VS 2008 - Compiling Program Got Stuck On Older Version
May 29, 2009
I'm using microsoft visual studio for VB.NET 2008. When i compiling my program it's got stuck on older version of the program, i even change some of the label text in the design mode and it still loading the old label text, is any one ever had this problem before?
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May 17, 2010
I have compiled a successfull application in VB 2010 using .NET 4.0. Because my workplace only supports .NET 3.5 i compiled the app under that framework, and I get the following error:
Error1Could not load file or assembly 'System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Line 123, position 5.C:\\My Project\Resources.resx123
Now under that line I have the following code:
<data name="Presentation1" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
<value>..\Resources\Presentation1.jpg;System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a</value></data>
I didn't write this code, i believe that it was automatically created when designing my app. It looks like something might not be supported, but am not sure.
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Apr 7, 2009
How come software created in an older framework version won't run on a newer framework version? Actually whenever i try to run some old specific software having .net 3.5 framework on my PC they show they needs .net framwork 1.1 . What a bad thing?My newer version of Photoshop ans Ms office open all lower version files.
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Jul 12, 2011
how can i uninstall previous version of my windows applcation which is with different name and location? on installing new versions?
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Jan 28, 2009
how can i unistall previous version of my windows applcation which is with different name and location? on installing new versions?
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May 19, 2009
Tell me older versions of these commands to be used with .NET 1.1?
The pieces of code I am using are:
For reading a text file to a string-
Dim str As String
'reading the content of the file "test.txt" and storing it in the declared variable
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Sep 21, 2009
Every time I compile a new release build in vb.net 2009, the file version number of my main exe is correct, but the assembly version number is the same as the last build instead of the current version even though I manually change the file and assembly version in the design studio to be the same prior to compiling.The only way I can get the assembly version to be correct is to close Visual Studio and delete the obj folder. Then if I open the solution and recompile, all is well.
Here is the information copied from the About box in VS:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Version 9.0.30729.1 SP
Microsoft .NET Framework
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Mar 31, 2009
How they relate and differ from each? What are the best practices for version control? Is there a primer about publish online? Or a good book?
And is it possible to make ClickOnce and a msi in one solution of VS 2008? If so, is there any conflict or pitfall?
BTW I am using VB if that makes any difference.
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Jun 27, 2011
I'm working on this program to delete .tmp files that are older then 5 days. The only problem that im running into is if there are no files older than 5 days to display a messagebox "There are no .tmp files older than 5 days". Im using VB.net, this is that i have so far.
Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
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Apr 7, 2010
Im new to programming and I started by grabbing some code here and there from various internet sites. I made some little programs without sense but Im stuck on my new program.
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Aug 30, 2009
how do i make a program in visual studio 10 that works on older .net frameworks?
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Sep 14, 2008
I've made a program using Visual Basic Express Edition which references MySql.Data.dll (located at C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Connector Net 5.2.3Binaries.NET 2.0MySql.Data.dll) which has been installed on my computer. But when I run my compiled program on a different computer (without MySQL Connector/.NET installed) I am unable to start the program as it gives me an error.
I'm wondering if there is a way to compile the dll with my program so that I wouldn't have to install MySQL Connector on the only computer it'll be executed on (I'm not sure if I have the privilege to install programs on it yet).Or is there a way I could import the dll at runtime which is located in the same directory as my .exe?
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Aug 20, 2009
I am making a program for me and I told my friend about it and they said that they would like to test it. The only problem is that they don't have VB2008, and there seems to be no way to compile my program so that another person WITHOUT VB can use it. Does anyone have any tips, or perhaps I'm missing something? Let me know ASAP
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Sep 1, 2010
I have created a license system for my application with MySql about half a year ago. What it would do is take the serial number and send it to my server if the key was correct it would return a 0 if its wrong the return value would be a 1.The problem was that when the serial number was entered correctly my program would create a "fake file" for example vb.dll in the system.And on run time my program would check for that vb.dll if the file exist it would skip my trial program and run the app as a full version. Half year later i think creating a "fake file" and checking for it on start up is extremely wrong and that's not very good security.How can i check the difference between a full version and unregistered version?
View 23 Replies
Aug 12, 2010
The problem is that the code is in a loop which i'm not sure how to stop.The need the text file to read all the file extensions.So i start looping through all the files in a folder.The other problem that happens is that i also need to loop through all the files in the folder so that i can compare the string line and the string X. So the final result is that my program is in one giant loop.
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Feb 15, 2010
In one of my forms witch I imported from VB2008 there are all properties saved in the *.resx file. One Property, of the Type System.Windows.Forms.Keys, can contain the Value 'Ctrl+F1' witch compiles fine in VB2008, but not in VB2010. To reproduce, simply add the following to any resx file:
<data name="cmdFenster.ShortcutKeys" type="System.Windows.Forms.Keys, System.Windows.Forms">
It will compile fine with VB2008, but not with VB2010. Notice: The VB2010 also generates this Code in the resx file
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Apr 9, 2009
I have encountered a wierd problem, and I'm unsure if this behaviour is caused by my code or by Windows itself... I can't make any sense of it! Basically, I have written an automated backup system for a text editor. It should save up to 5 backups for each filename, each in a 'AutoBackup<filename><filename>_<number>.bak' format. Here, <filename> is simply the name of the file my program is backing up, and <number> is the first 'free' number. So if the backups are "Test_1, Test_2, Test_4, Test_5", the next backup will be called "Test_3" (since 3 was 'missing'). When there are more than 5 backups, I want my code to delete the oldest files until there are again 5 backups left. I am using the following code for this:
'Backup doc.SaveFile(path & "" & filename & "_" & newNum & ".bak") 'If more than max files, delete oldest Do While numOfFiles > maxBackups Dim d As Date Dim maxDate As Date = Date.MaxValue Dim oldestFile As String =
Then, after another backup, Test_1.bak is again deleted!I thought this was pretty weird so I had a look at the files in windows explorer, taking a good notice of the creation date... That's when I saw that after Test_1.bak is created a second time (after a file named Test_1.bak was deleted), it carries the same creation date/time as the old (deleted) Test_1.bak..So my code still sees it as the oldest file (while it is actually the newest) and deletes it...
