VS 2008 Playing .WAV (32bit)?

Mar 9, 2010

I have code to play wave files.

Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const SND_ASYNC = &H1


which is my favorite because of the SEAMLESS loop which I cannot accomplish with the first code.However there is a problem.Both will play .WAV files of any frequency be it 44.1 or 48 so long as its 16bit. My problem is that I have .wav files which are 24 bit, and 32 bit. It is odd because these files play and can be made in a variety of audio applications, but when playback is attempted using the supplied code, nothing but silence!While I know how to re-encode the audio to a new bit depth, I need to play back these specific files.

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Can .net 2008 Bet Set To Only Run In 32bit

Nov 11, 2009

can vb.net 2008 bet set to only run in 32bit?

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VS 2008 Building A 32bit App Instead Of A 64bit App?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm running Win7 64bit, but I want the applications I make in VB .NET (.NET 3.5, 2008) to be 32bit instead of 64bit. Is there any way to achieve this?

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.NET In Visual Studio 2008 On Vista 32bit Building A WSP?

Jun 9, 2009

I am trying to build a WSP file in VS2008 on my VB.NET project. How would I go about doing this? I can find a lot of plugins for C# but not VB.NET.

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VS 2008 Running A 32bit Built Program On A 64bit System?

Feb 8, 2011

i've finally finished my A2 project by building a program for a real life solution. This program works on the school computers which are 32bit XP but when i try to run it on a Windows 7 64bit system, i can't get it to work after trying various things.

error:The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

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VS 2008 Running A Program Built For AnyCPU That Is Only 32bit Compatible On 64bit OS?

Jun 14, 2010

Basically i want to run a program that is created in vb2008 with its compiler properties set to AnyCPUThe programmer has a 32bit os, so he has not recognized that his referenced assemblies are not compatible with 64bit OS and therefore throw system.badimageformatexception on 64bit OS (such as mine; im running windows 7)

now it is my understanding that all 32bit applications can be run on 64bit windows because the WOW64 emulator can run them (just like programs that get installed in the program files x86 directory)so the problem here is that my OS cant recognize that this program must be run in 32bit since that programmer foolishly set the compile options to anycpu i can not contact the programmer and therefore asking him to recompile is not a possible solution.So, how do i run this program as 32 bit on my 64bit OS? how can i manually set 32-bit compatibility? it is not available in compatibility options.I tried running in compatibility mode for windows xp sp2 i tried putting the software in program files x86 folder.

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VS2010 Converted 32bit App From .Net 1 To .Net 4 Not Loading Without Local Version Of SQL Server 2008 Express Running?

Mar 28, 2011

I have an application that will not load unless my local SQL Server is running on an Vista Home Premium machine. This started after a .Net 1 to .Net 4 conversion. I am using a sub main sub that is not being called (msgbox is not fired when entering the app), however, I see the app through taskmgr with increasing memory usage, but then the app is removed from the list. By design, if the program cannot locate a SQL Server a form pops up with a connection box to locate the SQL Server for the app. How it determines if it has a valid connection is the program looks for a connection string in the registry, then attempts to connect to it, however, none of this code executes because of the failure to enter into the sub main.The two machines I have tried the 32 bit app on

XP Pro: Failed / Using SQL Server 2008 Express

Windows 2003 Server: Works / Using SQL Server 2008 Developer

Both machines have .Net 4 Client Profile with Extended?

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Get Media Playing Now Playing Using Sendmessege / Wmp.dll?

Jan 22, 2010

How I can get the Media playing now playing using Sendmessege or wmp.dll?

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VS 2008 Playing With Numbers

Feb 27, 2010

Could anyone tell me the logic or the code to do this scenario:I Have 10 numbers (they're in a list or any other), they're all randomized, e.g. {1,4,7,7,5,2,4,1,4,9}.Now there's a code to take all of those 10 numbers and take out paired numbers, they're two ones, two sevens, and three fours. So the program will delete the ones, sevens, and fours, but leaving one four because one is not paired up. Now they're only 4 numbers in the list {5,2,4,9}.

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VS 2008 - Playing MP3 Over Certain Sound Device?

Nov 26, 2009

I've been looking for a way to play an MP3 file over a specific sound device for a while now and I just haven't been able to find any decent code examples in VB.NET. Basically I need a way to find and list all the sound devices on the system and then play an MP3 file over one of them. I have found code examples in C# and similar but I couldn't find any VB.NET code.

