VS 2008 XP Suddenly Giving Errors On App

Mar 18, 2010

ive been building a app, and have a beta tester who is on xp, im on vista x64, the app works great t my end, an dive also tested it on another pc with vista x64, and on a laptop wit win7 32, Now my beta teste has been testing fine on hes xp rig, up untill today when the WIP build i sent him started kicking up errors all over the place, try as i might i cant narrow it down to were the error is, heres how the app looks on vista and win7:[code]So i thought it might of been something i changed in between the working xp version and the wip but, all i changed was the page title, nothing else, no code etc.

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VS 2008 : ImageList/Memory Errors Suddenly Occur In App?

Apr 16, 2012

The user has been running the app in question for over a year with no issues like this (this is a VB2008 business/database application with an executable 4.6 MB in size). Starting last week, "all of a sudden", the user started getting INTERMITTENT error messages like the following:

Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Creation of the ImageList handle did not succeed.
Out of memory.
Parameter is not valid.

The last two have been accompanied by the big "red cross" on the form (in the screen shots the user sent me).The fact that the one message mentions "ImageList" and poking around on the Internet for answer on "Parameter not valid" points in the direction of a graphic problem, but nothing has changed in this area for a long time, and the app only uses graphics in a very straightforward way, using images on buttons and menu items, but not doing any in-line graphics methods.

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Program Suddenly Stops While Debugging With No Errors?

Feb 22, 2012

I've built a windows form application that steps through a wafer map and sends a command to ink specific dies if the bin number is between certain values. While debugging I have run into an issue with the program crashing with no error message anywhere. While stepping through my code, the place the program stops has occured in two different places but both in the same subroutine in the code I use for the network communications. Below is the subroutine I've seen it break on with the two places it has broke indicated.

Private Sub EventHandler(ByVal Args As EventArgs)
Select Case Args.EventP
Case EventPointer.Connected
RaiseEvent Connected()


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Javascript Compiler In .Net Giving Errors?

Oct 7, 2010

I have the following code:

Dim compiler As ICodeCompiler = New Microsoft.JScript.JScriptCodeProvider().CreateCompiler
Dim params As New CompilerParameters
params.GenerateInMemory = True


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Running A Program Cause Giving Errors?

Jul 18, 2009

i have old program which is create in vb.5 i have in my PC vb.6 but when i want run program is give me a lot of error , i understand that i miss some .OCX i have this control or reference in my program 1- function MyScan(FpLibXCapture1 As FpLibXCapture, txtID As Object, LabelMessage As Label, LabelAlarm As Variant, Optional txtName As Object) Dim FpLibXVerify1 As FpLibXVerify Dim result As Boolean

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WebServices Giving Errors When Accessed Directly From The Browser?

Jul 15, 2011

I have the following web-service which works perfectly as long as it is accessed from a clientside script (javascript, jquery)

<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="WebService" %>
Imports System.Web.Script.Services
Imports System.Web.Services


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VS 2008 - App Suddenly Changes Size (0xc000007B)

Jul 17, 2010

So, I made an app on visual basic 2008, all cool and stuff, but now I'm experiencing a major problem. When I run my program it just works fine, but after some time (when I don't use the app) it suddenly changes from 42,5 KB to around 100 - 130 KB, and when I try to run it I get this error;The application failed to initialize properly 0xc000007B Click on ok to terminate the application.

So if I extract it again (zipped it), it works again and after some time I get the error again, so the file in the ''zip'' doesn't change.I can ensure I got no virus whatsoever on my computer, nor in my application.I just reinstalled my pc to see if it fixed the problem, it didn't

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VS 2008 - Why Are Certain Libraries Suddenly Not Recognized

Dec 28, 2009

After successfully running an executable file several days ago, I am suddenly encountering a number of inexplicable errors. One concerns the lack of recognition of two libraries:


How could they previously be found but not now?I am using another workstation but loaded (so I thought) the same application and references.

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VS 2008 Automatic Download Suddenly Not Working?

Jun 25, 2009

I�m using the my.computer.network.downloadfile (something like that) to download the html source to a text file. It has been working for about a year now.

Today it stopped working and the downloaded files are empty. I�ve talked to the people at the website, and they say they haven�t done anything. But they always say that.

