VS 2005 Set 1 Of The Column Into As DatagridviewCheckbox When Binding Data?

Jul 27, 2009


Above is the code i use to retrieve information out from my database. Column Commissionable will return either '0' or '1'. how is it possible that when i bind it into the datagridview, Column "Commissionable" is set as a datagridviewCheckBox have 0 as 'Unchecked', and 1 as 'Checked'

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Datagridviewcheckbox Column Fully Default Set Checked= True?

Apr 19, 2011

sir i want datagridviewcheckbox column fully default set checked= true

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On Button Click Datagridviewcheckbox Column Loses Checked

Dec 13, 2011

I am developing windows application. I have datagridview in that, I have one column as DatagridviewcheckboxColumnand i have on button on my form.

If i make checkbox checked and press button, it loses checked and becomes clear(unchecked). what is the problem on button click i have done iterate loop to get checked box checked buti can not get as i told that, on button click it becomes clear(uncheckeD)

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VS 2005 Binding Data To A Datagrid?

Mar 5, 2009

VS 2005 [RESOLVED] biniding data to a datagrid

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VS 2005 Binding Data To Drop Down List From XML Query

Sep 21, 2009

i have an application integrating the an API (autotask web services). I get the data by using a XML query opposed to a SQL query. I'm trying to figure out how to fill a dropdown list with the returned data. Here is my

Dim AccountID As Integer = 29783925
' Query returns Account details for account with the ID AccountID
Dim strQuery As String = "<queryxml><entity>Account</entity>" & _


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VS 2005 Sort Data New Column Added To DataTable?

Feb 21, 2011

I am creating a datatable and then adding a column to it which is filled with data from existing column and parsed into correct format DateSold is my existing column from my datafile and I create NewDateSold by adding the column to the existing table and then parsing the information in date format.

This is added to a binding source which then is used to populate a combobox I want to be able to sort the combo box by NewDateSold Desc I was able to this on the original column by simply using the "order By" in my query, it seems now that I added new column it is no longer sorted? I am finding different solution such as using dataview and wish to know the best way to do this

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VS 2005 - Inherited Controls - Data Column Returns A Datarowstate

Aug 22, 2009

on the custom inherited control i created, i noticed that when i bind my custom property to a data column, if that data column returns a value other than Null it always return a datarowstate of modified even if there were no changes. don't make any changes to the current record before you go to the next record. you will see that the rowstate will still return Modified.

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VS 2005 Missing Operand Error In Computed Data Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I'm trying to add a computed column to a datatable that references another column in the datatable. Sometimes the computed column has a mathematical operation applied to it, but in this case I'm just referencing the original column. The code looks like the following:

ReportData.Columns.Add("1_1_US", _
GetType(Single), _

The code isn't actually hard coded as shown above - there are functions that return the values for the first and third parameters - but I checked those and they are returning the expected values and not generating any errors themselves.

The error is thrown when the .Add method is called, and the error states "Syntax error: Missing operand after '_1' operator." It seems to me that it doesn't like the column name, which I suppose I could change and just workaround it at the presentation level. Still, I'm curious. Is this a bug in the .net framework or something? It doesn't mind "1_1" as a column name in the datatable, so why is it having a problem with it in the expression statement?

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Hide DataGridViewCheckBox Cell In Some Cases?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a DataGridView and one column has DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn type .The datagrid loads from selected items of a listbox.I need to hide Check box cell in this grid according to the item. It means some items should not have checkbox in that cell(I have the list of those items which should not have checkbox in that cell).

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Datagridviewcheckbox Set False - Checkbox In Datagridview Does Not Change

Aug 13, 2009

I would like to make a applcation that after checkbox inside datagridview is checked. After calcuation stuff, if result less than standard, then it set the checkbox to not checked state. But I find that checkbox in datagridview does not change. It changed after I click other checkbox. What I want is lagging one cycle. I tried dgv.refresh() or update event , no effect.

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Binding A Single Column To A DataGridView?

Nov 24, 2009

In previous versions (VB.NET 2003) I would do

datagrid.datasource = dataset.tables(0)
datagrid.datamember = "Column1" 'Where this is the name of the column

This would show me just that column in the grid regardless of the number of columns in the dataset.

