VS 2008 Starting Program In Already Started Instance?

Mar 14, 2011

how to PROPERLY make a multi-tabbed or multi-window application that can handle file start requests.

For example, on startup my "Desktop Application" runs and sits there waiting for a task, either through the main menu, or for a file to display in a window. Now the problem is simple, how can I make this already running program load the dropped file (dropped on the executable (!)), instead of starting a new instance.

I understand I will have to check if the process is running, and if so, do some stuff with it. But the problem is passing the message to the active program.

Previously I used text files with paths/arguments in them, but I don't like the idea of the OS/program checking every 500 ms if a file is created in the "load this" folder...

Then I thought of sending a message using "Send Message", for example changing the text in a textbox and handle the "Text Changed" event, but is this reliable? Can any other program interfere with it?

So, basically I need the proper way of doing all of this. For example, Microsoft Visual Studio does this nicely, and no lag whatsoever...

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VS 2008 Check If Form Is Loaded Before Starting Another Instance

May 19, 2009

I have a Parent form that loads a child form and I only want to allow one instance of the child form. I have this on the button to open the form. Stepping through the code with the debugger it "appears" to work OK when the form is open (I say appears because nothing changes) but when the form is closed it doesn't open as I would expect. What am I missing?


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Starting To Program With VB 2008

Jan 6, 2009

I am just starting to program with Visual Basic 2008. I would consider myself at a Beginner - Intermedite level of programming with VB and looking to get better. I noticed that in other language forums on this site that there were program suggestions but didnt see one here so I thought i'd ask.

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VS 2008 Starting An EXE From Within A Program

Oct 20, 2011

I have an executable (EXE) that I would like to run from within my VB.NET program. I've looked into Process.Start("[PATH][EXE]"), where PATH is the path to my executable, and EXE is the name of the executable. However this throws an error, saying "The parameter is incorrect". I've managed to avoid this error with the following


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VS 2008 Starting A Program With A Chosen Path

Nov 28, 2009

VS 2008 Starting a program with a chosen path

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Stop Default Form Instance From Starting?

Jan 24, 2010

well basically i created a new instance of Form1 because i do not like to use a default form instance. but of course doing so gives me 2 Form1s. is there anyway to stop the default form instance from being generated? [code]

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VS 2008 - First Instance Of Program Runs Forever

Aug 9, 2009

I wrote a simple auto login script to update my IP address on a certain website. Something really strange is happening now though. The first time I run the program, nothing happens. However, the second time I run the program, that instance will work fine. Then I look in task manager, and the first program is still running, using a whopping 50% of my CPU. I believe VB may be blocking off memory or something, as when two instances are running each is using around 25% of CPU. Then after the second one successfully completes, the first starts to use 50% again.

Here's my code below:
Option Strict Off
Public Class frmTest
Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

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How To Prevent Program Being Started Twice

Apr 8, 2010

I have a small problem with my application. When the system starts up, the program starts with it, but runs hidden (registry key with paremeter). The program also has a GUI.I want it so that when the user clicks the desktop icon, it does not start a second instance of the executable, but instead reveals the currently running background process. Is that possible?i.e. when the application is started with the "-startup" paremeter, it loads a hidden form2, and closes form1. When the desktop icon is clicked, it loads form1, while form2 remains hidden.

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Know If And Which Program Started Own Application?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm having troubles finding a way to retrieve informations about which program started my own application. The situation is this: I have a VB .net application which launch another VB .net application (both made with the .net framework 2.0) using process.start(), the second application need to know which software or process started it, if it was started by another software and not directly by the user, and I can't access to the source code of the first application so there's no way I can send a specific command line to the second application.

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Started A Program With .NET Framework 4.0?

Feb 8, 2012

I started a program with .NET Framework 4.0 .. how can I change .NET Framework to 2.0 ?? ..

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VS 2008 - Single Instance (Command Line In Program)

Aug 6, 2011

I use a single instance in my application. What if I give command line arguments to the exe of my program, so I can be selective in what was given command line in my program, but still single instance?

test.exe /show
When the command /show, then my program will

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VS 2008 Program Transferring Data To Another Instance Of Itself Over The Internet

Apr 16, 2009

I'm developing a management program for a driving school, where information about all students is stored and accessed.