Is there a way to "block" an automated download process of this kind, and how do I get around it?

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VS 2008 Service Suddenly Stops Working?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm having trouble getting my archive service working. The service counts files in a directory and sends a email. Pretty simple. However, it randomly stops working. I debugged the service and found nothing wrong. I also have it writing to the eventlog so that I can use it to determine where it fails It progresses through each function normally. I thought my program was failing at on point, because it was only posting "Email Notification Service is Running". However, I realized it wasn't posting to the eventlog source so I've been playing around with different ways to post the message to the eventlog. Am I missing something from my code below? I'm really scratching my head with this one.


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"Backup Files" In VB 2008 EE - Application Suddenly Became Impossible To Access

Feb 27, 2009

A routinely used application suddenly became impossible to access, with and error code indicating that the "VB Backup\Backup" file cannot be found. When I click File Open, the projects display as always. I select the application, double click the .sln file--and nothing happens. When I try to access the .vb file in Solution Explorer, it says "Cannot find VB Backup\Backup Files."

What are the Backup Files, when are they created, and why would they suddenly be "gone?" Is there any way to rebuild the Backup Files? I used the application last night and it worked fine. Today it can't be opened because the Backup Files cannot be found.

I have backups of the application folders, but get the same error message. Cannot be opened because the Backup FIles cannot be found.

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VS 2008 Extract The Html Code From Giving URL?

Dec 8, 2011

how I can extract the html code from giving URL?

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VS 2008 Giving Parameters On Startup In Command Prompt?

Mar 18, 2009

I need to give an app 2 string values on startup via the command prompt like this

C:myapp.exe string1 string2

How do I accept these values?

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Printing In Vb Express 2008 - Debugging Of The Code Giving Error?

Dec 1, 2009

I am working in vb express 2008. I got some sample code from the site www.vbhelper.com and tried to implement it as it is. Debugging of the code gave following errors:Error 1 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.

C:Documents and SettingsDaLicaRestaurantLocal SettingsApplication DataTemporary ProjectsPrintingForm1.Designer.vb 7 29 Printing


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SHDocVw.ShellWindows Not Giving Me The Proper Result For The Internet Explorer In Windows Server 2008?

Jun 18, 2009

I found one problem Windows Server 2008. please refer the following code. it gives me the "ieplorer.exe" while i am running this code in XP or 2003, but while I am running this code in Windows Server 2008 it is not giving me the proper result. it gives me Explorer.EXE" insted "ieplorer.exe".before run this command you have to add reference of shdocvw.dll in your project. i am using the VB 6.0

Dim IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim MainIE as SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim sws As SHDocVw.ShellWindows


de my MainIE Object will set to my Previously stored handle( In TmpStoredHandle) . Does anybody know that how can i get the existing IE(Opened Internet Explorer) detail with the help of SHDocVw.ShellWindows in Windows Server 2008? with this API i can get all the opened windows with Its handle

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App Has Suddenly Lost All Its Forms But One

Dec 18, 2009

For no reason I can discern my Visual Studio 2008 app (MyApp), which had many forms and reports, suddenly contains only one form, a simple test form I was experimenting with. I am unaware of any problem with the app. I use it to maintain an Access database which is still functional and is in the same place on the disk as it always did. This app and its data are all contained on my laptop computer. The form files all remain where they always did. I used to be able to control my earlier VB6 version of this application if it went off the rails, but I'm in the dark with VS2008.

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Application Suddenly Won't Work

Sep 7, 2011

I recently had to format my PC, So I moved my project files and build files to my External Hard Drive, and continued to work on my project..I started to receive emails saying that the application is saying "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files. Contact application vendor for assistance." After clicked view details, I found this:+ Downloading file:///C:/Users/myuser/Downloads/Browser.application did not succeed.I was confused, the .application file is not in Downloads, its supposed to download it from my website. And if I were to open my project on a computer with it already installed, it won't check for updates - it opens really quick without the "Viewing Application Requirments" window.

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Application Suddenly Won't Work?

