VS 2008 Passing Form As Paramater To Function?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a function that requires a form passed to it. Currently im using:ByVal oThisFormA As FormIf I do this though, obviously where I require txtboxes etc from the form being passed in arent recognised. e.g txtSurname is a textbox on a form called frmCustomer I have, but unless I use byVal oThisFormA as frmCustomerI will just get an error txtSurname is not a member of System.Windows.Forms.Form

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Web Service Paramater Not Passing?

Apr 25, 2012

I need to create a web service to accept a SOAP request from an external PBX system. Unfortunately i can not change any thing on the PBX so i have to make do with what is submitted to my web service. I have created a web service but the paramaters passed through has a is null value.Below is the Web Service code:

public class CDRService : System.Web.Services.WebService {
public CDRService ()

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VS 2008 Pass Form As Paramater?

Jun 22, 2009

Just ran into an issue with VB.net after years in VB6. I'm attempting to pass a form to a public sub without success.This worked in vb6

Public Sub MySub(frm As Form)
MsgBox (Val(frm.Text1.Text) + Val(frm.Text2.Text))


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Passing Array Form C++ DLL To VB6 Through Call Back Function?

Sep 6, 2005

I need to pass an uint8 array from C++ DLL to VB6 application but I receive always following error: "subscript out of range" if I try to work with the array 'pabyData' in my VB6 procedure. The C procedure is: typedef void (__stdcall *FUNCPTR2SendData) (const uint8_t* pabyData, uint16_t wDataLength); void SendData(const uint8_t* pabyData, uint16_twDataLength) { FUNCPTR2SendData vbFunc; vbFunc = (FUNCPTR2SendData) ptCBFPointers->p2NewDirectDataSMSEvnt; // ptCBFPointers are call back pointers, where is saved the call back address of VB6 functions vbFunc(pabyData, wDataLength); } The VB6 procedure is: Public Sub SendData(ByRef pabyData() As Byte, ByVal wDataLength As Integer

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VS 2008 Passing Controls To A Function

May 4, 2009

I'm making the transition from VB6 (at which I was quite proficient) to VS2008, and I'm running in to a few 'snafoos' as I go. The most recent one (which I haven't yet been able to work out) is I'm trying to figure out how to pass a control (specifically a 'picture box' if that matters) to a function in a seperate class. This was pretty straight forward in VB6, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure out how to declare the subroutine.


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VS 2008 Passing Data Through A Function?

May 3, 2009

what i am doing is passing data through to a function, the function does a basic check if the file passed through exists then say so in the listview


Function checkIfCredentialsExist(ByVal Check As String)
If File.Exists("credentials/" & Check) Then


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VS 2008 - Passing Class As Argument For Function

Mar 23, 2010

VB.NET is not letting me dance with both feet, or piss with both hands. I've got one foot and one arm tied behind my back at every turn. I want to use this statement in a function:
Return CType(Formatter.Deserialize(FS), DS)
Seems doable, right?

Function ReadFileStream(ByRef FS As FileStream, ByRef DS As Object)
Dim Formatter As New BinaryFormatter
FS.Position = 0
Return CType(Formatter.Deserialize(FS), DS)
End Function

Right? I mean, CType only accepts a class name as the second argument. I can't give it an instance of a class, or it croaks. Yet if I try to pass the class name as the argument to that function:
DataInfo = ReadFileStream(FileStream1, DataStruct)

VB.NET croaks on this, too, complaining that "'DataStruct' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.". It's used as an expression by CType just fine outside of the function. Does the VB.NET legislature provide a clause that allows for a 'Type' to be passed as an argument in a function? Writing all the supporting code ten million times to deserialize a file using CType ten million times in a large application will get very complicated and tricky very quickly. It should be handled by a routine so that any cases and adjustments that come up can be dealt with in one spot.

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Passing A Masked Telephone Number In The Form Of (999)999-9999 To A Function That 'strips' The Numbers Out And Puts Them Into A String?

Mar 10, 2009

So I'm passing a masked telephone number in the form of (999)999-9999 to a Function that 'strips' the numbers out and puts them into a string that I then use in an Update SQL statement. So far I have the code below that of course doesn't do anything:

Function StripPhone(ByVal sPhone as String) as String
Dim i as Integer
Dim sStripped as String


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VS 2008 Passing A Form - Get The Error.'cmbDataTable' Is Not A Menber Of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm upgrading a project from VB6 to VB2008.I have a routine that clears a combo box, named 'cmbDataTable' which could be on any form. I pass the form and the combo box is cleared.