In VB.NET 2008 I do: datagridview1.datasource = dataset.tables(0)

I see all the columns.I then add:

datagridview1.datamember = "Column1" 'Where Column1 is the column name

I then have an empty grid.How does one get only a single column to show in the grid from a multi-column data source? I am using internal code to populate the datasets and tables.

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DataGridView Column Binding Filtering?

Sep 14, 2009

I have two database tables in SQL Server Express 2008 with the following layouts.



These two tables are related on fiscalYear and fundKey. So if you were to look at the first line in the DATA table you would get:


I'm trying to create a front-end for this using VB2008. I thought a DataGridView (DGV) would work well for this. So I create a small app to test out my theory. I put a DGV on it and setup a data source to the DATA table using the designer and it works great. Then I change the fundKey column to be databound to the FUNDS column, looking up the fundDescription based on the fundKey. I also change it to a combobox column because in the future I would like other users to easily change the value. And all of this works well.My problem is in that combobox column, all the fund values are listed as options.So it lists: General, Indirect, General, Sponsored. I would like it to list only the values for the appropriate fiscal year. So if that row is for fiscalYear 2008, the fund options should be General and Indirect. And if it's 2009 the options should be General and Sponsored.What is the best way to do this? I thought about setting up views on the SQL Server side and having two datasets in the app and switching between them.

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Extra Column To A DatagridView With Binding Source?

May 14, 2012

I have a datagridview with a datasource from a MySQL query. Works fine. However, I want to add an extra column and generate some data into the cells. This works fine too and shows up as intended. However, I cannot sort on that extra column and the contents of the cells in the column are cleared out if I sort on the other colums. I realize this is all because of the original datasource, but Im hoping there is a way to "connect" the extra column in somehow?

Grid_SearcherResults.DataSource = dbconnection.bSource
Grid_SearcherResults.Columns.Add("Location", "Location")

'Then some code to set the value of the cells in the new column.. etc

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.net - Datagridview Column Index Changing When Binding To A Datatable?

May 16, 2012

i have two datragridviewcomboboxcolumn,and two textbox column in a datagridview.each combobox column is binded to separate binding source.

column names are sl_no,col_empname,col_empworktype,Col_Hours etc.and
displaymember,datapropertyname,valuemember and for comboxcolumn are


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Forms :: Binding A Dataset (computer Column) To A Datagridview?

Aug 17, 2011

[URL] some properties aren't showing in my vb just like the one needed in the video..my computed column is made only by

-add new item

then i just changed the expression property

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Winforms - Change The ListView Column Header's Font For Each Column In 2005?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a listview and i want to make one column's font smaller than the other column to fit form design. How will i do that?

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2005 - Login With Database - Only Get Latest Data On Username And Password Column On My Database

Jan 14, 2011

I have code on log in form but it only get the latest data on username and password column on my database

Here is my code

Public Class Users
Dim MyLogIn As New myRecords

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


This is my connection:

Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Module myconnect


This is my record:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient


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VS 2005 / Binding DateTimePicker?

Feb 12, 2010

I have a column ("tblSupply.Date1") in my table populated with dates. If I have value in this column there is no problem, dateTimePicker1 goes to this date. If I have this field empty, I get an error: "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types" when I try to open form where dateTimePicker1 is.

Me.dateTimePicker1.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Value", ds, "tblSupply.Date1"))

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How Is WPF Data Binding Using Object Data Source In Visual Studio 2010 Done

Apr 23, 2010

how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success.

I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this:

Public Class Class1
Public Property One As String = "OneString"
Public Property Two As String = "TwoString"


The expected result was that "OneString" would appear next to "One" and "TwoString" next to "Two" in the running window.

The question is: Why didn't this work? What will work instead? If I put bindings in a DataTemplate, it works. Blend, with its sample data stuff, implied that this should work, but it doesn't.

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Binding Data Or Load Data To Combobox Using SELECT Query?

Jun 3, 2011

i hve create combobox & text box and add database source to my project...i know how to binding data or load data to combobox using SELECT query..but can i change SELECT to INSERT query cz i wont when i type data into textbox,data will be in database...second..can i binding without add database to project..i mean mydatabase in debug folder..i hve problem binding data if database is not in myproject..

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Data Binding - Update The Grid Data By Reading The Array

Apr 2, 2012

Data binding should be an extremely simple thing to manage but I can't find a SIMPLE solution to the following problem.

