VS 2008 - Refactoring Presentation Layer

Sep 10, 2010

I've been working to refactor my code and ended up with a quite clean main BLL class that has only a few manager classes that pass information between eachother. They handle separate tasks/areas like socket connection, data, etc. It's only one instance of each of these manager objects, so I believe maybe the base layout is a structural singleton (?) ..but not sure. This seems to give quite good oversight and a clean separation of PL/BLL as the main form only access the BLL through one instance of a single class. But now I'm trying to figure out how to lay out the presentation layer. So with this I would like to understand a few points: Do you have all controls as members of the form class, or can you make sub classes where some controls only exist on lower levels? Like for example if you have a tab where all controls only interact with each other, and not the rest of the form, would it then be possible to make this a separate class that holds both controls and additional logic ? The first problem I get when trying this is with the events, as if I simply move an event handler method to another class than the form class, I get the message: Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.What does this mean? and is there an easy way around this? I would like to understand how a slightly more complex PL is designed, so I know what direction to move in for studying/developing this.

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VS 2008 Connect A Logic Layer Between Presentation Layer And Data Layer?

Feb 7, 2011

I am generally following this tutorial, the main differences being I'm using 2008 R2 Express and Windows Forms, he is using 2005 & ASP.NET Web Site:'m building a minimalist Windows Form project for learning purposes. So I'm using a 1-table database with 2 columns, ContactID & Name. I added a dataset file, 'ContactsDataSet.xsd' to my project and added a single minimalist table adapter with just a fill() & getdata() method.Then I added a DataGridView control and connected it to the ContactsDataSet to confirm it was working and that worked fine. I ran it and it filled up with data as expected. Everything up to this point was auto-generated code.

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Returning Query Results To Presentation Layer?

Mar 11, 2010

Im currently working on an n-layer application that does alot of database work.90% of all database queries are updates, and inserts and I want to be able to view the results of my query in the presentation layer.I was thinking of creating a QueryResult class that has a few properties like QuerySuccessful (boolean), Message (string) - holds success or error message, and optional field to hold any additional data that may need to be passed back to the presentation layer.So I guess my question is, am I going about this the correct way by creating a QueryResult class, and passing that back up through the layers to my PL?

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Prevent Data Layer Refactoring Of ODP.NET Code And Transactions?

Aug 27, 2009

I am using Oracle 11g client, with ODP.NET. I am trying to add conditional Transaction handling.

Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim txn As OracleTransaction
Dim _beginTransaction as Bolean = true
Using conn As New OracleConnection(ConnString)


How do I fix txn being nothing / null? The error is: Variable 'txn' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime. Edit: to RichardOD for pointing out that you can not explicitly declare that a transaction cannot be opend up on stored procedures via ODP.NET. I have verified that this is an issue. BUT We still haven't figured out why the error is occuring. I understand that txn is initially given a value w/in an if statement, but being defined outside of the try/catch block should make that irrelevant.... right? Or is that bad coding?

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Unable To Access "System.DirectoryServices" From Any Namespace But Presentation Layer

Dec 1, 2009

I am accessing active directory with the System.DirectoryServices library, currently in my web layer. However, I'm trying to move a function from a code-behind file to a VB class in another namespace, and I cannot seem to access that class from within that namespace.

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Class - Add A Readonly Property To Layer That Is Calculated Using Some Layer Information?

Nov 30, 2010

I am working in VB.NET defining my own classes. I have 5 classes, Policy, Coverage, CoverageCollection, Layer, and LayerCollection. Policy has a bunch of data items, one of which is of type CoverageCollection. Coverage has a bunch of data items, one of which is of type LayerCollection.

private id as Long
private name as String[code].....

Then I do like "dim p as Policy". So, iIn order to get to properties on a Layer, I reference it like p.cov(0).lyr(0).face. What I am trying to do is add a readonly property to Layer that is calculated using some Layer information but also using something from Coverage (or even Policy). I can take this in as a parameter to the property, but I think there should be a way to get at Coverage/Policy information since I am "under" it already. Is there a way to do this?

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VS 2008 Program That Utilizes A Three-tier Structure With Presentation

Jun 21, 2010

I am writing a program that utilizes a three-tier structure with presentation, business and persistence classes. I am needing to use a ComboBox to select a specific account type which will call a class. How do I get the program to call a class after the user has selected an account type from the ComboBox?

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Creating A Data Layer - Prototype An Application With A data Layer?

Jul 26, 2009

I am trying to prototype an application with a data layer on my computer at home using Visual Basic 2008 express edition with SQL Server Compact 3.5. My production situation at work is SQL Server 2000 and I am using Visual Basic 2005 professional for development.I am trying to write the code to create a seperate data layer. Here is my code. First the data layer:


My Problem is that the data does not show up in the text boxes.

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VS 2008 Translucent Layer On Form?

