VS 2008 Making Several Digital Times In To Integers And Playing Around?

Nov 12, 2009

Ok lemme tell ya this is one toughie to explain. Basicly, I have a textbox with digital times on different lines, i.e



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Make An Option For Making A Playlist Instead Of Playing The Sounds Right Away When Press The Button

Nov 7, 2010

I have a Form that has several buttons on it, and each one plays a certain mp3 file. Thing is I want to make an option for making a playlist instead of playing the sounds right away when you press the button, adding them to a ListBox. So the code would look something like this on Button1_Click


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Making A Console App That Displays Places For Multiple Times?

Apr 21, 2009

I am in a programming class, and am one of the best students in it, I even went to a state programming contest. One of the problems was to enter 6 race times and have it display the times back in order of which were fastest and their place such as



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Application That Will Display Positive Integers / Negative Integers And Zero Entered In A InputBox

Mar 20, 2010

I tried coding for an application that will display the positive integers, negative integers and zero entered in a inputBox. for some reason it keeps crashing down.here is my code. paging all visual basic professionals. [code]

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VS 2008 VB Basic Window Attributes - Display A Digital Clock

May 14, 2011

I have created a simple app to display a digital clock, it can create child windows (dialog boxes) to do various chores, one of those chores involves a lengthy background task, so I create it in a modeless manner, so it doesn't block the main program. It all works well... kind of took me awhile to figure it all out, but there is one little cosmetic issue.


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Array Of Integers Comparing Integers?

Feb 2, 2012

Basically I have and array of integers that vary in size. I need to compare each number to each other number and display which number is repeated. For example:

Dim ints() As Integer = {1,2,2,5,4,6}

The number that shows up more than once is 2.

How can I run through the array and compare each integer with the numbers in the array. I tried a for loop but it didn't return the value I was looking for.

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Get Media Playing Now Playing Using Sendmessege / Wmp.dll?

Jan 22, 2010

How I can get the Media playing now playing using Sendmessege or wmp.dll?

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VS 2008 For Loop With Integers?

Jul 30, 2009

I currently have a grid of 30 buttons, (6 x 5). So I named them btn1_1 - btn6_5

When the board loads up (this is for a jeopardy game) I have this

For counter = 0 To 5
Btn1_#.text = counter * 200

Is there ANY possible way to do that (replace # with the number of the counter.) I doubt there is, but it never hurts to ask!

As a side note, where is a good place to post the jeopardy game that I am making in these forums, i tried both the code bank and gaming forums but they are dreadfully inactive.... since it is in VB.NET, i was wondering if i could post it here.

It is still in the making, but I would really like some feedback as i worked hard on it and got stuck for 6 hours on the save/load feature that was getting messed up cuz of a difference from A and a lol.

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VS 2008 Date And Integers On Sql Statement?

Jul 10, 2009

I got a quite a big sql statement and I get errors when dealing with dates and numeric values. All of this is in order to copy the data to a new table.so these variables I am trying to use for passing the data:

Dim orderdate As Date 'on my sql orderdate is datetime
Dim custntitle As integer 'on my sql is numeric(2,0)
Dim country As Integer ' on my sql is numeric(3,0)

for the date I get an out of range exception,and for these two integers (custNtitle, country) I get invalidCastExceptions when dealing with strings there's no problem but dates and numbers causes errors for me?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim serviceid As String


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VS 2008 Playing .WAV (32bit)?

Mar 9, 2010

I have code to play wave files.

Private Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const SND_ASYNC = &H1


which is my favorite because of the SEAMLESS loop which I cannot accomplish with the first code.However there is a problem.Both will play .WAV files of any frequency be it 44.1 or 48 so long as its 16bit. My problem is that I have .wav files which are 24 bit, and 32 bit. It is odd because these files play and can be made in a variety of audio applications, but when playback is attempted using the supplied code, nothing but silence!While I know how to re-encode the audio to a new bit depth, I need to play back these specific files.

