VS 2008 Display Available Memory As Mb's Not Bytes

Apr 14, 2009

im trying to format my results from some WMI quires but im not having much luck.

i want to display my available memory as Mb's not Bytes. in the past ve done the following

result = (queryObj("TotalPhysicalMemory")) / 1024

usually that works but its giving me a retarded result, its giving me 3581.98828125 as the result, but i do the same way with my video card memory and it displays it as 512 like it should. ive tried every way i know of formatting and decimals but non of it is working.

im dsplaying my result in a text box and ive also tried formatting it thier with no such luck

Me.txtmemorycap.Text = text

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Display KB Not Bytes 391 KB (401303 Bytes)

Aug 2, 2009

Probably missing something silly here, Her eis what my display looks like Sending image...(401303) I would prefer it displays as Sending image...(391 kb)


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C# - .NET Apps. Bits And Bytes - App Use As Little Memory As Possible ?

Apr 13, 2011

I am soon to develop a Win Forms app that will run on traders' machines and the main concern is to have the app use as little memory as possible. Ever single line of code needs to be written with this in mind. What are areas I need to take into account? Of course you will say to do any complex processing on e.g. the database and not the client but what else?

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Copy Bytes In Memory To An Array?

Nov 12, 2009

unfortunately I cannot resort to C# in my current project, so I'll have to solve this without the unsafe keyword.I've got a bitmap, and I need to access the pixels and channel values directly. I'd like to go beyond Marshal.ReadByte() and Marshal.WriteByte() (and definitely beyond GetPixel and SetPixel).Is there a way to put all the pixel data of the bitmap into a Byte array that works on both 32 and 64 bit systems? I want the exact same layout as the original bitmap, so the padding for each row (if it exists) also needs to be included.Marshal doesn't seem to have something akin to:

byte[] ReadBytes(IntPtr start, int offset, int count)
Unless I totally missed it..

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Searching Through Memory At A Given Address Range And Match A String Of Bytes Specified?

May 21, 2009

searching through memory at a given address range, and match a string of bytes specified i.e.

FindArrayOfBytes(Byval str as String, Byval range_start As Integer, Byval range_end as Integer) As Integer

The function should return the address start of where the array of bytes was found.

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VS 2008 What Does This Line Exactly Do - I = Stream.Read(bytes, 0, Bytes.Length)

Dec 28, 2010

What exactly does this line do?

i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)

Does it read the entire message string sent by the client? I have a line to write to the stream later in the code and that does not seem to be sending anything back to the client, although the code around is excuting.

i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)
While (i <> 0)
' Translate data bytes to a ASCII string.


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Reading The Serial Port - Read And Display The Whole 16 Bytes In One Go?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm working on a project involving reading RFID tags, I've written the code and it reads the tags ok by using the recieved data handler and displaying the result in a listbox, the only problem is that the data displayed has a couple of unreadable characters at the start (I'm using ReadLine() command.)If I read the buffer byte by byte the data is all readable.How can I read and display the whole 16 Bytes in one go??

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2008 Express Edition: Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory, This Is Often An Indication That Other Memory Is Corrupt?

May 27, 2009

I cannot use Visual Basic 2008 at all. When I go to "new project" and choose "Windows Form Application" I get this error.I have tried multiple uninstall/reinstall with no result.A microsoft reply to this suggested that I needed: " .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 " I checked, and I did not have the .netframework 2.0 service Pack 1.
When I tried to download and install the above from Microsoft.com, the istaller said that "it was not allowsed" and I was not able to install the service pack 1.

I tried Uninstalling net framework 3.5, 3.0, 2.0 and then reinstalling .netframework 2.0 sevice pack 1; then reinstalling Visual basic 2008 express edition. At the reinstall of Visual basic 2008, .netframework 2.0 sevice pack 1 is unistalled by .net framework service pack 2.When I check the foruims for simiar problems, the formus are mostly for Visual basic 5.0, or other programs that I do not have.

Here is the programs I have installed:

Operating system: Windows XP
Microsoft .net framework 1.1
Microsoft .NET framwork 1.1 Hotfix(KB928366)
Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2


All the security updates and hotfixes for Widows XP.

