MSWINSCK.OCX Not Responding As Expected In Windows 7 (32 And 64 Bit Versions)?

Feb 6, 2012

My problem is that the Winsock control doesn't appear to be releasing the connection when the Close Method is called.After the Close is issued the application performs a Do Until Loop to make sure the control is in the Closed State. Then we attempt to place the control into Listen state. At this point an error (Address in use) occurrs. The control is in the Closed State.

I placed a msgbox in the error routine with Retry and Cancel. The Retry performs a RESUME response to the error. Not withstanding how fast or slow of response to the msgbox, the RESUME ALLWAYS works and the Control then is successfully in the Listen State.

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IDE :: VS 2010 Beta 1 Does Not Change .NET Versions As Expected

Jun 1, 2009

VS 2010 Beta 1 offers the user the opportunity to change .NET versions.I compiled a solution then built same in .NET 4.0 Then compiled/(re)built in 3.5. The output info showed 3.5 but on an XP Pro (up to date .NET 3.5 machine) the Setup install produces an error message:"You need to obtain NET 4.0. Do you wish to get it now?"

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Getting Runtime Error 3447 - Jet VBA File (VBAJET.dll For 16-bit Versions Or VBAJET32 For 32-bit Versions) Failed To Initialize When Called

Aug 19, 2010

To the board: Lately I've been getting Runtime error 3447 ("The Jet VBA file (VBAJET.dll for 16-bit versions, or VBAJET32 for 32-bit versions) failed to initialize when called. Try reinstalling the application that returned the error") when attempting to open a certain program (not one that I designed, just downloaded and installed). I installed this program in January 2009, but this error began happening only this past July. someone else to information about the files vbajet32.dll and expsrv.dll. One site said that the problem was probably caused by the file expsrv.dll being absent, but I checked my System32 folder, and it's there. As far as I can tell, it has always been there (the computer was made in 2008, and as I said the program had always worked before). Vbajet32.dll is also there. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, but error 3447 still occurs. I also tried uninstalling the program and installing an older version, but 3447 is still there.

I tried replacing expsrv.dll, thinking it might have been corrupt, but that didn't help, and I cannot register that dll anyway. I can't figure this thing out. Both of the files are there, and I didn't change any settings or anything anywhere between last January and this July. By the way, I am on Vista.

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Deployment On Older Windows Versions

Dec 20, 2005

The software I design is for Win XP and older versions such as Win 98, ME, 2000 etc. I currently use VB6 and Win XP for development and packaging, the problem I encounter is that if I use the deployment wizard in XP, the setup will only work on an XP machine and I need to copy all my source to an older machine and use the wizard again to create another setup file which will only work on the older operating systems. Is there a way to rectify this in VB6? If not, does the new VB account for this and be able to make a setup file for older operating systems as well as XP?

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Deployment :: Which Windows Versions Are Supported From .NET 2008

Mar 9, 2010

I have made a Windows Application using the VB.NET 2008. Which are the Windows versions at, my Application can work?For example Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP....

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IDE :: File Versions Work With Windows Installer?

Mar 25, 2012

I've read about revising the File Version (and Assembly Version) to ensure that an updated file does replace an older/previous file when a WI update installation is carried out, but I don't understand the four-part construction of the File Version ... and my re-versioned files sometimes refuse to transfer to the target computer.

For example, a .exe I have recently updated had it's File Version set to (it is resident now in my Program Files (x86)/MyApplication folder) and File Date 23/03/2012, but even now with the File Version set to and a File Date of 24/03/2012 when I use WI to install the new program over the original the file remains in place and the new file does not get installed instead.


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Porting VB Projects To Earlier Windows Versions?

Jan 12, 2012

I make loads of programs in visual basic, but it happens that my friends that want to try some, have Windows XP or Vista, when I have Windows 7 on the computer where i create them.I tried to launch the application compiled on 7 on their PCs but it just doesn't work. Is there any way to port programs from Windows 7 to other version of Windows? Or just to find a way to make them run?

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Dropped A MSWINSCK Control Of The Form?

