VS 2008 Restarting Without Administrator [UAC]

Apr 6, 2010

I've made an application that is meant to be run without administrator privileges in Windows Vista / 7, because UAC disables drag and drop events from lower applications into higher ones, because they could pass bad information into the high trust ones [for example, standard explorer cannot pass files into my program that a user might run in administrator].


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VS 2008 - Restarting WebBrowser / Recognizing Deleted Cookies

Jun 28, 2009

My problem is I have code delete a cookie it deletes it perfectly but my webbrowser1 doesnt recognize that its gone unless I restart the app. I'm wondering how I could get the webbrowser to restart (not refresh) or any way to get it to recognize the cookies no longer there?

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Allow Administrator Rights To StartupPath Only, On A Non Administrator O.s?

Nov 26, 2009

i currently have a project that needs to edit a few files in the startuppath folder. on a non administrator o.s., if my app. is installed in ( c:program filesmy crappy little app ), i cannot write to those files. in win7, it does not even ask for administrator approval, just the option to save to my documents.. this can be quite a hassle to work with, specially on closing the app, since i have quite a few files that need to be updated.

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VS 2008 Administrator Rights With Program?

Dec 29, 2009

My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.ProgramFiles, "Myprogramfile.txt"))But when I try this it will only work when the program runs with administrator rights. Is there a way to let the program work this way that no administrator rights are needed, or that the program may only boot up as administrator? So they won't be allowed to boot it up without administator rights. (I do not mean to force the administrator, but only to let them press "accept" or "cancel" in the UAC pupop

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VS 2008 How To Make App Ask To Open As An Administrator

Jan 5, 2011

I wrote an app, and in win7 it only works perfectly when ran as an admin, cause it moves some files etc.

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VS 2008 Administrator Account / User Rights

Aug 14, 2009

While testing my software a friend of mine got the following Error: "Access to the database file is not allowed. [File name = ...etc..." I found out that this has to do with the user rights in Vista (perhaps also XP). How can I solve this?

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VS 2008 Check If Current User Has Administrator Rights?

Sep 1, 2009

I've been looking around for a way to check if the current user has Administrator rights but the information seems to be quite disperse and not exactly

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VS 2008 Check If Software Is Running With Administrator Privileges?

Jul 15, 2011

i am using vb.net express 2008, and i wanted to check if the user had opened the software as admin, or not. windows 7 and windows vista.

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VS 2008 Get Administrator Members Takes A Long Time

Apr 18, 2011

I am using the below code to get the local Administrator members, but this code takes about 6-7 seconds to execute. More precisely the "GetObject" takes that long.Is there another way to get the same information but faster?Also, where can I find what other properties the objects holds ? (To see what other useful information I can get)[code]

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C# - Elevation Without Restarting An Application?

Jul 14, 2009

Has anyone managed to get administration rights through the UAC without restarting the application or embedding a manifest file?

I'd like to write to some files that only administrators can modify, without relying to another elevated application. Is it possible to impersonate an administrator previously calling with some native API the UAC prompt?

I guess this is not possible and I'll have to use an external tool with elevated rights, but I'm asking just in case.

EDIT: I know there are some other similar questions around, but since they do not cover the topic of impersonation (as fas as I've seen), nor some possible native call to the UAC prompt I decided to give a new thread a go...

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Restarting The Program And Waiting?

May 8, 2012

is there a function that makes the program wait? and is there something that makes the program restart itself?

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Appending A Listview Rather Then Clearing It And Restarting

Mar 18, 2010

Im making my own process manager. but if you update it every second to keep it in real time it makes this horrible shudder (items being removed and updating) losing your selected item in the process.[code]how would i change that to only add the new items rather then restarting?

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Associate A Filetype WITHOUT Restarting Explorer.exe?

Mar 17, 2011

How do you associate a filetype, for example ".tkoen" (idk..), to the registry without restarting Explorer.exe for updating the filtypes..in Explorer.exe..?

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Database Seem To Update When Restarting An Application After Some Changes?

Apr 11, 2009

Why doesn't the database seem to update when restarting an application after some changes?

remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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Multithreading - Stopping And Restarting A Thread?

Jun 11, 2009

I have an application which has a thread running which makes constant calls to a server. Occasionally, the calls become unresponsive, and I would like to stop and then restart the thread.How do I do this? I can't use mythread.Abort() because then it doesn't allow me to start the thread again.

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Restarting A Single Instance Application?

Apr 13, 2009

Is there any way of restarting a single instance application, which is deployed via clickonce?

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Restarting Windows Service From Website?

Sep 3, 2009

I've a website that puts info into a mySQL database and a windows service (written in VB.Net) that polls the db and actions what's in there.However, occasionally it stalls and rather than having to RDP into the server, I want superusers to click on a button to restart the service.I can get the button to say, do a directory listing of c: output to a test file so the whole 'getting a command to execute on a remote server' issue works. However, I can't restart services.I assume this is a security thing (although it has full rights to c: I thought I'd sussed that already).The website runs under the normal IUSR_user so am I doing something really stupid or can someone explain how to get the service to be restarted ?