I assumed it would be the same in VB2008 but I get the error.'cmbDataTable' is not a menber of 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'I am working my way through the project, first updating the global procedures - this is one - I haven't written the calls so cmbDataTable doesn't yet exist.

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Passing Data Between Form In VB 2008?

Dec 7, 2009

i have two form in vb form1,form2form1 contains button1,textbox1form2 contains utton2,textbox2form1 button1 contains code to show form2 myfrm2 As New Form2myfrm2.ShowDialog()

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VS 2008 : Passing Data From DGV To Another Form?

Jul 8, 2010

I have returned to a project I started a while ago. I have a small members database showing basic info (Title, Forename and Surname) in a data grid view with all data populated from a SQL database. I have the dataset populated with all this info as well as other data through the use of relationships/foreign keys (Addresses and Telephone Numbers, etc)I have tested the relationships using a simple form which shows the correct addresses, telephones, etc for each user as you navigate through it.

I now wish to show just the datagridview on form 1 which is read only with the row select set to full row (I have done all this so far). I have also set up a second form which displayes just the relationship data.I want to be able to load the second form (with the address and telephone number data, etc) when the row is double clicked by the user. ie - if row 15 is double clicked on, then the second form should load the address and telephone number data for record 15.

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VS 2008 Passing Filter Parameters To Another Form?

Sep 9, 2011

I have 2 forms, form1 and form2. Whenever user opens form2, I want form2 to get from form1 (which has a datagridview and filters), whatever the user filtered the datagridview by.

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VS 2008 - Passing Data From WPF Parent To Child Form

Jan 27, 2010

In my WPF Form1 I have TextBlock1 that fill from AddressTableAdapter. To edit address user must click EditButton to open Form2 to perform changes. My problem is passing data to Form2 from Form1. In Form2 I have 3 TextBoxes Street, City, Zip, and StateComboBox. I try to code in Loaded procedure of Form2 like this and got error message:

Private Sub Form2Detail_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
Me.StreetTextBox = IIf(IsDBNull(AbcDataSet.Address.StreetColumn), "", AbcDataSet.Address.StreetColumn))
Me.StateComboBox = IIf(IsDBNull(AbcDataSet.Address.StateColumn), 0, AbcDataSet.Address.StateColumn))
End Sub

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VS 2008 Login Popup Not Passing Back To Webrowser Form

Nov 23, 2010

I have created an application that I am using the VB webrowser control. The users needs to login to a site to display a particular webpage. The sites login is in a popup and what appears to be happening is the popup is launching outside my application (has IE in the title). If I enter uers/pass and try to login the information is not being passed back to my webrowser form.

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Passing A Value To A Function?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a question concerning some homework. Here is my answer:

Dim intResult As Integer
intResult= Square(4)
lblResult.Text = CStr(intResult)

Now, if I understand functions correctly, this statement should pass the value 4 to:

Function Square( ByVal intValue As Integer ) As Integer
Return intValue^2
End Function

...and assign it's return value to "intResult".

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Passing A Value Of A Function Into A Text Box?

Feb 21, 2010

Private Function Token() As String

Dim Length As Byte
Length = 10
Dim Chars As Char() = New Char() {"a"c, "b"c, "c"c, "d"c, "e"c, "f"c, _


is the above bolded line a correct .. it s not working too and the above code is used to generate a random password for users which should be displayed on the text box?

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Passing Arguments To A Function?

Aug 3, 2011

I am having a problem figuring this out. The text that is bold is where the problem is.

Imports Microsoft.Win32
Console.WriteLine(WMILookup("Win32_Bios","SerialNu mber"))
Private Function WMILookup(ByVal WMIClass as String,ByVal WMIItem as String) As String


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Passing Double Value To Function

Sep 8, 2010

I have a .aspx webform, with code behind to handle data entered by user, most fields are in double.At business layer, at other class, let say there is a function: [code]I just wondering whether this is the correct way of writing it? And if I have more than 20 fields of double value, then I should declare additional 20 double value?

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Passing Textbox Value To Function

May 27, 2010

I have a function that search database based on the 2 textbox value. I have a difficulty to call the function and pass the text box value to the function. This is my function: So I get this error:
{"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}

Function getname(ByVal SearchedName As String, ByVal SearchedFirstName As String) As String
Dim temp As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim temp2 = ""
Dim sSQL = " select SearchedName, SearchedFirstName from student where SearchedName =@SearchedName AND SearchedFirstName = @SearchedFirstName"
[Code] .....