View 7 Replies
Feb 18, 2011
im making a Music Player in VS 2008 and everything is basicly working perfectly as i want, however i seem to be stuck at the "Pause/resume button"
so my question is, in the Windows Media player COM Components, is there a code for Resuming the current state on the Mp3 file and id assume it would be resume,[code..]
View 6 Replies
Mar 26, 2011
[code] this is my code n i want to store data at runtime in the my database.i used data base as an access07 and my platform is vb.net..Now come to the point when i run the project it terminates when i'm inserting my data in the access file.[code]
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Jun 28, 2011
I have a Webbrowser in my application, it loads the same page after it has finished loading every few seconds really. After a while it will either freeze halfway through loading (show only top half of page) or just not reload at all and stay on loaded page.
I originally tryed the .refresh method but didn't work good, then I tryed just the simple .navigate to the same page, works better but still same problem.
If I manually refresh it with F5 it will work as normal again for a period of time.
Also if I run it outside of the IDE it can crash and give me "flash.ocx not found, it's not included with this version of windows" or something, very strange.
Main prob is webbrowser gets stuck / wont refresh even tho the code is in the DocumentCompleted event.
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Apr 16, 2011
I`m make program for order form, I use order form code with name MR/IR/001, when I start Program It`s fine but when the order form code get MR/IR/999, It`s Stuck and won`t get increase the number, I want it the order form code go to MR/IR/1000, MR/IR/1001, MR/IR/1002 until 5000 how to get code work,
THIS THE CODE USING VB 2008 and database using MS access 2007
Dim strTemp As String = ""
Dim strValue As String = ""
Dim sql As String
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Jun 3, 2010
I am currently trying to send Email but am stuck with the GeneralFailure error caught with try and catch. I got the sample code somewhere off the internet last week and modified it when I have the chance.
The following is the code I am working on for now.
Private Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click
Dim message As System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim mailClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient("smtp.live.com", 25)
Is there anything unnecessary, missing or am I on the wrong track? Right now I am trying to test send a mail from hotmail to gmail or another live account. Also, I have tried searching through the internet for a solution and some said I need to have IIS which I had it installed for it to work. Another said I need to add a reference but did not specify it. Those were pretty old messages though.
View 6 Replies
Mar 6, 2010
I have an .exe file in C++ (gunmake.exe).And... Check it out:
Dim dirNow As String = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Dim dirFile As String = dirNow & "systemgunmake.exe"
FileCopy(dirFile, "C:GunMake2sharpgunmake.exe")
That's what I'm doing to work with my .exe in VB.net.Is there a way to put my .exe into VB.net code?I say. All in one .exe by VB.net?No need to use the two files. :X
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May 3, 2012
I wanted to provide programming support for an application I made. So I used System.CodeDom compiler and it allows me to execute vb.net code on the fly.The way it works is :
- I call the engine and pass references and code that it needs to run
- The code is able to access public subs
- results are obtained after processing completes.
[code]I want that if the code is being executed by user on seperate threads at the same time then their values should be independant. Right now this is not possible as module has been used and not classes.What I want is -> create object of class RunCode, it runs user code and returns. Thus the age variable in class runcode is not tampered with if at the same time another code is executed. But for that module module1 has to be a class also and how can user call Age sub if its a class. I mean user should be able to call all subs/functions by name and it should work like it was working right now.
View 8 Replies
Jun 25, 2012
I am making trial version of my vb .net project but it is not counting the days , date and time . Can u plz give me any suggestions to make it correct. [code]...
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Jun 30, 2010
i have written a c program for calculating some financial task It accepts the input file name or path name from the user processes it and displays the output in 6 output files. i want to execute the same c -source code using visual basic .net.I want to know how to compile the c source code and execute it .
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Sep 12, 2010
I want to make a POS System but my problem is can I compile the database so that when I create an installer for the system and install it in other PCs, they won't require MS SQL Server(just the .NET framework) to be installed. Is that possible?.. or I have Install MS SQL Server for every PC?
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Jan 27, 2010
I am using CompilerParameters to dynamically compile code... The problem is when I use:
cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(CompilerPath & "est.exe")
to add a reference to test exe ... (where CompilerPath is the full path name)
Compiler Path is not the Compiler Application Path
I get an error when compiling stating that:
"Could not load file or assembly 'test, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."
If I put it in the test.dll in the "compiler apps" path and then call ReferencedAssemblies.Add with the full path it works.
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Feb 15, 2010
I just tried to convert some of my Projects from VB2008 to VB2010 RC, but got compiling Errors while compiling the resX Files. Seems like the reason are ImageLists/Icons, since if I remove them the files compile fine. I already tried to edit the Forms witch are showing the Errors with the Designer. The Designer changed the Content of the resX file lightly, but the error was still present Here the Error(German Version): 'FormsfrmUserTmpBUTable.resx : error RG0000: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.' I recall a similar error in the Beta, but since I can't find it anymore, I guessed it was fixed.
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Aug 14, 2010
I'm working on an update to one of my programs, and for some reason this new version isn't working on Windows XP. It crashes immediately upon launching (before the GUI is even visible on screen). This shows up in the Event Viewer[code]...
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