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VS 2008 Playing With Numbers

Feb 27, 2010

Could anyone tell me the logic or the code to do this scenario:I Have 10 numbers (they're in a list or any other), they're all randomized, e.g. {1,4,7,7,5,2,4,1,4,9}.Now there's a code to take all of those 10 numbers and take out paired numbers, they're two ones, two sevens, and three fours. So the program will delete the ones, sevens, and fours, but leaving one four because one is not paired up. Now they're only 4 numbers in the list {5,2,4,9}.

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Program 2008 Won't Show All Integers In String

Jul 8, 2010

I have a code where I search a text file for for example: "2320018200000", then it looks it up and finds a line like this[code]...

I want it to put that entire line in a label, but for some reason it skips the "3 1604001Sf" in the start. [code]...

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VS 2008 : Create An Array To Store 10 Integers?

Apr 13, 2010

"Create an array to store 10 integers. Initialize all the array elements with -1."

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Enlarge An Image Up To 32 Times Or 64 Times Bigger Than Original?

Dec 12, 2011

I want to enlarge an image, possibly up to 32 times or 64 times bigger than original dimensions (so that the user can see each pixel) if possible. The following is a simple function that I have to enlarge an image.

Private Function xEnlarge(ByVal Source As Image, ByVal Rate As Double, Optional ByVal Quality As Drawing2D.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic) As Image


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VS 2008 - Playing MP3 Over Certain Sound Device?

Nov 26, 2009

I've been looking for a way to play an MP3 file over a specific sound device for a while now and I just haven't been able to find any decent code examples in VB.NET. Basically I need a way to find and list all the sound devices on the system and then play an MP3 file over one of them. I have found code examples in C# and similar but I couldn't find any VB.NET code.

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VS 2008 Playing MP3 Files Through Code

Jan 2, 2010

I do not want to use a hidden player or anything. I want to play it through code.

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VS 2008 Playing Next Song In Listbox?

Sep 13, 2009

I have a listbox with a few songs in which i can click individually and play using the axwindowsmediaplayer1 control.But i would like it so that when one song finishes it moves down the listbox and plays the next song..i undertsand how to move down the listbox and play the next song however not sure how to detect if the song has finished?

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VS 2008 Playing Video Files?

Sep 10, 2009

im new to VB and i would like to ask some questions;Im developing a Media Study Room program and i have this little problem, My problem is that, how can i designate the video in the list box, that when i click variable on the list, it will automatically play the video i designated to a number and its description in the bottom will appear.

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VS 2008 - Loop Through Integers To Display Higher Number

Mar 26, 2012

I would like to loop through a number of integers to display the higher number, I would not know the higher or the lower number. How could I compare them to pick the higher one.

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VS 2008 Code To Make A Text Box Only Except 4 Digits And Only Integers

Nov 27, 2009

code to make a text box only except 4 digits and only integers.

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VS 2008 Funtion Which Takes Two Integers And Returns One Integer?

Apr 22, 2011

implement MOD(%) function without using the MOD or %. Function should take in two integers and return one integer.

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VS 2008 : Application To Get Any Sound Playing From Pc And Play It?

Dec 6, 2009

Is their a way for my application to get any sound playing from my pc and play it?

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2008 - If > Statement - Does It Matter That Variables Are Marked As Strings Vs Integers

Feb 9, 2009

I have a "if This > That then" statement, that doesn't seem to work, as it triggers regardless that "This" is smaller than "that". Does it matter that these variables are marked as strings vs integers?

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 : Recording Location Of Clicks And Playing Them Back?

May 10, 2009

Im trying to make a program that will automaticly do something for me so what i want it to do is record clicks from when u press f12 say for example till u press f11 then i want it to play them back when i click a button so it clicks automaticly in place where i recorded the clicks i also want it to play over and over again. Can anyone help me get started because im not sure where to start i dont know much about simulating mouse click and mousing mouse automatically and also i dont know how i would do the F12 and F11 thing.