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Passing Xmlnode To Function

Jan 31, 2012

I have function in my asp.net/vb application with following signature:Public Function ExtractText(node As XmlNode) As String..I want to call it/pass xmlnode. How to create an Xml node with value:<mynode Id="7743" Type="context" StartNode="4356" EndNode="1234"></mynode>

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Call A C++ Function From Net Passing A 2D Array?

Jun 23, 2011

I am trying to call the method with the following declaration[code]...

The structs should both be twodimensional arrays with indexes of 4,4 and 5,4 respectively. The second one is an out parameter.

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Call VBA Function With Parameter Passing

Dec 29, 2008

I wrote vba function in excel and I want to call this function in vb.net with parameter passing.

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Passing A Class Reference To Another Function?

Jul 19, 2011

Let's says I have a class called Customer :-

Dim Cust as New Customer("Fred")

I also have a function in a seperate class :-

Shared Function Example(Example As Customer)

How do I refer to the class itself from within itself? For example :-

' from within the Customer class, call the Example function

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Passing A Constant Array To A Function?

Jul 23, 2009

pass an array to a function, like the code below shows

Private Sub SomeFunction(ByVal PassedArray() As String)
For i As Integer = 0 To PassedArray.Count - 1


But is there a way to pass a constant array to a function in VB .Net, for instance in PHP you could write

function SomeFunction($array)


So to reiterate: Is there any way to pass a constant array directly to a function in VB .Net? Is there any benefit in doing so? I imagine a few bytes of memory could be spared.

PS.SomeFunction({"some", "array", "member"}) ' this obviously gives a syntax error

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Passing A List's Enumerator To A Function

Dec 2, 2011

It looks like passing a list's enumerator to a function "byval" is quite different than passing it "byref". Essentially, regular "byval" passing will NOT change the caller's "enumerator.Current value", even if the function advances the enumerator. I was wondering if anyone knows why this is the case? Is an enumerator a primitive like an integer, without an object reference, and hence changes to it don't get reflected in the caller?This function is byval, and gets stuck in an infinite loop, spitting out "1" message boxes, because the enumerator's "current" never advances past 5.[code]The difference between the two functions is only whether the listFirstItem__ function accepts a byval or a byref enumerator.

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Passing A Multidimensional Array Into A Function?

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to use a simple quicksort routine for a multidimensional array but cannot figure out the syntax. I am stumped because it works fine in VB6 but no luck in .Net

Array Declaration:
Dim sArrIn(25000, 3) As String 'sort key (pkg, kitting, zip), kitting, data
Function Call:


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Passing A Two-dimensional Array To A Function?

Jan 6, 2011

I am missing something obvious here

I have an array that is declared as



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Passing A Value Of Text Box In Javascript Function?

Feb 18, 2010

MotherTongueTxtBox.Attributes.Add("onblur","val_Length(MotherTongueTxtBox.text,"hi friends",Length);")

in the above statement val_length s a javascript function in tat function the first parameter shd b the contents of the text box ,the second parameter s a string type, is the statement correct i think it s wrong can u suggest a correct valid statement

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Passing An SQL Function When Using DataGridView And CommandBuilder?

Nov 16, 2011

Trying to generate a Datagridview based on a query which is working fine.

Basic method is:

Create DbAdapter (MySQL) Create DataSet Fill Dataset with DbAdapter.Fill Set Datasource of DG to Dataset
Works fine, have used a commandbuilder to handle updating, inserting and deleting. Where this doesn't work is if I pass a MySQL function in my query, e.g.

SELECT FROM testtable TestID, SomeFunctionForward(someproperty), anothersfield

A quick check shows the field omitted from Update and Insert. How do I go about 'setting this property' so it will work on the query with the CommandBuilder. It needs to be done in inverse, i.e.

INSERT INTO testtable TestID, someproperty, anothersfield VALUES SomeFunctionBackward("somepropertyvalue"), "anothersfieldvalue"

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Passing Combobox.selecteditem To Function?

Jul 4, 2009

i have a very simple problem but i can't figure how to fix it.I'll explain, i have 3 array named "Auto, Legumes, Films". I i making a function so whenever the selecteditem of the combobox change(Auto, Legumes or Films) the name of the selecteditem is passed to a function. The function use this name to display the items of the corresponding table in a listbox.The 3 different item name in the combobox match the name of the 3 tables, so i want to be able to re-use the name dynamically in my function.

Code where i call the function:
Private Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbchoix.SelectedIndexChanged


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