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VS 2008 Playing MP3 Files Through Code

Jan 2, 2010

I do not want to use a hidden player or anything. I want to play it through code.

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VS 2008 Playing Next Song In Listbox?

Sep 13, 2009

I have a listbox with a few songs in which i can click individually and play using the axwindowsmediaplayer1 control.But i would like it so that when one song finishes it moves down the listbox and plays the next song..i undertsand how to move down the listbox and play the next song however not sure how to detect if the song has finished?

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VS 2008 Playing Video Files?

Sep 10, 2009

im new to VB and i would like to ask some questions;Im developing a Media Study Room program and i have this little problem, My problem is that, how can i designate the video in the list box, that when i click variable on the list, it will automatically play the video i designated to a number and its description in the bottom will appear.

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VS 2008 : Application To Get Any Sound Playing From Pc And Play It?

Dec 6, 2009

Is their a way for my application to get any sound playing from my pc and play it?

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VS 2008 : Recording Location Of Clicks And Playing Them Back?

May 10, 2009

Im trying to make a program that will automaticly do something for me so what i want it to do is record clicks from when u press f12 say for example till u press f11 then i want it to play them back when i click a button so it clicks automaticly in place where i recorded the clicks i also want it to play over and over again. Can anyone help me get started because im not sure where to start i dont know much about simulating mouse click and mousing mouse automatically and also i dont know how i would do the F12 and F11 thing.

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VS 2008 Making Several Digital Times In To Integers And Playing Around?

Nov 12, 2009

Ok lemme tell ya this is one toughie to explain. Basicly, I have a textbox with digital times on different lines, i.e



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VS 2008 Playing Camtasia Video In Web Browser Control

Dec 24, 2009

I have tried to play a Camtasia video inside a web browser control but it comes up with javascript needs to be enabled error on page. How can I work it or find a work around that? I'd like to have a listbox that contains the movies and they would play in the browser. I have a membership site that I'd like to have a player that authenticates the user before playing them but first things first, what is the best way to accomplish playing Camtasia videos inside a form?

View 25 Replies

VS 2008 Playing With The Designer - InitializeComponent - Forbidden Area ?

Sep 20, 2011

Alright so i have a form with alot (ALOT) of controls...many tabs, many listviews, many comboboxes and textboxes, all of which have values which i saveload using a class i made for saving and loading these values from a file.

Loading these values is pretty slow after the form loads. Takes around 3 seconds (i had to create a splashscreen and made it look decent, but it's still not a nice thing to have)

Then today i decided to try something. I opened the designer to initialize component, and i called the LoaderSub (that loads the values for the controls from a file) within initialize component, in a location after all the properties are set but before all the .resumelayout and .performlayout are called. Lo' and behold the form loaded in less than half a second, with the values and all.

However, now everytime i make a change to the form in design view, or even add a handler to some control in code view, the designer redraws and the auto generated code takes out my code from initializecomponent.

I did the googling, and all the results i found for similar cases issues were cases where the person asking the question im going to ask, the answer is "Didn't you read the part that says DO NOT MODIFY?"

Still, as a last attempt, I ask here: is there any way to modify initializecomponent without losing my changes? I just need to call LoaderSub before the layout resumes...if i call it before initialize component, i get null reference exceptions. And if i call it right after initialize component, loading is very slow.

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App Keeps Crashing On 32bit PC's

Sep 5, 2011

My app wont start up on any 32bit PCs. It brings an error. Ive tried all the solutions mentioned like going into Compile and changing the Platform, and other things. I have come to the conclusion it Might just be something faulty with my coding. Here is the only place in my code that could be doing it.


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Why Will This Run In 32bit, But Not 64bit

Jan 18, 2010

I'm using the following code to iterate through and find windows containing specific strings in their title bars. I have two projects containing this identical information, yet for some reason - it works when targeted to x64, but FindWindowLike returns 0 always on x86. I need this to run in x86.I am developing this on Windows 7 x64, but it needs to run on my machine as well as XPx32. What I can't fathom is why it compiles/runs on x64 but not x32 (considering I'm targetting user*32*.dll)

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VS 2008 Check That Wmp Video Has Started Playing Before Can Press The Full Screen Button?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a full screen button, so that when it is clicked the windows media player control will go to full screen. This works fine, however I need a way to check that the video has started to play before the button can be pressed to make it full screen.

