Datagrig With Diffrent No Of Rows In Each Column?

Mar 26, 2012

Datagrig with diffrent no of Rows in each Column.

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Example Diffrent Color For A Specific Value In A Datagridviewcombobox Column

Dec 23, 2010

I wanted to visualize to the user the diffrence if they opted for certain values. In mycase certain choises would show phonenumbers on intranet.To show how I wil leave the control names default. To recreate the the project. Start a windows form application, place a datagridview, and 2 bindingsources on the form To start we need some data to show and a list to choose from.To make a simple example I chosen to make a person class containing an Id, Name and Position.Id If the Position is a staff position it should be blue others should remain the default style.But lets start with the colorScheme Interface so we can store the colorscheme we want to show for a certain positionitem in the datagrdview It wil need back and forecolors but also colors for teh item whilst selected. To show the Displaymember we want to see I've also added the toString property that should shadow the toString of the object.[code]

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Made A Database.mdf That Contains A Table That Includes 3 Diffrent Column Names

Jan 27, 2012

I have made a Database.mdf that contains a table that Includes 3 diffrent Column Names.

1:"ID" This one i set to an primary key and i have also made it automaticlly put a number in order to the list. Like 1,2,3,4,5 for each data added. Data Type for this is int.

2:"WordCombination" Were i enter my word combination that i want it to look for)

3."TypeofCombination" Were i enter what the program should add to what i typed in texbox1 if it contains the WordCombination.

I want my program to se if texbox1 contains any of those WordCombinations in my database. And if thats true, Then i want it to show whats in the TypeofCombination + the text in texbox1 in texbox2. If i enter "What do you want ?" in Textbox1 i want the program to find that "What do you want ?" contains "you want" like in ID:1 WordCombination:you want. So becuse this is ture it should enter TypeofCombination in this case "Question:" + what i entered in Textbox1 to show in Textbox2.So if i write "What do you want ?" and click start. Textbox2 should show "Question: What do you want ?" If i Write "My name is Jake" and click start. Textbox2 should show "Answer: My name is Jake".If I Write "hello you Hi there Jacob" and click start. Textbox2 should show "Greeting: hello you Hi there Jacob".And i Should be able to add and delete Word Combinations Without having to change the program.

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VS 2010 : Combine Similar Rows In A Datatable (the Rows Only Differ By One Column)?

May 8, 2012

I have three sub tables that I want to process. For each I want to combine the rows, as they are only different by contents in the second column(I want to do the same to the fourth column, later):

'Sub table 1
xx|C201 |02300877 |Samsung |....
xx|C201 |02300877 |Toshiba |....
xx|C213 |02300877 |Samsung


p.s. For the fourth column, Manufacturer information , I want to do the same and I'd probably get something like this for the final table:

xx| C201,C213,C606,C619 |02300877 | Samsung
xx| C201,C213,C606,C619 |02300877 | Toshiba
xx| C303, C305,C712 |02301163
xx| C207, C209, C708 |02301165

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Datagridview Tab Key - Ignore Column(2) So That The User Only Tabs Through The Rows In Column(1)?

Feb 27, 2009

i have a datagridview with three columns. i set the first column to visible=false, so the user can only see two columns.when the user presses the tab key in the first visible column -- column(1), i want to ignore column(2) so that the user only tabs through the rows in column(1)i can't get it to work. it will always tabs through the rows in column(2) even if i use the column name.


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VS 2008 Get An Array Of Rows Or Rows Indexes In Which Boolean Column "Aktywny" Is Set To True?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a datagridview, and I want to get an array of rows, or rows indexes in which boolean column "Aktywny" is set to True.Obviously I can Do it using loop, but LINQ will be much faster for sure...

