VS 2008 Hide The Close, Minimize, And Maximize Box?

May 9, 2009

I wanted to know how to hide the three buttons on the form; close, minimize, and maximize.

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Customize The Minimize-Maximize-Close Buttons?

May 14, 2010

I'm building a border-less form so I can customize the Minimize-Maximize-Close buttons. I've noticed now that I can't move the form. I docked a panel up at the top of the form to replace the regular window border. I put custom Min Max Close on it. How could I program the panel to move the window like the border does with a regular window?

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.Net 3.5 - Maximize A External Minimize App?

Jul 25, 2011

How do you maximize a external minimized application that is already running?

MatthiWare N°1 .NET Freeware & Shareware site! Title: Project leader, Owner @ MatthiWare Current project: MW Virtual Desktop Contact: Admin@matthiware.net.ms Website: MatthiWare " MatthiWare... What else?!? "

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Any Event To Minimize Or Maximize Form?

Aug 4, 2011

I only found the form event for form closing or form closed, do you know any event for "minimize or maximun form"?

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C# - Maximize/Minimize External Application?

May 1, 2011

I have got Skype configured to launch minimized on windows starts.Now I need to bring Skype to front from a button from my full screen application button. I have got this code:

For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("skype")
ShowWindow(p.MainWindowHandle, SHOW_WINDOW.SW_NORMAL)
Next p

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Create My Own Minimize / Maximize Boxes?

Aug 6, 2010

I was wondering how to create my own minimize and maximize buttons. I would like a oddly shaped form, so my FormBorderStyle is set to None.

I still want the user to be able to minimize and maximize the form, and in vb6 it would have been like (I use commandbuttons on the form)[code]...

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Form Minimize And Maximize Events

May 18, 2009

I am drawing graphics on the screen and when the form resizes it needs to clear and redraw all the graphics b/c the form is a different size and the graphics are supposed to scale with the size of the form. Well that works, but not for maximize or restore. So I had to look on the internet for how to capture the maximize and restore event. I got it from here and it does capture it, but it does all the events (such as redrawing the graphics) first and then it maximizes, which totally defeats the purpose. I tried to do Application. DoEvents but it still doesn't do it. Any way to have the graphics redraw AFTER it maximizes?

Private Const SC_RESTORE As Int32 = &HF120 'When a Form is Restored
Private Const SC_MINIMIZE As System.Int32 = &HF020& 'When a Form is Minimized
Private Const SC_MAXIMIZE As System.Int32 = &HF030& 'When a Form is Maximized
Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As System.Int32 = &H112 'Minimized/Maximized/Restore comes when we have this msg Const WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK As Int32 = &HA3 'When User Clicks on the Title Bar
Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Doubleclick For Maximize And Minimize

May 13, 2010

I have a form with formborderstyle = none. I already know how to move this form and resize it. But I want to maximize the form when you double click it.

I already know:

Private Sub Form1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDoubleClick
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End Sub

Now its maximized, but now I want it to go to the previous size, so when you double click again when maximized, the form goes back the the previous state.

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VS 2008 Minimize And Close Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2010

Is there any way I could have the Minimize button on form while at the same time to have the Close button [X] deactivated (or removed or anything) ? I just want to give the opportunity to the user to minimize the form , but to force him to close the form with the Close mutton , not with the X button

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Capture Resize Events Including Minimize Then Maximize?

Apr 16, 2009

Capture resize events including minimize then maximize

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Menustrip Control Maximize / Minimize - Restoring On MDI Parent?

Feb 23, 2012

I have an MDI application that uses the menustrip control. When the MDI Child window is maximized, there is no way to restore its size. There's a restore on the MDI parent but that restores the entire application. However, when I use the Main menu, there are two sets of Maximize/Minimize controls, one for the MDI parent and one for the MDI Child. The Mainmenu control adds a band that is used to display the Maximize/Minimize controls but the band the menustrip creates is not used to do the same.

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VS 2010 Getting External Application Minimize,maximize Status?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to get status of an extarnal program for example notepad.is it minimize,maximize or active or in background? how can understand from my vb application?i think need to write api function. i found somethink from forums but they just control extarnal application not give a status.

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Give Minimize And Maximize Effect As Like Windows Vista To Project Form?

Mar 8, 2009

I have created a software project for my college using vb.net 2008

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VS 2008 : Modal Form Hide Instead Of Close - Main Form Does Not Close

Mar 20, 2009

I have a main form that has a button with which a smaller form is shown. Think of the smaller form as the Find/Replace dialog in many applications, such as Notepad. It's important that the form is (what I believe is called) modal. What I mean is that it always stays on top of the main form. I ensure that by calling the Show method with "Me" as the owner argument. Whenever the small form loses focus it will not disappear into the background but stay visible (albeit out of focus). If you don't understand open up Notepad and have a look at the behavior of the Find/Replace dialog.

Here's my problem: instead of actually closing the form when the X is pressed, I want it to simply Hide itself, so its position and the state of any controls (checkboxes etc) is preserved automatically.To achieve this I simply cancel the FormClosing event and Hide it:

Private Sub Form2_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing


To show the form, I use the following (note the (Me) to make the main form the owner of the form; this ensures that it remains visible even when it is out of focus):

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Now. When I run my project, and open the Form2 (small form), then hide it again (by 'closing' it), I can no longer close the main form (Form1)! It seems the main form cannot close when the small form still exists (albeit invisible)...?? When I don't use the Me argument in the Show method, I don't get the behavior I want. I know I can set the TopMost property to True but that will also cause it to become visible on top of all the other forms, even windows not part of my application.