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EXE In 32bit And DLL Compiled For AnyCPU?

Apr 9, 2011

Our application is one EXE and multiple DLL's. Right now, we are compiling all of them for x86 so we are forcing 32bit because the running size of the application is a lot smaller (memory usage).If we compile the EXE as x86 and the DLL's as anyCPU, on a 64bit machine will the DLL's be 32bit or 64bit?

the reason for my question is if i can compile the DLL's for anyCPU and then have two EXE's, one for 32bit and one for 64bit, then i have only one duplicate program for the 32 or 64 bit change, and if a user wants to run full 64bit they only need to run the 64bit EXE and everything is fine. But if a user is on a 64bit machine but wants to run in 32bit mode, they would run the 32bit EXE.Let me know if this is true. i can't test this as i develop on a 32bit XP machine.

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Run A Vb6 Application On 64bit OS Instead Of 32bit OS?

May 22, 2009

I had a vb6 applications which using following dll files 1. shell32.dll 2. user32.dll 3. comdlg32.dll 4. apigid32.dll. It is working fine on vista 32bit OS . Now i am trying to run my application on Vista 64bit OS.

Is it working fine on vista 64bit OS with out any changing in vb6 code?Is there any problem with this above mentioned dlls on Vista 64bit OS?

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32bit Or 64bit Framework Install?

Mar 17, 2011

Something that is bugging me which My application is targeted for 32 bit machines but I'm not sure which .NET installation package to use with my deployment: 32, 64 or the package with both.I currently bundle the .NET 32 bit installation with my installer and that works fine. I don't have a 64 bit machine to test with, so my question is what version of the framework will my application need on a 64 bit machine?

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Click Once - Email - Windows 7 32bit

Oct 20, 2010

We have a clickonce application that we have been running fine under Windows XP for several years now. Recently a number of machines have been upgraded to Windows 7. The program works perfectly normal under Windows 7 except in one regard and that is when utilising System.Mail. Currently our program will on request build an email and send it to our exchange server which relays the messages onto their intended recipients. The Windows 7 users are finding that their emails are not getting through and one of the messages received is a 5.7.1 unable to relay. Nothing has changed to the credentials, exchange or software itself. Only the operating platform that it is running under. I have a suspicion the error is being caused by some sort of security restriction that only Windows 7 introduces.

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Developing For 32bit On 64bit Machine?

Aug 8, 2011

I am moving to a Windows 7 64-bit development machine. Talk about causing problems. I've Googled, but can't seem to find much to help my specific needs. I'm hitting maximum errors in my IDE error list, so I won't start listing them. I've tried targetting both x86 and x64, but I still get errors out the wazzu. Is there a good starting point for me to learn how to do this? or should I just start going through the errors and trying to correct them one by one?

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VS 2005 - 32bit App On 64bit Server

Oct 6, 2010

Ok server is Windows Server 2008 R2. I've already installed other 32 bit applications. I had my own application compiled as ANY CPU, I just copied the folder containing my executable and DLL files to the server. Doing it this way is fine on Windows 2003 Server and other 32 bit operating systems. I registered the DLL files by using regsvr32. When I ran the file, it would come up with an invalid exception error. I compiled it as x86 and tried it again and it crashed immediately without any errors.

So I have VS 2005, application compiled as x86 - what do I do to get it running in Windows Server 2008 R2?Also as a side line, I didn't know that the server was 64bit to start with so I installed 32bit MySQL - should I remove and install 64bit?

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Changing Color Depth From 32bit To 16bit?

Mar 19, 2012

how to change the users color depth, When the user clicks the button.

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Determine Whether The OS The Program Is Currently Running On Is Either 32bit Or 64bit?

Jun 6, 2011

I just need to be able to determine whether the OS the program is currently running on is either 32bit or 64bit.

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VS 2010 64Bit Compile For 32Bit OS.App Errors

Jan 17, 2012


I have compiled my app (Just standard windows controld, no third party) on my 64bit system to run on a 32Bit XP system. In have tried all the different settings (x86, x32, All) The error i get is: MyApp.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is my first post here, I hope i havent managed to break any rules

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