The thing is, this school has got two branches, so I need some way for those two computers to share files with each other in order to keep a common database. I would like to use the same program in both computers, to keep simplycity to the maximum.

I know it's using TCP, but I haven't got the lesser clue of how i can achieve that. I've looked around, but I haven't found much of how to acchieve something like that. The files both computers would be sharing are text files.

About the IPs, I'm thinking of using NoIP or one of those to always know both IPs.

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Detect Which Executable Started Your Program?

Jun 13, 2009

I have a custom button in IE8 which starts up my program. Now what I wanted to do, was pass an arguement such as: 'myprogram.exe /ie'

From the IE8 button, and well my program will do rest from there. Now my program adds the button just fine, shows up fine, all that works. But each time i'd add an argument after my application path, IE8 would say it can't find the program. If you want to test this out, goto run, type in gpedit.msc, then 'User Configuration'->'Windows Settings'->'Internet Explorer Maintenance'->'Browser User Interface', and double click on 'Browser Toolbar Customizations'. And in the small window that pops up, is an option for adding custom buttons to IE. I was using this for testing purposes, since it was faster to edit a button here than in my program. When you add a button you choose the executable to link it to. But if you add any arguments after it, IE will simply not be able to find the program. Even if that same command works when you type it from 'run'.

So, now my question is, since apperntly you can't have any arguments in the button, is it possible to detect what executable starts your program? For instance, detect if iexplore.exe started up my program?

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Get The Name Of The File That Started The Program (Click Once)

Oct 22, 2011

I have amended the application manifest of my program to launch it when a file with a certain extension is clicked. This works OK but I can't get the filename. Apparently CommandLineArgs are not available in a click once deployment and I have tried using the StartUpEvent command line as well but it seems to be empty.

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Program That Everytime It Is Started Download A File?

Jun 18, 2007

I have a program that everytime it is started download a file, read to a list, and add an entry to that list.That entry will be the useres ip address. I have gotten that far so far, but the ip address is sometimes the ip address of the lan like That will nto work properly. I want the true ip address like

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VS 2010 : Program To Exit The Sub After The Timer Has Been Started?

May 16, 2010

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim value As String = """" + Application.ExecutablePath + """ -nogui"


I want the program to exit the sub after the timer has been started. But if theres no args, it should just show itself. The problem is that it seems to not care about the exit sub thingy, cause it shows itself anyway.

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Starting A New Process (EXE) From A .net Program?

Aug 14, 2010

I am trying to run a new process 9EXE) from a VB.NET program. Basically I am doing something similar to this:

Dim proc As New Process
Dim pi As New ProcessStartInfo
pi.FileName = CMD
pi.Arguments = ARG
pi.UseShellExecute = False


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Starting Program On Remote Pc?

Sep 17, 2009

I don't understand how I can get this to work!!!

Dim co As ConnectionOptions = New ConnectionOptions()
co.Username = "username"
co.Password = "password"


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Starting Program Without Installing Dot.net 4?

Aug 4, 2010

I was wondering if it was possible to start an application from USB stick without the need of installing the dotnet framework on the system? Like implement the framework in the application or install it on the USB stick itself.

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Starting The Program And When The Program Get To The Breakpoint?

Jan 28, 2011

I have used Visual Basic 2008 successfully before.Now i have installed Visual Studio 2010 and want to debug an application i am writing.When in the source code (VB) i can't add a breakpoint using F9 nor by ckicking in the leftmost margin. I can only open the breakpoint window after closing the source code and then add a new breakpoint.

Then when starting the program and when the program get to the breakpoint it stops and show the code with the arrow representing the next line of code to be executed. Then i should be able to step into the code using F8, but nothing happens.

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel with .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel under Windows XP Pro x86 with Service Pack 3.

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C# - Starting An Exe Program From Window Services?

Jan 8, 2012

I have a created window service and installed successfully. I have enclosed a exe file in service but it does not start .exe.

Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:UsersDr.FazanDesktopDebugMacro Recording System.exe")

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Starting A Program With A Chosen Path?

Nov 28, 2009

lock/delete this thread if you wish.