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Hide The Maximize Process Of A Form?

Aug 2, 2007

I have a form, with a lot of controls on it, and I make the form to be a mdi-form. When the application begins, the main form will show the mdi form, and maxmizes it.

My question is, the maxmize process of the mdi-form is showing to the user, that's very bad looking. We can see the mdi-form show itself on the screen with it's original size, and then change it's size to mazmize itself. During the process, it look like all the controls on the mdi-form are shining.

I want to hide the maxmize process to be not seen, and make the mdi-form visible AFTER it's Maxmize process. But I don't know how to do this.

I tried this:

Mdi-form.visible=0 in the form_load of the mdi-form, but I don't know where to do the Mdi-form.visible=1. I can't find the event of Maxmize process.

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Hide Or Minimize A Console App?

Aug 10, 2010

is it possible to hide or minimize a console app?

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Make A Window Not Associated With The Application Minimize Or Maximize Its Window State In Vb?

Dec 12, 2011

If you have ever noticed in the Task Manager, when you right-click on the running task, you have many options which include 'Minimize' and 'Maximize'. Is there anyway to do achieve this in vb?

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Hide Or Minimize Window In Script?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a script code in vb.net environment which is calling file from path but when i call the file the window remain opened i want to hide it.[code]...

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Way To Close Or Minimize Multiple Forms?

Apr 15, 2009

I have an application that has many forms in it. I am familliar with me.colse() form87.hide(), etc.But what I would like to be able to do is:

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VS 2010 - Close But Minimize To A Notification Icon

Jan 23, 2012

In other alarm clocks I've seen, when you exit them, they close but minimize to a notification icon. I want to get that, but I don't know how. I've tried: Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Maximize And Minimize Form Within A Form?

Aug 6, 2009

can't seem to figure out the solution to. I have a form within a form that works fine. However when I want to maximize the form the top of it goes behind the menu bar rather than just below it as I would expect. Also, when I minimize the form it simply minimizes and hides behind the status bar at the bottom. I've tried adjust the location coordinates, window state, start location.

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Forms :: Process MainWindowHandle - Simple GUI Form To Hide / Show / Minimize / Terminate / Force Terminate

Sep 11, 2011

I have a simple GUI form to hide / show / minimize / terminate / force terminate Processes. i can do all well but for show and hide i need the MainWindowHandle to show or hide it

So here is hide process code:

Dim Proc As New Process = Process.GetProcessesById(List.SelectedRows(0).Cells(1))
Dim hwnd = Proc.MainWindowHandle

If i try the same with show code:

Dim Proc As New Process = Process.GetProcessesById(List.SelectedRows(0).Cells(1))
Dim hwnd = Proc.MainWindowHandle

The MainWindowHandle become 0 cuz its hidden is there is any other way to get the MainWindowHandle of Process ?

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C# - WPF Hide On Close?

Mar 12, 2009

How do i do this in wpf

Private Sub FrmSettings_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
e.Cancel = (e.CloseReason = Forms.CloseReason.UserClosing)


as wpf's Close event just gives me e.Cancel and no closereason?

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Cant Close Or Hide The Splash Screen?

May 17, 2012

I have a spash screen on my project, this isn't just for effect but to read data from a file before my main project is started.the issue is that i cant seam to close my splash screen.....here is the code from my splash screen.[code]....the issue is that mainform does show, but i cant close or hide the splash screen,

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Maximize A Window In VB When The Maximize Button Is Pressed

Apr 27, 2009

Is there a easy way to maximize a window in VB when the maximize button is pressed so that everything that is contained in the Window (Forms, Panels) will also automatically resize to the screen size?

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Maximize Form Size When Maximize Window?

Jun 9, 2011

I want to maximize my form size when i maximize my window. means when i double click on window to maximize then my form also get maximize with window, i used dock property bt still not getting proper result.

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Hide Taskbar Clock And Close Program Safely

Jul 31, 2009

I've written a simple program to hide the taskbar clock and close upon load and I've read a lot of different articles on how to close a program correctly and read a multitude of different answers so I thought I'd just post the code and see if it is written cleanly. Also, I am in the process of trying to get the taskbar to refresh after the hide code has ran and how to refresh it would be great too but is not the main question of this article. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 using the Visual Basic Development settings and I have vista 64-bit. Here's the code:


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VS 2005 Show() - Hide() And Close() Form Several Times?

Jul 16, 2009


here i am dealing with only two form,so if i add form1.close() in the form2 button click event then it might wok. but what if i deal with many forms and i need to show and hide them several times?

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Kill A Form After FormClosing Event Is Overridden To Hide Rather Than Close?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a simple Windows Form that hosts property controls at runtime. When the user clicks Close [X] I want to keep the window and its contents alive rather than killing it by handling the FormClosing event, canceling the event and simply hiding the form.

That's fine but at close of the application I need to actually close the window. I implemented the below but it feels kludgey. Is there a simpler, more clever way to handle this situation? (The form's controller calls KillForm explicitly after it receives a closing event from the main window.)[code]...

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Interface And Graphics :: Hide / Show - Doesn't Dispose When Close Form

Oct 23, 2008

Is there a way to have a form within a program that doesn't dispose when you close it? I have a form in my project and a menu item to show it. When I declare the form globally and show in menuItem.click, then the click event breaks because the form no longer exists. When I declare the form within menuItem.click, then this creates a new form every time I click and that's not what I want.

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