Porting VB Projects To Earlier Windows Versions?

Jan 12, 2012

I make loads of programs in visual basic, but it happens that my friends that want to try some, have Windows XP or Vista, when I have Windows 7 on the computer where i create them.I tried to launch the application compiled on 7 on their PCs but it just doesn't work. Is there any way to port programs from Windows 7 to other version of Windows? Or just to find a way to make them run?

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Porting .net Application From Windows To Linux?

Mar 21, 2011

I developed an application using VB .NET on a Windows OS. If I want to enable this application for a client who uses Linux , how do I do so? Do they need to purchase VB .NET? I am totally lost on how this works.

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Getting Runtime Error 3447 - Jet VBA File (VBAJET.dll For 16-bit Versions Or VBAJET32 For 32-bit Versions) Failed To Initialize When Called

Aug 19, 2010

To the board: Lately I've been getting Runtime error 3447 ("The Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32 for 32-bit versions) failed to initialize when called. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error") when attempting to open a certain program (not one that I designed, just downloaded and installed). I installed this program in January 2009, but this error began happening only this past July. someone else to information about the files vbajet32.dll and expsrv.dll. One site said that the problem was probably caused by the file expsrv.dll being absent, but I checked my System32 folder, and it's there. As far as I can tell, it has always been there (the computer was made in 2008, and as I said the program had always worked before). Vbajet32.dll is also there. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but error 3447 still occurs. I also tried uninstalling the program and installing an older version, but 3447 is still there.

I tried replacing expsrv.dll, thinking it might have been corrupt, but that didn't help, and I cannot register that dll anyway. I can't figure this thing out. Both of the files are there, and I didn't change any settings or anything anywhere between last January and this July. By the way, I am on Vista.

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Deployment On Older Windows Versions

Dec 20, 2005

The software I design is for Win XP and older versions such as Win 98, ME, 2000 etc. I currently use VB6 and Win XP for development and packaging, the problem I encounter is that if I use the deployment wizard in XP, the setup will only work on an XP machine and I need to copy all my source to an older machine and use the wizard again to create another setup file which will only work on the older operating systems. Is there a way to rectify this in VB6? If not, does the new VB account for this and be able to make a setup file for older operating systems as well as XP?

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Deployment :: Which Windows Versions Are Supported From .NET 2008

Mar 9, 2010

I have made a Windows Application using the VB.NET 2008. Which are the Windows versions at, my Application can work?For example Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP....

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IDE :: File Versions Work With Windows Installer?

Mar 25, 2012

I've read about revising the File Version (and Assembly Version) to ensure that an updated file does replace an older/previous file when a WI update installation is carried out, but I don't understand the four-part construction of the File Version ... and my re-versioned files sometimes refuse to transfer to the target computer.

For example, a .exe I have recently updated had it's File Version set to (it is resident now in my Program Files (x86)/MyApplication folder) and File Date 23/03/2012, but even now with the File Version set to and a File Date of 24/03/2012 when I use WI to install the new program over the original the file remains in place and the new file does not get installed instead.


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MSWINSCK.OCX Not Responding As Expected In Windows 7 (32 And 64 Bit Versions)?

Feb 6, 2012

My problem is that the Winsock control doesn't appear to be releasing the connection when the Close Method is called.After the Close is issued the application performs a Do Until Loop to make sure the control is in the Closed State. Then we attempt to place the control into Listen state. At this point an error (Address in use) occurrs. The control is in the Closed State.

I placed a msgbox in the error routine with Retry and Cancel. The Retry performs a RESUME response to the error. Not withstanding how fast or slow of response to the msgbox, the RESUME ALLWAYS works and the Control then is successfully in the Listen State.

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Compatibility With DotNet Versions - SQLite.dll Doesn't Support Windows 7

Oct 15, 2011

I have been again blessed with legacy code made (presumably) with vs 2008. It's a Visual Basic project with a dependency to SQLite. The actual problem is that it is needed to install and run on Windows 7. Now, I have VB 2008 express in which I opened the project and tried to run it. It threw an exception which was most likely due to the fact that SQLite.dll doesn't support Windows 7 (and/or 64 bit environments). The exception was System. BadImageFormatException. (ddl version was

I read somewhere in the internet that in order to run it in Windows 7 you need to have newer version of it. I downloaded it and managed to change the reference to newer one. Now in the SQLite site it says it requires .net version 3.5 or 4.0. I know that I can change the target framework to 3.5 or even 4.0 but do I need to change some of the old references in the project properties? All the references seem to be to 2.0 libraries. Like System and path to X:windowsMicrosoft. NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.dll. Does this actually mean that the application is using .net 2.0 although it target framework would be 3.5 or 4.0?

And most importantly do I need to convert my application manually or by using some tool to .net 3.5 or 4.0 in order to get it running with new SQLite dll which requires 3.5 or 4.0?

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VS 2010 Projects Corrupted When Moving Between Win XP SP3 And Windows 7?