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Get The Column Name From Column.ColumnName And The Value From Rows(0).Item(0)?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a DataSet that contains 1 DataTable, and the DataTable contains only 1 row of data. I want to loop through all columns in that row and say:

Column name = column value

so for example if the column name is FAVORITE_FOOD and the value is pizza, I should display FAVORITE_FOOD = pizza I can get the column name from column.ColumnName and the value from Rows(0).Item(0), but for the life of me I can't put it all together in a simple loop.

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Set Same Value For All The Rows In A Particular Column?

Sep 1, 2010

is there any way to set same value for all the rows in a particular column of datatable without using for loop ?

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Datagrid With Different No Of Rows In Each Column?

Sep 25, 2009

is it possible to have a datagridView in which each column can have diff no of rows in it?

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Datagridview Add Column On Specified Rows?

May 10, 2011

I has the code :


But this code will add columns to every rows in the gridview. How can I change the code so that it only add the column to row one instead of every row?

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Getting Column Values From All Rows In DGV Or DB

Jan 25, 2009

I have a db with Column name Break. I have attached to my datagrid view and all that works and shows up correctly. However Im needing to put this code in a timer to get all the times in the Break Column but I need to get it from each and every row. For example:


I need it to look through each row and get that value. Ive tried various things, but Im not on my normal computer so I cant post my code.

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How To Append Rows As Column

Jul 22, 2011

I have two rows as shown below

regn_no date name Adress
5001 15 may 2010 A xyz
5001 13 jan 2011 B ABC


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If Datagridview Has No Rows And Column?

May 7, 2011

if datagridview has no rows and no column msgbox show no rows and column how can i do that?

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Sum Of Column And Rows To Textbox?

May 23, 2011

I am trying to add the sum of a datagrid column to a textbox. There was a similir question in this forum but it doesnt add the sum of all the rows of that column to my textbox.

Me.SubtotalTextBox.Text = ABTDBDataSet.Products.Compute("sum(UnitPrice)", String.Empty) What else do I need to add to get the whole rows sum of one column and show up in the textbox.

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C# - Find Rows With All Column With Values?

Sep 8, 2010

I need to find rows in resultsets that have every column without null.these resultsets got variable number of columns.currently, the only way that I can think of is creating a view on each resultset and filter this way:

select field1, field2, field3, field4, ...
from "huge query"
where field1 is not null and
field2 is not null and


and then in a storeproc/function or .net code(c# / loop through all rows / columns and flag or remove every row that got any null?

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Loop Through Rows Of A Particular DataTable Column?

Mar 4, 2009

Here is my DataTable columns :

ID Note Detail

I want to write sth like this :

//below code block is not the right syntaxFor each q in dtDataTable.Column("Detail)
strDetail = Row of Column Detail

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Math - Calculate Rows Per Column For CSS?

Dec 11, 2009

I am trying to figure out a calculation I can perform in C# to determine the rows per column. Let's say I know I am going to have 3 columns and my record count is 46. I know that I can mod the results to get a remainder, but I would like something more efficient than what I have tried. So I know I will have 16 rows per column with a remainder of 14 for the last column, but what is the best way to loop through the resutls and keep counts.

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Update All The Rows In A Single Column?

Aug 20, 2009

I can't seem to figure out how to update a single column for every row in my database...

Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con


What I'm looking to do is to update add a value to the given value already in the row. for instance:

id name value
1 peter 8
2 paul 10
3 mary 16.25

I just want to add a specific value to each row, such as "8"

id name value
1 peter 16
2 paul 18
3 mary 24.25

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VS 2005 Datagridview Column To Rows

Aug 27, 2009

Is it possible to show columns as rows and rows as columns in DGV? If yes, how it can be done?

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Computing And Saving Column Rows On A Datagirdview

Jul 7, 2010

trying to understand DataGridView. I can sum columns with no problems and place the result in a textbox. My problem is multipling two column rows and saving it. I receive the following error when I go to save it. "Column mapping from source column failed because the data column is a computed column. So can I compute two column row to a third and save it, if so how. My code is below:

I save.[code....]

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Datagrid With One Column And Dynamic Number Of Rows?

