VS 2008 Porting C# Unchecked Keywords To VB?

Oct 23, 2009

I am trying to decode yEnc data using the component found here:[URL]...It all converts fine, except for Line 173 of Decoder.cs which contains the c# keyword "unchecked".Without using unchecked I get an OverflowException.What is the correct way to implement this in VB?


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Porting VB 2005 To 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I have the following code in a VB 2005 project that works fine:

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
Do While intIndex >= 0 'Or Not boolMatch
If IsMatch(strTitle, Trim(arrTitle(intIndex)),


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VS 2008 Porting To Win7 FtpRequest?

Apr 13, 2011

I created an application for Windows XP, now it needs to run on Windows 7. I have had some issues to resolve, but rather small ones. I am now stumped on this one... Here is my code block

Private Shared Sub RenameFileAfterDownload(ByVal File As String)


The code works perfectly for Windows XP, but the ftpRequest does not work in Windows 7 for renaming. That said, the code runs that entire sub becaues WriteToEventLog get's written, but seems to ignore the ftpRequest lines.

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VS 2008 CheckBox Always Believes It Is Unchecked?

Oct 3, 2010

I have a very stubborn check box . Let me tell you its story :There is Form1 with a button leading to Form2 . On Form2 there is located that stubborn check box I was telling you about . That check box has code in its CheckedChange event and accordingly to its Checked condition , it enables or disables some text boxes .Well , the first time Form2 is shown , that check box works fine : when I check it it enambles the text boxes and when I uncheck it , it disables those text boxes .Then , I press the button to return to Form1 . If needed , the code in the button is :Form1.ShowMe.CloseMy adventure starts when I show again Form2 ... This time the check box is acting weirdly . No matter if I check it or I uncheck it , it always disables the text boxes , as if it is constantly unchecked ! I can see it changing its checked state whenever I click on it , but it always runs the code to disable the text boxes.

I even used some break points in the code and found out that indeed it is the code that disables the text boxes that is called every time , no matter if the check box is checked or unchecked .I don't thing this has anything to do with the fact that this event is called by all the 4 check boxes on the form . After all , it is always the 1st check box that causes the problem (I can see it when moving the cursor over the genericindex variable) .

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VS 2008 Active Directory Object Contains Any Keywords In INI File

Jul 16, 2010

With this code I can see what happening I'm just showing you what've I've done so far. Basically I want to use an If statement to see if an active directory object contains one of the keywords found in an INI file. I was wondering is this possible with just an IF statement or do I have to use a loop or a for each and how would I do that using one of those two. [code]

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VS 2008 Changing Font Color Of KeyWords In Textbox?

Jun 1, 2010

I am building a text editor kind of like Notepad++ and I would like to set up the color coder for key words such as And. I will be doing this for VBScript and Java.I would like the keywords to change when the file is saved for example, when the user loads a blank document nothing will be color coded but if the document is saved as .vbs the keywords for vbs will be blue and comments ' will be green.

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Porting C# Code To VB?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a bit of code which is causing me a few problems to port from C# to VB.NET

The C# looks like this

byte[] serverbuff = new Byte[1024];
int count = 0;
while (true)


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Porting Linq From C# To VB

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to port the folling C# Linq statement to VB.NET. I can't seem to find any equlivant for Select((asm, idx) => new { asm, idx })

List<AssemblyReference> assemblies =
from asm in loadList.Assemblies.Select((asm, idx) => new { asm, idx })


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PV Function And Porting VB6 To C#?

Sep 24, 2009

I'm working on porting some classic VB6 code to C# and just stumbled across a usage of the PV function.I feels wrong including a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic Assembly. Is this something that is commonly done, or should I explore further options. The next idea that pops into my mind is exploring this PV function in Reflector.

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Porting Winforms Application To C#?

Jun 24, 2012

Possible Duplicate: Porting VB.NET Winforms Application to C# .Is there any way to convert a vb.net winforms application into c# ? In terms of both code and .vb (forms) files.

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Porting VB Apps To OS X/Linux?

Dec 29, 2009

I've been wondering about this for a while, but is there actually any free way to port VB.net apps to OS X and Linux? I've searched the web for this and couldn't find anything much.

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Vb6 Migration - Porting A .bas File To Vb?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm working on some legacy VB5/VB6 code and need to convert a ".bas" file to vb.net. i found several options

Compile the .bas file into a com dll and then reference and use it in my project. (For this I guess I would need vb5 or vb6 which I don't have at my disposal) Copy and paste the contents of the file in to a new module in vb.net and then try solving the errors one by one.The contents of the .bas file reference a particular dll. The .bas file has mostly declarations consts, types, sub's and functions.