View 4 Replies

RijnDael Encryption/decryption - Select The Key Bytes And The Block Bytes From The Numeric Up/down?

Nov 13, 2010

I want it to do is that you input a string, then you select an algorithm (Theres only going to be one RijnDael) then you input a key, then the Initialization Vector comes from "txtIV.text" then you select the key bytes and the block bytes from the numeric up/down, then you either encrypt or decrypt.

View 1 Replies

Generic Restriction - Dont Select The Key Bytes And The Block Bytes From The Numeric Up/down?

Sep 16, 2011

Ok i am having some issues designing a base-class to handle generics.Caveat is i need to restrict the type put in as a Numeric type, specifically Int16, Int32, or Int64 (Short or Long).I know you can do Of T as {Structure} but i dont want to select the key bytes and the block bytes from the numeric up/down.

View 2 Replies

Bytes Written Exceed The Content-Length Bytes In XML Post?

Feb 19, 2011

I keep getting a ProtocolViolationException "Bytes to be written to the stream exceed the Content-Length bytes size specified." on the following code.I've tried setting Content-Length numerous ways with no success.

Dim url = "https://domain.com"
Dim req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
req.Method = "POST"
req.ContentType = "application/xml"


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Read 2 Bytes Out Of 4 Bytes From A Text File?

Sep 22, 2011

I created a text file contains 4 bytes of data


I just want to read the first 2 bytes (AABB) to execute it with my program.

Then I'll need to read the last 2 bytes (CCDD) for another computer routines

View 3 Replies

MsgBox Display - Reading Memory Address Of Notepad?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm basically reading a memory address of Notepad using a module I got from a example... Then I'm displaying the text value of the memory address in a MsgBox. Everything goes well, I'm able to retrieve the text value and everything, but this happens.Lets say the value of the memory address is "Notepad". When the MsgBox comes up, it comes up a lot of times, displaying it like this...

1st MsgBox displays "N"
2nd MsgBox displays "No"
3rd "Not"
4th "Note"
and so on...

Here's my code, Module first, then Form1 code.
[Code] .....

View 5 Replies

Windows Service: Out Of Memory Error : ImgEdit.Display

Aug 7, 2011

We have a VB windows service running on LocalSystem Account. This windows service uses Kodak Imaging Components for converting PNG to TIFF files . Service is throwing "Out of Memory Error" for the code ImgEdit.Display . I just converted this service to a normal console vb program .This program runs fine without any error .

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VS 2008 Bytes To MB Etc?

Dec 4, 2010

This is how i convert Bytes to KB etc.. vb.net


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VS 2008 BGR Bytes To Picture Box?

Jan 29, 2010

I have a rom file that I want to display data from The strings I have already retrieved and displayed the problem now is the image. I have read all the bytes for the part of the file that contains all the data I require EN_Title_Icon which is 2112 bytes. The image data is offset 32 byes in EN_Title_Icon and is 512 bytes, How do I loop the bytes and put them as pixels in the picturebox or a bitmap? And can i use the pallet data that is the 32 bytes after the image data? Here is some info on the image


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VS 2008 - Add 5 Bytes Of Data At The Beginning?

Oct 21, 2009

I have some questions about arrays.

1) Lets say I open a file in a byte array and I need to add 5 bytes of data at the beginning. How would I go in doing that? ex: attaching to arrays together.

2) How would I go in adding 1 byte of data in a bye array?

All i need to do is open part of a file in bytes. Add a letter and 2 numbers to it at the begging and a number at the end.All i need to know is how to attach 2 byte arrays together and how can u add a byte of data to an array.

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VS 2008 - How To Replace Bytes From File

Nov 13, 2009

I want to open a file and to replace from 2MB to 3MB of it with another 1MB file. Is it possible?

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VS 2008 : BinaryReader To Read Bytes?

Apr 11, 2010

Why does this programmer use a binary reader to read bytes, why not the client.getstream.read or streamreader?

Case RequestTags.Connect
'sent from server to client informing client that a successful
'connection negotiation has been made and the connection now exists.