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying a small application here. It is a windows mobile application. I have to create a form with one drop down and a datagrid.Once a value is selected in the dropdown. The focus goes to the data grid.I know before hand that there is only one column. But I dont know how many rows the user will enter.When the foucs comes to datagrid then one row is created where the use will enter a number. When he hits tab or enter a new row is created and the cursor goes there and the user can enter second number. When he tabs or etnerts a new row is created. This should go on until he presses Save button when all these values will go in the database table.

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DB/Reporting :: How To Count The Number Of Rows In A Column

Apr 28, 2009

I am having trouble Counting the number of rows in a specific column in a datatable.

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Filter And Only Show The Rows With Null In That Column?

Sep 29, 2010

I've using binding source filter to filter the data i see in the datagrid based on the value of the cell (this is in relation to the checkstate of a checkbox column), so far so good

InvBindingSource.Filter = "Saved = '1'"

what if i wanted to filter and only show the rows with null in that column?

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Format Sql To Allow Multiple Rows In A Single Column?

Oct 11, 2011

i have a project and i want to insert multiple rows into a single column and then display them into a single text box...

this is what I'm going for:

DATABASE: column 1
| column 2 | column 3
| column 4 |


yes i know I've posted this in 3 different forums but no one seems to know either

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Get Total Number Of Rows And Column From Excel?

May 24, 2012

Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWBa As Excel.Workbook
oWBa = oApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFile)


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Ordering Excel Rows By Particular Column Programatically?

Jan 25, 2012

I am trying to order 7 rows in descending order of data from a particular column.
The data in the excel spreadsheet looks like this:


I want to order the rows by the 'Budget%' column in descending order.

The Code I have so far is:

Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet
objExcel.WindowState = Excel.XlWindowState.xlMinimized
objExcel.Visible = False


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Query Dataset Column For Only Rows With Text?

Sep 19, 2009

I have a dataset column that I am keeping comments in. If the row has no comment in it(defualt string value is "", not NULL), I don't want it to show up on my report. How can I fill only the datarows that have text in them and not the ones that are empty. I've tried to filter the columns results by Not Nothing, but everything shows up. I'm guessing because it's actually not NULL since the string is "". How can I filter these results correctly?

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C# - Retrieve Not Empty Rows In First Column Of Excel Sheet

Feb 4, 2011

My requirement is to read all rows of an excel-sheet in first column that are not empty, are numeric and have a length between 15 and 20.

For example:

This column might have a header that is not numeric and there might be empty rows. This would cause an exception when importing them via SqlBulkCopy. So i want to prefilter the correct rows via OleDbCommand.

What I have tried so far is following(C# is also appreciated):
Using connection As New OleDbConnection(sExcelConnectionString)
Dim schemaTable As DataTable = _
connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, _
New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})
[Code] .....

But this throws an exception if there are empty rows or the format of the value is incorrect. So my question is: How to restrict the rows of OleDbCommand to:
Get only first column of every worksheet
All values that are numeric
Skip empty values
Ideally only the values with a length between 15 and 20

Any way how to skip the empty rows, Or do I have to to select the whole datatable? I hoped it would be possible to do that only with one query because of performance reasons.

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Compare DataTable Column Rows To TextBox.Text?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a Data Table Column with multiple Rows of data. I need to search all lines of TextBox1.Text for any data that is identical to any row in the specified data column ("MCaddRG"). Also any identical findings need to be made into a new text file or a new form with a text box.[code]...

*Also if it is possible I would really like to have a check box list that contains the data from the "Device" columns so I could check the "Device" and then it search the TextBox.Text for the checked "Device's" "MCaddRG"

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Group Rows In Comma Delimited File By Column?

Sep 10, 2009

I have another puzzle to solve and I was hoping that I could get some pointers in the right direction. I have a comma delited text file and I want to write a program that will read the rows and write a report grouping the rows by a column.[code]...

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