Jul 7, 2011

I recently had to format my PC, So I moved my project files and build files to my External Hard Drive, and continued to work on my project..I started to receive emails saying that the application is saying "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files. Contact application vendor for assistanc

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C# - Application Suddenly Locking Up

Jan 10, 2012

i have this application, that creates various custom AppDomains, each app domain executes a assembly and its dependencies, like a plugin, a separated assembly, that manipulates database, own resources, etc.

the application runs fine for a while, but suddenly, it locks up... the process does NOT die, it just freezes, i ran a remote debugger on top of it, on the thread window i can see EVERY thread, they are with the status "running" (not "thaw") but, in the same place, not executing. i can pause and run the debug, and it remains in the same place. there are NO locks, synlocks, monitors, on the code and the code for loading the appdomains is very simple, no big deal on it. like i said, its working, but after a while, it locks up. Any ideas on this environment?

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Serialization Suddenly Slow - How To Fix It

Jun 11, 2009

I've been cloning my objects using serialization for awhile, and typically its been quick, at least for my purposes. After a series of updates to these objects, however, now the serialization process is much slower. Trial-and-error has so far failed to pinpoint the cause. Some of the added elements to my object are:

1.binding lists

2. an inherited dictionary class

3. more internal references (the object is actually group of nested objects, and these internal objects have more references to each other than before)

I have been careful to avoid/eliminate references to external elements when cloning, as that can lead to a cascade of extra cloning. So I think the problem is with the object structure itself. This is my serialization routine:

Friend Function CloneObj(ByVal obj As Object) As Object
If Not obj.GetType.IsSerializable Then Throw New Exception("Object not serializable")
Dim bf As New System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter


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ASP.NET UpdatePanel Timeout And 500 Errors With Custom Errors?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a .net application that uses customerrors web.config module to display meaningful messages for errors. It works without any issues for 500 errors/exceptions caused by non-ajax and ajax components (updatepanel). However, in a scenario where updatepanel's asynchronous request times out, there is no error raised at all. I was able to see the timeout in firebug and come up with a solution that would at least display the error message as an alert and then redirect the user to the 500 error page using javascript but it's not quite doing what the rest of the application does in case of an unhandled errors like these. I basically just want everything to go through "LogEvent" mechanism so based on the severity of the error, it does the necessary work.This 500 error page doesn't have anything in the Server.GetLastError() for these timeout scenarios. Is this an expected behaviour? Can it be changed so I do have access to these timeouts in Server.GetLastError() OR maybe just run this error through "LogEvent" mechanism? Is there a better/more graceful way to handle this issue?

Below is my code to give you an idea, not exactly what I have in my application but pretty close.

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Errors/ErrorUnknown.aspx" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Errors/Error500.aspx" />


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Application Suddenly Stopped Working?

Feb 6, 2009

i tried updating my application on a vista home basic laptop. i get "myapp.exe has stopped working" then i restore back to the old version, it still give the same error. I am sure the old version is working because I tested it before updating it.

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MenuToolstrip Contents Suddenly Vanished?

Apr 18, 2012

I went to debug my program as usual using F5 within VS 2010 and suddenly the contents of my menubar had all gone - the text and icons!

how to get this back? Obviously this is mega frustrating for me as it has taken ages to build. Stupidly, I only backed up the code and not the actual files.

EDIT: The icon files in question are in my resources folder and they are still there - just not appearing in the menu!

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Clients Stop Receiving Data Suddenly

Jan 23, 2009

I am working on a client/server application. Everything seems to go well for a while (a few hrs, a few mins its kind of random) then suddenly clients stop receiving data. maybe 1 or two, or all of them. in the end I end up having to restart the server piece to resolve it, but I am trying to understand why its doing this. I've added try catches around the send piece, but it doesnt error out. When the app fires, the listener is started on its own thread. When a new connection is made, that connection is passed to a class that handles all of my connection data(send/receive, responding to commands, etc). The class is started in its own thread, so each connection is running in its own memory space. This issue seems to happen with 1 client connected, or 20, it doesn't really seem to matter.

