VS 2008 Update Acces DB Will Trying A Diffrent Approach Work?

Jan 29, 2010

I am working on a signout system I have a good start but am trying to solve a small problem.Signing out equipment I fill part of a form with student data from the dataset with Fillby, fill the other half with equipment data using Fillby1 I then save this combined data to my Access 2007 Database using a OleDb.OleDbConnection.


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Why Does Threading Approach Not Work

Jun 16, 2010

I have a wierd problem with threading in an ASP.NET application. For some reason, when I run the code in the request thread, everything works as expected. But when I run it in a separate thread, nothing happens.This is verified by calling the below handler with the three flags "on", "off" and "larma" respectively - in the two first cases everything works, but in the latter nothing happens.[code]

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Figuring Out Which Multithreading Approach To Utilize In Current Work Project?

Apr 25, 2012

figuring out which multithreading approach to utilize in my current work project. Since I've never written a multithreaded app in my life, this is all confusing and very overwhelming.I've been assigned to take over work on a control application for a piece of test equipment in my companies R&D lab. The program has to be able to send and receive serial communications with three different devices semi-concurrently. The original program was written in VB 6 (no multithreading) and I did plan on just modding it to work with the newer products that need to be tested until it posed a safety hazard when the UI locked up due to excessive serial communications during a test. This resulted in part of the tester hardware blowing up, so I decided to try rewriting the app in VB.Net as I'm more comfortable with it to begin with and because I thought multithreading might help solve this problem.

My plan was to send commands to the other pieces of equipment from the main app thread and spin the receiving ends off into their own threads so that the main thread wouldn't lock up when timing is critical. However, I've yet to come to terms with my options. To add to my problems, I need to display the received communications in separate rich text boxes as they're received while the data from one particular device needs to be parsed by the main program, but only the text that results from the most current test (I need the text box to contain all received data though).

So far, I've investigated delegates, handling the threads myself, and just began looking into BackgroundWorkers. I tried to use delegates earlier today, but couldn't figure out a way to update the text boxes. Would I need to use a call back function to do this since I can't do it in the body of the delegate function itself? The problem I see with handling threads myself is figuring out how to pass data back and forth between the thread and the rest of the program. BackgroundWorkers, as I said, I just started investigating so I'm not sure what to think about them yet.

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Best Approach To Update A Database?

Jul 18, 2009

I am writing a program to assist Paramedic students in learning the Drugs that they have to know in order to pass their classes. I have created an Access database to hold all the information on these drugs, but not every student that will use this program will need to learn all the drugs contained within this database.

Right now I have 43 drugs in the database and still growing.

What I want to do is to present to the student the drugs and have them say "Y" or "N" as to whether its on their required list to learn. That way they only work on the ones that they need to.

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Best Approach To Update Wrapped Object?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm using VB.NET but this question applies to any OO language - Java, C# etc. I've tagged the question with Java and C# but will remove if not considered appropriate. I have an entity class ClassAAA that contains a reference to ClassBBB as one of it's attributes:

Public Class ClassAAA
Private Property _blah As ClassBBB = Nothing
Private Property _somethingElse As String
Private Property _anotherthing As String
' Make it private so cannot instantiate class without supplying ClassBBB '
[Code] .....

I could make the ClassBBB reference public (or supply a public getter method) but that would expose the inner workings of ClassAAA. What I'm thinking of doing is making the ClassBBB reference Friend so that it is only visible in the assembly i.e. a data layer and is not visible to client projects. But this stills feel like I'm exposing the inner workings of the class.

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VS 2008 After Update License Key Not Work?

Oct 4, 2010

after Update my licesnce key not work, need to create key again

im using winlisence

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VS 2008 SAVE AS For Diffrent Name?

Jun 20, 2009

I'm done with a solution and I don't want to work with it anymore, except for small bug fixes that may come up. I have a new project assigned to me which to take the project I just finished, and add some new features to it. But I wouuld be changing alot of stuff in this program. So I want to copy my solution, save it as a diffrent name, so I can work off the old solution and start modifying it, but I will always have the original one to fix any bugs or go back to.

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VS 2008 Acces Connection Error In Windows 7?

