VS 2008 - SQL Statement Between Two Times
Mar 31, 2009
I'm wondering how I would go about retrieving all the times between Two Times. I have 4 Textboxes.
1: Hour 1
2: Minute 1
3: Hour 2
4: Minute 2
E.g if I have a list of times:
Dim Time1 As String
Dim Time2 As String
Time1 = (txt1H.Text & ":" & txt1M.Text)
Time2 = (txt2H.Text & ":" & txt2M.Text)
[Code] .....
How Would I Go About retrieving All The Times Between Say "21:20" & "22:30".
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Nov 27, 2011
I have now started posting to a MySQL database created by someone else. I have no ability to change the table structure.Two questions:
1) There is a date field and a time field that loosely tracks the last edit date and time. Both are fields set up as DateTime in the database. The date field always has the proper date but the date and time portion shows as
2011-11-27 00:00:00
However, the time field shows as
1899-12-30 23:16:58.
When I am updating with the following code
strSQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EditDate", Date.Now)
strSQLCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EditTime", TimeOfDay)
The date field displays
2011-11-27 23:40:26
and the time field displays
0001-01-01 23:40:26
I'm not sure how to format the date field without time and the time field with Dec 30 1899.Question 2) I will be adding some tables and will be wanting to track date and time of first entry as well as date and time of last edit. (this may have been better posted in the Database forum, if so, sorry)
For those of you who have done this before, would you mind sharing best practises? I am wondering why would you use two fields, one for date and one for time, when the field is a date/time field to begin with. I've seen this before in another database as well. I'm just trying to work out the logic here.
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Dec 12, 2011
I want to enlarge an image, possibly up to 32 times or 64 times bigger than original dimensions (so that the user can see each pixel) if possible. The following is a simple function that I have to enlarge an image.
Private Function xEnlarge(ByVal Source As Image, ByVal Rate As Double, Optional ByVal Quality As Drawing2D.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic) As Image
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May 13, 2009
I have just started using vb.net and I have a checked list box with times throughout the day shown as
00:00 - 00:14
00:15 - 00:29
00:30 - 00:44
00:45 - 00:59
What I am trying to find is a way to get the current time and find which list item it fits into. What I think I need to do is to first of all get the current time and then go through the list splitting each item into 2 times and seeing if the current time fits. For example: Split the item 00:00 - 00:14 to 00:00 and 00:14 and then check if the current time is more than 00:00:00 but less than 00:14:59 and if so do certain task.how to go about taking each list item and splitting it into 2 separate times so I can check between them?
View 2 Replies
Jan 8, 2010
How do I tell if the current time is between two other times? ie. is it currently between 8:00 AM & 4:00 PM.
View 9 Replies
Apr 17, 2009
I have a countdown timer, I want to make a sound every two minutes at the moment i've got it set to if timer.txt = "00:08:00" minutes then play the sound but it stutters..
View 2 Replies
May 17, 2010
I am trying to write an app which allows the user to input two times , in a maskedtextbox, and take those two times and add them together then output the result to a third maskedtestbox, I havent seen anything else on the web with the same problem, only with fixed date or time, nothing that the user can change.
I am guessing you have to input the a maskedtextbox as a string then parse them to datetime, add the two together and the convert the date back to a string at runtime my code always bails out with a datetime conversion
View 9 Replies
Jun 16, 2012
How would i go about getting my application to run 2 times then show form 2 then once they close form2 it dosent show form 2 anymore once the program starts again after closing.?
View 4 Replies
Jun 29, 2011
Private Type IP_ADDRESS_STRING IPadrString As String * 16 End Type
i want to set the value of IpadrString to times 16 how can i do that in vb.net without using type
View 6 Replies
Sep 15, 2010
I have about 1.000 text files in a folder, and I wanto to make some statistics reading the files content.In the first place I store the files path + name in a MyFiles() array, then, when I press a "Start" button I read the several files:
For x As Integer = 0 To MyFiles.Length - 1
FileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(MyFiles(x))
(data processing)
(data processing)
then I have copied and pasted the first 500 files in a new folder and added to the code if x > 500 the stop The strange thing is this: to elaborate the 500 files of the second folder takes about 4 seconds, to elaborate the first 500 files of the first folder (THAT ARE IDENTICAL TO THE 500 FILES OF THE SECOND FOLDER) takes 7 seconds.The same identical code takes different times to elaborate the same identical files if they are stored in different folders with different files number.
View 2 Replies
Dec 2, 2009
im struggling a bit and was wondering if anyone can help. Im looking to compair 2 sets of datess and times, for examp2 textbox1 27/02/1980 23:00 and text box 2 having the real time date and time. But instead off having years days hours mins and seconds i want to display how many seconds has passed between the two date and times. Can anyone show me how this is done as i have no clue where to start.