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VS 2008 How To Convert Image To Bytes

Feb 3, 2010

i'm trying to convert an image into bytes in vb.net but i failed, i searched the web and threads over here, but seems that i couldn't find any working example or code.

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VS 2008 Open File As Bytes

Oct 2, 2009

I am not so good with buffers and arrays and I dont know how to continue from here:


My intention is to open an image file as bytes, Convert the bytes to a string, send bytes to server and server stores bytes in a database. Then I need to reverse the process and be able to convert the bytes to an image.

View 11 Replies

VS 2008 Reading/Writing Bytes

Sep 7, 2009

I'm trying to read 5 bytes from a file and then do something according to what has been read. This is my code (I'll explain in a bit what's wrong):[code...]

It reads the 5 bytes I added to the encrypted file, but I want the CryptoStream to start from the sixth value and then copy the original bytes into the decrypted file, but it gives me an error:

Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.That's why I'm trying to make it read from the sixth value and then continue copying normally, but I'm stuck.

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VS 2008 Received Bytes Threshold?

Feb 4, 2012

I just wanted to confirm my reading -- this is the number of bytes that is put in the buffer before the data received event is triggered, correct? And it's ONLY for that purpose?

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VS 2008 Where Are Those Blasted Missing Bytes

Oct 27, 2009

Ok, so, as you know [or not], I've been working on a custom file format,I have a basis code down. I've modified it to something a little different.The problem is not in the saving, which works just fine. It's the loading.Here's the ENTIRE

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.Encoding


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[2008] Move Bytes In Array?

Feb 2, 2009

I need to move bytes in byte array.

Dim data() As Byte = {&HE4, &H96, &HA3, &H47, &H42, &H4A, &H80, &H90}

I need to make so that the first two bytes would be deleted and the rest moved to the first one's for example:

Delete: E4, 96

Move: A3 and all the rest to the place where E4 was. (|A3 = 0|,|47 = 1| etc.)

In C++ it's possible to do it like that:
unsigned char data[]={0xE4, 0x96, 0xA3, 0x47, 0x42, 0x4A, 0x80, 0x90};

how to do this in VB.Net without making a new byte array and then using a loop to put the all bytes in that place - it would be too long and would use more resources.

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VS 2008 - Downloads Data As Bytes To Use A WebClient

Apr 9, 2009

I've just switched my code over that downloads data as bytes to use a WebClient. I add a header saying I will accept GZip and the site I'm downloading from sends me the data compressed. The problem is, how can I check to make sure it is compressed data before attempting to decompress it? It was much simpler when I was using a Web Request to check the response headers, but I'm having a little trouble checking the reponse headers with a WebClient. Does anybody out there accept compression with a WebClient?

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VS 2008 Cannot Close Stream Until All Bytes Are Written?

Dec 14, 2010

I am sending a POST request to an API server and I have reused code where I have successfully done this before on other servers and for some reason, which I cannot figure out why, it's not working. I get the error:

Cannot close stream until all bytes are written."}

even though I declared the content length correctly and I am not sure what I am missing here...

data = data + "</posts>"
Dim postBytes As [Byte]() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data)


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VS 2008 TCP Control - Mixing Bytes With String

Aug 8, 2010

I am currently writing a VB.net app to control an Integra AV receiver. I have success controlling it via Serial, but it also has a network port for TCP control. I can control it using CommandFusion iPhone app but am now wanting to create a windows app to control it. I have created client/server software that I use to talk from one PC to the which works well. So I am going to use the same client software to talk to the AV receiver. I can connect fine to it, I just haven't quite got the protocol right to actually control it.


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VS 2008 Write Bytes To File At Specified Position?

Nov 28, 2009

I have 10 parts of a file. Each part is 10,000 bytes.Now say I receive these parts out of order meaning I cannot simply just write them in order as I receive them, but I am able to detect what part it is.

If I received part 3 how would I write those bytes in the 20,000-30,000 byte section of a file?

View 14 Replies

[2008] Download And Move Progressbar By Bytes?

Feb 27, 2009

Well i am coding a Application and it is almost done i just need to finish the Download part. Listing Files and so on is all done but now i need to Download the File which i know how to do but i dont know how i can read the Bytes got and how much is left. It is Downloading from a FTP.


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