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VS 2008 Playing Camtasia Video In Web Browser Control

Dec 24, 2009

I have tried to play a Camtasia video inside a web browser control but it comes up with javascript needs to be enabled error on page. How can I work it or find a work around that? I'd like to have a listbox that contains the movies and they would play in the browser. I have a membership site that I'd like to have a player that authenticates the user before playing them but first things first, what is the best way to accomplish playing Camtasia videos inside a form?

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VS 2008 Playing With The Designer - InitializeComponent - Forbidden Area ?

Sep 20, 2011

Alright so i have a form with alot (ALOT) of controls...many tabs, many listviews, many comboboxes and textboxes, all of which have values which i saveload using a class i made for saving and loading these values from a file.

Loading these values is pretty slow after the form loads. Takes around 3 seconds (i had to create a splashscreen and made it look decent, but it's still not a nice thing to have)

Then today i decided to try something. I opened the designer to initialize component, and i called the LoaderSub (that loads the values for the controls from a file) within initialize component, in a location after all the properties are set but before all the .resumelayout and .performlayout are called. Lo' and behold the form loaded in less than half a second, with the values and all.

However, now everytime i make a change to the form in design view, or even add a handler to some control in code view, the designer redraws and the auto generated code takes out my code from initializecomponent.

I did the googling, and all the results i found for similar cases issues were cases where the person asking the question im going to ask, the answer is "Didn't you read the part that says DO NOT MODIFY?"

Still, as a last attempt, I ask here: is there any way to modify initializecomponent without losing my changes? I just need to call LoaderSub before the layout resumes...if i call it before initialize component, i get null reference exceptions. And if i call it right after initialize component, loading is very slow.

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2008 - Using Split Method Shows Error - Char Values Cannot Be Converted To Integers

Feb 10, 2009

I have a form with 12 text boxes. I'm trying to get the data from those text boxes to "save", and when that form is opened again have the data be inserted back. This form has different time slots so I need to be able to have it save and repopulate based on what time slot I am clicking on. I was going to have it read the data by splitting it with commas, then inserting them back into the correct fields but it's not working. I had it write the results to a text file and they get written correctly and inserted back, but the problem with that is it only reads that text file so every time slot I open up gets the same data.

Below is code I used to get the data when the Save button is clicked. [Code]. Problem is I get an error saying "Char values cannot be converted to Integers" on the first line, the (","c) part.

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Forms :: Find If Times Is Between 2 Times?

May 13, 2009

I have just started using vb.net and I have a checked list box with times throughout the day shown as

00:00 - 00:14
00:15 - 00:29
00:30 - 00:44
00:45 - 00:59

What I am trying to find is a way to get the current time and find which list item it fits into. What I think I need to do is to first of all get the current time and then go through the list splitting each item into 2 times and seeing if the current time fits. For example: Split the item 00:00 - 00:14 to 00:00 and 00:14 and then check if the current time is more than 00:00:00 but less than 00:14:59 and if so do certain task.how to go about taking each list item and splitting it into 2 separate times so I can check between them?

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VS 2008 Check That Wmp Video Has Started Playing Before Can Press The Full Screen Button?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a full screen button, so that when it is clicked the windows media player control will go to full screen. This works fine, however I need a way to check that the video has started to play before the button can be pressed to make it full screen.

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VS 2008 - SQL Statement Between Two Times

Mar 31, 2009

I'm wondering how I would go about retrieving all the times between Two Times. I have 4 Textboxes.
1: Hour 1
2: Minute 1
3: Hour 2
4: Minute 2

E.g if I have a list of times:

Dim Time1 As String
Dim Time2 As String
Time1 = (txt1H.Text & ":" & txt1M.Text)
Time2 = (txt2H.Text & ":" & txt2M.Text)
[Code] .....

How Would I Go About retrieving All The Times Between Say "21:20" & "22:30".

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