Jan 27, 2012

i created a applicaion dropped a MSWINSCK control of the form.set target CPU to x86 dot net 2.0 build project copy exe and axinterop and interop files for mxwinsock to a client and try and run the applicaiton the application crashes when opened i have been using mswinsock for a couple of years with .net so i know it works... why today it started giving me trouble i cannot understand

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Compatibility With DotNet Versions - SQLite.dll Doesn't Support Windows 7

Oct 15, 2011

I have been again blessed with legacy code made (presumably) with vs 2008. It's a Visual Basic project with a dependency to SQLite. The actual problem is that it is needed to install and run on Windows 7. Now, I have VB 2008 express in which I opened the project and tried to run it. It threw an exception which was most likely due to the fact that SQLite.dll doesn't support Windows 7 (and/or 64 bit environments). The exception was System. BadImageFormatException. (ddl version was

I read somewhere in the internet that in order to run it in Windows 7 you need to have newer version of it. I downloaded it and managed to change the reference to newer one. Now in the SQLite site it says it requires .net version 3.5 or 4.0. I know that I can change the target framework to 3.5 or even 4.0 but do I need to change some of the old references in the project properties? All the references seem to be to 2.0 libraries. Like System and path to X:windowsMicrosoft. NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.dll. Does this actually mean that the application is using .net 2.0 although it target framework would be 3.5 or 4.0?

And most importantly do I need to convert my application manually or by using some tool to .net 3.5 or 4.0 in order to get it running with new SQLite dll which requires 3.5 or 4.0?

View 4 Replies

Errors "Expression Expected" And "End Of Statement Expected"

Oct 26, 2010

Does anyone know what is wrong with this IF Statement? I'm getting the errors "Expression Expected" and "End of Statement Expected".If DropDownList1.SelectedValue = "Educational Sponsoring" Or "Grants" Or "Product Training" Or "Centres of Excellence" Then


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Have 2 Form Responding On Each Other?

May 9, 2011

i want to have 2 form responding on eachother. for example:

in form 1:
1 textbox and a button
in forum 2
1 label

and when you press the button the label 1 form 2 will change in the text from forum 1. i know the code haves to be something like:


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Not Responding On FTP Upload

May 31, 2011

Not responding on FTP upload. Code I'm using


It does uploads everything according to the way I want it to but the problem is.. It becomes not responding when uploading big sized file.

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Udp Client Not Responding?

Apr 8, 2009

i have nearly finished my game matchmaker now and im stuck on one final thing... this is how the app works...form load -> read line by line from a text file -> query each line(witch is an ip) -> display the data in a line in a listbox... this loops round for each line(ip) in the text file and make a new line in listbox each time... all works just right im very happy... now for the problem im having...

while this loop is running if the query finds an ip that is not online (game server is not up) it just stops and dose nothing atall BUT if i make a seperate query for say 2-3 ips with the ip hard coded so it takes the loop out if an ip is not online it tells me server is offline so is there anyway i could make this do a timeout or something... like if the server dont respond withing 5 seconds it closes the connection to that query and moves on?? my code is below for all of the above..

ListBox1.Items.Add("Users" + "|" + "Race Lenength " + " | " + "Track" + " | " + "Realisum" + " | " + "Server IP" + " | " + "Server Name")


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Converting Between Versions Of .Net?

Nov 13, 2009

I unfortunately downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2010 and upgraded all my programs to .Net 4. I am really unhappy with the way 2010 runs. My computer keeps locking up for hours, programs take a long time to compile... Those are a couple of major issues.

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Have Multiple Versions Of VS On PC

Mar 2, 2009

I thought would be a simple google search but apparently I am not searching correctly - or something...

Does anyone know if I can do this? I would like to start working with 3.5 however all the projects I am doing are still in 2.0

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VS 2005 Different Versions Of Dll's?

Dec 22, 2010

I am developing a plugin into a third party control. They ship a SDK dll with their application to allow you to do this. However I am writing the plugin using version of their SDK, but when trying to run the application on a clients machine that has a new version of the software the SDK version is and my app throws the following error:

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'MyDll.dll, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=764d581291d764f7' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

When the dll is referenced into Visual Studio I have changed the Specific Version property to false, however this has not made any difference. The dll is not reference from GAC.Is there a way that I can tell my application to just use the version of dll that is on the users machine? I have checked with the 3rd party vendor and the functionality that I am using has not changed in any of the versions as they use a back-ward compatibility approach to their software.

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Array List Not Responding

Dec 15, 2011

I have two arraylists. The JobArraylist gets adresses from a database table and JobIDArray Gets the ID for those addresses.I'm populating a Combobox with the JobArrayList which is working ok.When I select a an address in the combobox I use the sectectindex to get the AdressID from JobIDArray.My Issue is when I have duplicate addresses the JobIDArray always returns the the ID for the last Address. not the select one.[code]...

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Button Not Responding When Clicked?

May 8, 2012

I have partially coded a project seen below:

Public Class frmBroadwaytickets
'Defining the cost per ticket
Const _cdecticketprice As Decimal = 153.5D


My btndisplay cost works, but my btnexitprogram does not close the application when clicked. I've ensured the button is correctly named and enabled. But when I click it does not close out, I use this simple code in other programs and it works.

