Is there a solution to this issue?So as far as design is goes, what exactly gets inherited by other forms?

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2005 - Login With Database - Only Get Latest Data On Username And Password Column On My Database

Jan 14, 2011

I have code on log in form but it only get the latest data on username and password column on my database

Here is my code

Public Class Users
Dim MyLogIn As New myRecords

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


This is my connection:

Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Module myconnect


This is my record:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient


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Calling Web Service Which Returns XML Data

Aug 11, 2011

I have been given the task of calling a web service which returns an xml data feed which I am doing like so:
For Each r As DataRow in SomeDataTable
Dim msFeed As String = string.format("[URL]?param={0}", r!SOME_VAL)
Dim x As XDocument = XDocument.Load(msFeed)
This is all fine but as you can see x just gets overwritten with every iteration. What I need is create an xDocument and add each feed from my loop but I am unsure how to proceed.

Dim xAllFeeds As XElement = New XElement("Feeds")
For Each r As DataRow in SomeDataTable
Dim msFeed As String = string.format("[URL]?param={0}", r!SOME_VAL)
Dim x As XDocument = XDocument.Load(msFeed)

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LB_GETTEXT Returns Garbage Data?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm using following code to receive content of a ListBox

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New Command Text Returns Data With Schema

Jan 19, 2012

The new command text returns data with schema different from the schema of the main query. Check your query's command text if this is not desired. I am getting this warning, whenever I add a query in a Strongly Typed DataSet which returns a single column.

ORDER BY Building

When I give this query it will show me a warning. Because warning leads to a constraint error when ever i call the same function in a windows form.

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Pgreader Returns No Rows (the Parameters Are Right And The Database Contains The Data Too)?

May 12, 2010

I have a postgresql database, one table. This table has a date column too.And I have this code:


The problem is, that the pgreader returns no rows (the parameters are right and the database contains the data too).firstday and lastday are f.e. '2005.05. 01.', the ConvertDate function converts the date to '2005-05-01' (the dates are storen in this form in the database)And when the commandtext="select * from arfolyamok where datum between '2005-05-01' and '2005-05-31'", then it works, the pgreader has the rows.Why? What make I wrong?

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Add Controls To A Two Column TableLayoutPanel?

Aug 6, 2009

If I make a TableLayoutPanel and add 10 labels to it like this[code]...

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