View 3 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
I have a button where I get data from a database that matches a search string I enter. Everything works fine the first time the button is clicked. However, if I click it again with a different search string, I get the same results as the original search string. I've tried to dispose, clear, and reset my dataset before I load the data each time, but it still finds the original query. This is the code I use to get and request the data:
Private Sub btnCfind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCfind.Click
mdbFile = "TCICUST.DBF"
mdbCond = " WHERE COMPANY LIKE '" & cbCust.Text & "%' ORDER BY COMPANY "
[Code] .....
View 11 Replies
Nov 5, 2011
I watched a youtube video that showing me how to make multiselect work and it worked but its just one problem: It opens two times.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub HScrollBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.Scroll
View 6 Replies
Apr 13, 2011
i am having a bit of trouble getting a string to print a specific number of times. I am writing a do...loop or a For...next statement where it prints a string ("*") times the counter on the do...loop/for...next but can't quite get it to work.
View 4 Replies
Jun 3, 2010
This is the current code. Rather than put in this 100 times for each number, What would be a better way? Have had a go myself but can't get it to work.
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Jan 17, 2011
how to get the time difference between 2 date & times Where
from_time falls >= 22:00 of the From_date & the to_time falls <= 06 of the To_Date
for example:
From_Date = 01/01/2011 20:00 ' Where Work Started
To_Date = 02/01/2011 08:00 'Where Work Ended
Time_Covered_Between_22TO06_As_Night = 22:00 to 06:00 is 08:00 hrs How to equate it?
View 8 Replies
Jan 16, 2011
Having problems with a datatable which consists of multiple datalogger information. Within the datetime field there are as the name suggests listed date and times entry i.e. 12/01/11 22:56:56 ect ect.
Problem is i am graphing this and when ms chart reads the duplicate entries as a series. It doesnt like it and comes up with a slightly odd interpretation. I need to get the duplicate entries out to establish a single time series.
I was proposing to clone the original datatable and run a loop to remove the duplicates. I have been trying to do this for days and have played with a whole load of examples, without success. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this.
View 1 Replies
Oct 21, 2010
Bit stuck on this one, have seen alot about how to do it just cant seem to get it right. I want to have 2 text boxes with times in them.. at the moment i have them on click events then it just runs a Now for the time and fills the boxes from the system time. But then i want the 3rd box to find the elapsed time from the 2 times in the previous boxes but i just cant seem to figure it out
View 10 Replies
Feb 19, 2010
Bit stuck on this one, have seen alot about how to do it just cant seem to get it right.I want to have 2 text boxes with times in them.. at the moment i have them on click events then it just runs a Now for the time and fills the boxes from the system time.But then i want the 3rd box to find the elapsed time from the 2 times in the previous boxes but i just cant seem to figure it out
View 1 Replies
Nov 12, 2009
Ok lemme tell ya this is one toughie to explain. Basicly, I have a textbox with digital times on different lines, i.e
View 5 Replies
Feb 7, 2010
Im trying to change specific lines of text in a listview at certain times of the day. Heres what im using atm , but im not sure how to change the text in the listview.
If Now.Month = 2 And Now.Day > 6 Then
ListView1.Items(0) = ("My text here !!")
End If
View 9 Replies
Dec 29, 2009
I know something like this exists, I juts don't know the right word to search about it, so basically I have a cosole application and if it runs twice it crashes. I wanna dispay a message: Sorry app alerady running.I can look at processes and see if my exe is there already running but that's much harder.
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Aug 26, 2011
I need a textbox where you can add a number and if you press a button that it will repeat the function of the button the number of times as in the textbox.
View 9 Replies
Apr 4, 2010
I want my program to: send.sendkeys(textbox1.text) as many times as someone types in so for example if someone types in 20 it will send it like this:
View 1 Replies
Oct 14, 2009
Public Class Form1
Dim sql As String
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
The problem, The INSERT statement works fine in the form load but not in the button click event?
View 29 Replies
May 16, 2009
I made my program and now I just need to add in the serial and trial part of the application. I know the application must connect to the host and go to a txtfile. How would i do the trial and serial. Also If the serial is already activated I want the application to reject that Serial and Count how many times they entered in a wrong serial.
View 2 Replies
Oct 25, 2009
I want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file when it is run for the first time, with the date and time the program was accessed, and to be able to add new 'logs' of program history every time it is accessed. What i mean is that i want my program to be able to create a '.txt' file, and then fill in the dates and times when the program is opened.
View 7 Replies
Feb 17, 2010
I recently used the "d" of regex to find a 6 number digit. In this scenario I knew the digit was 6 numbers long. What about when I don't know how long the items is I am looking for?In the HTML code I am searching through is as follows:
<a href="player.php">
View 8 Replies
Jan 1, 2010
I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this
If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?
View 13 Replies
Jun 8, 2009
y friend and I are re-learning Visual Basic, and we are stumped on this bit of code.
For intAsterisks As Integer = 0 To intLine - 1
lblAsterisks.Text = lblAsterisks.Text + "*"
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