What would be the most elegant way of redoing this in vb.net. Is it as simple as option 2.EDIT

I used VS2008 express and ran the code through the upgrade wizard it did the necessary conversion. and the .bas file was converted to .vb. I took that file and decided to rewrite other parts of the code, including some redoing of the converted .vb file. Other questions related to this one are here.

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C# - Language Choices When Porting A Classic Asp App To .NET

Sep 7, 2010

We are looking to port our existing classic ASP application to .NET, but we're unsure of what language to use for the new app. I personally would 'prefer' C#, as I'm more familiar and comfortable with that languages way of doing things, but, the original code is VBScript, so it would possibly be easier to port to VB.NET ... One possible situation I fear would be that, because the code is so similar between the two variants of VB, that we might end up getting stuck on something that is not similar between the two, even though it looks like it would work. A shift to a wholly different language might avoid that kind of situation. Does anyone have any practical examples of this kind of situation? Insights to illuminate the issue with? Do the potential benefits of a complete paradigm shift outweigh the gains from a high degree of 'copy-and-paste-ability' ?

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Datagridview - Porting A VB6 Application With Msflexgrid

Mar 17, 2009

I am porting a vb6 application to VB.net. One of the key forms has a large msflexgrid on it - about a 1000 columns and 50 rows. It has 2 header rows - the first header row has merged cells to form a main header and the second row has sub headings. There is no requirement for any data entry and it's unbound. The code does the work in deciding what to display (if anything) in each cell. It is solely used to display data in the form of a character and a coloured background and to display a tooltip text with more information when you mouse over it. Works beautifully in vb6. I'm trying to decide whether to:

a) use the vb6 msflexgrid in the .net version
b) use the datagridview - which at a first glance seems to have a problem merging the cells on the header row
c) build my own custom control to do the job

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Forms :: Toolbar Question - WRT Porting From VB 6?

May 16, 2009

I've got a VB 6 application that I ported over to VS 2005. The application has a toolbar on it. When building it in VB 6, I created all the bitmaps for the toolbar. And they looked just fine.Now I have ported to VS 2005. The toolbar works just fine. But the images in the toolbar look "wrong". The best way to describe them is if you took each bitmap and squeezed it down to about 67% of it's size. So it is missing the detail it used to have. And the smalleer picture still takes up the same amount of space on the toolbar. It is just that each squeezed bitmap now looks like it has a thick, blank pictureframe around it.

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Porting .net Application From Windows To Linux?

Mar 21, 2011

I developed an application using VB .NET on a Windows OS. If I want to enable this application for a client who uses Linux , how do I do so? Do they need to purchase VB .NET? I am totally lost on how this works.

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Linq - Database Advice Needed: Porting VB6/ADO/JET App?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to update (well, rewrite really) a SMALL VB6 application which uses ADO to access a JET database, to a vb.net app in Visual Studio 2008. My research suggests that I should use LINQ, but it doesn't seem to be possible to connect to JET. If JET is now deprecated, what should I use? Or should I use ADO.NET without LINQ?

Please don't answer SQL Server! - this needs to be an app that end users can install easily in corporate or non-corporate environments, and must not require any ongoing technical maintenance. I started to install SQL Express, but stopped when it required at least 2 system updates, as that will be far too complex for this little app.

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Porting VB Projects To Earlier Windows Versions?

Jan 12, 2012

I make loads of programs in visual basic, but it happens that my friends that want to try some, have Windows XP or Vista, when I have Windows 7 on the computer where i create them.I tried to launch the application compiled on 7 on their PCs but it just doesn't work. Is there any way to port programs from Windows 7 to other version of Windows? Or just to find a way to make them run?

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.net - Porting Crystal Reports Application (VB 2003, Framework 1.1)?

May 17, 2012

I've been asigned to a new project. I have to mantain an application wich was made in Visual Studio 2003 (VB.NET, Framework 1.1) and Crystal Reports wich came included with the IDE. The application is absolutely what we call "legacy code" :).Just to make the test, today I've tried to convert the application in Visual Studio 2010. The converter is offering me download SAP Crystal Reports, with no cost and no registration.The question is: Does anybody has experience with this components?. Is feasible to migrate an application as described to VS 2010?

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.net :: Porting VBA Function Parameter Is Possibly Multidimensional Array?