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Error While Starting Another Program In Form_Closing-event?

May 1, 2010

The title summarizes it pretty well. I'm trying to launch a program at the Form_Closing-event, but my debugger just says:

"A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll".


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Prevent Multiple Sessions Of A Program From Starting Up?

Nov 17, 2009

I have built and deployed an application in VB2008. If I start the program from the start menu a new session will start and there 'll be multiple sessions of the same programming running. I dont want this behaviour! I want the program to start only when no other session of the same program is running. How can I do that in VB2008?

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Getting Started With .Net 2008 From VB6?

Jan 26, 2009

I have been developing with VB6 for about 7 years now, and I think it is time I move on to VB.Net to future proof my skills.Not only that. I am learning C++, but that is beside the focus of this post.Anyway, So I installed the VS 2008 Professional, I didn't install all the Windows Mobile SDK stuff, Just Visual Studio, MSDN, and the sql server...

I do a lot of work with HTTP requests from within my applications, like building GET and POST requests and returning strings that are parsed and what not...I was using the winHTTP COM object in vb6 for the longest time, and I loved it... It was structured nicely and when Dimmed "with events" opened up a nice way of implementing progressbars, calculating download speeds, etc etc...

1) What is the .NET alternative of the winHTTP COM Object...

2) How do you dim objects withevents globally across a form class?

In vb6 I would dim my winHTTP object at the top of the form with events, and then I could implement all my progress bar code in the winhttp events that are exposed....Also then in each subroutine you then have to set = new winhttp.winhttprequest to create the new object, blah blah blah...

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Starting Calculations - Writing A Program That Has 6 Text Boxes

Nov 17, 2009

How do I start writing a program that has 6 text boxes. A person would enter a member number if they have one, number of movies rented at $1.80 a piece. A Text box should then display Total Rental Price, and if a member number was entered, a 10% discount is given (the total of the discount shows up in another text box) and after there discount is applied the Amount Due is displayed in yet another Text Box.

My boxes are named:

rentalPriceBox = $1.80

This is all supposed to happed when the customer clicks on a calculation button named: Button1

This is what I have so far, but I don't even know if this is correct, as I am getting 1 error relating to a name not being declared. Please help and clue me in to where to start!

Public Class Bonanza
Private Sub memberNumberBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles memberNumberBox.TextChanged


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Starting VB - Caused The Same Error - Every Time Try To Start The Program

Dec 3, 2011

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 which caused the same error, every time i try to start the program i get this message. i am using windows 7 professional 64bit i only have one user account, and i am the computer administartor. every other program works fine but visual studio programs.

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VS 2008 Getting Started In The Right Direction?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a project that needs to open a CSV file that is 3.7gb in size. It is data that was exported from a database (why on earth anyone would export it to ONE file, is beyond me)

Excel/Access can't open the file because it is more than 256 columns and greater than 65000+ rows. I was able to split the file into seperate files with 50,000 rows in each. I wan't to automate this and export only data by a specific state, and perhaps add it to a database or excel file, should the rows stay below the limit.

I found a project that splits the CSV file... perhaps I can just parse the data while splitting the file.

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VS 2008 Noob Direction To Get Started?

May 21, 2009

Total noobie when it comes to VB, but I'm jumping in. I have about 15 years with Business Basic and see many similar things between VB and BBx so hopefully the learning curve will not be to steep.

Anyway the project I wish to complete is: Use portable computers running Windows CE 5.0 to scan bar coded labels to capture data collected during a physical inventory. The labels have 2 fields - bin location and item. My form will have a textbox for 3 items - bin location, item and quantity. Also, the form will have 2 radio buttons to accept or reject entry. I plan on writing the records to a simple text file to import in to the current application I am running.

I downloaded Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2008 and have done a little prodding around so far. I know the Express version does not support mobile device application development so that needs to be upgraded. My question is, can someone recommend a good book that would cover the areas I need to be concerned with?
Also, any good online resources?

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VS 2008 Check That Wmp Video Has Started Playing Before Can Press The Full Screen Button?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a full screen button, so that when it is clicked the windows media player control will go to full screen. This works fine, however I need a way to check that the video has started to play before the button can be pressed to make it full screen.

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