Aug 26, 2010

I created an vb.net Application with microsoft visual studio 2008 and Access 2003 as Database. The application work fine in XP O/s but when i run the application in Windows 7 it gives error when connecting to Database. It works fine when i create an new Access 2003 database in Window 7.It gives error System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Operation must use an updateable query.

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VS 2008 General Approach To Databases?

Jan 20, 2010

I am often asked to create a very simple database front-end for friends or family, and the structure of the database (and application) is usually very similar.Right now I am always creating a class that handles all database interactions with some shared functions. For example, there's a function to run a general query and return a table, a function to save/load various items (depending on the application of course). The point is: the code is nearly always the same except for some slight variations.

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Visual Basic 2008 Retrieve Specific Data From Ms Acces To Eliminate Duplicate Records?

Sep 11, 2009

I'm doing a simple database thru VS2008 and Msaccess without using any builtin relationship between records, now i need to know how i can retrieve specific data from access using the oledbadapter or any, example seek if the value from the textbox1.text is already existing in msaccess table then msgbox "Record already exists.", note that the code is in keypress event of the textbox1.

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Update Does Not Work?

May 11, 2009

finding the error in this code below. this piece of code is supposed to update the password field with the new password but what the program does at the moment it justs goes straight to the else statement without updating in the database.

If bol = True Then
strSQL = "UPDATE Username SET " & _


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Update Button Does Not Work?

Dec 28, 2011

I have a DGV I am working on, and I have many columns.dgv bind to two table my problem with update button dose not update and gives me wrong massege ""Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against multiple base tables"

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form4


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VS 2005 Update Doesn't Work

May 14, 2011

I'm trying to update my database, I'm using access 2003, my problem is that for some reason I can update the first row but when I try to update any other rows after that I keep getting an error saying Column 'ProductID' is constrained to be unique. Value '7' is already present.

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How To Update Controls On A Form When We Work With Background Worker

Oct 31, 2010

I have a form and controls on from I work with background worker on my form and I want when I work with background worker in (for next) changed a data table example (mydt.clear()) or change a datagrideview..how to update controls on a form when we work with background worker? [code]

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VS 2008 Could Not Get Form To Work On Work Computer

Aug 21, 2009

I have a form that works on my local Machine I created into. I have Office 2007 on this machine. I created the Form with the Excel 12 Reference. I move the Entire conetence of the Project folder to my work computer. Which has Office 2003. Do I need to recreate the form with the Excel 11 reference. I could not get the form to work on work computer. IT has a com error. I am acessing the EXE for the debug folder w/in the Bin Folder.

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Datagrid Displays Fine But INSERT, DELETE And UPDATE Don't Work

Oct 28, 2009

I have created a test application to display data in a datagrid, using the Dataset Wizard per the help. All fine - data is displayed.

I then added insert, delete and update queries by selecting Edit Dataset with Designer, selecting the table and adding a query for each action via the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard. In Advanced Options, all boxes are checked, and on the last screen of the wizard it says it has generated SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements, table mappings, Fill, Get and update methods. The TableAdapter shows four entries: Fill, GetData(); DeleteQuery; InsertQuery; UpdateQuery. On the DataGridView Tasks page, Adding, Editing and Deleting are checked and the data preview shows data.

When I run the application, I can update, add and delete data, but this is not saved.

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Update Access Database Error (save Button Not Work)?

Mar 10, 2011

my save button not work

Private Sub btn_save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_save.Click


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Run App From Diffrent Application?

Feb 19, 2009

i have an application. this application is using findwindowa api for check if there is instance of its own. (sorry for english) so we cannot open this app two times. as you may guess i wanna open thousands instance of its. (or 2-3). i tried disassambler but code is encrytped or something like that. so what can i do? maybe i can:

* run app from diffrent application. if its possible findwindowa can fail.

* change class or window name (i think its not possible)

* block applications findwindowa call

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How To Display Diffrent Properties

Mar 6, 2010

I am working on an application which can apply tweaks to Windows XP. I populated a TreeView with some nodes, but how can I display the diffrent properties? I mean, some need some checkboxes or radiobuttons or a listview. I want something like a TabControl, but whitout buttons on the top.
Does something like that exists?

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Allow Comunication Between Two Computer On Diffrent Networks?