May 12, 2010

I am using normal windows form application. I wanted a way whereby I could create a layer over my form which would be semi transparent and nothing would be accessible until I click a button or do something like that. What I want is similar to a grey sheet that covers your screen in vista or 7 when user admin Yes/No box is displayed. Nothing is accessible behind. Or as you might see in some webpages where till we dont click a button or so the content behind is inaccessible.

Actually I want this to apply only on my mdi child form (a particular one) and it should enable me to see whats in the form but semi transparent and till i dont click a button on it, the content behind should'nt be accessible. Kinda like what you see in webpages whereby there is a button in the center and till you dont click it you can't select or click on content behind it.

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VS 2008 - Rendering Images When Changing Active Layer

Aug 6, 2010

I'm working on my second project; a layered image displayer.
It works like this:
- The user adds a new "image layer"
- The user can set the texture, image, size, rotation and color
- This all can be done using a selection square and some dialogs

It all works fine, but I found that there is one thing still unclear to me:
- Can you render layers without totally starting over (refresh) on every change?

As example, I have 200 image layers. I change one image layer somewhere in between them, and the program has to refresh all those images. (1 - 200)
This takes awfully long.

Now I found a small solution; I gave all layers a "finalimage" so it can render a single layer. Next I used, in the program, a back, active and fore layer. This way the program only has to render 3 images when changing the "active" layer. When you select another layer, all 3 layers will refresh. (with all those 200 layers).

Here is the code to get an idea:
Dim OLDINDEX As Integer = -1
Dim BackLayer As New Bitmap(800, 600)
Dim ActiveLayer As New Bitmap(800, 600)
Dim FrontLayer As New Bitmap(800, 600)
Public CurrentIndex As Integer = -1
Public PerformGlobalUpdate As Boolean = False
[Code] .....
It all works fine, but the only problem now is that it takes ages to select a different layer.

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Playing Around With Ninject, A "Service Layer" And A "Repository Layer"?

Feb 24, 2011

Ok, so I was playing around with Ninject, a "Service Layer" and a "Repository Layer".I built a simple console application to to play around, this is what I came up with:

Imports Ninject
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim Kernel As IKernel = New StandardKernel(New CustomerModule)
Dim Service = Kernel.Get(Of CustomerService)()


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IDE :: Visual Studio 2008 Picturebox Transparent Property To Image Layer Underneath

Mar 27, 2010

I'm having a problem with making the Picturebox Transparent to the a Image layered underneath I'm getting tranparent to the form background color. Is there a Visual Basic Code Solution to achieve these properties? I used the imagebox in Visual Basic 6 and had no problem with this.

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Controlling A PowerPoint Presentation

Aug 28, 2009

I am using Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 and Office 2007

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Powerpoint Presentation In Web Control?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm putting the finishing touches to a fullscreen Winforms Application in VB (.net 3.5, VS2008). This is Q2 for today, as I seem to be coming up with all these little glitches I can't figure out!!I have a webcontrol, which I use to show a PowerPoint presentation - by using webctl.navigate("c:MyPresentation.ppt").This works perfectly, and my presentation shows exactly as desired.However, sometimes, when I close my application, the Powerpnt.exe process is left running.Is there any way of programatically forcing this to close if it has been left open, or am I not disposing of something I should (I can't find anything along these lines when running powerpoint through a web control)?

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IDE :: Refactoring Does Not Work (enough) In VB

Sep 28, 2009

I use VS 2005 and VB.NET. I have a class A. This class A is an empty class(no functions, no members). I wrote the following code: Dim _a as new A(); Dim code as String = _a.GetCode() In the same situation, the C# refactoring tool in VS 2005 IDE propose me to create a method in the A class internal string GetCode(){ }

The VB.NET compiles does not propose anything. There is a way to implement the functions when I need it in code, or I need to planify all my methods before using the class?

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Automate The Starting Of A Powerpoint Presentation?

Mar 31, 2009

How do I Automate the starting of a Powerpoint Presentation from Visual Basic? I would like to create a simple program in visual basic (2008 Express Edition that starts and runs a Powerpoint (powerpoint 2007) presentation in full screen on certain days of the week at certain times. The days of the week and times need to be user input variables.I am writing the program to automate a projector

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Changing PowerPoint Presentation Colours

Dec 9, 2009

I am looking for a way or a code that will change the colours used in a powerpoint presentation, I will also need to change the background colours of active x text boxes etc.

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Embed PowerPoint Presentation With Password?

Sep 12, 2011

I want to embed a PowerPoint presentation with narration, timings and the presentation PASSWORD in my application so that it will automatically start the Pesentation and enter the password, when a button on the form is clicked. I want to do this so that the PowerPoint presentation can only be viewed from within the application, where the password is embedded in code, and cannot be run by just finding the PowerPoint presentation file and clicking on it to run it.

I do not intend for the user to be given the password. I would imagine that i could use process.start to run the presentation, which can be put on the target computer at the time of instal, but I don't know how to handle the password with code on the button.