Aug 26, 2009

I am porting Excel VBA to VB.NET. I have a function that takes a selection of data, and it may be one dimensional or two. VBA code is quite fluid about using a variable as either a 1-D or 2-D array, but VB.NET marks it as an error.

Here is the reduced code:
Public Function Stat(ByVal Data As Range) As Object
Dim Y() As Object


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.net - Unchecked Integer Addition In .Net?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a project where I want to have checked arithmetic by default, except for one performance sensitive spot. Unfortunately, VB.Net doesn't have an 'unchecked' block.Ideally the framework would have some sort of integer type with explicitly unchecked arithmetic, but I didn't find anything like that. I did find that expression trees have binary expressions for unchecked operations, but the delegate overhead cancels out the unchecked advantage (and then some).

Currently I'm converting the inputs to UInt64/Int64 before doing the arithmetic, then converting back (with a bitwise And to ensure in-range). It's about 50% slower than unchecked arithmetic (according to profiling).

Moving the arithmetic-sensitive part to a project with unchecked arithmetic might work, but it seems like overkill to give it an assembly all to itself.

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Check One The Other Two In Second Group Not Unchecked?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a Four radio button on the form. I want to make them in two groups.Now when i checked anyone the remaining three are unchecked. I want to make two radio buttons in one group and in another group two.Suppose in one group when i check one the other two in second group not unchecked. How i do it?

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Get All The Radiobuttons To Be Unchecked When Program Is Run?

Dec 6, 2009

How do I get all the radiobuttons to be unchecked when program is run? Right now there is always one button that is checked. Using VB2008. [URL]

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Wpf - Uncheck SelectAll If One Of Row Is Unchecked?

Aug 25, 2010

I have an issue. When I check SelectAllCheckBox all checkbox column in ListView is checked. But when I unchecked one of row checkbox the SelectAllCheckBox is still checked. How to uncheck SelectAllCheckBox if one of row is unchecked? And second question is how highlight ListView rows when SlectAllCheckBox is checked?


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Checkstate.Checked Don't Work When Unchecked?

May 28, 2009

I have this code:

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckState.Checked Then
AmxModXInstallDir.Enabled = False
Button1.Enabled = False


When i check the box, it enables all controls, if i uncheck it, nothing happens.

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Creating A Checkbox That Can't Be Checked Or Unchecked?

Mar 3, 2012

I want to create a solid checkbox that is checked by default, and is not clickable. If you click it, nothing will happen . how to do this?

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Equivalent Of 'Unchecked' Keyword Expression

Apr 8, 2010

I have converted the following C# code to VB.NET.But I am unable to find the equivalent of C# "Unchecked" keyword in VB.NET.Below is the C# Code and following the C# Code is converted VB Code.After conversion and building the VB Code I am getting the error :"Constant expression not representable in type 'UInteger'." [code]

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Find Out If CheckBox1 Is Checked Or Unchecked?

Apr 28, 2011

from the code below I am trying to find out if checkBox1 is Checked or Unchecked. and then I want my settings to remember if it is checked or unchecked. so when the form is loaded I want my settings to load the last action.... ie checked or unchecked.

so if a user check's the checkbox1 then the message will not show, But if it is unchecked the the messageBox will be shown

Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


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Setting Checkboxes To An Unchecked State?

May 30, 2011

I am using VB Stuido 2008, Net Framework 3.5.I have one Checkbox to Identify the record as Inactive if checked. When I load the form the checkbox is alway unchecked, which is what i want. However, when I go to add a new record the checkbox, not the text for the checkbox is always shaded green, not a checkmark. The checkbox then reacts as if it is checked. This makes it necessary to uncheck the checkbox or else all my record react as if checked.

in the table defintions I have set the default binding value to ((o)) which = unchecked. Iafter setting the default value to ((0)) I deleted the checkbox from my form and then replaced. Not I still get the checkbox shaded which reacts as if Checked.

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Asp.net - When Type 1,2 Then Checkbox1 And Checkbox2 Will Disabled And Unchecked?

Nov 14, 2010

Possible Duplicate: I have 4 checkboxes and 1 textbox in webform if i type in textbox 1,2 then checkbox1 & 2 will be checked ! I have 4 checkboxes and 1 textbox on a web-form. If I type 1,2 in the textbox, then checkbox1 and checkbox2 will be checked. The code for this is as below. But what I want is that when I type 1,2 then checkbox1 and checkbox2 should be disabled and unchecked.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim separator As Char = ","c
Dim allIIDs As New List(Of Int32)


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