Feb 23, 2010

I am working on a video chat program and I have almost everything working on my network I now need to figure out how to establish comunication between two clients from diffrent networks without having a middle person to switch each meassage to each other.

To clarify: I belive that I need to have a server running that each client when they start up the program will login to the server handing thier external ipaddress and port forward to get to each respective client, this will be stored in a SQL database (I know how to add the data just not hwo to get it from the source)

Then the server would brodcast the clients name to anyone that is authorized to know (currently everyone) and has there data stored on the server.Finnaly when the client shouts down it sends out the logging-off comand and deletes the adressing information from the server.The client programs will be windows form applications that use the tcpclient connection to send text meassage And the server application will be I hope a webapp.

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Datagrig With Diffrent No Of Rows In Each Column?

Mar 26, 2012

Datagrig with diffrent no of Rows in each Column.

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Inner Join In Acces

Mar 16, 2009

how we use inner join in oledb( acces ) ? this is false :

cmd = New OleDbCommand("select lesson_name as ,lesson_type from choice inner join present on choice.p_code=present.p_code inner join lesson on lesson.lesson_code=present.lesson_code
and this:


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Writing To MS Acces Mdb?

Feb 20, 2010

I can't seem to write to my database. No errors came up These is my code and declarations

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Net
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class frmChange


My mdb file has all the tables set. The database isn't being copied to the bin folder

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Copy Data From One DataTable To Another With Diffrent Structure?

Apr 23, 2011

I am copying data from DataTable to another DataTable with a structure.I have to hardcode coulums number in the loop and copy the data in object array.[code]...

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Draw Diffrent Layers It's Not Drawing Them Transparancy?

Oct 21, 2011

im making a game with XNA, but when I draw diffrent layers it's not drawing them transparancy, why? (just run the game and you'll see)

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Example Diffrent Color For A Specific Value In A Datagridviewcombobox Column

Dec 23, 2010

I wanted to visualize to the user the diffrence if they opted for certain values. In mycase certain choises would show phonenumbers on intranet.To show how I wil leave the control names default. To recreate the the project. Start a windows form application, place a datagridview, and 2 bindingsources on the form To start we need some data to show and a list to choose from.To make a simple example I chosen to make a person class containing an Id, Name and Position.Id If the Position is a staff position it should be blue others should remain the default style.But lets start with the colorScheme Interface so we can store the colorscheme we want to show for a certain positionitem in the datagrdview It wil need back and forecolors but also colors for teh item whilst selected. To show the Displaymember we want to see I've also added the toString property that should shadow the toString of the object.[code]

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How To Give Everyword In A Sentence A Diffrent Color

Mar 3, 2012

I want to make a richtextbox what can show you diffrent colors.I've already managed how to give 1 line a special color, but I want to know how to give everyword in a sentence a diffrent color.

as example in a line on my textbox: Hello World, I want to show this diffrent colors in my richtextbox - who knows how to make it? This is the code I have to color just once line of the textbox.


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Join Multiple Tables In Diffrent And Same Database?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a problem i need to join two table from different sql servers and as a test i have tried to get data from two table but i realizethe adapter can have only one connection statement as argument how do i get records from two table from diffrent database

Please see my code
Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Possible To Make A Web-browser (not Too Hard ) With A Diffrent Engine

Dec 9, 2009

I have been making a webbrowser in VB.net with a simple layout and simple things in it like a history, go buttons, back button, refresh, a menu etc(atm im trying to make a favourite, and a open file and stuff) but all of this are just things i see back in IE , as the engine or is based on it what my question was is it possible to make a webbrowser(not too hard ) with a diffrent engine.are there any lightweight engines? and how do i implent it with VB.net. how does this all in theory go, .i want to know how these engines work, and what functions i would need to use to make a webbrowser on that specific engine.

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Text Boxes To Labels In Diffrent Forms

Feb 20, 2011

I am new to programming just started school for it and i started playing in VB Which is what my class is i have Visual Studio 2008. okay here is what i need help on. I am making a simple windows forms program it has 3 forms and on form 2 i have 6 text boxes and on form 3 i have 6 labels. I am trying to get the user entered data in the 6 text boxes to transfer to the 6 labels on form 3.

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