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How To Get Full Number Presentation In String

Apr 20, 2010

If I have a small double in vb.net like this:
dim x as double = 0.00000003
A conversion to a string would produce a E-presentation (3E-7). in debugging the value it will be shown as full number (0.00000003). How can I get the full number in a string?

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VS 2010 Powerpoint Presentation In Application?

Oct 18, 2011

I'm looking for a way to put a powerpoint presentation into a VB project I'm working on. Is this possible? I've searched google upside down, but I couldn't find anything usefull.

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.net - Refactoring A Field Into A Property?

Jun 7, 2012

I am currently learning vb.net for my new job and I have mixed feelings over public fields. I see many arguments about them hurting the encapsulation. In python, the common practice is to keep things simple and use fields when they are enough. If we want to add logic later, we just refactor them into a property without breaking anything for the client code.In the codebase I am working with I see huge classes containing dozen of properties like:


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How To Approach Refactoring A Class

Jul 24, 2009

I recently started a project and needed to do some integration with LDAP via DirectoryServices. I've done this in other apps so I went into one of them to see how I did it -- why reinvent the wheel right? Well, while this wheel works, it was developed years ago and kinda smells (it's wooden, firmly attached to the previous vehicle, hard to repair and produces a potentially bumpy ride).So I thought to myself, this is the perfect time to refactor this puppy and make it more portable, reusable, reliable, easier to configure etc. Now that's fine and dandy, but then I started feeling a tad overwhelmed regarding to where to start. Should it be a separate library? How should it be configured? Should it use IoC? DI?

So my [admittedly subjective] question is this -- given a relatively small, but quite useful class like the one below, what is a good approach to refactoring it? What questions do you ask and how do you decide what to implement or not implement? Where do you draw the line regarding configuration flexibility? [Note: Please don't bash this code too much okay? It was written a long time ago and has functioned perfectly well baked into an in house application.]

Public Shared Function AuthenticateUser(ByVal id As String, ByVal password As String) As Boolean
Dim path As String = GetUserPath(id)


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IDE :: Refactoring Data Contracts?

Dec 20, 2010

I want to add DataMember attributes for the properties in a class Is there any way to automatically add the attribute maybe some refactoring tool

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VS 2010 Class Refactoring?

Feb 21, 2011

This is my scenario. I am writing an app which takes a person object and a features object , when the user selects a person object a features object is created. This works for any amount of features i care to display. So far so good, i am now refactoring to create 2 additional classes, a maths class and a ui class. my issue now is how do i get the maths functions to know the instance of the features object(s) or person object(s)?

Public Sub New(ByVal feature1 As New Feature)


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Access A Powerpoint Presentation Within The Windows Form?

Nov 17, 2009

I am designing a vb.net application and I want the user to be able to access a powerpoint presentation within the windows form. Can anyone direct me to a good site with good enough instructions for VB.net (not vb 6

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'The File Does Not Support Refactoring Error

Oct 13, 2010

When I try to change the root namespace of my WPF VB.Net application, I get this error:
'The file "" does not support refactoring and will have to be manually changed. Object reference not set to an instance of an object'


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.net - Refactoring Inheritance To Composition Using Vbex2005?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a class that I wrote fairly early on in my vb.net programming experience which inherited from another class it really should have composed. The base class is a relatively generic nested dictionary-based collection; let's call the descendant class a "Car".Right now there's a lot of code that does things like 'MyCar!Color.st = "Red"' (I use the generic collection rather than real properties to facilitate data interchange with code written in VB6, and also to facilitate comparisons of cars; given three cars X, Y, Z, I can e.g. detect any changes between X and Y and apply those changes to Z).

Is there any nice way to refactor the code to use composition rather than inheritance?Which properties methods should the "Car" object wrap, and which ones should be accessed through a data-object property? Should a widening conversion be defined between a car and the collection object? Are there any gotchas when doing such refactoring?

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Asp.net - Refactoring: Gridview Export To CSV File

Sep 15, 2009

These routines (vb.net) allow you to dump a gridview to CSV, even if there are templated controls in the cells. It works, but I'm not thrilled with it.

What improvements should I make and why?

Private Shared Function CsvFormatted(ByVal t As String) As String
If t.Contains(",") Then
t = """" + t + """"


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IDE :: No Free Refactoring Support For .NET In 2010?

May 21, 2010

Have we moved from "Being forced to go install a 3rd party add in to get what C# users have" to "Being forced to go buy a 3rd party add in to get what C# users have"?

Why did MS see fit to get DevExpress to create Refactor! for the previous versions of VS, but not for 2010? Or am I missing something?

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.net - Refactoring Of Case Statement And Dynamic Operator?

Jun 4, 2012

I have a case statement which compares data by getting parameter such as "eq,ne,gt,..." and so on. Actually this method will filter data by getting filter parameter and filter value. How can I refactor below code?


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