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Form With A Progress Bar Is Not Responding?

Mar 23, 2009

I need to import a text file into a SQL Database.Beside the button import, I have a progress bar on the form The text file has almost 300.000 records and affter some time it appears on the title bar "Not Responding" and progress bar stops updating.I've reading on forun something about Threads and background processes, but I don't want beleave that for a simple progress bar to work it must have such amount of code.simple way of import all those records.

View 1 Replies Not Responding?

Jun 8, 2012

I am new to programming. I am trying to connect to a device using TCP/IP.I am trying to send a command "Z<CR>" where Z is a character and <CR> is a ASCII value of 13. How can i do this in one statement?

I have written following code, but my program stops responding at .read statement:


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Remote Server Not Responding?

May 22, 2012

i'm trying to connect to a website using httpwebrequest() in a VB.NET application
It is working fine for facebook website.

But when i try to connect to jsp coded sites. it is displaying "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."

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Responding To A Popup - Automatically

Dec 6, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will automate a process that goes into a website, and then checks whether certain file has been updated, every 30 minutes. Everything works fine so far, except the annoying popup: when the program attempts to sign in to the website, a popup dialog box appears and asks the user to validate by clicking "OK" before signing in. I can either use my mouse to click on the "OK" button on the popup, or hit the "Enter" key to kill the popup and then proceed...


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VS 2008 If Cph >= 4.2 Then ... Not Responding Correctly?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a block of code that has a test for a variable I use. The Code doesn't respond correctly when the variable Cph which is declared as a double is at 4.2.

If Cph < 4.1 Then
ElseIf Cph >= 4.1 And Cph < 4.2 Then


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VS 2008 Tell If A Window Is Responding?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there a way to get all the windows that are active and if they are not responding close them down?

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VS2010 Not Responding After Publish?

Jan 4, 2012

I've recently tried to "publish" my vs2010 app, and ever since then, that particular program isn't working. It's taking minutes to build where it used to be seconds and if it enters a breakpoint, vs2010 quits responding.I did "repair" vs2010 and that didn't help. I also ran a program I was working on previously and it builds and debugs just fine, so I know it's not VS2010, but has something to do with the solution that I "published". Prior to publishing, everything was running just fine.Is there anyway to undo whatever action or event I somehow triggered?

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Window Form Not Responding

Jan 31, 2012

I am trying to develop Window application which used Skype to make call.

When the call in progress,It would not allow me to click on any form element.

My whole application are not responding when i check in "task Manager".

I try to used thread as well as background worker but not work for me.

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Work With Different Versions Of Excel From VB?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a dataset that I export to xml (using ds.WriteXml) and then use an instance of Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application to open and manipulate the xml data, then save it as an .XLS file.I have office 2007 (why don't they have help/about in an easy to find place... man I hate those stupid office ribbons and the person who developed them...)Anyway, this code works fine for me. But when I put this on a machine that has office 2003 installed, it crashes.So, what do I need to install, reference, buy, etc. so that I can do the same thing on machines that have 2003 (or before) installed? No, I can't install office 2003 (my first thought).

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Accommodating Multiple DLL Versions?

Jun 22, 2009

I have an application that uses a Microsoft DLL (Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformImplementation.dll) which is used for OS deployment and accessing the catalog files. Version is specific to the Windows Server 2008 catalog files. The newer version is specific to Windows Server 2008 R2 catalog files. Attempting to access a catalog file with the incorrect version results in an exception.

My application (VB.NET using VS2005) needs to be able to access either version of these catalogs - I'd be happy with two executables (one for each catalog version) but obviously I don't want to maintain two sets of source code for each. Specifying both sets of DLLs in the project reference is not possible as the DLL names are identical. I'd rather not have to manually add and remove the DLL references each time I want to a build. As far as I know the interfaces etc are effectively identical between the two.

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Application For All Versions Of Excel

May 10, 2012

Is there possible to built application which is automating something with some cain of interejs that provide to switch any version of excel? I just want to built universal code for any cain of excel 2000/2003/2007/2012 and just could switch in code if u know what I mean..

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Different Versions Of Base Class

Sep 7, 2011

Any best practices on how to deal with different versions of base classes.We have made significant changes to the base class but still have lots of code inheriting from the old base class. Could you recommend how we introduce new base class.We'd like all new code to use the new base class. But, we would like the option to have old code still inherit from old base class so we have time to switch and test old classes with new base class.

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