Mar 9, 2011

I seem to be having some problems with my projects for school. I use Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 Professional at school and I do my homework on Visual Studio 2010 with WinXP SP3 (fully updated) at home. When I move the project files back and forth the projects become corrupted. I get the following problems.Form controls move or properties do not work as they are specified in the property box such as:

Link label with the property set to hoverUnderline text.Labels that move position.I also get x86 errors that show up during a Debug or Build, such as:x86 Only one reference to Resources is allowed.I need to be able to work on both my WinXP SP3 (fully updated) machine at home and use the schools Win7 Professional machine to both complete projects and get my project graded.

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Access Cryptainer Virtual Drive Projects Using Windows 7 & Net 2005?

Jan 17, 2011

I am trying to migrate from XP & Net 2005 to Windows 7 & Net 2010 My intention was to replicate net 2005 first & get projects working before installing net 2010, as I envisaged all sorts of learning tasks which I could resolve at a snaill pace whilst still being able to operate with net 2005

Stage 1 was to load 2005 on Windows 7, no problems yet.

Stage 2 open the Virtual Cryptainer drive

Stage 3 load a project ( was never a problem with XP)

Stage 4 project errors reported as not being able to access linked modules in another folder

Windows 7 seems to have more folder security/permissions than XP, so I altered as many folders being associated with the project but to no avail.By changing the virtual drive folder permissions are they amended on the drive folders (if so how would this affect going back to XP)

are the folder permissions somehow stored in the registry, which means if I restore an old virtual drive from backup, does W7 now know the permissions & apply them to the back up drive, even though those folders were never accessed in W7?By the way, anybody reading this that does not know about Cryptainer, should look at it very seriously, I now have no data files on drive C, & all my data files in the cryptainer vault are compact & virtually impossible to be opened without a password up to 100 char long!

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Compile Dll As Earlier Build?

Dec 21, 2010

When I try to run the dll I compiled in Visual Studio 2010, I get the following message: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded. I'm guessing this means that I am a too recent version of Visual Studio. Is there a way I can build the dll as an earlier version?

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Removing Projects From VB2008 Start Page Recent Projects List?

Mar 15, 2009

Removing projects from VB2008 start page recent projects list. The above list is getting clogged. How do I remove items from this list?

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Compare DataGridView With Earlier Version?

Feb 17, 2012

I'm working on a program that set up as master/details. I'm working on making save checks in the program, so that if something gets changed, it gives a warning when leaving the form if it hasn't been saved. I've got it mostly working, but I'm having problems with when i get to my details section.

The details section is a DataGridView (DGV) that loads with a one to many relationship. I've got is set up right now that when the form loads, it takes and makes an array call aryOriginals, and as you close the form, it makes another array called aryClosing. It compares these two sets of arrays, and if nothing is different since the page opened, it will close without any problems. If it has been changed, a msgbox pops up to let the user know that there has been a change since they last saved and asks if they want to wait to close the form so they can save.

All of that is working great. What I'm having a problem with is doing the same thing with the datagridview. And before anyone suggests it, I can't use DataSet1.HasChanges, because that was giving me weird problems of saying there were changes when nothing changed due to a custom made combobox i use in a few of my datagridviews. So I need some way of comparing the two datagridviews. I've looked online, but can't seem to find anything with what I'm looking for.

Visual Studio 2010 Pro SP1, SQL Sever 2008 R2, Vb.Net coding

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Restore Project To An Earlier Time?

Oct 20, 2008

I've made a mess in one of my projects VB2008. Is there any way I can restore my project to an earlier time? Something like the windows restore system?

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Change Program To Use An Earlier Version Of Net Framework?

Feb 3, 2010

I wrote a programme and sent it to my client, (it was not a deployment or install file - just the .exe). He responded that it would not run and the PC reported "this program requires Net Framework 2.0". He cannot update the PC in question with Net Framework 2.0. So my question is can i somehow change my program to use an earlier version of Net Framework?

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Deployment Results In Earlier Version Of Project?

Jan 11, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2008 Express Edition and INNO Setup. When I create a setup and run it, the resulting install is an older version of my project from, I think, 2 or 3 days ago. If I go back to my project in the developer window and run the project, it is clearly a newer version than the install. Since this installed version that comes up was done I have added a form and made many other changes.Is it because the build didn't exeucte? When you run the project doesn't it execute a build every time?I tried this again from a backup. (The backup is much more recent than the version I'm getting.) And it still does the same thing.Why does the install not match the project? It is not possible to go into the project and add the changes because they are already there.

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VB 6.3 Vs 2010 Code Worked In Earlier Version?

Dec 21, 2009

This worked fine in VB 6...but does not in 2010. Any ideas of what I have to change?

If Gun1Avail = "No" Then
targetcount = 1
Do Until targetcount = 7
If frm.Controls("Target" & targetcount & "Gun1") = "Blah" Then
frm.Controls("Target" & targetcount & "Gun1").BackColor = vbRed
End If


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Denied Access To A Folder Which Earlier Code Created?

Apr 28, 2009

Why am I denied access to a folder which earlier code created? When I run this code an error is issues stating I am denied access to infopath is generated.


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C# - RIA Services + Entities - Date Moving 24 Hours Earlier In Client?