This causes other issues, like a customer who thinks he is disconnected, will shut down his app, which is supposed to send a command to close the connection on the server side which it does not., so now I have several "closed" connections still open on the server, which is obviously also bad. Another thing I dont get is that it worked fine when I was developing the pieces on my dev box, so I dont get why I have all of these "timeout" issues now. (I put that in quotes, because the timeout period is the default of 10 mins, and I xmit data, at LEAST every minute when the server pushes data updates to all clients)

Here is some of the relevant code
'Command Object, this holds all of the command information being passed back and forth to tell the server what to do, and as well as hold the response.
'The strCMD is the command, strParms is the parameters of the command, obj is ANY object I want to send along with this information
<Serializable()> Public Structure CommandData
Public strCMD As String
[Code] .....

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Right Clicking Suddenly Unbearably Slow In VS 2010?

Aug 12, 2010

I have been using VS2010 without any issues, always on the same application. Suddenly within the last my solution has become unbearably slow when right clicking. When doing other projects, it is fine. The only thing I can think of that I changed was disabling the SQL Server debugging.It happens if I right click anywhere within the code editor. Everything freezes for about a minute and a half, then the right click menu shows up. Intellisense seems to work fine. It is only the right click.The project is fairly big, but it has been working fine. I am working on a 2 month old top of the line MacBook Pro (running Windows 7 64 bit in Boot Camp). I did do the patch Tuesday big batch of Microsoft patches in the last 24 hours...

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VS 2010 Console Application Suddenly Using All Available Memory?

Oct 20, 2010

I ran my console app succesfully 30 minutes ago. Added a single line to write a message out to the console, recompiled and now, when it runs, it eats up all the available memory before bombing out with an OutOfMemory exception! I can see the Memory Usage in Task Manager just rocketing up!

What on earth could be wrong? I can reboot the machines I am running this on as they are live servers.

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VS 2010 Why Is Visual Studio Suddenly Freezing

Apr 22, 2012

I tried opening the solution and Visual Studio immediately stopped responding. The hourglass cursor would show, then it would resume to the normal cursor for a few seconds, then go back to the hour glass. Whenever I clicked anything the program claimed it had stopped responding and asked me if I wanted to close it. I have no idea what caused this. One thing possibly, is that when I started my computer today, it said several updates had been installed. Like 6 of these were for Visual Studio. Could that have caused it to freeze?

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GenerateResource / CoreResGen Suddenly Taking Almost 30 Times As Long?

Aug 8, 2010

Starting a few weeks ago, compiling a project (VB.NET, .NET 2.0, VS 2010) has taken several times as long as before. In Task Manager, I noticed ResXtoResources.exe taking lots of CPU for a while. I've finally been able to get some data on this using MSBuild's 'Diagnostic' output setting, and comparing that output to what I see in a branch from a few months back. Most striking are the final lines, which give timings. Before:

Target Performance Summary:
1395 ms CoreResGen 1 calls
1930 ms CompileLicxFiles 1 calls
2135 ms GenerateApplicationManifest 1 calls
2844 ms CoreCompile 1 calls[code].....

Both projects were compiled on the same system with the same settings. We've made numerous changes, to be sure, but nothing to the order of magnitude that would justify such a change in timings (and only for this one task!). I assume resource generation is getting stuck on something — a circular reference, a missing one, etc. I have been unable, however, to find anything useful on how to trace such a problem down to what I assume is just a single resource file.Short of looking through thousands of checkins or temporarily removing some forms (and thus, their resource files) from the project, is there anything else I can do to figure out the issue? I can't seem to find individual per-resource file timings.

Findings so far:I've created a new, empty project with all the same .resx files in place.The issue is not reproducible in .NET 4.0: compiling the exact same test project takes less than a second.The issue is reproducible in .NET 2.0 as soon as I also add one of the forms from the original project; apparently, it will otherwise not compile the resources "properly".Removing individual .resx files will reduce the timings 'proportionally'; that is: I have unfortunately not found a single file that is the culprit.

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Code Errors In VS 2008?

Mar 16, 2009

I am working on a project for school and I am encountering several errors in my code relating to the numeric up down boxes I have in the application. I have inserted my code and the error list below. I'm sure that it is probably something really simply but I am learning the language on my own and I am a little stumped here.

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Converting Vb6 To .net 2008 Got Some Errors

May 7, 2010

I converted vb6 project to vb.net 2008 but I got some error first one :Name 'VarPtr' is not declared.I got this one two times :Value of type 'Projectname.Func.EXPLICIT_ACCESS' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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