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VS 2010 ERROR On Restarting A Thread

Jan 12, 2012

I want to know how can I restart a terminated thread?I have a 3 buttons (Button1: Start/Resume, Button2: Pause, Button3: Cancel) code like this;

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If (CrawlerThread.ThreadState And ThreadState.Unstarted) <> 0 Then
CrawlerThread.IsBackground = True


When I click to Button1 it starts to thread, then If I click to Button2 it stops as well then I click to Button1 again to resume it. All these processes works fine. But when I click to Button3 for terminating to thread, yeah It works, after that If I click to Button1 to start it again It gets a error: "Thread is not running; it cannot be resumed."

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Shutdown - Make A Menu For Logging Off, Restarting, And Shutting Down

Dec 26, 2009

How do i make it so when you press a button, it shuts down your computer. I am wanting to make a menu for logging off, restarting, and shutting down.

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Php - Automatically Restarting A Chat Server Application On System Restart?

Jul 22, 2009

I developed a chat application with an attendant chat server. Everything is working fine. The issue now is the fact that whenever the chat server goes down (for instance, the server system shuts down as a result of power failure or some other problem), by the time the server system come back on, the chat server would have to be restarted manually.

I believe (and I know) it is more appropriate for the chat server application to restart itself when the computer comes back on (and of course regardless of who is logged in and of course, even before anyone logs in). I have a batch file that executes the chat server. My attempt was to create a windows service that start automatically and runs this batch file using a Network Service account on the server system. Although, I'm having a hard time with this (temporarily), I would love to ask if there are any alternatives to using a windows service.

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Run A .vbs Script As An Administrator

Mar 26, 2012

I have a script I have created and If i just call it with process.start, it fails.

if i right click the script, and select run as administrator it works.

Is there a programaticall way of doing this with process.start?

Right now I have


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Run Shell() As Administrator?

Nov 14, 2009

I have an update app, which can be updated itself by another update app (so, the second app is an updater of the main updater). Both apps must have administrator permissions because of writing in the Program Files folder. Is it possible that when the main updater is running (under administrator rights) it can use Shell() to let the second updater run with administrator rights without a UAC confirm dialog popping up again?

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App Needs Administrator Priviliges To Save To Db?

Jan 30, 2010

i made one form database app and make it full trust app then i run it on non administrator user and when i try to save data it gives me exception but works very well on administrator user !!can i make the app works well on non administrator user?

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Can't Access The Administrator Account

Jul 15, 2009

I created a vb application and I'm trying to deploy it. However, it needs to be run as administrator, which is not ideal as several machines I'm deploying it to can't access the administrator account. The odd part is that the development environment isn't on an administrator account. When I double click the compiled executable it runs fine. When I right click and choose Run As Current User the program crashes and gives me the same error I got when trying it on the target machines(without access to the administrator account.)


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Getting Administrator Privileges Error

Sep 1, 2010

I am using following code to get a directory of files with a particular extension. It throws an error that you donot have administrator privileges.[code]...

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Local Administrator On A Workstation To Run VB6?

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to know if it is necessary to be Local Administrator on a Workstation to run VB6 I mean, just run VB6, write code and compile it.I do not mean to register DLLs, write in registry, etc.My question is just asked at the VB6 application level.

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Log In As Local Administrator Account?

Aug 11, 2010

In order to install a windows app in user's laptop, I need to log in as local administrator account. To install app, there are two option:

Every one
Just me

Which option should I select in admin account? If I select "Just me", once admin log off and user log in, does user can run app?

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Opening A File As Administrator?

Aug 21, 2009

I am developing an Excel workbook at work and I've got a problem. I'd like to save information entered in the workbook and save it in another one (called List, for example purposes), using a macro. The problem is that the file in which I want to save the information is located on a server. When people open List.xls, it's Read Only. So, when my macro executes, it opens a Read Only workbook...I'd like to do "Open As", just like you could do by right-clicking on any file in Windows XP. The result would be that the macro would log on as administrator only to open List.xls, write in it and save it under the same name.

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Run Application In Administrator Mode

Mar 24, 2009

I am developing an application in vb.net2008,Sql Server 2005But there is a problem while running my application on Customer Machine. It throws some security related issues Access Denied or so on....And also my application does not run in Windows Vista.I am changing in my app.manifest file like this ....


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Run ClickOnce Application As Administrator

Jun 28, 2011

I have a vb.net clickonce application that will be used by low-level personnel with no administrator accesses. However, the application itself needs to save files to a folder on the server that is hidden and only allows read/write access to administrators. I need for these users to be able to interact with this folder using the application without giving them the ability to browse to the folder on their own. I've tried using several impersonation techniques, none have worked.


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