Apr 27, 2009

I am currently working on a silverlight project with RIA Services and have seem to come across a bug(or wrote a new one).In a simple query I am retrieving a entity model from the server. In the server side service class a DateTime is correct(to what's in the db) but on the client it seems to go back 24 hours and maybe 10 hours...6/04/2009 12:00:00 AM (Database) turns into 5/04/2009 2:00:00 PM and also displays as 5/4/2009 12:00:00 AM.

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Porting C# Code To VB?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a bit of code which is causing me a few problems to port from C# to VB.NET

The C# looks like this

byte[] serverbuff = new Byte[1024];
int count = 0;
while (true)


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Porting Linq From C# To VB

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to port the folling C# Linq statement to VB.NET. I can't seem to find any equlivant for Select((asm, idx) => new { asm, idx })

List<AssemblyReference> assemblies =
from asm in loadList.Assemblies.Select((asm, idx) => new { asm, idx })


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PV Function And Porting VB6 To C#?

Sep 24, 2009

I'm working on porting some classic VB6 code to C# and just stumbled across a usage of the PV function.I feels wrong including a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic Assembly. Is this something that is commonly done, or should I explore further options. The next idea that pops into my mind is exploring this PV function in Reflector.

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Porting Winforms Application To C#?

Jun 24, 2012

Possible Duplicate: Porting VB.NET Winforms Application to C# .Is there any way to convert a vb.net winforms application into c# ? In terms of both code and .vb (forms) files.

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Porting VB 2005 To 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I have the following code in a VB 2005 project that works fine:

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
Do While intIndex >= 0 'Or Not boolMatch
If IsMatch(strTitle, Trim(arrTitle(intIndex)),


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Porting VB Apps To OS X/Linux?

Dec 29, 2009

I've been wondering about this for a while, but is there actually any free way to port VB.net apps to OS X and Linux? I've searched the web for this and couldn't find anything much.

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Vb6 Migration - Porting A .bas File To Vb?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm working on some legacy VB5/VB6 code and need to convert a ".bas" file to vb.net. i found several options

Compile the .bas file into a com dll and then reference and use it in my project. (For this I guess I would need vb5 or vb6 which I don't have at my disposal) Copy and paste the contents of the file in to a new module in vb.net and then try solving the errors one by one.The contents of the .bas file reference a particular dll. The .bas file has mostly declarations consts, types, sub's and functions.

What would be the most elegant way of redoing this in vb.net. Is it as simple as option 2.EDIT

I used VS2008 express and ran the code through the upgrade wizard it did the necessary conversion. and the .bas file was converted to .vb. I took that file and decided to rewrite other parts of the code, including some redoing of the converted .vb file. Other questions related to this one are here.

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C# - Language Choices When Porting A Classic Asp App To .NET

Sep 7, 2010

We are looking to port our existing classic ASP application to .NET, but we're unsure of what language to use for the new app. I personally would 'prefer' C#, as I'm more familiar and comfortable with that languages way of doing things, but, the original code is VBScript, so it would possibly be easier to port to VB.NET ... One possible situation I fear would be that, because the code is so similar between the two variants of VB, that we might end up getting stuck on something that is not similar between the two, even though it looks like it would work. A shift to a wholly different language might avoid that kind of situation. Does anyone have any practical examples of this kind of situation? Insights to illuminate the issue with? Do the potential benefits of a complete paradigm shift outweigh the gains from a high degree of 'copy-and-paste-ability' ?

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Datagridview - Porting A VB6 Application With Msflexgrid

Mar 17, 2009

I am porting a vb6 application to VB.net. One of the key forms has a large msflexgrid on it - about a 1000 columns and 50 rows. It has 2 header rows - the first header row has merged cells to form a main header and the second row has sub headings. There is no requirement for any data entry and it's unbound. The code does the work in deciding what to display (if anything) in each cell. It is solely used to display data in the form of a character and a coloured background and to display a tooltip text with more information when you mouse over it. Works beautifully in vb6. I'm trying to decide whether to:

a) use the vb6 msflexgrid in the .net version
b) use the datagridview - which at a first glance seems to have a problem merging the cells on the header row
c) build my own custom control to do the job

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Forms :: Toolbar Question - WRT Porting From VB 6?

May 16, 2009

I've got a VB 6 application that I ported over to VS 2005. The application has a toolbar on it. When building it in VB 6, I created all the bitmaps for the toolbar. And they looked just fine.Now I have ported to VS 2005. The toolbar works just fine. But the images in the toolbar look "wrong". The best way to describe them is if you took each bitmap and squeezed it down to about 67% of it's size. So it is missing the detail it used to have. And the smalleer picture still takes up the same amount of space on the toolbar. It is just that each squeezed bitmap now looks like it has a thick, blank pictureframe around it.

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VS 2008 Porting C# Unchecked Keywords To VB?

Oct 23, 2009

I am trying to decode yEnc data using the component found here:[URL]...It all converts fine, except for Line 173 of Decoder.cs which contains the c# keyword "unchecked".Without using unchecked I get an OverflowException.What is the correct way to implement this in VB?


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