I have two forms

Form1 contains a 4x4 MSFlexGrid (unfortunately an unmanaged COM object but I can merge cells, which I can't do with a managed Datagrid)

Form2 contains other controls which change the data in the Flexgrid.

I connect the two with a Public 4x4 array. Form2 changes the data in this array. I can update the grid data by reading the array. But how do I bind the Grid to the array so that it auto-updates - which is the whole point of binding isn't it?

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Listbox In Form That Gets Its Values From A Data Table By Data Binding

Jul 31, 2010

I have a listbox in my form that gets its values from a data table by data binding. My question is, when the data (row) is loaded it also selects the first line automatically. I do not want this because I want the listbox to select an item only when the user clicks on it. Otherwise, the iteme should ony be listed. Is there a way to manage this?

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Binding Excel Data To A Datagrid Without No Header Just The Data?

Oct 31, 2010

i want to binding excel data to a datagrid without no header, just the data.for example :my excel files consist of 3x3 matriks data in 3x3 excel cell like this

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

and i want to show all this data on data grid i have tried with some code like this

Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _


but the first row of that data ( 1 2 3 ) is not shown up in the datagrid, just the 2nd and the 3rd row that shown up in datagrid?

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VS 2005 Binding Source Add/Update/Delete?

Mar 30, 2009

continuing on from my original post about datagridview.... [URL]

is there any working examples of implementing add/update/delete using the binding source?

i have a datagridview that has a bindingsource as its datasource and i am wanting to provide Add/Update/Delete functionality on the grid itself. Each record has a delete button which when clicked will remove the row and then add/edit is performed in the grid itself

the user then clicks a save/commit button that will then perform the nessecary updates on all rows

my initial plan was to have a copy of the data (iList) and then compare this to the contents of the binding source data to confirm whether to add/update or delete the record

also upon clicking the delete button i cant get it to remove the row from the datagridview. it thought i could do something like this...

Private Sub dgvDocumentTemplates_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs)
If (e.ColumnIndex = 6) And (e.RowIndex <> dgvDocumentTemplates.Rows.Count - 1) Then


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[2005] Binding A Picturebox.Image To Byte()?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a database that stores images as bytes, per Here

What I want to do is bind the image of a picture box to that value through my binding source. This is what I have:

ProductImagePictureBox.DataBindings.Add("Image", productBindingSource, "productImage", True)

And nothing ever shows up. I figure it's because I am not doing something like Image.FromStream(), but I also don't know how to integrate something like that into that line. I could just re do the image box on row enter rather than bind, but I don't know how to manually pull the data from the binder.

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VS 2005 Binding Navigator Position Item V Picture Box?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to get a picture box to update with a new picture when I type in a number in the navigator position item box and hit enter. I have tried various methods, but I can't seem to get a combination that works in this way. Could anyone tell me if what I am trying to achieve is possible, and if so

This is the latest variation I tried (yeah, I know...) :

Private Sub BindingNavigatorPositionItem_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BindingNavigatorPositionItem.ModifiedChanged
Dim Picture As String


** note that the <fileLocn> is just truncated for the purposes of this post - it does actually have proper code, so that isn't the issue!

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Getting Data From A Data Source Using Binding Sources?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a bit of code that reaches out and grabs a series of rows from SQL Server DB. I perform an inner join to get some related table data. In the process I get returned the user id of the creator of the data. I then want to pass this into a query to get back a full name. I am having no luck figuring out how to do just that. If I use the data visualizer I can see the name I am after, I cannot figure out the call to extract it

Bindingsource1.DataSource = GetData("Select * From PURCHASE_ORDERS WHERE PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER =" & REQ_NUM.Text)
.DataSource = Bindingsource1


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Winforms - Binding Data To A Data Repeater?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm looking for a line or two of code that will bind a DataSet.Datatable column to a textbox on a Datarepeater?

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Asp.net - Fixing Column Data Type And Duplicate Column?

Nov 30, 2010

This is my programs complete code, the only problem is i want to fix the amount of decimal places that show up in my gridview. The problem is if i do this on the asp side the location of the column gets thrown off and the column is duplicated. I figured if i just remade the table on the asp side it would work only problem is if i remove the sql for that particular column the asp side column cannot get data.

Imports System.Data.Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data


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VS 2005 Generic List Of Datarow Not Binding Correctly To Datagridview?

Apr 8, 2010

So I have the following

With Me.dgv
.AutoGenerateColumns = False
.DataSource = Info.PESList


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